JESUS ~ Our Spiritual Escape Plan ~ Broadcast Transcript from July 12, 2020

FEAR = Facing Every Anxiety Renewed ~ Be anxious for nothing…. NOTHING!  No exceptions.

Jesus tells us to “fear not little flock” and told the disciples when they were scared “they had little faith” His perfect LOVE casts all fear coming at us today or will come tomorrow away from us and places a hedge of protection around us in which anything which tries to cause us harm cannot penetrate – like a wall of fire – unless of course He allows it.  As a matter of fact He is the gatekeeper into all our lives that everything must pass through, so take a breath, breathe…  Release and let go so you don’t wear yourself out fearing and be anxious about all that is happening or will happen on Earth.

Fear makes us do some really weird things doesn’t it?  It makes us think off the wall things, assume, react inappropriately, be suspicious, paranoid, shaken – not sober, controlling, restless, nervous, uneasy, feel rejected, hopeless, lie, steal, get angry and offended, off balance and obsessive – just to name a few.

FEAR makes us feel, think and believe we have the weight of the World upon our shoulders and that if we don’t react someone or something is going to fall completely apart.  FEAR is the opposite of FAITH because when we are coming from a place of fear – we are actually denying the Sovereignty of the Father.  And none of us want to do that, do we?

To no fault of our own, most if not all of us, were abandoned, abused and neglected before the age of accountability and therefore have no placement on what it even looks like to be nurtured and protected by those appointed to do so when we were most vulnerable and weak, which carries over way into adulthood.  It seems we are just now being pressed into corners in which our Father can demonstrate His sovereignty in our lives on a more personal level and slowly, bit by bit we are learning to lean upon and trust Him in ways we haven’t before.  This is a divine setup in a divinely orchestrated perfect storm. 

So I have a message for you if this hits home for you…  THE LORD ALWAYS MAKES A WAY OF ESCAPE.  As a matter of fact, He is the way of escape as we abide in Him.  Do you remember when Lot was told to escape from Sodom & Gomorrah and how that is even mentioned again in the New Testament referring to the days in which we live?  If we are constantly looking back, we are constantly not trusting the Lord for our todays and tomorrows.  The past really is the past.  The past will not define our tomorrows unless we cling to it in place of clinging to our hope found in Jesus.

I must confess something, when I began to study about fear it was because when I was visiting my brother in Dallas recently for my birthday ANGER was so thick in and around people it was somewhat suffocating.  Like a stronghold had a grip on people unlike any other time I had visited and it was everywhere we went and sometimes influencing those close to me.  Jesus showed me it was due to fear, fear of seeing what was wrong and not having a way to remedy the cause, so anger bubbled up and out as the only reaction to the frustration they felt.  While away Jesus told me all the causes which perpetrate fear were under my feet like waves and I am to rise above them – that coronavirus, finances, family problems and worry and such were UNDER MY FEET and to keep my eyes fixated on Jesus, walk towards Him and do not look down at the problems (waves) and ever since I have to tell you I am doing so much better, so I pray you take this to heart and apply in your own lives as well.

Like I said fear makes you do just wacky things…  Take Abraham and Isaac for example – they both were overtaken with fear, as recorded in Genesis 20 & 26 to the point both father and son told those they feared would hurt their wives that they were their sisters, not married to them as a husband.  How silly is that?  Fear is also why Paul tells us we can handle a serpent, get bit and not die or drink a deadly poison and live to give God glory for it.  He was trying to instill within us just who holds the keys to life and death – to what is permissible and not permissible in our lives and that we can make plans, but the Lord orchestrates our steps.  It is my prayer this removes a huge burden from upon us all today.

So with that – let’s get started, I am very excited to share what I learned with you all in my study time in Luke 21, which is a very familiar passage to most of us!

Luke 21 is very special because it is where Jesus is talking and it is a very timely word because it speaks directly to those who are inhabitants on Earth during the days/season before He returns.  It is speaking directly to us, yay!

  • It lays the signs out and the groundwork of what events will be unfolding just prior to that day
  • He speaks of one preparation to take very seriously, which is the preparation of our soul
  • He did not give directives for fleshly comforts or provisions, but actually spoke to the contrary reminding us to store our treasures up in Heaven so they are not destroyed, warning us to not store up treasures on Earth
  • He told us to watch and wait as a common theme in this chapter of the Bible so that day doesn’t come upon us unexpectedly as a thief in the night who breaks into our homes, catching us asleep and unaware
  • He tells us one key sign is that Jerusalem is being trampled and that it is then we look up because our own redemption draws nigh. — Now I realize this may not be very popular, but that already happened, that temple was destroyed many, many years ago so this sign has already been established – Currently, WE are the Temple built without walls in which Jesus abides in.  When that Temple was destroyed and the veil was torn what followed that event was a line was drawn and a command was given for us to watch and pray to be worthy to stand before Him when He comes again and to escape all things coming upon the Earth.  Real quick – Just to confirm, the disciples knew this sign had occurred which is why they thought He was coming back in the clouds for them at any moment.  The season we are currently in is one of waiting and watching and praying, but we will talk more about that in a moment.
  • So now, as His Temple, we in which He abides as He rules and reigns in our hearts is truly something the enemy wants to keep us blinded too in order to keep us submissive to fear in this World.  If he can keep us bound and occupied in this World, he knows he will wear out the Saints of the Most High God.  He does this to rule over us because the Earth is His ruling place.

Again, right now, this very moment, the time in which we were purposely born for, this appointed Season the Father fearfully and wonderfully formed you, divinely designed the day you would enter into this World purposed and predestined to be His light was fully commanded and overseen by His hands – so of course, He would not do all that creating only to abandon us when we arrive.  To reiterate we are in a SEASON of existing while WATCHING for the next SEASON in which Jesus comes just as He departed in the clouds.  We are also waiting for Heaven and Earth to pass away, giving birth to a new Heaven and Earth.  And remember, just because the old passes away – HIS WORDS DO NOT, THEY REMAIN.  And so this too can be applied to our own lives.  Whatever was spoken into us during our formation – shall come to manifest, the flesh may pass away – but His word in you and me shall remain.

Regarding death, so many fear it very much and will go to extreme to prolong it in themselves and those they love.  I have to ask you a question – Did you have any bearing on when you were born?  The time, day or hour?  Well of course you didn’t…  So, the same is true with leaving this World as entering it – the day and hour was already established and appointed before we even arrived.  Knowing this truth should remove some weights we carry off of us, whether they be our own or someone’s we love.

I feel like we have so much to go over, we may not get this finished up in one broadcast, so we better keep moving along.  Again, we are in Luke 21.

  • Jesus warns us to not let our hearts get weighed down with the cares (distractions, excess, concerns) of this life, which leads to drunkenness by the over saturation of it into our souls and distract us so much we will be pre-occupied with this life and miss the truth His return is eminent.
  • One reason the enemy wants us distracted with the cares of this life we live, is so that we get hopeless at times or even some are all the time.  Seeing signs of Jesus’s return elevates our expectancy and ushers hope into our souls, because we are Spiritual beings.  Just as the Word says, Summer is near we look forward to it in the Winter, the Bible tells us to look for Jesus to return with the same delight because this world can be so cold and harsh.
  • He tells us during this season we will be persecuted, misunderstood, rejected, mocked, scoffed, not received and to not personally get offended by those who do so – He compares these things which come against us to “leaves tendering to bud on a fig tree” which equals you and I producing fruit.  So this reminds us the fruit of the Harvest is almost ready to be gathered into the Kingdom. You are budding!
  • Remember – nothing can stop Jesus’s return or how He will do so or when. Only the Father knows the day and hour – not even the Son.
  • Jesus tells us to watch for His Word to perform each and every day, because it is the only thing which will remain.  Everything else shall pass away but HIS WORD.  It is by His Word we are saved, kept, given life, created, comforted, granted peace, brought joy, established in faith – as His Word goes out to perform, His will on Earth is established just as it is in Heaven within us.
  • Have you noticed the world is full of people who believe He is coming soon and yet, they do not alter the course of their lives at all to prepare the way for His arrival?  Even non-believers are asking me if Jesus is coming and yet… they profess He doesn’t exist, it’s so twisted.
  • There is a particular generation which will not pass away until all final signs are fulfilled.  The question is – Can we know this generation?  I say, yes, we most certainly can and do.  Before the Temple was torn down, that race of people was a generation (kind) of humans – they did not have the Lord indwelling within them.  Now, we are “different” aren’t we than them.  We now are the Temple in which the Lord abides through the Holy Spirit.  And the season to come brings a whole new generation of people and a new season.  So right now, we, the human race are in the particular seasonal generation of those who await His return – just like the disciples of old who wrote the New Testament were.  When we consider the “budding of the fig tree” it was destruction of the old which budded the tree as the Gentiles were grafted into the branch.  It is so important we get out of fleshly mindsets and not look for what already was, but read the Word spiritually or we are gonna miss it completely.  Generations are seasonal… We are that collective group of people who will not pass away until He comes again.
  • Luke 21 speaks of those who’s hearts will fail them in fear for looking after (tending to) the things which are coming upon the Earth.  To look after something means to expectantly wait for it to come to pass in hope or fear, depending on which side you are on.  Hearts failing does not mean in spiritual terms what it means in human’s terms.  It actually means to show reverence like when the Word says – there is no fear of God in the land – it means adoration, honor and worship.  Jesus reprimanded the disciples for fearing Him, thinking He was a ghost while walking on water in Mathew 14:26 – same concept.  So at His appearing man will revere Him in ways now they do not.  But remember, blessed are those who believe without seeing.
  • When Jesus comes again, those who remain when He does appear will be changed in the twinkling of an eye, again whoever is here at that event will have a seasonal generation transition because their human condition will forever be changed – we don’t know what we will be, only that we will be like Him, should He come while we are still here.
  • The best way I know to explain this is that we are in sort of a seasonal time gap – like a holding pattern – let’s call it “what is.”  What was old passed away, what is to come shall be and is new.  Jesus was, is and is to come… again His word shall remain.
  • So we have ONE GENERATION/season – made up of many witnesses – some sleep and some remain on Earth but all are of the same appointed time.  Those that sleep rise first, those who remain on Earth are caught up together as ONE to meet Jesus in the clouds.  This tribe of people – this generation are – watching, waiting, praying to be found worthy to stand before Him, when He comes.  Why?  Because those who are not in His will shall be consumed by the brightness of His coming, remember He comes as a consuming fire to burn up all that which is not Heavenly appointed.

I know this is a lot – let’s take a moment for all that to sink in.  God’s word is so very simple and easy to understand.  The problem is man has overcomplicated and confused our minds with so much we must break through those barriers to actually receive and hear the simplicity of the Word.  Due to this mind overload and confusion we will often end up on a wild goose chase leading us to nowhere.  There is only one way to guard against that happening which is to read the Bible for ourselves, study to show ourselves approved to just the Lord, no one else needs to approve of us, just Him.

Okay, moving on…

  • The fig tree is quite simple and used to simply display an appointed season.  Just like an apple tree does not produce apples in January the Lord wants us to understand when we start to become fruitful, we are close to being harvested. 
  • Jesus often spoke in parables to simplify the word for His own and confound the religious folk.  Parables are not to complicate things, but reveal a demonstration – it is the enemy that brings confusion and yet spiritually so easy entreated.
  • We must always read the Word and forget all we were told prior to being drawn to the Bible – the Bible is a message directly from the Lord to us, not to be added to, replaced or taken away from.  When feasting on His Word it will perform a mighty work within us and in the World through us.
  • Jesus gives clear instruction in Luke 21 for us to adhere to His Word, we studied recently the importance of laying His Word to heart and to follow it as a command or protocol to living a peaceful life.  We are reminded in this Chapter to WATCH OURSELVES in order are hearts are not weighed down by anything coming upon or already upon this Earth.  Anything in our lives which weigh us down like – a virus, riots, signs in the sky, finances, saving our own lives, rumors of wars, death, soul catching can all be forms of spiritual distractions, becoming heavy burdens affecting or wellbeing.  (colitis, masks…)
  • There’s a couple of them I want to go over today, which seem extremely relevant and sucking the life out of many of us, or attempting to do so anyway.
  • First One is:  Escaping thoughts of this life, isolation, drunkenness of signs, pet sins of comfort, gatherings to numb what is going on, even conferences can be a way of escape for many.  All forms of entertainment such as:  shopping, drugs, sex, self-medicating to soothe, sleep, money, chatrooms, news, etc…  I’ll admit life is heavy at times, we’ve been hurt and betrayed by those we love the most which prompts us to want to do something to ease that void of pain and loneliness.  We get so desperate sometimes, looking for something or someone to take our minds off the pain so we will fill that void with pleasures not so obvious that are still Worldly to a degree.  Every single human on Earth was born with a purposed void in their hearts that only Jesus can fill.  Any other form of soothing, except from Him will be fleeting, only to perpetuate the problem until we truly do have a difficult time managing it and overcoming it.  It resembles putting a bandaid on a gaping wound, when Jesus will heal it in its entirety, slowing and methodically cultivating intimacy with Him in the process.  Again, He always makes a way of escape – but often we want a quick fix, rather than a testimony to share of His goodness.
  • The Second One we are to watch ourselves about is:  To be bowed down to the pities and cares of this life.  When we do this we actually carry a burden the Lord did not assign for us to carry.  Notice it says “bowed down” meaning sorrowful and wanting to be pitied.  Some examples of this one are:  Overly concerned about paths others are on, choices they are making while trying to control and author someone’s faith, we may try to mend others back together that we didn’t break or display an obsessive protection over others, hovering over loved ones trying to extend their life believing we can control when God takes them Home.  This group of people are often only happy when misery is present.  They may be happy when someone is listening to their complaints or problems, often cleaving to sickness to fill a void of neediness, by the same token we will place ourselves as savior in someone’s life by trying to rescue them or prevent them from falling to their knees in repentance – if they call upon us we feel needed so we prefer they go through us to get to Jesus rather than directly to Him.
  • Now – we are to rejoicing in our sufferings because God uses them to form us into the Image of His Son Jesus.  We do not exalt the sufferings, but rather are delivered from them so that Jesus is exalted – there’s a big difference, you all see it?  When we exalt suffering, Jesus isn’t being exalted, we are.
  • One last thing we do that we shouldn’t is – When someone is remorseful in heartfelt repentance, a requirement to going and sinning no more – we will interfere with the Lord’s work and tell them what they did is okay.  I see this almost every single day and it is fleshly.  Even the woman caught in adultery was not granted such words – Jesus said where are your accusers?  He didn’t tell her adultery was okay, He actually said go and sin no more.  Sin brings pain into our lives, sometimes we need to feel the pain to actually stop the action which caused it.  Again, a void in us to be needed, will often prompt us to act in timing not ordained by the Holy Spirit.  It is not we should not comfort – but it needs to be in the Lord’s timing, not our own.
  • These few areas I described weigh us down when we practice flesh ways while trying to walk in the Kingdom.  The reason Jesus warns of this is because if we let the cares of this life become our sole purpose or worse yet the main focal point of our lives, instead of Him defining us – trials will and that day of His return will come upon us suddenly and like a thief because we were not watching and praying. 
  • All these distractions which are fleshly and Worldly take our eyes off of Jesus and His perfect Sovereignty to weigh us down so much we want to do something and when nothing we try works we will question Him, which leads to denying Him and eventually cursing Him.  In this turmoil, we neglect and miss the actual good He is doing and bringing about in this present age and season in the lives of so many.  He does have a purposed plan to work all things together for everyone’s good.  Have faith He shall tie all things together and Spiritually prosper all who are His.  We just need to get out of His way sometimes, let God be God, knowing we are not.  Remember His number one goal is to bring all His children Home and though we desire that as well, He desires it even more and will see to it, it is accomplished His way!
  •  He also tells us to watch ourselves so we do not become Spiritually drowsy.  In other words, above all things be prepared Spiritually for His return so that when He appears – daily or in the clouds, it is a blessing and not a curse because on that day for some it will be terrible but for His own it will be magnificent.  When we are awake – we are looking for Him all the time as our redemption draws nigh – look up and pray for strength.  Remember in the Garden of Gethsemane when Jesus asked the disciples to stay awake and pray with Him but they couldn’t do it?  They all fell asleep.  In the same manner our souls can fall asleep, rather than staying alert – and this has nothing to do with preparing in the natural by the way for a disaster.  Preparing for Jesus’s return and preparing for destruction do no resemble one another at all.
  • I just love how encouraging this Scripture is, don’t you?  It is like an invitation to take a load off, hand those worries over to the Lord and seek Him, trusting Him to accomplish His will so we don’t run around becoming ragged.  It is Jesus saying – I got this, just sit down and pray with Me, relax in my arms.  Put the mop down Martha, note to self. lol

We have so much more to go over in Luke 21 – and we haven’t even made it to the contentious part where we talk about “escaping” all things coming upon the Earth.  But I think this is really a good stopping point for this week.  Next week will pick up right where we left off and by the Word of Jesus Himself go over the rest of Luke 21. 

Jesus said to watch (stay awake), pray always (seek and talk to Him 24-7) so you are accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and stand before the Son of Man.

As we take time to ponder everything Jesus said and listen to His still small voice which leads us and guides us – we shut out the noisy opinions of man who God will place into great derision.  As a little child we come to Him, trusting Him to see us all the way through.

As I was contemplating many things – I was thinking about Sodom and Gomorrah and how Lot was not ashamed to take the escape offered and flee – so I began to wonder why we have let our own flesh rule over us in such severe ways we will do anything and everything to protect, serve and save it?  I even hear prideful people lifting themselves up, like it is a badge of honor to remain and fight… Forgive them Lord, they know not what they are saying and wishing for on that day as their faces will gather darkness unto themselves.  If you remember, Lot’s wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt – a stone statue.  I was wondering why exactly she looked back?  Did she love what was in that city?  Was she wanting to fight for it?  Maybe she had loved ones still caught up in the pleasures of sin who remained?  Only God knows for sure, but what He showed me is her heart had turned to stone and when we are one with something above Him in this World, we are hesitant to leave it with Him.  It is my prayer that is none of us and that we persistently follow His directives as we wait in hope for His soon returning! 

Lot escaped because he was obedient to follow the command given by the Lord, his wife refused – still looking at that place.  And although this scenario manifested in the natural, the reason such choices were made were internal in the heart.  We are in this World not of it, the church of today still has much of the World in it so it is understandable why judgment starts in God’s house.  But it is possible we can escape that portion coming, by abiding in Jesus, fully surrendered to Him.

There is a crown of righteousness reserved for all those who love His appearing.  To love something like that is to long for it, look forward to it, hope and wait for it.  There is no shame in this, none at all.  When you really love someone and are separated from them you expectantly await their return.  Like with all things it is a matter of the heart.  A heart captivated by Jesus longs for His return every moment of every day more than anything else.

Last words, man has influenced us and if they hadn’t done so, I could have read that verse to you as dear children and you would receive it as such, as a promise and a hope to keep you going forward on your journey with Jesus.  So next week we are going to do some Spiritual housecleaning in or minds and hearts so we too will rejoice fully not only at His appearing but even the mention of it.

I just want to thank you all for joining me today on this ROF Ministry Broadcast.  I pray it blessed you in some small way, stirring a desire within to seek Jesus and His words, His take on what is transpiring in the World and how we are to react and occupy until He returns.

Those of you who walk hand in hand with me in this ministry I want you to know I thank Jesus for the blessing of you continually.  Please continue to lift up all the prison inmates in prayer, they surely need it and they appreciate your support and encouragement so very much.

Until next time I thank the Lord for watching over each of you – guiding and protecting you every moment of every day.

Laying It To Heart ~ Broadcast Transcript from June 21, 2020

Good Morning and God Bless you all – thank you for joining me today on this ROF Ministry Broadcast.  Well, another week has passed us by and we are still here – occupying until Jesus comes and praying, seeking Him and learning more of His ways while we wait.  I wish I could say things have settled somewhat, yet they haven’t – but thankfully, when we are established within Jesus in our hearts – even when the waves or people are roaring… It will not come nigh our dwelling places – and again, where does He dwell?  Inside the heart – just like we learned last week.

Before we get started, I first want to honor all the fathers out there listening today, whether they be spiritual or natural and say thank you for your love, instruction, guidance and covering and with that I too want to say thank you to the males in our lives who walk in the compassion and love of Jesus among us as a demonstration of His strength and gentleness and cover us who are sisters in our time of need.  May you all have a very blessed and restful day in the Lord Jesus and know you are appreciated and loved and your willingness to come along beside us does not go unnoticed.

Okay, we are gonna step off today from where we left off last week, talking about the souls which cry out in a sea of lawlessness.  And just when you don’t think lawlessness can abound anymore – here we are a week later and it seems to have somehow managed to hit an all-time high.  Help us Lord Jesus to be those souls who cry out to You, praying for Your divine intervention and giving You glory for Your mighty hand, knowing without You it would be so very much worse.

I think I mentioned last week – I kept hearing in my Spirit the Lord tell me – “My people do not lay my words to heart…”  So that is the basis of our study this morning.  And lo and behold this Scripture is found in Malachi Chapter 2.  So let’s start there.

Malachi 2 

And now, O ye priests, this commandment is for you.

  • This is a commandment specifically for someone who speaks God’s word to others MESSENGERS – it is even applicable if you are a layperson or ordained or even pagan, which I found interesting

If ye will not hear, and if ye will not lay it to heart, to give glory unto my name, saith the Lord of hosts, I will even send a curse upon you, and I will curse your blessings: yea, I have cursed them already, because ye do not lay it to heart.

  • Twice in one verse he mentions “laying THE LAW to heart” so IT here is the law and commands of our Father – we see this in Malachi Chapter 1 vs. 6-7 which says – the law of TRUTH was in his mouth and no iniquity was found in his lips because he walked with Me in peace and equity (no partiality – picking one side of another) and turned many away from iniquity.  He keeps knowledge and is THE MESSENGER of the Lord of hosts.  Wow!  So if you counted yourself out of this commandment, better think again!
  • We will really get into laying something to heart after bit – but for now it simply means – taking God’s words seriously, into your heart, not just head to mouth and then applying what He said by demonstration.
  • A warning also comes with this verse – a warning to hear – meaning to receive what the Lord tells us and to apply it, walk it out, to fulfill His commands, just as Jesus did.

It goes on to say examples of others who did not hear and how they wearied the Lord with their own words, outwardly before men they approached the alter in weeping but guess what they did to kindle the Lord’s anger?  They dealt treacherously with their wives/others close to them… Lord have mercy. 

To deal treacherously with someone means to:  offend, be covert, unfaithful, depart from, commit fraud against, compare or keep hidden. 

Wowzers!  So let’s take this word and apply it – two key words here… showing partiality and dealing treacherously with others because there is way too much of this going on right now.  And why?  Well like we discussed last week – the love of the majority is going away, therefore, lawlessness is abounding. 

But being messengers for the Lord, we should be non hypocrital in nature looking all holy then participating in such speech or acts which are contrary to who?  Our Father.  WE should never, ever show partiality, taking sides, but rather standing on the solid rock of truth – Jesus.  Being that love voice of reason, sowing peace into all lives we come into contact with.  To be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem and to rise above it all, trading ashes for the beauty of the Lord.

Real quick let’s read Malachi Chapter 3 verse 1 which brings this story full circle… Behold, I will send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before me and the Lord, whom you seek shall suddenly come to His temple, even the messenger of the covenant who you delight in; behold He shall come, says the Lord of hosts.

So we have 2 types of messengers here – the first being a messenger of those who profane, deceive, deal treacherously with others (lets call them agents/messengers of satan) and then we have God’s messengers who PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD and how?  By setting the way in which He walks, talks, leads, treats others, is compassionate, peaceful and loving with mercy and grace.  When the whole World looks at us – they should see Jesus demonstrated, which is how we prepare the way for the Lord.

But something I loved about this particular Scripture – again, we get confirmation of HIM COMING WITHIN US AS BEING THE TEMPLE.  Whoever is ruling and reigning from within us, in our hearts is definitive of who we are in covenant with (good or evil) and we will replicate that higher power here on Earth as the vessel or messenger or agent on their behalf.  Serve God, do good, serve satan, do evil practices.  So simple a child can understand it.

But why are God’s people not taking His words and commands seriously?  Why do we hear with our ears but not apply what He says in our hearts?  Why are they not, laying to heart what is already written as a guiding light which illuminates our path and journey with Him?  Who we love is who we serve, we already know this.  I have mentioned in passing the mark of the beast starts in the heart, sadly the god of forces is having his way with many I just had no idea or preparation to receive.  Honestly, I wish it wasn’t even an election year in these already fragile moments in time.  It is like the god of forces is influencing so many to choose a side and all that he is offering does not even consider Jesus as a choice.  It is really heartbreaking to watch.  So you all remember – no matter what snare is laid, do not proclaim your allegiance to anyone or anything or even any party affiliation for that matter.  Just bow your knee and heart and mind to One Savior – Jesus, because only He is Lord.  We are on the precipice of our Father tearing down all golden statues His people bow to.

At the time this Scripture was written, the people in Israel were Godly as a majority, they followed the laws and were very religious, however, they lost something… Their hearts, their love and fear of the Lord ran cold, dissipated – they no longer glorified Him in truth which manifested by them no longer being their brother’s keeper and walking in love on to another.  This phrase in Hebrew means – because they did not establish it upon their heart. 

Laying it to heart, in addition to what we already discussed, means:

To lay – means to establish – We must always do our best practices to firmly give only God glory and the amazing thing about all this is it involves GOD’S LOVE to us, in us and through us, always being established in it through His dwelling within us.  Did you know the word glory in this passage means – heavy burden of love?  Wow… thank You Lord for this truth.

And I know for me personally and likely many of you, truthfully, it is a burden to love those who abuse, deal treacherously with us or others, who are mean, spiteful, vengeful, full of deceit and such.  But Jesus’s burden is light and so will ours be when we love others with His love flowing through us outwardly.  On our own, separate of Him, we really cannot love anyone for too long, especially our enemies and even our children or spouses sometimes.  Our human love is simply just too conditional and changing, depending on what is influencing our moods at any given time.  I am finding it is only through my surrendering fully to Jesus can I really love anyone in truth and purity.  Without Him we will eventually deal treacherously with others, we have way too much partiality in our flesh natures to overcome all things separate of Him.  We love ourselves way too much – whether we want to admit it or not, we all do.

The Father created us with the natural instinct to express love to others, since we are created in His image, we are in Him, He is in us and therefore, we too carry a debt of love or rather a burden of love.  If we do not pour this love out to others due to spite, vengeance, unforgiveness, fear or laziness or whatever the case may be… It will become very very heavy indeed and we will feel like we are bound, walking in quicksand.

Think how the Father must feel… Have you ever been in a lopsided relationship where you were the only one holding it together?  It is like if you let go and stopped pouring love into it – it would fall completely apart?  Do you remember pouring and pouring into the other person and the sickening rejection feeling you felt?  Like your love was wasted and yet you kept giving and giving in hopes the other person would cherish you?  In the smallest of ways – we can understand just how our Father feels when we reject Him and His perfect love, which is His Son Jesus… Love came down to Earth through Jesus, just for us!  And we are worthy of His love, but do we receive it or curse it?  What I mean here is…  Do we recognize just how special we are that the Father would offer us His prize possession and Son, Jesus and do we just simply cherish this gift, laying it to heart fully and saying thank You, You do love me and I am okay.  Of course we do not lift ourselves up, but it is also time to stop beating ourselves to a pulp as well.  And I am the worst at this sometimes, I need much self-correction in this matter for sure.  So I am going to try to do better and I sure hope you will join me.

I feel bad the Father offered me His best and I told Him no thank You, I am trash.  Of course we are all like filthy rags BEFORE Jesus – but we know Him now and through HIM we are righteous, without Him we are not.  It isn’t about us being Holy, it is that He already is Holy, indwelling inside us like a consuming fire, purifying our hearts and purging out of us every single speck which does not reflect the Image of Him.  When we curse ourselves while being transformed into His image, we curse the gift of Him which makes it all possible.

I’ve said this many times before, but we do not get clean and come to Jesus, we come to Him filthy dirty and He cleans us up like fuller’s soap, just as it is written.  We must get this truth and quickly, because the enemy does not want us to know who we are in Jesus so that we stay distracted by things of the World, like elections and protests and aliens and crazy things…

Once we are cleaned up by Jesus, we become a pleasant offering to the Lord on High.  Pray to know you are worthy, because you were worthy enough the most Holy thing on Heaven and Earth died just for you – yes, you!

Those who practice being treacherous will be judged so very harshly.  We don’t want to be caught unaware in this trap of iniquity – but it is our own choice who we serve.  We do have a choice.  Because when He comes it will be swift and against those who practice sorcery (enchantment of idols), adultery, swear falsely, who oppose slaves or servants financially or females without a husband or children without fathers to protect and guide them – these offenders are on the Father’s target list BECAUSE THEY LOST THEIR FEAR OF THE LORD.  Knowing the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, I really believe we all could do much better at taking it more seriously or rather, laying it to heart when we are dealing with other human beings.  Partiality needs to stop and we should as Jesus followers be that example and not through legislation either.  You cannot ever legislate love…. Legislate actually means to force.  We can’t force love can we?  Ever try to make someone love you?  Well, that doesn’t work very well, does it?  Oh and by the way, showing partiality to one over another means also, giving attention or preferring one over another.  Like what you see happening right now before your very eyes – time to wake up and sober up and not get sucked into a right or left ditch you can’t get out of, I am wondering just how many can handle God’s truth which shatters the complexities of the ways of this World?  The curtain has been pulled back now, do you see how small the wizard really is hiding behind the magnified voice of force?

And just in case we need a little more convincing – We need to understand something else that happens when we practice behaviors which do not align with what we see our Father in Heaven doing.  Anytime we have envy, bitterness, strife or self-gratifying truths in our hearts we grieve the Holy Spirit and when He is grieved we have a prison mindset to join with a mob.  But something we must understand, when we surround ourselves with the brethren who do have the Holy Spirit residing within them – if our own words or actions grieve Him, they too become grieved inside their hearts and pull away from us.  Now when this happens we may feel a sort of rejection and if not understood become offended.  I see this happen quite often in chat for example.  May we all be slow to speak and quick to listen.

I am getting all this I am about to share still out of the Book of Malachi by the way…  It goes on to give us a beautiful promise:

Chapter 3, verses 16-18, I will paraphrase…

Then they that fear the Lord treat others the way He would.  Period.  There is no gray area on this one.  When we fear the Lord together we speak to one another and are heard.  In the Book of Remembrance are those who think upon His name continually.  The Lord says these will be mine as jewels and be spared on that day when He returns to discern between the wicked and the righteous, between those who serve Him and those who serve Him not.

It is my prayer we not just assume we are worthy to stand before Jesus, but truly lay it to heart and pray we are.  May He not come as a thief to His own unsuspecting church which is caught up in Worldly Kingdom distractions instead of loving His appearing and looking for it day in and day out.

Real quick – the Lord laid something on my heart to share yesterday about the Publicans mentioned in the Bible.

They were heavily steeped in the politics of the World during that time and even today.  Some called them tax collectors, orchestrating hush money – they could be bought or sold with money or were the ones who made such things happen, they would bring forth false charges against others for self-gain.  The Bible says they were traitors and apostates, defiled by frequent intercourse (mingling under the guise of religion for gain) with the heathen and willing tools to be used by those who want to oppress others by power.  Jesus called those in these highest positions the Chief of the publicans…  Interesting how even in our Nation we use that word “chief” in the naming of high political positions.  They were direct descents from the Roman Empire, however, they are seen today in the politics of our Nation. Are you awake yet?

This is something I personally do not entertain or engage in whatsoever for a few reasons.  One being, their whole presentation is based on “accusation and insults” spoken one to another and often what they accuse one another of is false or partially true.  Their main tactic is putting one another to an open shame.  And they do all this because they have an insatiable power trip within them called ego.  You can mask it however you want to – but this most certainly is the truth.  Also, the enemy uses them as his vessels to force people to choose sides, divide by strife and cause contention through demonstrating partiality.  They stand on a platform to tickle the ears of who will listen and vote them in, while vainly speaking of the Lord on High for self-gain.

To be so forcefully for one person or another shows a lack in Faith our Father appoints all leaders and remember, we get the leader we deserve.

Yesterday Michael and I were talking about those who are under the spell of politics and why?  You may not like this very much, but those who so forcefully push agendas and people to the point of offense have something within them which they find commonality with, like a familiarity with the publican they are upholding.  Darkness gravitates to darkness, light gravitates to light – may we not cling to that which is unholy in such a way.  May the Lord purge of all darkness so that when satan comes may he find nothing within us to hold onto.  May we seek life and uphold it void of partiality to a party or person affiliation and understand we cannot legislate love, but we can pray for a heart change at the Father’s touch to fall upon all those who inhibit the Nations of the World, realizing only the Father can make that happen.  May God’s children arise in understanding that we are in the World and not of it.

The next six months are going to be very spiritually and physically tumultuous – Are we ready?  Are we on one side?  The side of Jesus, loving the truth, Him, Who is the way, the truth and the life?  If we are not quite so sure where our placement with Him is, today is a great day to rededicate our lives and hearts to Him in truth, not for gain, but in awe of His majesty.

Well that is going to do it for me today.  Again, I want to wish all the fathers out there a very blessed and joyful Father’s Day and may you be honored for all the goodness you share with others.  Next week we will not have a broadcast, as I will be spending time with family for my birthday, so we will take a one week break.  In the meantime, I pray you all are blessed in the love and forgiveness of Jesus, sowing seeds of His love in the hearts and minds of others so that your own personal joy may be made full.

If you are so led, please keep ROF Ministries uplifted in your prayers and for those who stand with us I truly appreciate your lovingkindnes and support which enables us to keep healing hearts His way.  If you need to contact me, my email is: and for sowing seed of love just visit where you can find a link to our paypal or mailing address.

Love and Bless each of you – have a glorious day in the Lord Jesus!

Before I go, I am going to play a quick audio Jodi made recently.  It is very short, but I have been encouraging her for a long time to start releasing all the Lord is giving her and she finally is starting to do so.  Yay!

Love you all!

Souls Crying In A Sea Of Lawlessness ~ Broadcast Transcript from June 14, 2020

Good Morning Blessings!  Thank you all for joining me today on this ROF Ministries Broadcast.  It is such a blessing for us all to be able to gather and fellowship together considering the times in which we live.  It seems like the whole World and especially our Nation is turned upside down at the moment.  My heart sure goes out to all those who are suffering, in chaos and confusion.  It is during these times especially we seek the safety in the arms of our Father.  Lawlessness is at an all time high it would seem – as people are running to and fro, unsettled in the mind and heart.  Thankfully, we have the Lord to keep us continually grounded and since we know Him already, it is becoming more and more evident He is all we have and need to get through each day.

Today we are just going to review more of His words that were written so long ago, but very applicable to our lives in this moment in which we live.  I can’t really say I am on top of all things news wise, although I get glimpses here and there.  But, spiritually speaking, the unrest is overwhelming at times, sadly it is affecting many.  And we too can get weary in the mix of it all if we are not careful to keep our eyes totally fixated on Him.  Jesus is the Prince of Peace, and without Him there is no true and lasting peace, is there?  What once seemed to only inflict the flesh has somewhat pressed inward to our souls – which is why we must feed them His word and His truth only.  Our souls are eternal in nature – requiring similar nurturing as our flesh does – only it is all spiritual.  In Genesis it says the Father breathed breath into Adam’s soul, causing him to be a living soul.  So our souls, need breath, food, nurturing, love, peace, etc… to thrive spiritually.  As a matter of fact the enemy wants to devour our soul, destroy us and take as many souls to hell with him that he possibly can.  So a soul is precious to the Lord.  Our souls show compassion, forgiveness, love and even emotions at times.  In Revelation it talks about the souls who are “crying out” from under the alter – and we will read that in a moment… but I just wanted to remind us – souls make up the intricacy of our being.  As a soul, we are here but not here – kind of explains why we feel so torn a lot of the time.  A soul can and does feel the pain inflicted upon the flesh and it manifests with a heart affliction… brokenness and contrite in spirit is the fruit produced in this perfect way the Lord draws us unto Himself. 

Everything is spiritual, although we cannot deny it manifests naturally too – but what is most important and crucial is our spiritual condition.  Whatever is truth inside of us, comes forth outwardly, exposing who and what is our truth makeup.  Which is why so many of us are grieved at the moment.  The truth of many is being exposed – manifesting before our very eyes.  What we did not expect someone to do or say is no longer being held back or restrained at the moment, which can be a little shocking at times.  The World is unraveling and so are the inhabitants within – makes you appreciate Jesus all the more – doesn’t it?

It is during the fifth seal in Revelation 6 where these souls I just mentioned are spoken of… let’s take a look.

Revelation 6:9-11

And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

  • Keeping this spiritual – some of us are slain almost every day for the word, as has been since the beginning
  • Jesus is the alter here – we being His are set under Him
  • What is a testimony?  A testimony is being “tested” even suffering brought forth, then growing closer to Jesus in the process as our redeemer, crossing through to the other side of that test giving Him glory.  It is overcoming all things in Him.

10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?

  • These souls are crying – but yet, it is beautiful – they are hurting souls and yet… they have no vengeance in their hearts – they do not repay evil with evil but instead pray to the Lord for His vengeance is perfect.
  • These souls were hurt and harmed, being blameless in so many ways, by those who dwell on Earth.

11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

  • “rest” for a little season – Let’s look at this for a moment… Because in my tiny spirit, the Lord really spoke this to my heart – rest here means for a period of time, we take a moment to cease from all labors in order the recover and collect our strength and to have a patient calm and expectation.  To just be silent for a bit, rest, be still… seek and trust Him.  I feel like many of us are in this state spiritually speaking, at the moment. 
  • Notice here how the Word separates out… “fellow servants & brethren” because it is not the same.  A fellow servant is someone who you are joined with to disciple and mentor others – they serve the same master (our Lord) follows only Jesus and obeys His commands — this is not everyone and something I found that was so interesting – it also includes the angels and is a synonymous with SLAVE .  Brethren on the other hand, is just simply the family of Jesus, originating in Heaven, coming to Earth and returning to our first Estate in Heaven. 
  • You see… Not everyone who is your family in the Lord is a fellow servant with you – this kind of removes a yoke doesn’t it?  We love all the brethren, but not everyone is of the same fold – purposed to do the same work – like we’ve studied before, not all are hands, for example.  I just believe in our fleshly ways at times, we put unnecessary stress upon ourselves, being forceful towards others who are only our brethren and not our fellow servants. 
  • Lastly, waiting… Until all are “killed” being brought into the fold… Killed – slay… It is natural, but it is also spiritual.  Ourselves are supposed to die daily, right?  Or in Job 13:15 it says, though He slay me, I will hope in Him…  Now for some reason in my Bible I wrote killed = taken, but I can’t remember when or why.  Anyway, when this time is fulfilled in totality… Its very purposed for a season change. 

So can a soul have pain?  Absolutely.  But what I find so beautiful is there is only ONE COMFORTOR for our souls – our Lord Jesus.  Other people may harm our soul, the enemy may even torment our soul – but it is Jesus and only Jesus who can alter what was broken into something eternally lasting, Earthly comforting and touch us making us whole again. 

When Jesus shows up – let’s read what happens…

Revelation 21:4 ~

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain – for the former things are passed away.

  • This also is true for us each day isn’t it?  It was, is and shall be, forever more – as long as we cling to that which is good – Jesus, Who makes all things new – every single day.

These souls are a little uniquely different ~

  • Fatherless, widows & orphans
  • The least of these – looked down upon, little ones
  • They are last on Earth, first in Heaven
  • Little ones of wounded hearts, slayed continually with little strength
  • They are defenseless in nature – never seeking to avenge themselves
  • Held captive – imprisoned at times either mentally or physically or both
  • The used and abused – very timid
  • They are the true flock who have One Shephard – Jesus
  • The pure in heart, they see God

You know how the Word often uses words and if we apply those words Spiritually our eyes are opened to the truth – rather than man’s Earthly ways?  I want to read something to us today, but lets read it with our Spiritual eyes, hearing with our Spiritual ears and knowing with our Spiritual hearts just what was written.

Revelation 14

And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four(FROM ALL PARTS OF THE EARTH) thousand (UNCERTAIN AFFINITY), having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.

And I heard a voice from heaven, as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of a great thunder: and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps:

And they sung as it were a new song before the throne, and before the four beasts, and the elders: and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. (UNCERTAIN NUMBER NO MAN CAN NAME FROM ALL CORNERS OF THE EARTH)

These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. (NOT ONLY MALES – JUST VIRGINS, NOT DEFILED, BLAMELESS, LIKE THE WISE VIRGINS MENTIONED IN MATHEW 25) These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb.

And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God. (THEY ARE FAULTLESS BECAUSE THEY ARE JUST LIKE THOSE SOULS CRYING OUT TO THE FATHER FOR HIS VENGEANCE TO BE DONE – THEY DO NOT REPAY EVIL WITH EVIL.)

  • They are pure souls – they do not fornicate with anything in the World – undefiled
  • No guile means – out of their hearts when they speak comes no:  deceit, craftiness, trickery, enticement, lust, seduction, accusing, boasting, gossip, murder, anger, etc…
  • They basically dead to self, decreased – you don’t see them, you see Jesus increasing continually in their lives

Now I know that is likely a bit much to swallow, going against the teaching of many men, which is not my intent, but rather to encourage those of you, who are similar to me in the fact you have never felt so much like you fit into the World and even now it is becoming more evident all the time, you do not fit into the church of the norm either anymore.  I pray this encourages you all just a bit, it is nothing more than a sharing of a little pearl I hold close.

Let’s back up a minute…  We just talked about “fellow servants” versus “brethren.”

The other day the Lord started speaking to me about the frustration we sometimes experience when we try to “make disciples of all men” when they are only a guest at the feast of Jesus.  So just take a deep breath for a moment…  The pressure is off us to a greater degree.  Stop fretting, guests are purposed too, but not all are purposed or destined to be a disciple.  Actually, you have to be pretty much a hot mess to be a slave or bondservant to Jesus…. Lol…  You practically have to look like a crazy person!

But what the Lord was pressing upon me to share is — you are gonna get wore out and quick, if you are trying to make a disciple out of a guest.  Some of you are fretting right now because you try to conform others to yourself as a servant and missing out on the joy found in the brethren close to you.  This could be your spouse, friend, child, co-worker, fellow laborer, etc… Jesus rejoices over sinners who are saved, while we stress over the fact being saved is not enough or is it?  Many are called, few chosen… Chosen to die really to every single thing in this World.  We must never become forceful zealots, trying to push others through the veil to serve…  Most are just saved.  Period.  We need to rest in that truth, if it is good enough for Jesus – it should be good enough for us too so we can rejoice with Him and not wear ourselves out emotionally fretting.  Thank You Lord.

Now most often in the Bible when it speaks of a “sea” it really means… a vast number of people.  I titled today’s broadcast – Souls Crying In A Sea Of Lawlessness because many are drifting hidden among a sea of people consumed in lawlessness.  Whether we want to admit it or not, all are being afflicted one way or another with what is happening in the World which surrounds us.  Some of us are clinging to Jesus with all our might, others are being sucked into the strife and anger – by having a point to prove or axe to grind, so many within the church are teetering on the brink of fire – still politically upholding an imperfect man to save them by coming to their rescue.  It is all hands on deck for this one and the values, integrity or lack of thereof of many is being exposed.  The truth is there is only One Way to the Father, which is through Jesus and with that being said there is only one way to behave… Just as Jesus would.  Anything, any reaction outside of Him, is disobedience and reflective of a heart still hardened by rebellion. 

Let’s take a look at “lawlessness” for a moment.

When lawlessness abounds we can rejoice because it means we are just one seasonal step closer to going Home and being with Jesus – so that is something to celebrate and it is a sure word, lawlessness is abounding.  Amen?

So we really need to take a deeper look into this “lawlessness” we are witnessing in real time at the moment don’t we?

In Mathew 24 it tells us because lawlessness increases, the love of many grows cold – or rather disappears, they become loveless, numb, cold hearted, lacking compassion towards humanity.  And when this happens they begin to perceive someone is an enemy, whether they actually are or not.

Now just a few things to note here –

  1. First and foremost – let us never forget just who the Bible is written to – religious people, it is a message for and to believers.  It sure wasn’t written as an instruction manual to witches and satenists…  It was written to us, knowing you only read the Word if you are seeking the Lord.
  2. We are witnessing the falling away – but remember… In order to fall away from the truth, you must first know it.  We get a little high minded thinking the whole world is falling away… But in all actuality…  You must first believe to fall away.  So this is a note to self for us all – to not point fingers at the world for acting like the world… This falling away is relevant to believers.
  3. The same is true regarding denying Jesus – We must know Him – recognize Him, etc… to deny Him.  So this too is applicable to the church only.  You cannot deny something if it is unrecognizable to you.
  4. We should never boast on how great we are and the World is lost…  To be cold would be preferred, having never known of Jesus… than to go from hot to lukewarm in how you show love one to another.  Again, the Bible is written for the Church, so all this quoting Scripture against those who are unsaved and Worldly is futile at best and holding tongues with satan at worst.

To see the World turned upside down and our nation on fire Spiritually is heartbreaking enough… But to see fellow brethren joining in with the mobs or upholding leaders, arguing, point proving, stirring up strife and such is almost unbearable to observe sometimes.  When the Holy Spirit is grieved by what is going on – so is the vessel or Temple of Him – which is why some of us are in somewhat of a retreat at the moment, praying and seeking the Father to intervene for the good of all who dwell here on Earth.

Back to lawlessness….

Lawlessness means iniquity, which is deliberately disobeying any standard or activity of the Lord which He would not practice Himself.  We are to be Holy as He is Holy so that our actions reflect the righteousness of Him.  And this is the truth of someone, integrity – not spoken at all, but displayed by what we think, see, do, join in on and join with.

When lawlessness increases to the point of prevailing… anarchy takes over, a precursor or unfolding of the Sixth Seal in Revelation 6.

When lawlessness prevails – people do not think upon all that is good and lovely anylonger, but instead they refuse to recognize the Sovereignty and Commandments of right and wrong of divine rule and law.  The man of lawlessness spoken of in Mathew 24 is the son of perdition/destruction – who opposes (others) and exalts himself, setting himself up in the temple… Again, who is the temple? Us… where does lawlessness sit?  Within those who oppose, are prideful and refuse God’s commands – they also call evil good and good evil… Don’ you be watching for a temple to be built in Israel now… Or you might miss Jesus’s appearing.  That temple was destroyed… the new temple is built without human hands – because it is you and me and all those who have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.  When Jesus is on the throne of our hearts, the man of perdition has no place to take a seat, thank You Lord.

Here’s a scary thought… It says the LOVE OF MANY will grow cold…  Not a few, MANY!  In other words, to those I am speaking to today, most of you or rather us will lose the love we have… Lord Jesus help us, I do not want that to be me.  Many here simply means – the majority.  A lot of people debate whether this Scripture is describing the inhabitants of the World or the religious organizations we call the church of today…  I can only tell you what the Lord showed me – the World doesn’t even have authentic love, they do not know the truth to even fall away from it or stop loving it and they cannot deny Jesus because they do not know Him… But you can read it for yourself and let Him reveal to you what He may.  Oftentimes, you just have to totally let go of all prior knowledge and words of any man or woman and start with a blank mind slate and let the Lord guide you into all truth.

Keeping with love running cold… I must ask… When was the last time you took an internet fast or have you ever?  The Word says, if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out.  So many precious children of the Lord are getting sucked into the lawlessness spreading vast and wide and it is disheartening and surely not worth it.  When we acknowledge God is Sovereign we can breathe much easier, having His peace which surpasses human understanding.  We don’t need the details of how, we just know He will.  If being on social media, listening to news, sitting in chatrooms alters your personality in anyway – its time to take a refreshing break.  I know myself, I do this quite often, to remain balanced and whole in the Lord Jesus, unmovable in Faith, clothed in humility to love all.  God’s children flow with the Holy Spirit in any given situation and we are all on a learning curve here – we are learning to hold our peace and not react.  ANYTIME you find yourself reacting, remember this – Jesus desires to steal you away, separate you to be alone with Him.  Socializing during these increasingly tumultuous times we live in is simply just not worth it.  When we become compromised – the enemy takes a stance of attack, influencing other compromised vessels to provoke us to react.  Time right now to just Be still and know He is God.

Okay, well that’s the last of my rambles today.  I pray at least something blessed you in some small way.  May we all keep looking up with a grateful heart as the day is approaching very quickly for our redemption draws nigh – Come Lord Jesus come!

I thank you all for fellowshipping with me today and pray the Lord continually watch over, cover and bless you abundantly with His loving grace and mercy.

Please keep the inmates in your prayers, there is so much unrest in the prison system at the moment.  I thank those of you who support ROF ministries in prayer, love and provision – as you join with us to heal hearts His way.

Love and Bless you all very much!

GRACE ~ In A Noisy World ~ Broadcast Transcript from June 7, 2020

Good Morning and God Bless You All – I certainly pray you are doing okay, what tumultuous days we live in, in which there’s heartbreak at every turn.  I want to thank you for joining me on today’s ROF Ministry Broadcast.  I so enjoy our fellowship together in the unity of the Holy Spirit, seeking Jesus together and His loving presence and peace.  We are rapidly finding that only through Jesus, the Prince of Peace, may we find rest for our souls among a World of people who seem to be running to and fro – all over the place, offended and emotional – I am wondering if you are one of those who does have that peace which surpasses all human understanding?  And if so, are you finding people – even within the church – are upset with you because you are not upset?  I must admit I stand here a little perplexed by the confrontations coming at me almost every day, because I am not reeling to and fro, in a panic, wringing my hands.  So I was curious if you all are experiencing this at times, as well?  And if so, you realize it is nothing to do with you, per se…  But more arriving at a place where you have no words, no actions, suggestions or instruction to give…  Sort of we are in a place right now, where the heart speaks due to lack of human words – I believe we are finally in truth crying out, Abba Father.  When we get to the end of our rope… There He is, thank You Lord.

During this shaking, it is the Lord who holds His pillars firm – and boy is there ever a lot of shaking going on.  Amen?  As He holds us firm in place, we are immovable in Him and all the junk falls off.  But I have to ask you something if you don’t mind…  Are you so hidden in Jesus that when all quakes beneath you are you – unshakeable or do you, make sure others shake with you?  I know that is an odd question, isn’t it?  Let me clarify… Those firm pillars the Lord holds, do not negatively influence those in close proximity to themselves when they are being tried and tested… I guess we could call that toxicity that spreads from one to another.  Are we seeking Jesus when we are upset, knowing only He can help us in our time of need or do we make sure everyone knows we are unhappy so they are unhappy too? 

I hope we can see how at times we are no better than those instilling riots when we challenge one another?  We may not be using weapons of force made of wood and stone… But remember, words are weapons too.  True repentance of the heart changes us in ways unexplainable so that we produce/demonstrate humility.  Humility of the heart gains joyful pleasure in serving someone however possible.   It is the Jesus way of walking the Earth, He leads, we follow.  If someone gains more pleasure in ruling over and instructing someone – that is a key indicator they are being led by pride/ego.  So the shaking will last a little longer and be a little more forceful, increasing each and every time. 

Colossians 3:12 says – As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

What a beautiful word – so many of you wear these attributes so well, you are stunning really.  “Clothe” here means to hide yourself in, be covered by or rather when someone sees us, they should not see us at all, instead when we arrive some place, in should walk:  compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience. 

You know, if we are not a part of the solution, we are a part of the problem.  Are we adding blessing to other’s lives – should be a daily goal we set to accomplish with the Lord each day, praying Lord open the eyes of our hearts, show us the truth of ourselves in that we may surrender fully to You.  As it reads in James 4:6 – He gives us more grace… God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.  When we are granted grace, it just pours out of us to others.  I know we’ve talked about mercy a lot, yet grace is not something we have really discussed much have we?  As I was studying for today’s broadcast I thought to myself – I am not sure if I even understand “grace” enough to speak on it – its funny how we seek so much wisdom on the biggest of matters, while overlooking the simplicity found in Jesus… those things He counted worthy in the Kingdom, often get overshadowed because they do not seem so profound…

GRACE – is actually a condition of one’s heart by the divine influence of Holiness, in which a heart is eternally grateful towards the Lord in which the person exhibits sweetness and love to others.  Grace is also tied to joy, being a gift to others, a pleasure to be around, one who is delightful, showing goodwill, mercy and lovingkindness.

And as we just read a minute ago – Who fills us with grace?  God.  He gives more grace to His own humble children, while He opposes the proud.  By His favor He pours out grace upon His favorite children.  And who are His favorites?  The humble, needy, the least of these, the broken with a contrite spirit.  You see… Everything is backwards in the Kingdom isn’t it?  Or maybe a better way to state that is… Everything is backwards on Earth and since we are not of this World…. We feel daily like we are swimming upstream, don’t we?

When we are clothed/hidden in humility – basically knowing we deserve nothing and yet attain everything because of Jesus saving us from ourselves – The Father pours out into us His merciful kindness through touching us with Holy hands, influencing our souls which actually turn our hearts towards Jesus and He holds us securely right there in that place to keep us, strengthen us, increases our faith walk so all the knowledge, affection and attention is set on the Lord above everything else.  He kindles a flame within our heart and fans it as well divinely by His spirit and grace so we become by His willful hand virtuous lights here on Earth to cast away all darkness in our presence.  Like I said before – we can alter a room by entering it – for the good or the bad, that is just how influential we really are upon the Earth.

1 Corinthians 15:16 says ~ But by the grace of God, I am what I am… Wow, isn’t that the truth?  Without the Lord and His grace covering and indwelling us, we would be so off course.  Amen?

This certainly makes it much more clear why Paul and even us at times, have that thorn (painful irritant) to our flesh – which is actually placed there to keep us humble…  Let’s read quick the rest of the story in 2 Corinthians 12:8-9 ~ Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me.  But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  Therefore, I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so the Christ’s power may rest on me.

Amazing… Just amazing!  His JOY, COMFORT, PLEASURE, MERCY, LOVINGKINDNESS, ETC…  All those things we just discussed being poured into us BY HIM is enough for us – so says the Lord.  He wants us in a weakened state so that — HE BECOMES OUR ONLY SOURCE of strength, which is how His power is perfected within us – we are to boast on our weakness with gladness to receive more and more of Him upon us.

Seeing this now, sure makes one ashamed for ever complaining about anything – or at least it does me.  I am so thankful for this study because it unraveled a lot of preconceived notions I had or was taught by men regarding grace.  Thank You Lord.  Again… grace cannot be earned… It is attained one way – through humility or rather, having no pride – (thinking you are anyone’s solution or even have a solution, are chosen to instruct, correct, rebuke, etc…)  In this season – all of that is like dung… During this current season we are in – only one clothing item can be worn… humility.  And His children will have humility by the way – either we strip down naked and bare admitting we are poor and blind or He will do it for us or even a combination of both – which seems to be the case for me personally, anyway.

The season of “thus sayeth the Lord” and beating people over the head with Bibles has long passed… How do we know?  The World is doing that now…  Spiritual manifestations always happen in the church body first then transfer over to the World – we see it all the time…  Does that makes sense?  If not, we can talk about this a little more, just let me know.  Everything with the Father is cyclical and prompts one thing to follow another, like dominoes falling…  Father to Heavens/Earth to His people to inhabitants of the Earth…  Everything He does begins in the Spiritual and manifests in the natural. 

I found something so amazing to share with you all, mainly because it reminded me of so many of you.  1 Peter 4:10 says ~ Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in various forms.  Each of you are like walking, talking, giving gifts!  You are given to others as a gift to compliment their lives with a little bit of Jesus and what is so amazing is no one can do this wrong because it is in various forms we give to one another based on what He put into us to share…  For some it is JOY, others LOVE, WISDOM, DISCERNMENT, PRAYERS, GUIDANCE, ENCOURAGMENT, FINANCIAL BLESSINGS/PROVISIONS, COMPASSION, etc…  Whatever you have been freely given, you give to others and it is what strengthens you… When we give out of the heart our joy is made full because it originates with the grace of God put into us, so much so… we cannot hold it inside… AND WHO IS THIS?  The humble faithful stewards of God, which is so many of you, yay!

2 Corinthians 8:7 says ~ Since you excel in everything – faith, speech, knowledge, complete earnestness and in love – see that you also excel in this grace of giving.  So, everything we have that is good from Him, the Father of all lights – is to be shared with others –we were created to GIVE! 

Lastly, I know you are familiar with this verse in Ephesians 4:8-9, saying ~ It is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and THIS IS NOT FROM YOURSELVES, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can boast.

Again, by LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LOVINGKINDNESS, WISDOM, ENCOURAGEMENT, GUIDANCE, COMPASSION, PROVISIONS, ETC… we were saved but did you hear it?  We have it but it did not come from us… IT WAS A GIFT FROM GOD and could never be earned by works so no one can boast on themselves. 

The reason I shared that, besides the obvious is…  the Lord showed me something I believe is totally gonna put to rest some of your worrisome hearts about your loved ones who might be opposing God or even opposed by Him at the moment, which is:  He uses us as a gift of Him in their lives so they see Him, but listen, He told me to pray for those I am concerned about to be rained upon with His favor and grace in order they be saved too.  I have been quite lacking in this area, not sure about you all?  Actually, the whole World needs more grace covering them at this very moment.  The Lord reminded me Friday night – too many are seeking wisdom, rather than seeking Jesus and the shaking will not stop until His children seek first His Son.  Hence, the thorn, the flesh in pain, the suffering, the grace, the salvation of the proud by bowed knee and humbled heart to never depart from Him again… Grace, how sweet the sound and to think after all these years I never knew just how sweet and full of purpose it actually is.  Thank You Lord Jesus for Your simplicity in times we live in such tangled messes the World has no way out of no matter how hard they try.  We need You now Lord.

I tried this experiment… I started demonstrating grace to those who were irritating to me, even when I didn’t feel like it – do you know what happened?  Grace was instantly returned back to me BY THE LORD and no matter how they responded, I felt better inside and all that was at the Lord’s hands.  So I am wondering if some of you all would like to try that experiment over the next week?  Instead of challenging others who are maybe being challenging themselves… Be “graceful” in your interactions with them and see what happens!  Whether you affect a change within them, you are going to be amazed at the change within you.

So let’s take what we have learned so far and apply it into our own lives so that we become immovable pillars of light in these last days we occupy.  Let’s surrender to the filter of grace the Lord has granted us so nothing unclean proceeds out of our mouths another day.  As we apply this principal to our lives, we will be a gift to others rather than a hindrance.  Truthfully, we have developed some very nasty habits that we’ve picked up along the way which do not reflect Jesus and His mannerisms at all and I do not even think we are aware of what we are doing sometimes, until we take a step back and look at ourselves in truth comparing ourselves to Jesus and how He went forth unto the Earth.

When we exhibit these qualities it is more evident than we know our chrislikeness is hampered, let’s go over a few of these habits:

  • Provoking others – is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit and often done to challenge others.  We may ask provoking questions we think we already know the answer to or refuse to hold our tongues when we do not agree with someone – speaking when the Lord did not call upon us to speak.  Never once, does it say in the Word to provoke others unto Salvation.  That is man’s way, not the Lord’s.  As a matter of fact the Word says – father’s provoke not your children unto wrath… But this Scripture doesn’t just stop with father to children, it actually needs to be applied towards our own personal interactions with others and when it isn’t put under the subjection of Christ – we will generate strife, envy and other evil works.
  • Conformity – Is another bad habit we’ve developed in which we define whether someone is following Jesus only if they are following us – what we believe, what we practice, the truth that’s been revealed to us, our works, etc…  Knowing every single person is only accountable for the measurement of truth/faith they have been granted at any given moment – it should not be our concern to keep people on our straight and narrow path, which is individualized.  Jesus is the only AUTHOR and FINISHER of everyone’s faith… He knows how to save, when to save and who is saved.  His body conforms individually to Him and He will form His body of believers Himself.  There is One Head and it is Him… it is time for the rest of the body to stop slaying one another over talents, wisdom, gifts, knowledge, sins, spots on garments, etc…  Where one member is lacking the other can compliment as all see through a glass dimly – none is greater than another, so we should not demand or demean one conforming to Christ inwardly differently than us.  No one is doomed just because they are not following in our footsteps, only His and even at that, I would never speak it to someone… None are perfected yet, therefore, how could we even begin to judge?
  • Boasting on anyone but Jesus – For some reason we just can’t seem to stop lifting ourselves up in one way or another.  It is time to just portray Jesus, knowing a part from Him we can do nothing…   We all do it by the way, let’s just be more self-aware when we do and imply a course correction immediately.
  • Agreeing with others to love them – We have been stuck on this one for a long time… Jesus loved all, whether they agreed with Him or not and we are commanded to love those we do not agree with – as a matter of fact, we really struggle feeling loved when someone does not agree with us personally.  I think we do better at loving others who disagree with us than we do with not being offended when someone disagrees with us – and that’s pride.  Anytime we are offended, we are not walking in Spirit and Truth.  I haven’t quite figured out how to not get offended and yet thankfully I know to run to Jesus as soon as I am and bridle my tongue instead of giving others a tongue lashing – many of you all are right with me on this work the Lord is doing – so don’t give up!  He will cleanse us and we will eventually get to the place where we love all, just like He does, whether they offend us or not.  Spiritual immaturity reveals itself when we expect others to rise to our given truth.
  • Gossiping and backbiting under the guise of prayer – We at times will have loose lips about others when they are struggling by asking someone to pray for them.  We are all guilty on this one probably… We have one mediator in Heaven, Jesus and when we want to pray for someone it is He who ushers us in before the Father – even in prayer He is all we need.  We really can’t use where two or three are gathered in My Name solely for prayer in this case.  That particular Scripture is actually referencing the handling of church disputes and fellowship.  So just be very careful regarding details, knowing prayer is not an excuse to air someone’s dirty laundry – the Spirit already knows what they have need of – we can pray without all the dirty details, by lifting them up to the throne in loving intercession.
  • Secret Sin and hating those who sin differently than us – We are really bad about this sometimes… It is like we gloss over the temptations we still deal with, while calling for a full intercessory deliverance team to pounce on someone struggling with an issue we do not personally have.  On the same lines, we cover sin a lot still don’t we?  It is like we will put others to an open shame, while keeping secrets about ourselves hidden in fear they will come out. 
  • Calling evil good and good evil – when it suits our preference.  We really sound like the serpent himself when we do this… because what really comes out is:  God didn’t surely say… fill in the blank.  Ummm, yes He did.  Take fornication for example, since everyone has practiced it either in the mind or actions… We like to convince others we have not fornicated if we aren’t doing it at the moment – the truth is, if God says its evil, its evil – best to just admit it and be truthful than to ignore it.  Christians do this all the time with their chosen idol at the moment – the idol can get away with things others cannot in their eyes… they will call his evil good, because he is their idol.  On the other hand, quite often when someone does something good, if it is out of character for them or if we see no goodness within them – we will call everything they do evil – I see this a lot inside the ministry due to envy and competition, Lord have mercy its really bad, especially when politics is involved.
  • Ruling and Reigning now – Which is reserved for a future time, when our eyes are fully open and the veil of flesh is torn and we are changed becoming as we are known by Him fully.  Right now inside the church we have too many heads and not enough servants and all they talk about is ruling and reigning with Jesus that it has gone to their head to the point while casting imagined demons out of people they have cast all the people out of the church.  The church nowadays is oppressive to most Jesus followers, let alone sinners.  If we don’t want to enter in, why would a sinner feel welcome.  Wake up call – only Jesus rules over His sheep, not our job.
  • Being Savior – Taking the blame or benefit of any soul saved or lost… Thinking ourselves so important the Lord cannot or will not save someone without our immaculate presence or influence.  Or on the reverse of this, blaming ourselves for not doing enough to save someone – both is prideful.  Only Jesus saves, we serve – big difference.
  • Preaching the Word instead of Sharing it – This is a huge one – we share in the bread of life, Jesus, the Word made flesh – partaking together – it is a give and take between His Body, a little child will lead them is a good Scripture reference.  Preaching “at” someone is prideful at best.  Sharing the Word with one another draws us into unity.  We see a lot of wanna be preachers on social media and in chatrooms, most lack the essential piece to preaching which is loving compassion and humility.
  • Measuring and weighing in on others faith – Everyone is given a seed of faith and only Jesus knows what is precisely contained within that seed.  Faith is a learned response to walking through fire and making it to the other side unscathed by learning with Him to overcome all things.  It’s a step by step process and just because we have overcome something which another has not walked out yet – does not mean we have greater faith, but rather greater experience in that area to believe and should never be a self boasting point.  The Father gives the increase of each seed.  Faith in Jesus being Lord impresses the Father, which is not event based, so no need to compare faith with faith based on human’s terms.
  • Accusing the Brethren – We really see this going on a lot and yet to some degree ignore it is within us.  When the flesh of someone else irritates our own flesh, rather than taking it to Jesus we will take it to others and accuse them of that particular irritant.  Quite often when this happens we either have overcome a sin they are still caught in or it was a struggle they have in which we never did so being void of compassion we think – why can’t they just stop it… Either way – it is not good to join with the voice of the enemy to bring another person down.  We all are a work in progress and need reminders that our Lord is merciful and full of grace to the sinner and the saint no matter the struggle.
  • Accusing the devil for our own consequences – I do not think a day goes by I do not witness this by someone somewhere.  Every choice humans make come with a consequence – good or bad and quite often we are in a pivotal place where the Lord allows us to feel the pain of our actions so that we can in truth go and sin no more – calling out to Him for help in our time of need.  Instead of seeking repentance, we will blame the devil for things he is simply not doing.  Much more accountability and responsibility is needed within the body of Christ to grow… Suffering for our own actions produces spiritual strength, growth, maturity and knowing Jesus.  The devil isn’t making anyone do anything – we choose to do wrong and also, he has no authority over us unless granted by the Father.  Remember, he had to get permission to sift Peter as wheat and Jesus said, “don’t you know he desires you?”  Disobedience will always separate us from the Lord – and is permissible so we run back to our covering found in Jesus.  The enemy may desire us, but he cannot influence us without our own freewill seeking what he is offering and the Lord allowing his hand upon our lives.

Well now… You heard that laundry lists of shortcomings, guess what?  They are mine – you all can make your own if you so desire or maybe, quite possibly we share in some or all of them, I don’t know.  But lately, I despise my own fleshly ways so much and to be honest other’s even more at times.  Sometimes, it is so overwhelming I want to run away, right out of this skin so to speak and it also makes me want to disengage from the masses of people who are hell bent on finding flaws with others.  The Lord showed me yesterday when I or any of us step into a place of being a faultfinder we lose our peace, running to and fro joining arms with the devil seeing who we can devour.  And why?  Why would I do that or why would you do that – I know I am not alone in this shortcoming?  Lack of grace… lack of joy and pleasure in the Lord – Who is to be our only source of true happiness.  So we try to alter things which influence us outwardly – like status, weight, beauty, influence, anointing’s, knowledge, and so forth.  Like little children deprived of oxygen we stomp our feet demanding to matter.  God forbid we see the truth we already matter to the Only One Who does matter… Jesus.  In His eyes, I am okay – you are okay, more than okay really.  We have gotten so desperate at times that if negative attention is all that we can get, we will take it – because to be ignored is just too much.  How did the church lose so much ground in such a short amount of time, I often wonder?  It feels like one day we will look back and say… The church of the 20th century was the worst of the church and the best of the church, I suppose that is because the Lord is forcing decisions to be made, people are being weighed and marked…  And so it has begun, the days of sorrows are upon us and there’s no turning back now.

Remember… Grace wins, love prevails and the good always outweighs the bad.  Someday “they” will see – a promise I keep holding onto each day.  “They” will see you were loved with a fervency unmatched on Earth – that you were loved with an everlasting and permanent love, so hold fast to Jesus, He is coming soon and remember YOU the least of these are His reward – which is really hard to comprehend because I find it hard to believe much of myself would be counted as a reward to anyone, let alone the King of Kings.  But since He declared it as so, we must believe it – I just know He has a lot of work cut out to do before I am deemed a reward like that.  I am sure some of you all can relate.

When I had my one and only encounter with Jesus… It was like I was here but not here, but listen someone could have come up to me and said – hey, I am gonna cut your hand off and I would have said… oh okay… lol…  Boy I sure wish I could live in that realm 24-7… Nothing, I mean nothing can touch you, provoke you, move you or anything in His presence like that.  No weapon formed against you can prosper in that place because you no longer care if it does… lol… It is like in that realm offense/suffering doesn’t exist – someone could be hysterically suffering and you would not be emotionally driven – you would just comfort them in love while doing all you can to assist and encourage – but never, ever would you influence by demand,… Just compassionate love prevails and covers, knowing we can’t add to or take away from Jesus’s permissible hand upon another child of His.  I actually could talk about that moment all day long and not do it justice.  In that place, what’s mine is yours, what’s yours in mine – as we all share in the love of Jesus together.  Wow, I long for that to permeate the Earth and the church every single day, and all I can do is my small and tiny part at the moment and still continually fall short in so many ways.

Spiritually speaking the World is sooooo very noisy to me at the moment that I can barely hear myself think.  I know some of you are picking up on it – rather than contributing to it.  Most voices are so harsh, clanging cymbals due to lack of love in their hearts.  For those of us very sensitive in the Spirit, we must cling to only that which is good right now – Jesus.  Don’t ever, ever take our eyes off of Him and remember, He is the still, small voice we listen for and follow.  We have to be so very careful who we hear right now or agitation will occur within us.  So we must just sit still and wait upon the Holy Spirit, communing with the Lord in our secret place. 

Now with that being said…  I have the honor and privledge to encourage so many beautiful children of God – in which they are a real gift and blessing in my life, beyond imagination.  I call them the precious ones – because they are… those like my beautiful sisters who bring such joy to my life.  And there are so many others who we are surrounded by each day that compliment us, being of one accord, seeking Jesus with all that we are together.  You all are simply walking gifts of grace to me and one another and I praise Jesus for you in my life.

Your fellowship reminds me of ~ Acts 4:31-33

31 And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spake the word of God with boldness.

32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.

33 And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all.

And the rest of the chapter goes on to explain how they took care of one another and none of them were in lack whatsoever because distribution was made according to everyone’s need… How beautiful is that?  Brother keeping brother, sister keeping sister… what a dream that would be, but because of many of you we get a little taste of this on Earth now.

When we are filled with the Holy Ghost, we are able to speak the Lord’s word with boldness, meaning openly, in freedom, without reservation, plainly and without anyone one getting offended. 

When we gather together and share the same convictions of the heart and soul founded in Jesus alone – in truth, authentically realizing nothing we have is by our own accomplishments then we have all things in common, so grace is upon us all.

We too can share in these upper room moments anytime we are yielded to the Holy Spirit.  When we surrender in fullness to the Lord the Holy Spirit will yoke us together, forming an unbreakable bond that transcends physical reality.  I believe although we only currently are getting glimpse of this now… Momentarily it will be the new normal for the Body of Christ as HE APPOINTS, not us appointing others or self-electing like it is some political office.  I also do not believe it is just a given right or entitlement…  On this one, the last are really, really going to be first and all the wise in their own eyes are gonna be in derision over it.  So hold on – all of you who resemble the little engine that could… chugging up the mountain at a snail’s pace, barely holding on and running out of steam.  Remember – Although the Lord tarries, He is right on time and you are most definitely not forgotten

Lastly, before I go – the Lord directed me to read with you Psalm 2 ~ I know we have studied this before, but He just kept pressing this into my Spirit – so let’s see if He shows us more today!

Psalm 2 ~

Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against his anointed, saying,

Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure.

Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion.

I will declare the decree: the Lord hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.

Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel.

10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth.

11 Serve the Lord with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

You see the oppositional conflict here?  We have heathens raging in derision with a call that has gone out for them to fall in love with Jesus – to be blessed when we trust only in Him and the heart change which manifests when we do.

One last thing… All my life and especially the past five years or so… I have had religious people come and go in my life making me a nervous wreck at times telling me to do this or do that – that this is wrong and that isn’t and so forth.  The truth is we already have within a knowing of what is right and wrong – we just often choose to ignore it and sometimes we listen to the accuser rather than our lifesaver.  Jesus will always show us the narrow path before us, leading us in the way to walk in it and when we cannot, He carries us.  Everything I shared today, are simply suggestions – just words to encourage you to seek Him for more…  I have no answers really, just experience in what has and has not worked in my life, so I can be a blessing to someone, if only one – to maybe not stay in that place of darkness, swirling over and over in a whirlwind – but rather see freedom much quicker than I have in certain areas.

The Lord did give me a word for someone today – If you are continually sick, upset and in turmoil, like you feel afflicted all the time check your own heart and what is flowing out of it because how you treat others is coming back to you and you think it is the enemy attacking you because you have closed your eyes and clogged your ears to hear what the Spirit is saying directly to you  to soften your heart.  Although it is true the enemy is sifting you – it is because you continually sift others with your words and actions while portraying yourself as a victim. 

I can’t really say the Lord has ever had me share something like that before on air – only in private, but He was very insistent.  Maybe it was for one or many, I have no idea, nor do I need too.  Just please consider what He spoke, if you are led to do so and lay it to heart or this season you are in will not pass until you humbly see and confess your own faults rather than others, so your sins may be blotted out, making you white as snow.

A baptism of fire is coming… Jesus is coming to bring fire upon the Earth, wishing it was already kindled.  We have just today… the past is gone, tomorrow is uncertain, but today is the day of Salvation – today is the day we have to surrender to Him with our whole hearts which will inevitably affect all of our tomorrows, blotting out the residue of our past.

Let’s pray ~

Heavenly and merciful Father.  We just thank You with all that we are that You love us unconditionally and haven’t given up on us yet.  Even when we give up on ourselves or one another You are with is and do not turn away from us.  We thank You for redeeming us from every toxicity which taints our souls, knowing a part from You we can do nothing and even with You we struggle almost every single day.  Lord thank You for the loving and forgiveness You show to us in our frailties as humans.  Thank You for teaching us the ways of Jesus and guiding us by the Holy Spirit to stay on the straight and narrow path.  Great is Your faithfulness Father as Your ways are so far reaching and beyond what we can even imagine.  This World needs You now more than ever Lord, there are so many hurting souls acting out in the only way that seems right to them.  We ask that You permeate the hearts and minds of those Who do not know You and do not know the purity of Your love.  Even sometimes myself Lord, I do not know Your love as I should.  We all question why we are here sometimes and yet You forgive and embrace.  So glorious Father, by Your Spirit and through Your blameless Son Jesus I ask for Your divine hand to continue to bring Heaven to Earth in Your perfect will so every knee bows and tongue confesses Jesus is Lord.  Thank You Lord for teaching us more about grace today and for revealing to us ways in which we have not been so graceful with one another and with those who are struggling just as we do.  We do not know what tomorrow brings, but through it all we trust You are in all our tomorrows – keeping us close, to love us, not to destroy us.  You are a very, very good Father, forgive us for not always seeing the beauty of Your majesty.  May all that we do, say and think be a reflection of Jesus, as a lighted hand and a love filled heart, moved continually by compassion to be our brother’s keeper.  Lord help us to actually search for ways to be Your hands and feet, looking continually for an opportunity to embrace and love all of the human race, which is the only race You see Lord.  Give us a boldness in humility to speak for the broken ones, as we rise to the calling You have set before us.  And may Jesus be glorified above all else in our lives, for only He is worthy of praise and in His precious name I pray.  Amen

Thank you so very much for worshiping the Lord with me today, I pray it blessed you in some small way like it did me.  Amazing grace – how sweet the sound… We sure need more grace upon us to deflect all the noise flooding our hearts and ears each day.  Keep clinging to that which is good — Jesus!

When Bad Things Happen To Good People ~ Broadcast Transcript from May 31, 2020

Good morning blessings, thank you for joining me today on this ROF ministry broadcast.  Today is a solemn day it would seem.  A day in which we call for an assembly to gather around, to plead with the Father to intervene when the truth of man’s hearts are revealed to surface such hatred and murder – and I often wonder how much more heartbreak my own heart can withstand.  Jesus wept, being moved by compassion and my heart weeps these past few days due to compassion, as well.  I may be dressed right now, but spiritually I am wearing sackcloth and ashes – desperate times do call for desperate measures.  These certainly are the days of sorrows, aren’t they?  At the moment I don’t find anything funny, joyful or happy – the Lord has told us to mourn with those who mourn…  Sometimes I want to just walk right out of my skin – I was saying yesterday, how I am ashamed to be a white person.  If that is offensive to anyone, I am sorry – yet, not sorry.  Because it is how I am feeling and I like to keep things real.  Most of you know me by now…  I don’t put on religious fronts or spiritual coverings to look holy and high… I’m done with man telling me how to be, how to feel or even if I am to feel…  I pray you all are getting to that place too, where the only one you desire to please or the One Who formed you, fearfully and wonderfully – just as you are and who you are, the real you – that has emotions, dreams, is raw and bare, with all layers and facades – is who you really are – I love that person in you – just YOU, before the World told you who to be and man got his unholy fingertips on you, forming you into something tainted by influences outside of the forces of love.

Those who love…. Look weak and are perceived less than all the time.  I mean those who don’t just say love, but are love.  The peacemakers, the pure, the poor in spirit, those that mourn and hunger and thirst for righteousness, who show mercy at every turn and are persecuted for meekness and seek peace with all men.  They are reviled for innocence and never seek revenge or war.  These are those who always reflect within when turmoil comes to their doorstep, not seeing through the construct of offense.  They don’t provoke, as a matter of fact they often suffer in silence and will walk a mile to avoid an argument.  These are who we are going to talk a little about today because they are a few of you – very few, as a matter of fact and believe me you do not go unnoticed.  Not by me you don’t and if others would admit it – you are admired by many who you confound.  They want to be like you and can’t, so they try to manipulate and form you into their image.  Sometimes you do give way to the pressure don’t you but it is short lived because YOU are one of the little ones Jesus will never lose out of His hand.  You are precious in His sight and He continually watches over you – You have angels guarding your every move, insuring the innocence and purity of you stays intact.  When others mess with you, they are messing with the apple of His eye and one day, the whole World will be judged by how they treated you – good or bad, rewards and sentences will be handed out on your behalf.  In some sort of way you are the temptation to do good or evil people are presented with when they come face to face with you.  What is done to you – is actually done to Jesus, Himself.  Chances are you don’t even know this about yourself because you just simply follow the Lamb wherever He goes, having no guile or rather bitterness within the inside of you – no vengeance to repay, no axe to grind or hateful or snide remark.  You will find these little ones in the most secret of places.  They are hidden as the homeless on the streets, they are in bars and behind bars, they are prostitutes and drug addicts, they sit in pews and some are fearful to venture to places where man rules over others, they are disembodied and some are disabled, they are fatherless children and single mothers, widows who have been put away by many husbands and our broken brothers.  They are red and yellow and black and white – they are the castaways, Messiah’s misfits, the rejected and nullified… The ones that are no Earthly good, tossed and thrown away.  The religious see them as lepers – which can be spiritual or physical, wounds no priest or holy person desire to touch.  Whether that be of the heart or body, we are not too pretty to be placed upon the holy alters of the religious.  Inside us is a soul crying out – Can I just be me?  And all the religious echoes chime in – take up your bed and walk…  They spit words on us as they pass by to their self-imposed synagogues while they see the obvious sins of us – like wandering stars they hide their own.   If this is you – You are the beautiful ones, the blessed ones, you are the one who Jesus leaves all 99 for to come after just you.  That is just how precious you are as His lost sheep.  Do you know why?  Because of your heart.  Your heart is precious, it is meek and lowly, moldable in His hands – You are the exact one He seeks to use to be His hands and feet.  YOU are chosen to be entrusted with something He cannot trust another with.  Do you know what that is?  The hearts of those He so dearly loves.  He knows due to your sensitive nature to love, He can send His most prized possessions to you to love and cherish.  You have gone through so much in your own life and yet you seek no one to blame.  You have seen God and died, to the flesh that is, because you know already you not worthy to be saved.  You are the ones who pick up your cross of suffering daily, the one in the crowd who would only stand up to carry the cross of another if it meant they could take another step.  You are seen by Him and not heard by the masses as competition does not rule in your ego, knowing there is only One Who is right and He is way above your paygrade.  You avoid debate and strife while your heart cries out on behalf of those caught in the crosshairs of death.  Chances are this very moment your heart is breaking for the chaos and confusion, crying come Lord Jesus come and you don’t have words to describe His appearing or dictating how – just pleading for His intervention to deliver and rescue a lost a dying World that you certainly do not belong in, but here you are.  You do not seek to save your own life and know this World is not your home, you never fit in with the ways of the World or the devices of men.  You are homesick almost every day, with a longing no human can explain and yet are shamed for it.  You are His, He is yours – you have truly found the one who your soul loves – Jesus, being redeemed out of the World, although still in it, you whole-heartedly are not of it. 

If I described you just now… I have a promise for you, found in Mathew 5 called The Beatitudes.  These are special words Jesus spoke to His very close and personal friends… His disciples, the called out ones, the chosen ones, the ones He handpicked by the gauge of their hearts – those who had a heart of a servant which reflected His own, moldable, free of preconceived religious knowledge or were wise in their own eyes. 

Before Jesus spoke the Sermon on the Mount – as many call it, the Word calls these, the Beatitudes – He passed through the multitudes of people who were following Him, going up onto the mountain, inviting only His disciples to join Him that day.  So that is what I am going to do, as well…  This message is more for my fellow disciples of Christ.  The word disciple actually stems from the word “discipline.”  A disciple of Jesus, simply has a student’s servant’s heart for Him as teacher and longs for the discipline of the Lord.  Of course, we can add a lot more to that statement, but in simplicity a disciple sits at His feet in surrendered submission inwardly of the heart. 

So He gathered only them around Himself and began to speak to them what it looks like to “reflect the mark of the higher calling.”  And with that higher calling one loses their own mind, will, emotions, desires, plans – pulled into the Kingdom of Heaven, leaving all things behind to follow Jesus.  It is not just words, it is action – a walk to lay down your life fully – no longer your own, having been bought with a price – knowing the only reward you will receive on this side of Heaven is Jesus.  It is for those who can hold onto that promise each and everyday when the boat is rockin in the storm of your life. 

One of the reasons I love the Beatitudes is how comforting the message here is to the soul.  When reading this Scripture one must let go of the mind, becoming one in heart and soul with Jesus.  With each portion of this scripture there is an anointed promise to those who follow Him and seek Him within the innermost part of our beings – which is the seat of desire – our hearts.

Only the pure in heart can see Him because He is pure.  All flesh is destroyed in His presence, no flesh is saved in the presence of holiness of the incorruptible.  The word tells us to guard our hearts because out of it flows all our issues.  I guess you could say our hearts speak the truth of us in ways words do not, our actions are led by the heart, reflective in all that we do.  Actions define what resides within us as truth.  We may say we love Jesus or even others, but our hearts are far from Him and others when our actions do not align with our speech.  This is why I do not like empty promises… the intent of something is not the truth unless it manifests the fruit promised or spoken, otherwise it is an idle word, falling to the ground, withered and dead. 

  • When we are after God’s own heart – we follow after HIM, we hunger for more of Him in that we become God centric and all our desires set us apart from the World – what we hunger for, dream about, thirst for reflect His righteous ways.  The Lord desires our whole hearts to be His, not just a portion of us, but all of us.
  • Rules are seated in the mind along with knowledge – to know about the Lord or His word is not definitive of a relationship of knowing HIM – knowing about Him does not replace knowing Him.  Knowledge about Him is good of course, but remember He is after the heart, not the mind.  Analytical minds are confounded by His ways, words, teachings, etc…  But those who worship Him in spirit and truth have nothing held back from them because they receive of Him fully.
  • The Word tells us the Lord judges the intentions of our hearts – meaning is what we say and do sincere or for self-gain.  Is it for His glory alone because He has His rightful placement on the throne of our hearts?
  • When He is on the throne – our love is deepened towards Him and others, He becomes the single object of our affection over anyone else – He stirs this awakened longing within us as we seek Him so that we may thirst and be quenched by the source of love itself – Him, so that we are satisfied, never looking for other lovers to fill that void, which only He can sustain.
  • The closer we get to Jesus – we supernaturally begin to separate from all that does not align with Him – it is a freeing and breaking process that is need based as we sever all ties with unholy alliances, unpermitted in the Kingdom of God.
  • Trials of this life draw us ever so nearer to Jesus so this love is genuine within us, when the heart is pure – exposure no longer is an issue because darkness cannot remain where light resides.  In this process we let go and let God, no longer seeking to hide in fear of darkness exposed.  Those with nothing to hide, hide nothing, including being exposed.  It is the deceit of the heart which seeks to remain hidden and yet all stand before Him with unveiled faces, laid bare and exposed so the truth of who we are remains.  Idols are stripped in that no self, pride or hierarchy objects have placement over Him.  Trials purify anything not of Him out of us.
  • The purity of the heart is as maintained by the Holy Spirit as gills are to fish in order to breathe as everything must cross the barrier of the Holy Spirit to enter inside us after we have surrendered to Him.  To the pure all things are pure by this principal.
  • The new creature is overjoyed by His presence in new ways, as who the Lord sets free is free indeed – free from all that binds and tears down, moving by and with the Holy Spirit.  Often saying no, when we want to say yes or sitting still when we want to go.  I have found the Spirit is quite often in opposition with what I want to say or do.
  • Our pleasure is found secretly in righteousness, the passion of the Lord is very sweetly gentle and unmatched here on Earth and we don’t really have Earthly words to describe it to another – it is just a knowing, once you’ve tasted His presence of the Heavenly gift.  And how do you know?  Well, I can always tell who has been in His presence and touched by how they respond in adversity.  A heart that has been touched by Him, responds way differently than one which was not when faced with stressful situations.  Many speak of being in His presence, but when the pressure comes the truthful offense spills out.
  • The called out ones deny men to embrace Jesus and He will not deny us before His Father in Heaven, just as He promised.
  • Our hearts are the only thing of preciousness we have to offer to our Lord which is worth anything of value to Him.  Once our heart is securely in His hands it becomes the seat we sit upon in which we desire to please only Him, in order we overcome all temptation here on Earth.
  • When we actually see God as He is, we begin to choose to serve Him each and everyday.  He is the first thing on our minds in the morning and the last thing on them before we go to sleep at night.  It is in Him we move and have our being.  Our eyes are then opened to see Him just as He is – present in every storm we trust He is Sovereign and all knees bow before Him whether they want to or not.  Every tongues confesses He is Lord whether they recognize it or not.  Every creature that has breath praises Him whether they choose to or not… No one or no thing can actually deny His Sovereignty, even though they try with all their might – HE STILL AND ALWAYS WILL permit all things to exist and prevail or fail by His own design.  He is God and we are not.  Period. 
  • His disciples believe in the mind and worship Him with the heart – different, but same all at the same time.  Unity of the Spirit unto perfection.

The Word in Mathew 5 goes on to explain how we are the –

Salt of the Earth – just right to season, not too much – people turn away, we are too harsh and too bold.  Not too little – where we do or say nothing, non-effective and mundane.  But just right… speaking when we are to speak, keeping silent when it is time to be silent.

It also speaks of being a “light” to the World – not hidden under a bushel where no one can see but to light up the whole house.  Again – do we hide silent scared to speak the truth in love?  No, we are to let our light shine before men, so they may see our good works to glorify who?  Our Father in Heaven – not to glorify self, but only Him.  Speaking of works, He gave me a word the other day saying… “Do we have works or does works have us?”  In other words – anything we do or say should be glorifying only to Him, if we are doing or saying anything to elevate us personally – works has a grip on us.  Our works here on Earth are actually to be rewarded in Heaven where they cannot be destroyed.  Anything Earthly bound will be consumed and destroyed – including works.  Remember, He is going to reward us openly one day in view of all men.  Amen.

He reminds us in verse 17 that He did not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it – which means to abide by it – many like to teach we are off the hook from the Law, no we aren’t…. We just simply have an easier way in Jesus to follow it now and coverage of mercy and grace when we can’t or fall into sin, which is practically every single day.  We now have an advocate with the Father when we fail and continually fall short of His glory.  We cannot ignore or bypass the Law, we just are covered to accomplish it now, in Jesus it is easy to fulfill the Law and when we don’t He picks us up, cleans us off and we keep walking with Him, step by step, day by day, forgiven and free for His mercies are new every morning.

Verse 18 has a severe warning we must heed – If we do break a commandment or even teach others to do so we will be the least in the Kingdom – but if we DO and TEACH THEM – we are called great in the Kingdom.  Verse 19 says unless our righteousness EXCEEDS the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.  So let’s back up a minute… remember we talked at the beginning about Jesus passing through the multitudes and speaking directly to the disciples?  We are finally seeing the solution….  The Multitudes represent those who speak the righteous talk and don’t walk it out (self-righteous) – the disciples are disciplined, remember?  They do and teach the commandments and point to Jesus every single time as the covering of sin – sealed in His righteousness – we may still sin occasionally, but confess and learn by His disciplining hand, freedom to go and sin no more.  Going and sinning no more is a royalty of those in the Kingdom when the desire to sin is removed, rather than the object of the sin being removed.  One is surrendered the other is to rule over.

For example – we do not murder due to lack of opportunity, but rather due to a changed heart that never seeks to murder someone.  ALL SIN IS THE SAME.  Yes?  The Father does not grade sin, sin is sin, whether it be murder or provoking someone…  So inch by inch for some of us slow learners, we are learning to go and sin no more not because it is covered but because it is purged.  Once purged we despise that which tainted us so much we will never go back to it – that is true deliverance to be free from death and the sin which so easy ensnares us.  Once this truth is show just once – just one time – if you can see it, every temptation is surrendered to Jesus and overcome in and through His assistance to be whole in that area and fully healed.

Okay – in light of all that has recently bubbled to the surface this past week, although heartbreaking some of us have witnessed this already among the brethren to a smaller degree with heartbrokenness often going unspoken.  Let’s switch gears for a moment, okay?

We will finish up the rest of the broadcast still in Mathew 5 but in verses 21-23 but before we go there I am going to ask that everyone listening to me place within themselves a covering of empathy.  To forget your own strength of being an overcomer and to actually place yourself in the shoes of those less fortunate – the broken, least of these.  For some of us that is a natural residing place, but for many it is not.  So I am asking the Lord to help me paint a picture of understanding for those who struggle to relate to the mournful souls and castaways – I do not even know how to articulate what is seen spiritually to a carnal mind who is convinced they are above the fray, but I am going to try with all that I am.  The religious have lost all empathy at this point for the love of many is waxing colder and colder as natural affections are drying up, people are turning against one another no longer able to be compassionate enough to mourn with those who are mourning.  So let me sit for awhile with those the Worldly church has cast away and invite you to join with me for a moment.  Not to rule over or prop them up, but to anoint their wounds with your tears of love to comfort them as a good Samaritan would do on this journey called life.

The good Samaritan story in the bible I love, lets read it quick –

Luke 10

25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”

27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]

28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”

30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”

37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”

Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

This is brotherly love.  This is empathy – feeling sorry for someone who is hurting and taking the time to love them back to health.  It is not loud, demanding, forcing one to get up and walk – but carrying someone who is broken and wounded – it is comfort, not fixing someone but tending to them – it is treating others the way you would want to be treated in your time of need but keep this in mind – the good Samaritan does not need to have the heartbreak already to have the love and compassion towards someone who is broken – they only need the heart of Jesus to be moved to assist.  Love alone covers a multitude of sins someone has, love is the healing balm we carry to apply to one another’s wounds.  Brotherly love and empathy is why right now I am ashamed to be white and is also why quite often I am embarrassed to be a Christian.  I prefer to be called a Christ sufferer, no other label seems to fit at the moment. 

The Bible tells us to be angry and sin not – it also says, vengeance is mine and I will repay says the Lord.  The truth is I am angry at the evil ways human choose to live on this Earth.  It is man’s evil ways that kindle the anger of our Father and as His child – How can you not be angry at evil, unless you are calling evil good in some small way or at the very least tolerating it operating?  Evil is not a person, it is an entity.  We also have faith the Father will invoke His vengeance in perfect timing and will – so it is not the person we are angry at, it is the acts of violence, betrayal, hatred and all sorts of murder plotted – whether carried out or not that angers me.  And it is increasing by the day.  Ungodly ways are being uplifted as the church stays unlit and silent covering their own reputations hidden under baskets, losing their savor as salt.  Anger is not forbidden, vengeance is – taking matters into our own hands, rather than falling on our knees in repentance and pleading for our Father to have mercy on us, forgiving our sins and healing us.  Operating in mercy and grace does not mean we cover a lie to tolerate evil – it means we draw upon empathy from Jesus understanding how broken another is, offering them love with a sincere heart.

Okay, to finish up – lets go back to Mathew 5 verses 21-22 ~

You have already heard thou shall not kill and if you do kill you will be in danger of judgment.  Now this is Jesus talking, by the way.  He then says – I tell you myself – “whoever is angry with his brother WITHOUT A CAUSE, shall be in danger of the judgment and whoever says to his brother raca (which was a derogatory slang word meaning worthless) or call them a fool shall be in danger of hell’s fire.

Now… This is a perfect Scripture of all that is currently going on in our Nation at the moment.  Raca is the same as a racial slur or even how women are looked upon as less than – I feel it a lot within the church myself, males who still hold a grudge against Eve are often mean to us or look down upon us… but anyway, that is not my point. 

This is Jesus talking and He is not overlooking, glossing over or tolerating then or now the derogatory speech of anyone no matter how much we like to sweep it under the rug – we better wake up out of this religious derision and quick.  I mean, my word… How much more fire needs to be released from the Heavens before we repent?  I even saw a twitter repost from our own President upholding someone who said the only good democrat is a dead one.  Are you kidding me?  Seriously?  That’s raca and it is from the top down and the bottom up… While the Church is lulled to sleep in derision, the ship is sinking while the worship band plays on.  To clump together a particular group of people and think themselves to be lower than you in any fashion is offensive to the Lord and will kindle His anger towards you, whether you hide behind a cloak of religion, status, gender, race, etc…  Do you realize how many people have to come me the past six months assuming and unable to see with Spiritual eyes that I have fallen away because I do not sit 24-7 in a chatroom?  Not realizing I am extremely busy visiting prisons with a team of servants who are not seen or heard by anyone others than inmates?  And please, do not get me wrong, I am not offended whatsoever, I get it – I used to be of a very religious mindset, humble and grateful the Lord disciplined me out of that pit.  So on a way smaller scale, I understand what it feels like to be a minority, as do many of you listening to my voice at this moment.

So, I had to go to Jesus with all this…  I had to seek Him for His peace which surpasses all my frailties and low level understanding.  I had to ask Him what would He do?  What would He say?  And of course, ask Him for His comforting hand to be upon us all.  The first thing He said to me is that He would sit us down quietly and introduce us to one another.  He actually started giving me names, like Paul this is Silas, Timothy meet your brother Mark and so forth.  He began telling me how we do not need to trust one another like we thought, but only trust Him.  He then began to show me different and diverse colors of skin tones, saying it is this they seek to destroy – the created image of man in My own diverse image.  He then told me, I would next point out to one another just how similar they are created and focus on what the commonalities are to pull us together rather than focusing on what is different to pull us apart.  He told me He would question those in His midst, asking them to share what similar traits they have in common – making long lists of each, what is the same and what is different and He showed me the greater of the two lists would be what we share as created beings….  On the list He showed me, eyes, ears, hair, hands, feet, all the internal organs and so forth.  He began to instruct me on how our differences are a construct in our minds only realized after we can perceive what we see with the natural eyes and that up until that point we understand all men/women truly are created equal until told otherwise.  He told me if we were all blind in sight the list of differences would greatly diminish to practically nothing.  He told me to walk by faith and not sight means to trust Him with how He formed us together in our mother’s womb and these characteristics are used to draw people unto Himself through us.  They were never purposed to fortify mobs of people who look the same externally into clans, one against the other and how this grieves Him, making Him very sad – so much so He repents at times for making the human race.  Lastly, before He left my Spiritual presence He told me – introduce them to one another and I said how Lord and He left… giving me no answer. 

So I have no idea what I am doing and yet I can see so clearly what is dividing us all – it feels like to me a runaway train no human can stop.  But I do believe 100% it can stop with us – individually and collectively.  That today we can make it a commitment to not be divisive in our thoughts or speech any longer.  To seek Jesus continually, in that we see one another through His eyes and actually look for opportunities to love on each other.  To increase and grow the list which binds, rather than search for descriptive tones to divide and that change begins in the one place we can control… ourselves.  And when approached to mock or tear down or even listen to a negative comment we remain silent at the least or speak up in the boldness of the Holy Spirit at best. 

The truth is the brethren is right before you – look around… those next to you everywhere you go are your mother, father, brother, sister and so forth.  Spiritually speaking, those in the Kingdom whether that be today or in a time to come are our family.  When Jesus said – let the little children come to Me…  He was saying, if someone is seeking Me – do not stand in their way – let them come and let them enter in first, hold the door open, you enter in last…  So that is where we are today, in love and peace ushering in the Kingdom, so to speak.  The harvest is plentiful, the workers are few…  so the Spirit and the Bride say… Come!  Amen.

Let’s pray the Lord’s Prayer in unison as one –

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.

I pray the Lord Jesus continue to draw you close to Himself in a most precious and intimate way.  May He comfort your heart and quiet your troubled mind.  May you be quenched in your soul by the One Who loves you in a most permanent and everlasting way.  Amen.

Well, thank you all very much for joining me today – I so appreciate your time, sharing love and worship of Jesus together is one rare and priceless commodity these days.

Please continue to lift ROF Ministries up to the Lord in prayer for covering and provision to keep surrendered fully to our Father as His hands and feet healing hearts His way.

When Tolerance Is On The Throne ~ Broadcast Transcript from May 23, 2020

Good Morning Blessings Family – Thank you for joining me today on this ROF Ministries Broadcast!

May you all be blessed today and every day, seeking Jesus continually every moment of every day.  I also pray He join with us during this hour or so we have together and may only His Name be glorified as we explore more of His word and walk together in the love of the truth.

Well now…  Did you all see the title of today’s broadcast?  In case you didn’t, it is…  When Tolerance Is On The Throne.  I am going to do my best to step lightly today, not seeking to offend the already hurting who are potentially scared and easily offended, while we trust the Lord to reveal and deliver us so that we fully walk with Him in Spirit and truth.  May we keep seeking Him and may He keep purifying us unto the end of our lives here on Earth.

Guess what?  When tolerance is on the Throne, Jesus isn’t.

Here we are with another Church in Revelation to explore…  The Church of Thyatira and wow, I so want to study these Churches, because they represent the Bride of Christ in completion – which is why there are 7 of them and when we overcome each obstacle it is game over unto perfection…  I could so easily go down that trail today, Lord help me stay focused and on track.

Tolerance – leave unrestrained, tolerate, sufferest, allow, permits – IDOLATRY & PERSECUTING OF THE ANOINTED (exact definition of Jezebel spirit – not the person – the demonic influence using someone)

We get that right?  We all understand that humanity is influenced by demonic spirits to be carriers of demonic assignments here on Earth.  I say influenced because one does not have to be fully inhabited to be influenced by them to carry out their assignment.  Peter is a good example, Jesus actually called him satan – recognizing it was not Peter speaking, but rather he was being influenced to derail the Father’s commanded assignment set forth for Jesus.  This happens to some of us a lot – doesn’t it?

So – do we remain silent or do we speak?  Is not speaking “tolerating” or actually suffering in silence to which we will not overcome this demonic force of fear?  Is darkness overtaking the World and even the church to a higher degree because those who are appointed to stand up in the boldness of Jesus and speak are not doing so? 

We seem to be so very skilled at spotting a speck in our brother’s eye and yet permitting evil spirits to have their ways in our homes, relationships, fellowships, etc…  Edmund Burke said it best when he said “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men/women to do nothing…”  How very true is that!

Romans 12:9 tells us to – Let love be without dissimulation (sincere or without hypocrisy). Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.

It seems many are now calling evil good and good evil and it can get really confusing sometimes can’t it?  The Father said in Ecclesiastes that there is a time to love and a time to hate – He recently showed me this is more about good and evil, not people.  Before I kind of had that confused in my mind I think – trying to separate it out, fortunately He did that already for us in His Word.  The Father is light and because He light, He is the source of our light as well and remember light always overtakes darkness in less of course we “tolerate” it to have placement within us.  Or like the Scripture I just read said – if we are not clinging to the which is good, we no longer hate evil and at the very least we tolerate it when it manifests. 

It is sometimes hard to wrap our minds around how just our Father actually is – sometimes we even sugarcoat His truths in order to absorb them better.  He requires we believe in the simplicity of His words so confusion does not enter into us.  

Tolerance rather than Jesus is certainly on the thrones of many hearts isn’t it and if we’re honest we are not exempt either.  One shroud the enemy just loves to hide behind is tolerance – when we tolerate evil, we are not overcoming it.  Therefore, we surrender to it operating, let it speak, comprise with it and give placement to it to multiply.  What happens?  We become compromised, since we do know good from evil already – and become irrelevant, ineffective and passive, no longer able to stand therefore as He instructed.  When our lights within us are dim or refuse to shine, darkness will cover the Earth more and more.

Many often crave darkness over light.  Why?  Because much darkness still resides within us – remember, we tolerate that which we cannot see or suffer from ourselves, because it is familiar to us, the plank of darkness has blinded many it certainly would seem and at times I am the worst of all sinners – but I don’t want to be like that anymore, just as I am sure many of you all don’t either.  What is within us grows and what we eat of we take into us and yet honestly, some would not eat of the forbidden fruit of darkness if their lives depended on it, but don’t forget just how subtle the enemy can actually be – to the point of even coming as an angel of light.  Let’s just say, many of us have been there, done that, got the tshirt and came around the mountain of death, never looking back with no desire to return to the delightful delicacies of knowledge from that tree.  I guess you could say – some of us are blinded by the Light, no longer able to even look upon evil, let alone desire the secrecy of its ways – to the pure all things are pure and if you can imagine…  you can look upon mixture and see only good, it is possible by the way.  But we are all in a purging process, learning and growing and the more we learn about Jesus’s ways, the deeper we fall into love with Him, knowing nothing else satisfies the heart and soul like He does.  Its amazing how when you are in a delusion you cannot see it, but when your eyes are opened you have no desire for that shiny thing anymore.

Paul gave clear instruction on something so very precious for us to hold onto during this season, where mixture is daily at our doorstep.  It is in I Corinthians 4:6 and reads… “to learn from them and NOT GO BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN so that you will not take pride in one man over another.”  Wow – what a timely word – DO NOT GO BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN like so many are doing today is a warning light for us to embrace this day.  No more pushing the Spiritual envelope…  taking knowledge and applying it as wisdom from God.  We are not to measure our truth by our knowledge, but rather measure all knowledge set before us by God’s truth.  The Bible warns us time and again about the doctrines of men – Doctrine is good for us, as long as it is centered in the Word of the Lord – as all things of truth are found in the Bible.  What we say, what others say if it originates with the source of truth it will align with His written word.  Otherwise, we go beyond what is written, fables and more fables… sigh!

The Bereans were more noble because of this very instruction.  We are going to read about them quickly in Acts 17, because that same mandate is upon our lives, as well.

11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.

Paul commended the Bereans because he was so humble and appreciated the Beareans who took the words he and Silas were preaching with an open mind but, this is so very important – they searched the scriptures daily to see if what Paul and Silas were speaking were founded within the Scriptures.  Are we doing this? And actually are you doing this – even this very moment as I speak?  Are we studying the Word to make sure we are pleasing unto God so that when people speak we have the discernment to know what is truth and what is not or if they are adding to or taking away from what was already written?  Ahhh…. Are we judging what is good and evil before we take it into us as truth?  Yes, I did say judging which is synonymous in this case with discernment and testing the spirits.  I think we all can do a little better at this, can’t we?  There are many clouds without water, raining words down on flocks of people and since the people are not versed in the word – just because someone comes in the Name of the Lord, saying Jesus is Lord many are being led astray with itching ears.  A requirement for testing the spirits is being familiar with God’s word.  We cannot simply trust in our own discernment, not these days or we can quickly be led astray.

1 and 2 Timothy is a timely place to read right now, to shine light into such darkness because it truly is unfolding before our very eyes…  That being – The time has come in which people will not endure sound doctrine (teaching of wholesome words), turning to fables, teaching about unholy things and many other public speeches which are contrary to sound doctrine, just to paraphrase a little.  It goes on to say in the latter days some will actually depart from the faith after giving heed (submitting to) seducing spirits and doctrines of devils who lie and speak in hypocrisy – sadly, their conscience is seared with a hot iron – meaning they do not feel guilt for their ensnaring sin and actually give excuse for it.  Now, I am going to leave this right there for you all to read on your own, 1 & 2 Timothy.  You all don’t need me, you have the greater teacher there ever was or will be – the Holy Spirit – to guide you as you read what was written and we need to keep moving…  We are going back to the Garden where it all began… Ready?  I am so very excited!

Genesis 3 talks about the details of what happened after the fall, stating both Adam and Eve disobeyed the Father ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and as a result their eyes were opened to evil – we will study that in a minute, but first let’s look at the actual result of the event because it is relevant to us too if we partake of that tree – For Eve she retained enmity with the serpent and his seed and for Adam he will eat of the cursed ground all the days of his life.  Guess what the fruit is?  Seeds… Words…  Remember, Eve “heard” the enemy and then took what he gave her – she received what he had spoken and then told Adam what was said and he received it too because he hearkened unto the voice of his wife.  They listened to serpent speech and it changed them.  We as children of God have an inherent enmity with satan’s seeds/words – the Father placed that already within us!  If we take his words into us, whether spoken or written, as truth they get into the mind, we become double-minded and unstable in all our ways – we have “mixture” confusion of the mind.  Prior to the fall both Adam and Eve had pure minds without any sorrow and the result is pretty soon we begin to tolerate evil in every way.

Okay, lets back up to the command given by the Father in Chapter 2 and then see in Chapter 3 just how the enemy USES THE FATHER’S WORDS against Adam and Eve to trick them.  Remember that… He used the Father’s words to entice them to hear his voice and receive and believe what he was saying – he parroted the Father to pull them into disobedience.  One could almost say he came parroting what the Father had already spoken… Now isn’t that interesting?

Genesis 2 is where the Father speaks this ~

Of every tree in the garden you may eat of except for the tree of knowledge of good and evil – that tree you shall not eat of because if you do on that day you shall die.

Genesis 3 is where the serpent speaks subtly this same trail of words after Eve gave him her ear and then told her what the Father commanded ~

You shall not surely die (stirring up her curiosity by engaging her to want to hear more) he goes on, God knows that when you eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil then your eyes will be opened (to evil – she only knew good at this point, she was pure) and you shall be as gods (desiring to rule over one another with that knowledge). 

Can you see this???  The serpent did not lie to her, he just stirred up curiosity with the fruit he had – knowledge of good and evil.  How did he do this? WORDS and used the Father’s own words no less so what he said was familiar to her.  She next saw how the tree was good for food and pleasant to open the eyes and listen to this…  A TREE TO MAKE ONE WISE…  My word, knowledge puffs one up doesn’t it?  So then… the knowledge she has partaken of (shared) with the enemy she then shared with ( spoke to) her husband and in that moment… You know what died?  They didn’t SURELY die, did they?  I mean they went on, had children, worked and lived life.  What died?  Their INNOCENCE, their purity became tainted, because until that point the Father had blinded them to evil – they were naked, but didn’t know it – oh my, please tell me someone is getting this!  I bet you need an example for today – Let’s just say you are watching youtube videos, innocent and all of a sudden pornography pops up with bestiality in it – well, you’ve never seen anything like that before, you hurry to shut it off but guess what?  Your innocence in that area is gone, you cannot unsee what you saw.  This right here is why – we do not desire to know the deep secrets of satan and his works, it taints us rather than purifies us.  Honestly, if I could go back 15 years ago before hearing about fallen details I would.  The Lord has really been showing me how all that is just not healthy for our souls and the enemy influences us into fear by revealing his deep secrets.

AGAIN, before we move on – GOD’S CHILDREN HAVE ENMITY WITH SATAN’S SEEDS, THE SEEDS ARE HIS WORDS FRUIT FROM THE TREE OF KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL.  Eve, as a female takes them in, Adam as a male carries them… even unto this day. 

Hold on, I just have to praise the Lord on high for one moment.  Heavenly Father, I just give You all glory and honor and praise for opening our eyes to Your majesty and for closing our eyes to evil.  Continue Lord to purge out of us all desires of knowledge, especially that which is sourced in evil practices, understandings and knowings which are not rooted in the Tree of Life.  Thank You Lord for delivering us from all evil.

Now, many of us seek outside resources for truth in addition to the Bible and are tempted every day to go BEYOND WHAT IS WRITTEN.  That is between you and the Lord, I am in no place to hammer down on who you watch and when – but you do have a still small voice inside you and many of you feel a little guilty at times for what you entertain.  That is the leading of the Holy Spirit within you, directing you where you are to go and as the “helper” He is… trying to pull you off that broad way which leads to destruction.  When You feel His tug pulling you back on the straight and narrow – please surrender, please heed His warnings – I know you get them – I also believe the Lord is pressing me to point out how the Father is pleading with His people at the moment in preparation for what is coming upon the Earth as deception paves the way to usher it in.

Alright – Are we good?  Can we keep moving now?  For the rest of the broadcast we are going to talk about – INTOLERANCE on the throne – which is just one example of SEED through words the serpent is tempting God’s children right now to walk in fear because he really wants the nations to tremble at his rattling.

I have a disclaimer before we really begin exploring the fruits of Intolerance being on the throne…  I am sharing a little of my oil (wisdom) with you all today of what is just not okay.  And how do I know?  Because I was guilty on every account and when we get delivered we can spot a blemish on a garment a mile away.  Once Jesus delivers you from something you never forget that which spotted the purity of you.  Although, all I am going to share is Biblical – my hands had blood on them too and honestly, I must confess I was not the most pleasant Christian to be around.  And all the while I “thought” I was full of knowledge and on fire for the Lord and I “thought” men were persecuting me for my faith when in truth, I needed knocked down a few pegs on the high horse I had perceived myself to be on… All vanity and all knowledge, a loudly clanging cymbal… Lord have mercy, this was so me. 

You all ready?  I don’t really mind sharing all these shortcomings, knowing I actually deserve death and everyone’s own righteousness is like filthy rags.  Those who are self-righteous are full of knowledge to press others to conform to them.  Yep, that was me too and I had no clue how to love someone I disagreed with, let alone bridle my tongue, I thought I was personally sent to save the lost World – knowledge always puffs one up.  The Bride of Christ is clothed in humility, while the carnal church is clothed in pride.  And until stripped naked and bare we cannot be clothed with the righteousness of Jesus so we rely on our own.  The carnal church has no idea they are already spiritually naked and blind – blinded by ego, fueled by knowledge from seekers who desire to know good and evil ways.  Their ending is very sad, unless they repent.  Thankfully, the Lord knocks many of us off our high horses – sometimes multiple times if that’s what it takes, doesn’t He?

Again… When I was hanging with the prideful crowd I was great, thinking I was doing the Lord’s work, the Lord’s way and it was all me in a delusional sea of works.  I never even thought pride came before a fall because after all, I couldn’t see pride in myself, I was blinded by ego fed by knowledge.  And I actually thought if someone didn’t want to hear me, they were missing out on truth – sadly it was my mixture of truth I vomited all over the place, not Jesus’s – my intent was pure but my delivery left a lot to be desired.  I ate of both trees in the Garden then so that is what came out of me, mixture.

So again, I made this list not to point fingers at others but to simply point out the truth of a bride not quite made ready.

WHEN TOLERANCE IS ON THE THRONE –  throne being the heart

  • Offended continually by everything you see or hear or even perceive because you often “read between the lines” believing you know what the intentions are of another’s heart
  • Call evil good and good evil
  • Show partiality based on favoritism – if you like the person they are excused, if you don’t then they cannot say or do anything right
  • Lack Godly fruit because the Holy Spirit is grieved to perform through you – critical of others and sometimes self – appearing as false humility
  • Lack of repentance, excuses sins, refuses to openly confess faults while pointing out others shortcomings
  • Seeks outside sources for truth rather than the Bible – looks for mediators between self and God
  • Daily walk is knowledge based, church gatherings are a social event, your entertainment and source of connection to God – stumble when you can’t gather together
  • Seek Scriptures or messages that tickle the ears – uses parts of Scripture out of context for self gain
  • Broadway which leads to destruction
  • Read the word to wield as a sword against others
  • Lukewarmness – having knowledge but not loving the truth (Jesus), practicing deception
  • Fellowship to meet friends and socialize rather than to share in partaking of Jesus
  • Easily offended in jealousy or envy when others are faithful and joyful in the Lord and will create an event to stir up neediness or strife
  • Get angry when in need and someone points to Jesus as your help
  • Inconsistent based on “who” is gathering rather than truth being shared – for example the same truth can be spoken by two people – you will receive the Word from a favorite and yet deny it when spoken by one you have discord with.
  • Rebels against authorities – Elders is a big one, will proclaim you obey or follow no one and yet expect others to obey and follow you – form of rebellion
  • Thrive on breeding chaos and confusion
  • Does not reflect – everything happening is everyone else’s fault
  • Applies the World’s ways into gatherings polluting the alter (Jesus)
  • Forges one to fight for the position to be right
  • Seeks consensus on right or wrong, good or evil, rather than seeking the Word
  • Thrives to yoke together believers with unbelievers – FORMULATING an unholy alliance
  • Twists others words for self gain

Okay, now lately we have been sharing so much about the indwelling of the Holy Spirit haven’t we?  In order for the authentic Body of Christ to be “joined” with one another…. FIRST we each individually must be surrendered and joined to HIM – then He will join us to one another.  There is so much strife right now in the carnal church because of too many chiefs and not enough Indians, so to speak.  Or rather… too many heads and not enough bodies to make up the Body of Christ where there is only one head – Jesus.

That is a huge study right there… If you think about the “purpose” of the head… It controls everything!  What we do, think, dream, say – the head makes the hands clap together!  One hand doesn’t make the other hand clap, does it?  Honoring one another is lacking in a big way in the church body right now, which is why we studied that topic last week.  Who is the head of the Body of Christ?  Jesus… no one else is to rule over another.  When Jesus is on the throne… tolerance for any sort of evil is dissolved…  Can you imagine Jesus thinking upon evil?  Trying to figure out what evil is doing and why?  Can you imagine Jesus “tolerating” evil whatsoever?  I don’t know about you… But I cannot.

You know I observed something the other day when a few people were talking about something and spreading around some KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL…  Then a beautiful soul, just one tried to share something very encouraging suggesting everyone eat of the tree of goodness and life by getting in the Word more than anything else right now because she realizes that eating of Jesus’s words is all that she requires for sustaining life but most importantly it strengthens her soul and casts down all fears and doubt.  These are my words, not hers so I am paraphrasing, but she did not elevate herself other than share a testimony pointing to Jesus.  Anyway, all hell broke loose basically and you know what?  It wasn’t what she said, it was who she was…  The position is why many rebelled not the person.  What have we become?  That we would actually be walking so full of prideful offenses guarding our own words and what we share that we would verbally attack someone who was simply and lovingly suggest to us we read the Bible or to only seek Jesus during these times we are in?  What’s wrong with us – I need to remind us when conviction comes upon us like that – it is not the person pointing to Jesus, it is the Holy Spirit?  Can you see it now that the dust is settled?  Are we so in rebellion that we are angry and offended that anyone suggests only the narrow way which leads to life?  Are we so in rebellion that we verbally slay an elder?  And yes, I did say elder – because there are elders and we are to respect them, honor them and definitely not quarrel with them just because spiritually guided instruction for our own edification comes.  This is just one example of many in each of our lives – but it is a great reminder to check our hearts and see if we are embracing a lie of knowledge and rejecting the pure milk of the word and if so to quickly repent and get back on track with the Lord because time is so very short.  The real Bride of Christ is clothed with humility and honors others, just as Jesus did.

When we quarrel with others, it reveals a lack of humility and honor within us.  Remember… WWJD?  That is our vision and goal and He is our perfect example.

Have you ever wondered why if something is not profitable to our souls, why are we hungering and thirsting for it to begin with?  In order to answer that question we must understand what knowledge does – it puffs up in order we matter so we have leverage to rule over others.  KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD AND EVIL feeds our ego.  And remember – God resists the proud and if we do not resist evil in every way….  Our path will be one as thorns, being resisted by the Lord the whole way through because the Word tells us how those who are offended sow discord among the brethren which results in many woes (you have a life of sorrow).  I don’t know about you all, but I think I’ve had enough woes in the last few months to last a lifetime.  Jesus is coming into us to set us free, no longer being captives of sinful ways and who He sets free is free indeed.  Some of you all at this very moment have spiritually outgrown gathering places where you used to fellowship in all the time for this very reason – Jesus said, Come out from among her My people and do not partake in her plagues…  When you glance back, it pulls at your heartstrings doesn’t it?  Keep praying… the vision didn’t change, we did, collectively.  But, I can’t really get into all that right now.  But we are most certainly growing in the Lord – yayyyy!

Just remember… there is no disunity or discord in the Spirit.  Quite often when we perceive everyone is opposing us – in all actuality we are in opposition within ourselves.  When we tolerate that sort of thing, we give placement for it to operate and I’ve seen it time and time again… It chases out the precious ones so that those who foster strife remain – you know why?  To choke the Word and quench the Spirit and cease love from having its way… among other things but mainly to stunt the growth of those who reach out to us, no matter who they are – The word, the spirit and love nourish people and GROW them in their faith and daily walk with Jesus.  Discord stunts that growth and is of the devil to quench the spirit because the enemy knows we as God’s children need nourishment to grow the seeds of God imparted within us.  And the same is true when we eat only from the Tree of Knowledge – we will not grow.  Think about this… If the Father gives the increase, do we really think He is going to increase darkness within us?  If not, why take it in?

The Bible is not some source of social entertainment – it is actual food for the soul, so of course the enemy will use whatever vessel he can to stir up a curiosity about knowledge to debate by trying to ensnare people who do not LOVE THE TRUTH in order we question truth and once we give him that ear, he’s got us.  If you do not love the truth, you will be offended by it… then a fight breaks out, strife enters in – all focus is taken off Jesus – and there you have it… a place taken over and surrendered to the enemy.  He was not defeated he just used you to defeat the messengers God sent.  This isn’t anything new, it happened all the time when the disciples visited villages and when it did – if the house did not receive their peace, they shook the dust off and went to another.  The house is not the message, the Gospel is.  The house is peaceful until vessels of discontented offense show up who have not conformed to the love of the truth yet, which is why offense releases discernment on who is who.  You who are messengers – again, the peaceful gospel of Jesus resides in you… Go and preach the gospel to all men and women – yay… entering into households as the Father leads you by His Spirit!  When you love the truth, you share it with anyone, anywhere.  Whatever parts of Scripture still offend us, reveals what parts of darkness we are just not willing to let go of.  For example, if I liked to steal and someone told me unrepentant thieves will perish… I am going to get immediately offended because tolerance is on the throne of me about thieves.  I may say that person is judgmental or critical or lash out at them or basically do anything to keep myself covered in order to deflect the truth about me.  This is why… if you are eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and someone points to Jesus and Scripture you get highly offended – not because they know it, but because you do not want to know it is the truth and those who are not the unoffended would come into agreement with truth, saying – Yes, that’s great, thank you for the reminder, we all should be more in the word than anything else at the moment.  Way too many people are passing around heresy, calling it truth and actually some of us are finding it harder and harder to remain quiet…  It is almost an “If I perish, I perish moment” for some of you all… And I know you sense it.  We are dealing with demonic influencers over un-surrendered vessels who walk in offense – the battle is a spiritual one and we deeply love those who are being used in such an unholy way because at times we all are used – which is anytime we walk in flesh and not spirit overwhelmed with mixture.  Therefore, let us not be haughty deceiving ourselves that the enemy cannot use anyone of us at any time to carry out his bidding.  It is so important that we continually check our own hearts and remember it is best to be like that of a river of life flowing outward to others in humility always speaking the truth in love, rather than simply loving to speak the truth.  And just when you think you are too holy to fall… think of Peter, who Jesus actually said get behind me satan too.

Lastly, before I close out today’s broadcast just a small Scripture we will discuss much more in the future ~

Ephesians 4:27 ~ …. Give no placement to the devil.

This truth is applied to all of our being, specifically putting on the full armor of God.  I understand many are fearful and I also understand what comes with that fear of being caught off guard – but please, please hear me – knowing how evil works, what evil is plotting and planning or how it is going to show up, does not protect us in anyway.  My prayer is that we receive fully God’s perfect love which casts out all fear and that there is nothing to fear, but fear itself, we no longer need to fear what man can do to us – but only have fear and reverence for our Father, Who created the Heavens and the Earth and all inhabitants which indwell them both – there is no need to instruct or fear demons, fallen angels (aliens as some call them), principalities, forces of darkness or even the speech of the serpent —  We are as chosen children of God fully covered when we are fully surrendered to Him.  Our Father is Sovereign – he’s got this.  You are the apple of His eye – you are!  Please draw near to Him, listening to what He says because He loves you so much and wants to reveal His love to you every single day.

Along with that is 1 Thess. 5:22 – Abstain from all appearances of evil.

When we represent the Kingdom of God in excellency we do only what we see our Father in Heaven doing, just like Jesus did.  Our Father does not glorify evil in anyway does He?  We overcome evil with good, don’t we?  I think there is a misunderstanding about overcoming evil with good – people go right to a works based mentality, but that is not what the Word says – by being full of God’s goodness, evil cannot reside in or around us.  And it is His goodness that helps us to resist the enemy in order that he flee away from us, far away, as a matter of fact.

Just some clarity of what appearances of evil actually is, from the Greek word appearances:

Search to know kinds of evil, something not of God perceived by the eyes-senses, get knowledge to understand evil practices or ways, to notice, discover, give attention to, observe, seek what to do about, inspect, look at or behold or to interview.

Evil means – labors, annoyances, hardships, to press others, to cause pain or trouble for someone, have a bad nature, physically diseased in the heart or spiritually blind or wicked practices.

The Lord is continually pressing upon us to be as He is and to think upon things which are good, lovely, truthful and a good report – which you can read more about in Phil. 4:8.

It just seems to me there is enough darkness in the World in which the source of all is evil, so it is of no good purpose to entertain evil in anyway within the Body of Christ.  I cannot recall one time in Scripture where Jesus sat people down to instruct them on evil possibilities which may never come to pass, ever.  When He taught, He taught about the Kingdom of Heaven, introducing them to His Father because that is where life springs forth from, specifically time and again He called them to repent.  I realize it too is purposed for some to share about what is to come with a warning, but sadly many are glorifying evil or even themselves, which is not of the Lord so this is a good reminder to consider if what we are saying or listening to or watching is glorifying the Lord or evil?  That’s all.  Pretty simple really so that no tolerance for evil is present on the Throne of our hearts where only Jesus should be indwelling.  I pray we do not go another day tainting our purity with spots and blemishes from seeking evil secrets and such, sharing them with others.  We have a much higher calling than that which is going forth to preach the good news of the Gospel of Jesus, just as He purposed us to do.

So once again I am going to pray Psalm 91 over us today as I humbly ask the Father to instill these words into our minds, soul and bodies in place of every serpent whispered seed and I ask all this in Jesus’s mighty Name in which we are fully covered by His blood.

Psalm 91 ~ You Are Our Refuge and Our Fortress

We are those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High

And will abide in the shadow of the Almighty always and

say to the LORD, “You are our refuge and our fortress,

our God, in whom we trust. ”Surely You will deliver us from the snare of the fowler,

and from the deadly plague. You will cover us with Your feathers; and under Your wings we will find refuge;

Your faithfulness is a shield and rampart.  We will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the calamity that destroys at noon.

Though a thousand may fall at our sides, and ten thousand at our right hands, no harm will come near us. We will only see it with our eyes and witness the punishment of the wicked. Because we have made the LORD our dwelling—

our refuge, the Most High—no evil will befall us, no plague will approach our aboding places.

For You will command Your angels concerning us to guard us in all our ways.

They will lift us up in their hands, so that we will not strike our foot against a stone.

We will tread on the lion and cobra; we will trample the young lion and serpent.

OUR PROMISE ~~~ “Because we love You Lord, You will deliver us; because we know Your name, You will protect us. When we call out to You, You will answer us; You will be with us in trouble. You will deliver us and honor us and with long life You will satisfy us and show us Your salvation.”

Now, those are our Father’s words, Who is the source of all truth, pure and wholehearted words we can cling to each day.  We need not fear whatsoever – He is our front and read guard and He will never, not ever lose one of His own, so with that…. Peace be still.

Saturday’s word from Russ at Father’s Heart Ministry ~

The Father says today, focus determines mastery. My Spirit is disclosing My word and My hand working in your life. I am operating upfront and visibly, and I am working behind the scenes maintaining and sustaining you in powerful ways that are not always apparent. Your responsibility is to focus on whatsoever things are good, pure, perfect, and of good report. If what you hear isn’t the good report, it does not originate with Me. The prophet who chooses to be a conspiracy monger is amplifying and magnifying what the enemy is doing. I’m not worried about the losing team, are you? You can fill your head with all the details of what the enemy is fomenting in darkness, but what is it to you when I have defeated the enemy and laid all of his spoil at your feet?

Remember beloved, you are where your attention takes you. What you fill your mind with becomes prophetic in your life. Things are getting better for those that are walking in the light. The wicked? They are being removed. It is a day of darkness for those in darkness, but a day of moving from glory to glory for those who choose to see what I am doing with an unswerving and unbending intent to engage with My kingdom and My word, and so their victory is assured. Men may bind you, but I will loose you. Sickness may stalk you, but I will smite the enemy of pestilence on the cheek and break out all his teeth. You will not be touched. Loss, lack, and difficulty may breathe out their threats but fear not, for I am with you and will never suffer you to falter or to fail. That is My word of truth to you in the midst of the battle, says God, and none other.

The Ways of Royalty ~ HONOR

Broadcast Transcript ~ May 10, 2020

The Ways of Royalty ~ HONOR ~ May 10, 2020

Good Morning and God Bless each of you today.  Thank you for joining me on todays’ ROF Ministries broadcast as we talk about “honor.”  In light of the fact a couple weeks ago was Mother’s Day, which will tie into our teaching today, we are going to study more about “honoring” not just mothers, but one another as well and most importantly our Father in Heaven.

But first…  Do we know who we belong to?  Jesus is the King of all Kings.  Amen.  And only because of HIM are we seen just as He is…  ROYALTY – He paid His life for us to be ransomed – Jesus calls us His reward for His laying down of His life – not because we are great, but rather because He is.  This word Royalty has been so overused and misconstrued by doctrines of men to edify and puff up, which is not at all what we are going after today.  As a matter of fact in God’s Kingdom, his children and cloaked in Humility with a grateful heart of thanksgiving void of entitlement.

So we are going to study a bit…  The Ways of Royalty by Scripture, not assumptions.

1Peter 2:9-10 says ~

But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.

Only because of our Father being so merciful towards us do we enter into His Kingdom.  It is nothing of us, all of Him, so that no man can boast.  If we do not have that point in fullness, we cannot proceed any further because when we go over “honor” today, if we don’t lose any sense of entitlement our study today will offend us.

Because our Father showed us mercy, we received His mercy – which is why we too should be merciful to every single person who crosses our path.  Or in human terms…  Give them the benefit of the doubt, not assuming the worst of others.

Today’s topic is all about “honoring” others – And we are going to shatter some myths today and the first one is:  You do not have to agree with someone or even like them to honor them. 

Jesus honored others and especially His Father perfectly.  Like always, He is our Heavenly and perfect example to follow.  Jesus honored even the least of these, the sinners, prisoners, prostitutes, the sick and the lame.

First let’s explore what “honor” even means Biblically. 

Romans 12:10

Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another;

It seems we talk a lot about love, don’t we?  It also seems our actions fall way short of our mouths at times, don’t they?  We go around honoring people with our lips – but our hearts are far from them when we accuse, betray, slay them, become a fault finder, etc…  We may LOVE but do we HONOR one another, even giving preference to them over ourselves?  That is the real question.  I love the word honor because it goes hand in hand with being loyal.  If we say we love someone and yet speak against them, lie or cheat them,  or even deceive them, in truth we do not love them.  And like I always say… Love is an action word.  Honor is love in action to prove and test if what we are saying to one another is actually a façade or authentic in nature.

Honor in Greek means –

Seeing the value in something

Seeing something as being priceless

Did you know Jesus honored us with His blood to purchase us with for the sake of redemption?  You, me, all of us are so valuable to Jesus He paid a very costly price for us – His blood.

1 Corinthians 6:20 says ~

For you are bought with a price (same root word as honor in Greek) – therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

We truly are no longer our own, are we?  And we are to use both our bodies and our spirits to glorify the Lord.  And yes, even our bodies.

Oh I found something very interesting I want to share quick while studying about honor…  Remember when Ananias held back a portion of the “price’ and lied to the Holy Spirit?  Would you believe the word “price” here is the same word as “honor?”  Amazing…  Dishonoring the Holy Spirit in such a way brings death, if only partly – which is the amount Ananias and Sephira held back.

Honoring others is costly, we pay a price… Ourselves, just like Jesus did, by the laying down of our egos to let love prevail in a moment of time.

When we truly believe the Lord Jesus sees all are honorable enough to die for, if we truly love then we too will honor others, counting no one out with accusations and assaults and assumptions or anything which brings them shame. 

Many people tell me they love me and I turn around and get attacked or accused and my head starts spinning…  You all know what I mean?  I know this happens to us all and its increasing.  Your brother and sister may say they love you then turn right around and slap you on the cheek.  In the past week this has happened to me numerous times, so the grace of the our Lord has to step in because honestly, I desire to have nothing more to do with those who cause me pain – but Jesus keeps telling me mercy given is mercy received and we need a lot of mercy don’t we?  Because truthfully, we have done the very same thing at times. 

Honoring someone is to cherish them to the point, you place them above yourself, considering their shortcomings.  When doing this we may be silent when we really want to speak or speak when we prefer to be silent, we may choose not to repay evil with evil, assist when we prefer to retreat, extend grace when we would like to correct and instruct – honoring another means – it is not about you, it is about the other person.  And it is also the washing of the feet Jesus left as an example – remember, He even washed Judas’s feet, knowing he was the betrayer in the group.

Godly mothers would be an awesome example we could think of here on Earth to compare with love in action by modeling honor and since it is Mother’s Day, we will do just that… Obviously, you have a mother or at least had one – so we all have this one common thread today!

They say a female is the closest to death when delivering a child.  I say go three months tending to sporadic sleep of a newborn every two hours and you feel close to death.  Maybe childbirth is so painful to brace you for all that pain which is coming for the rest of your life?  Lol…  I don’t know, but until you scraped vomit off shag carpet with a spoon or wiped butts for years that were not your own or found disgusting things under a teenagers mattress or had this tiny extension of you grow up and only to say I hate you or finally get your plate fixed finally to sit down at the dinner table and when everyone else is done…  Actually, the list is endless.  I’ve said this before… But children teach us how to love unconditionally unlike anyone else on this planet can.  The Lord said nothing can separate us as His children from His love, the same is true for mothers.  So even if you have no children, you were one… So take some time to reflect and honor the Father for those in your life right now, He appointed to you, which good or bad was by His design.  And remember… Kids don’t come with an instruction book, most Mom’s did the very best they could with what they were dealt in life at any given time.

I’ve noticed with familiarity… Honor often goes right out the window.  When you honor someone, you show them respect and treat them with dignity.  However, over the course of time the more comfortable we get with someone we often let our guards down and the truth of us is revealed.  I’ve observed this in chat for example over the course of many years.  People may come and go but their patterned traits remain the same.  When someone is new to the group they tread very lightly and honor people and are so happy to love, then overtime, they get familiar with the house and one another and even myself – and then the truth of who they really are is revealed and honor goes out the window.  Then strife comes in, not because it just randomly showed up, but because the vessels who contain strife are no longer restraining who they are…  Familiarity has set in, as they honored people with their lips but their hearts were far from them. 

My own house has a no excuse rule and I enforce it in order that love remain.  I do not allow a bad mood, sickness, pressures of life, etc…  to take precedence over love here.  If you get sick and lash out at others here in my home, there will be a consequence.  The reason I do this is because – if the accusation and assault was not in you, it would not come out when you are sick.  The same is true in all things negative.  Again, if pressure comes and you blame, then blame is in you, otherwise it would not present itself.  All will be without excuse one day – best to practice that right now.

When one is offended, one cannot walk honorable one to another.  I cannot honor someone when I am offended at them, it is impossible.  I was thinking about how often I miss the mark in honoring my own mother and how her phone calls just to even check on me and kids I so often take for granted.  And how it trickles down sometimes from her, to me, to my kids.  Well someone needs to make a change and since we can only change ourselves, lets start with us, okay?

Let’s talk specifically about The Ways of Royalty ~ HONOR.

  • The Lord is restoring honor in the church He is building Himself because He is honorable and when moving in His presence, so are we.
  • Honor and loyalty does not mean we are in agreement with someone’s words, actions, beliefs, etc… Daniel for example honored King Nebcaneezer but he did not bow down and come into agreement with him as a leader.  He honored him without submitting to the evil practices he enforced.
  • Upon being saved we go from sinner to saint – old creature to new – entering into the Royal Priesthood with a desire for excellency from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light.  Remember, even if no one else can see the transformation, Jesus can.
  • We become heirs as adopted children into the royal family of Father God, so now when we cry, its to Abba Father – we are then Princes and Princesses.
  • In a Holy Nation no one is a pauper – all are children of God – there are no levels any longer, all are saved, so envy, jealousy, strife has no placement when in truth all are being perfected and equal with God – cohabiters with Him.  Co – meaning equal to one another when communing in His Kingdom.
  • To restore honor inside us – He is teaching us how royalty behaves by our actions, words, thoughts – as we become set apart from the Worldly ways of the old nature.
  • People in the Kingdom of God – behave out of love, honor, truth and respect one to another.  They surrender first to the Lord in Godly order and then one another.
  • Trust is increased when we honor others – to whom much is given, much is expected and as a man thinketh so is he/she— If we don’t think of ourselves as royalty, we will behave as beasts.
  • Royalty is spirit led, not flesh led – revealed by what are we doing with our freewill we have been granted, which defines the truth of us and our identity.
  • Are we disputing and railing against others?  We are in the midst of many who are rebellious, slanderers, liars, argumentative, deceitful and provoking, who do not submit to authority – Godly authority…  We can still honor them without condoning their behavior.
  • In the Kingdom we do not honor someone because they deserve it – we honor others because we do – because it is our nature to do so.
  • Royalty walks in honor – because we have received fully Who Jesus is by surrendering us so He is revealed.
  • The commandments have be written on our hearts…  Guess what’s there?  Honor.  So we can’t separate from it and when we do – conviction comes.
  • Honoring others infuses us with wellness and a long life where rivers flow away all chaos and strife surrounding us.
  • When the enemy approaches we make a decision to honor or to defame – Such as someone who disagrees with you, someone who seeks other practices or opinions.  If we honor them we will not challenge them, mistreat them, bicker with, slay or shun just to preserve our own reputation.  Royalty walks on top of water and doesn’t roll around in the mud with the swine.
  • Our reputation reflects the truth of us by how we treat those who oppose us when no one is looking except the Lord.  Although, those who are dishonorable do not mind putting others to an open shame.
  • Royalty honors all – so if I am honorable, I treat others with honor.
  • When David cut King Saul’s garment, he felt guilty not because Saul was good, but because David was and he stooped down to evil’s level.  God appointed Saul King and anointed him to be the ruler of the day.  Since David was royalty he was above repaying evil with evil.
  • We only love someone in truth to the point we honor them, otherwise it is flesh love only to benefit self.
  • When we sow honor into others – what we reap is God bestowing honor upon us… this is called favor.
  • Equality in the Kingdom of Heaven looks nothing like equality on Earth, which is earned based on works.
  • In the Kingdom, everyone has a voice, but not everyone has a say.  Only ones speaking by the Spirit are heard by those who are full of the Spirit.  In order to be heard, we must have honor in place for our audience – whether that be one or 200 plus people.
  • The Lord’s Prayer is the perfect prayer because it prays the Lord’s will be done, coming into agreement with the truth that His will shall be done regardless of man’s weak intentions.  Note:  His will is already being done, but are we honoring Him while it is being done or still seeking our wills?
  • We honor God by realizing it isn’t about us but it is all about everyone else.  Sometimes we don’t know how to love God and forget He tells us to love Him by loving those who do use us, curse us, persecute us, etc… – If you can imagine yourself just looking through that person directly into Jesus’s eyes and loving Him through them it helps a lot.
  • It is an honor to love the unlovable knowing they are the vessels on our paths to actually do good to Jesus.
  • Sometimes honor requires we give away our seat at the table so another may be served.
  • 1 Peter tells us to HONOR ALL people, no exclusions.  It often requires we remain silent, are courteous by treating others as a guest in our presence, remove our shoes out of respect, display grace through manners, being kind and generous…  BECAUSE OF YOUR IDENTITY – not because they are worthy necessarily but because you are honorable like your Father.
  • Men who are honorable often – open doors for females, cherish them, are attentive, cover and protect, do honest work and know how to give and receive love and forgiveness.
  • Women who are honorable often – show respect, do not interrupt, create strife or stir up contention, do not seek attention, care for others and know how to give and receive love and forgiveness.

I just went over a few examples out of the Bible for Godly men/women.  The list could be much longer of course.

Lastly, HONOR ~

  • Sees the value of someone even when they are full of darkness, just like Jesus did us – love floods all darkness with light.  Love always hopes!
  • Gives no answer to verbal assaults, securely knowing Jesus is the authority over us as He is the King of Kings.
  • Is present within the servant, freeing the slave.
  • Submits to authority trusting God is ruling and reigning in every situation.
  • Cries with those who mourn and celebrates with those who are joyful, giving no placement to envy and strife and competition.
  • Washes the feet of others with a servant’s heart, in other words – cleanses others with a loving heart.
  • Doesn’t compete with those they are meant to feed or vie for a higher position.
  • Makes a place with all children of God.
  • Is granted by favor from God and not demanded or awarded by entitlement and cannot be earned.
  • Gives to others not based on their need but with a grateful heart.

As I was reviewing this list I saw just how much I had fallen short in honoring others and even myself.  Sometimes when people are hard on us we start to believe we are getting just what we deserve.  And when we believe such a lie, we forget our placement as royalty, handing ourselves over to be sifted as wheat.  Humility and honor serve as a barrier in which the enemy cannot penetrate.  Again, honor just is… It is given, never earned.

Some people are so full of themselves they cannot serve anyone but self, while others are so empty they keep serving others to fill up themselves.  Neither one is a royal mindset.  We cannot give to anyone what we don’t have and the only thing we have to offer to honor and love others is Jesus.

Think of a time when you thought you had done all you could to love someone and yet it wasn’t enough to mend all the fences and heal all the hurts.  Consider that quite possibly you were leaving honor completely out of the mix… I saw a facebook post last night which said “Do not let pride keep something broken that your heart wants mended.” 

When we check out of honor we check into pride and sometimes the cost is high.  We may lose the very thing which we love and gain nothing but ourselves.

Now in keeping with honor, as a family we need to discuss something relevant to those who visit chat and yet can be applied to your own households as well.  We will use chat as an example for something that we all can implement in our own homes creating a peaceful, loving home in which honor has placement one to another fostering an environment where others really want to be and enjoy each other.

It goes along with honoring others… and I need to share something, it will step on some toes, so get ready…  Did you know that “elder” simply means someone who came before you?  When someone goes before us they have more wisdom in life experiences than we do – if they have a surrendered heart after God’s heart, they know the ropes, paid a price in life lessons we haven’t paid yet and can share it with us – elders are wiser due to some lumps they received.  Elders also have tended to others in ways maybe we haven’t which is why they are qualified to manage “the house.”  This is Godly order.  Say in your own homes, your five year old doesn’t rule your home does he?  If so, then it probably is full of chaos.  I know my teenagers will occasionally try to set the precedence of my house, but I don’t tolerate it because I don’t like confusion.  As the elder here, I am to lead and teach and SERVE them by instruction and correction and they as children as to learn by training so when they depart they know which way to go.  Well, the same is true in God’s Kingdom, there are elders – the ones who have more spiritual maturity through experience… they have gone before, been present longer as caregivers and overseers.  And not to worry, because as all of us age spiritually so we too will have the same placement through purging, to be qualified to lead.  This is all Biblical by the way, for example it says in Titus 2 ~

Likewise, teach the older women to be reverent in the way they live, not to be slanderers or addicted to much wine, but to teach what is good. Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

We sure don’t want the word of God reviled do we?

You know, I see this happening all the time in chat and hopefully most of you listened to Michael’s broadcast last week, as what I am about to share will compliment what he delivered.  We have those who are fairly new challenging those who have come before them and it is heartbreaking and worse yet, apologies are always laced with an excuse if given at all.  Such as I was sick, had a bad day, etc…  Listen, we have such a short time here to repent and be presentable before the Lord and remove all that is not acceptable before Him.  How can we say we love others and not honor them, seeing them priceless and of a greater importance than ourselves.  There is so much partiality within us yet.  To honor a leader and yet have strife with one he sets over his household is just wrong and I am sorry if this bothers you, but it is truth.  Sometimes I watch chat and think my teenagers are in there going around challenging authority, I say this in love… refrain from speaking rather than bringing in disorder into any house.  No fit throwing, slander, backbiting, jealously or envy is going to derail the vision given to Michael or even myself – as elders have been appointed already because they came before you and if you adhere to this Godly order things would go very well with you all. When we just accept and honor what has already been set for close to nine years now love would prevail and it would feel like home in many ways.  And just to remind you…  those who are elders now, were new just like you at the beginning.  In the same way your children were toddlers turned teenagers to adults…  What you entrust them with changed, didn’t it?  So just like that…  elders now were like toddlers before, I was like a toddler, Michael was like a toddler – but listen, the Lord always qualifies the called first and I promise you how we look like entering into the fire looks completely different than when we come out.

There is a Scripture I need to read, hopefully it will encourage you all a little –

Luke 14 – and it is speaking directly to guests, who were invited into a place

Then the host who invited both of you will come and tell you, ‘Give this man your seat.’ And in humiliation, you will have to take the last place. 10But when you are invited, go and sit in the last place, so that your host will come and tell you, ‘Friend, move up to a better place.’ Then you will be honored in front of everyone at the table with you. 11For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted.”…

Look at this, even the word “honored” is here in this Scripture.  Guess who gets honored first?  Those who show honor to others – and believe me, that does not go unnoticed, not at all.  As a matter of fact, I see the least as great – that is who sticks out to us the most, not the ones bickering with strife and contention…. But the quiet ones who contain love and honor and respect.  The ones who do not lash out with emails hidden in secret or constantly calling one another on the phone to complain, but those that are the same every place their footsteps carry them – so to you all I just want to say with my whole heart I honor you openly today.  And thankfully we have many of those who do not challenge others, if I were you all who struggle in this area, I would pick one of them and just observe their interactions for a bit.  I sometimes feel like they get sort of lost in the mix, but are so faithful, kind, gentle with peace.

Please forgive me if that offended anyone, but it really shouldn’t offend us in anyway.  We are all growing in the Lord in leaps and bounds and this is part of it – sometimes when we study the word it instructs, corrects, mends, comforts – but no matter what – it grows us!  We should never compare ourselves to one another for the Potter knows exactly how to take unformed clay, molding it continually, painting it with beautiful colors and design and place it into the fire for perfection.  He is building a masterpiece – YOU!  Something that makes the process shorter is – to be honest with ourselves about ourselves, no fault and no blame, just laying at His feet, resting that He will do a complete work within us.  And personally, I love unrefined vessels, who just love others as they are – no competition, no lifting up self or defending or blame…  Just one who like me may be a hot mess, but sees pricelessness in the making.

It dawned on me the other day…  Many are not aware of the vision given, nor the instruction which went with it and that makes me feel bad, like we dropped the ball somehow on that one.  Think of your own homes and family, you have a vision for it, you contain by opening and closing doors of what you permit to enter and what you do not.  You are the keeper of that home, as are elders within a church body.  For example, I know some Jesus loving people who have such beautiful hearts and yet they let their teenage children smoke weed in their homes.  Now I know myself and my home if my kids tried something like that all hell would break loose, literally, as I am the keeper of my own home.  Homes are to be a safe haven, a place where you feel loved and secure – the keeper of the home gets to decide what is permitted to enter based on matched integrity and command given.  When the Lord gave us the vision, He showed us that very thing – similar to an Ark, a womb, a safe place —  What He also gave us was how many people are hurting, living a life in chaos, fearful, many in danger and walking close to the edge.  But the most important part was – they needed a safe haven, a place to run too and be comforted and loved by Jesus through us, similar to a revolving door…. It was then we went to work and it is also why at the top of chat it says – be Holy in all manner of conversation.  I feel at times we have gotten weary in doing good to a degree, not upholding the vision or the standard decreed by the Lord.  We knew He told us to build it and they will come, we also know He said for me to set the table and Michael would serve the food, among other things.  But, if you do not remember anything else, please remember this one thing – In order for you each to have a peaceful place to call home, you must do your due diligence to keep it Holy – as if Jesus Himself was there, because He is.  If you wouldn’t suggest He watch something, don’t share it, if a baby would kill themselves with it, keep it to yourself and so forth.  May we all be agreed to honor the Lord in what He has blessed us with and entreat it and one another with honor, respect and love.  We prayed and prayed…. Just one place Lord away from the darkness and the World,  an escape for those who are hurting to come and cry and be comforted.  So I just shared with you part of the vision.  I have found people usually conform or leave over time and both is okay.  Just a couple more things – When Michael says, “Just be yourself…”  I know you all quote that a lot – he does not mean come on in and smoke some weed passing it around to others, no not at all.  What he does mean is this…  Be who you were before the World told you who not to be, vulernable – come as you are and lay your burdens down, cry, ask for prayer, say you need comfort, be vulnerable – where it is safe.  It is our prayer you will find this to be in that place and that you will have a secure place to be yourself, be vulnerable with humility and actually come together to love, encourage and support one another to honor each other always. 

You want to share news, videos, conspiracies, debates and bounce them off one another by all means, please do so – no one is ruling over another one here – you will find tons and tons of chatrooms which do that very thing, but before you enter into the holy place, please shake the dust off your feet. Any residue of offense – check that at the door too, unite together in the love of Jesus and speak to one another with songs of edification.  We have so many the Lord wants to release to us…  the delay is us, not Him.

One last thing – the Lord really convicted me on this recently, how we can honor one another better – I know I have fallen short of even honoring others in my life, I thank Jesus for showing me the error of my ways – so that the change in me can be implemented today, knowing we have no power to change others, only ourselves.  

It was pretty miraculous really, but last week after I finished studying about honor the Father’s Heart Ministry team released an amazing confirmation that I want to share with you:

Russ May 12, 2020

The Father says today, there is a commandment with promise. Honor your father and mother in the Lord and it will be well with you and you will live long on the earth. To honor brings blessing within My family. The fathers in My family are instructed to nurture and admonish but not to provoke their children to wrath. Children, obey your parents for this is right, for the children in My family are called to be pleasers of God and not pleasers of men. For any good thing they do, the same they shall receive of Me. In your place of service to Me let there be singleness of heart in the spirit of unity.

Who are my parents you ask? Who are my children? Who are my brothers and my sisters? Are we not all of the same family? There is one Father of all and also fathers and mothers of the faith and many children. To you children, honor your fathers in the faith, the ones who nurture and admonish you in the Lord, honor them with the honor they are due as loving and obedient children lifting up holy hands without wrath or doubt, without anger or argument. To you fathers and mothers, let your words be seasoned with love and patience, for your words carry much weight in the Spirit. Let your nurture be greater than your admonition and let your directives be of greater glory and reflect heaven’s atmosphere of joy and peace.

So Wow – right??? 

Let’s keep praying we too will have a servant’s heart, which doesn’t demand to be served but always seeks ways to serve – honoring all others, not to rule over anyone – that is Jesus’s job as He is the head of the Body, we just simply compliment one another, following His direction, instruction and example.

Some of us are just waiting at the moment…  Waiting for many to learn to love in truth, not just with lips.  Believing that Jesus is authoring and finishing us all, none are perfect, no not one.  It with a grateful heart we see ALL needed saving, especially ourselves.  May we stop forgetting just how far we had fallen too. 

Again, an Elder is someone who has gone before us into the Lord’s presence carrying the residue of Him.  The Bible says, a little child will lead them… So here we have discovered a great mystery haven’t we?  A child of God is clothed with humility to serve from the least to the greatest seeking no placement except for placement in the Kingdom, complimenting one another with honor, words of comfort and encouragement, forgiveness, lifting up, mercy, peace and grace.  In so many ways we all are elders, meaning we came before – but sadly if we are so threatened by those who came before us, challenging them at every turn – we will miss the opportunity to be an elder to those who are coming after us in that the Lord cannot use as His servant and purpose for His will to be done.

Let’s pray ~

Heavenly and merciful Father, we come to You with hearts bowed down in thanksgiving for sending us Your Son as an example to save.  And today as we reflect upon ways to honor one another we keep our eyes focused on the ways of Jesus and how He honored those the World called not worthy.  Lord it is with a humble heart we repent and ask You to forgive us of times we stirred up strife or caused divisions in pride.  Help us Father to see Your established Kingdom has principals that only bring sorrow when we rebel against them.  We thank You for Your mercy as we learn how to be royalty for the glory of Your Name.  As we continually hunger and thirst for righteousness You are always there replenishing us each day.  Help us to mindful of others, forgiving and forgetting what harm has been caused so that when we enter any dwelling our feet at shod with peace, coming in Your Name only.  Lord I ask You to purge us of all that which brings contention into our homes, lives, workplaces or anywhere else we may venture in this World.  You are moving us from glory to glory and for the work You are doing in each of us we thank You and honor You in Your perfect ways.  May we be vessels which are usable and profitable for Your Kingdom and when we appear may others see Jesus in us only.  Lord I lift up those who are walking daily in offense and ask You to show them Your love and that they matter to You.  Lord cover their hearts with Your healing hands binding all wounds of the past, casting them into the sea of forgetfulness so they remember them no more.  Thank You Jesus for leading us, guiding us and teaching us how royalty is in Your World so we do not falter in our own.  In Jesus’s Name I pray.  Amen.

The Virus of Iniquity ~ Broadcast Transcript from March 29, 2020

Good Morning & God Bless each of you.  Thank you for gathering together with me and one another for this Ring of Fire Broadcast.  I thank the Lord for this opportunity to fellowship with you all and I humbly ask Jesus to join us this morning.  We certainly need Him right now more than ever don’t we, as we drift along on the stormy seas of life.  I thank Him for continually keeping us under the shadowed protection of His wings in which we are seen when we need to be seen and hidden in plain sight through His mighty authority.  It seems with each passing day we are given more opportunities to trust fully in Him – so all things are purposeful for our Spiritual growth and ever increasing faith. 

I pray each of you feel very loved, because you are.  I realize with all that is going on at times you may question His full and attentive love – I know I have myself.  Which is why it is so important we listen closely to His still small voice and tune out the carnal voices of the World, which seem to be growing louder and louder each day.  It is a good time to thank Him for all that He has done already in our lives.  For this reason, cling to that which is good, maybe even remember some situation in the past He was your rescue in your time of need as a reminder He will also bring us through this time.  His love is unfailing and He is that one constant in our lives we can depend on until the end of our journey.  Men may fail us, loved ones may walk away and friends we hold dear may drift apart from us – but Jesus is always here, by our side and is never to depart from us, no matter the stormy seas we are on, He calms the tides of our lives.

I am still soberly awake.  Are you?  Seems like we needed a little sober jarring didn’t we?  This is certainly no time to be playing around and as He reminded me today… A word He gave me so many years ago – this is no time to be playing church.  Soberness and fear of the Lord go hand in hand.  We do not need any more convincing Lord, do we family?  He has our full attention – Guide us Lord, help us each day to walk in your example… Lead us, we will follow You.

I find it utterly disturbing the World is seemingly more sober than the church to some degree at the moment.  We have idols just like the World does and it shows.  And sometimes that idol is where you least expect it – self.  Spiritually I see this coronavirus a particular way the Father is pleading with His people – sort of like a “forced fast” from worldly or canal ways.  And yes… Even His children, each one of us are still struggling with our “canal minds.” 

Anything we entertain more than the Lord, reveals just how much our canal minds still crave knowledge of good and evil – While the Lord is truly all we need to thrive spiritually.  But the flesh craves those things of flesh to fulfill it desires, so we are tempted constantly to partake of worldly flesh things to satisfy what our flesh desires. 

Those of you who are faithfully in thought and deed serving Jesus, containing His peace which surpasses all human understanding are targets right now.  I just want to remind us, His grace is sufficient for us in that we do not succumb to offense. 

Someone said the other day… People perish for lack of knowledge… ugh… twisting Scripture irritates me sometimes.  For the record – this has nothing to do with worldly knowledge or for the sake of the season – knowledge about Coronavirus.  We better read it in the Word, so that we can quickly and fully surrender to the Lord’s ways, which are not ours.  Thankfully, He left us with His instruction in His Word.

Hosea 4 ~

Hear the word of the Lord,
You children of Israel,
For the Lord brings a charge[a] against the inhabitants of the land:

“There is no truth or mercy
Or knowledge of God in the land.

(Evidenced by these behaviors)
By swearing and lying,
Killing and stealing and committing adultery,
They break all restraint,
With bloodshed [b]upon bloodshed.
Therefore the land will mourn;
And everyone who dwells there will waste away
With the beasts of the field
And the birds of the air;
Even the fish of the sea will be taken away.

“Now let no man contend, or rebuke another;

(when you do not know God, you sprinkle strife & contention every place)
For your people are like those who contend with the priest.
Therefore you shall stumble in the day;
The prophet also shall stumble with you in the night;

(when you do not know God, you stumble)
And I will destroy your mother.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
(when you do not know God, it destroys you)

Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being priest for Me;

(when you reject knowing God, He will not allow you to be His messenger and keep you from ministering to people – they will reject your message)
Because you have forgotten the law of your God,

(because so many are seeking knowledge from news, youtube, social media, etc…  they are no longer seeking to know God and see what He declares as truth – ultimately this results in a denying of His Sovereignty)
I also will forget your children.

“The more they increased,
The more they sinned against Me;

(self-righteousness – remember God opposes the proud, under the New Covenant where we are now – we should be decreasing, not increasing and puffed up)
I[c] will change [d]their glory into shame.
They eat up the sin of My people;
They set their [e]heart on their iniquity.
And it shall be: like people, like priest.
So I will punish them for their ways,
And [f]reward them for their deeds.
10 For they shall eat, but not have enough;
They shall commit harlotry, but not increase;
Because they have ceased obeying the Lord.

(Just to recap…  No knowledge of God is why people perish, hearts set on iniquity stop obeying the Lord and contention is spreading like wildfire)

Today we are going to talk a lot more about being a worker of iniquity…  Because although most everyone is gravitating towards being physically ready each day for what we are facing…  In my Spirit I am constantly reminded just how crucial it is we be Spiritually ready at any given moment.

You all know right…  That every single man out there – inside the church and outside are simply giving perceptions of what is coming upon the Earth.  This goes for all of us – even those who are being shown things by the Lord and many are not – but anyway – the Lord reminded me that NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY OR HOUR of His coming HOWEVER, one indication of His return is… Ready?  FELLOW SERVANTS beating up one another…  In a blink, the Father could shut this whole mess down – no matter what preacher, prophet or seer said – Poof, in an instant we could all be standing before our Father in a blink of an eye.

AGAIN… THERE IS NOT ONE MORE THING THAT HAS TO HAPPEN FOR JESUS TO RETURN – NOT ONE – You know when that changed?  As soon as He ascended up to Heaven with the Father.  Remember, no man is promised tomorrow – today is the day of salvation.  I pray we are worthy to stand before Him and I pray we are able to escape all these things coming upon the Earth – just as is written in the Word.  But while He tarries and we wait…  I pray we find ourselves seeking to fully surrender to Him every day we remain on this journey on Earth.  It is getting easier to surrender to Him isn’t it?  Many of the temptations we once faced as humans have been removed, thank You Lord.

So before we get fully into our study today, I just have one more thing to share from 1 Peter 4.  For some it is quite new to them to be persecuted for their faith in Jesus or sharing a pearl or posting Scripture or anything which glorifies God.  Key word here… glorifies God.  If what you are sharing gives glory to His Name, chances are you will be persecuted.  So why do we even question it?  He told us this so that when it happens the attack would not sway us one way or another…  Again… IT IS TO BE EXPECTED.  It is my prayer He remove the complaint within our hearts when this happens all together.  I sure know I have much more purging to undergo and I desire to have a grateful heart put in place of my heart of complaint. 

Let’s read 1 Peter 4 to strengthen and nourish us to follow in Jesus’s example another day ~

Therefore, since Christ suffered [a]for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of GodFor we have spent enough of our past [b]lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles—when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries. In regard to these, they think it strange that you do not run with them in the same flood of dissipation, speaking evil of you. They will give an account to Him who is ready to judge the living and the dead. For this reason the gospel was preached also to those who are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.

Serving for God’s Glory

But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayersAnd above all things have fervent love for one another, for “love will cover a multitude of sins.” Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. 10 As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. 11 If anyone speaks, let him speak as the [c]oracles of God. If anyone ministers, let him do it as with the ability which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the [d]dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Suffering for God’s Glory

12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you13 but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy. 14 If you are [e]reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. [f]On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part He is glorified. (WHEN YOU VERBALLY ATTACK SOMEONE YOU BLASPHEMY THE LORD) 1But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a [g]busybody in other people’s matters(We suffer when we do these things)16 Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this [h]matter.

17 For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first(I sure hope no one things this is something they can wait on because it is a future event – actually it is a law of reaping what you’ve sown – now) what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? 18 Now

“If the righteous one is scarcely saved,
Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?”

19 Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.

Now this is an excellent reminder to pay closer attention to what we say, than what is said to us right now.  I call this a timely word of instruction from the Lord.  We often test what we hear by the Holy Spirit – but in this we need to make sure we are testing what we say by the Holy Spirit – to stop and think before we speak, displaying the fruit of self-control.

Before anything gets spoken or even typed in the case of a chatroom – we need to ask ourselves first –

  • Is it true?
  • Is it necessary to repeat or say?
  • Is it kind?
  • Is what I am about to say going to lift another up or bring them down?
  • Is it a demonstration of mercy and love?

If we get into this habit of holding onto our words with restraint – we will get into way less tangled webs.  Every day I am getting complaints of those who are offended and yet they cannot see their own parts they played in the contentions and strife.  So please keep in mind, to follow the example of Jesus means to often bridle your tongues and fingers for that matter.

This gives perfect Segway into part of our study today on being a worker of iniquity.  Which is something I know none of us desire to be.  The Lord really pressed upon me that you all are overfed with what is coming upon the Earth and that we must remain steadfast and fixated on continually studying the Word, because all we need to make it through each day has already been given.  And He directly told me –

Mathew 6:33 –

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

So see…  We really have nothing to fear, nothing at all, so long as we are continually seeking Him – being still and knowing He is God, following in Jesus’s footsteps and using words only when necessary.

One of my greatest fears is to hear – Depart from me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you.  Only because those He says this to, did much for the glory of His Name.  They prophesied, cast out devils and did many wonderful works.

Let’s read it in the Word, Mathew 7:

21 Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Did you see what they did not do?  They did not do the will of the Father – they did works which were out of disobedience.  Yikes, that is really scary.

It is also why He focuses so much on being obedient before sacrifice and is also why we have studied so much about fully surrendering to the Lord, seeking obedience above all else and letting go of all desires we personally have in that our only desire is Jesus.  If you remember we learned once when Jesus is our only desire we are in unity with Him so our desires are the same and then and only then, does He give us the desires of our hearts.  We get Him on the Throne of our hearts, then all things are added unto us – like building blocks one upon another when Jesus is our foundation.

This Scripture is alarming because it proves we can do many, many works for the Lord and if we are not in obedience to Him while we do them, we are in jeopardy.  Some do not take this seriously and some it offends – but some of us desire the sincere milk of the Word, like this.  This particular Scripture is simple and easy to understand.  I like simple and easy, don’t you?

I started pondering what is the will of the Father, just to go a little deeper…  Guess where He led me?  I bet you can’t guess… lol…  I will give you a hint…  It has nothing to do with works, doing this or doing that or isn’t knowledge based or hard to attain or understand…  He led me directly to… ready?  The Lord’s Prayer… Weird, I know right?

He told me to pray in unity with Me, you need to pray just as My Son prayed…  I am settled now in my heart, if it was good enough for Jesus and if He stressed this prayer as He taught His very own disciples how to pray…  It is plentiful for us to today! 

Shall we pray it together before we even take another step today?  I think so.

Guess where the Lord’s Prayer is in the Bible?  Believe it or not, it is in Mathew 6, the chapter right before the Scripture we just read…  Interesting isn’t it?  And believe me, I did not orchestrate it that way for today, He did.

Let’s pray, it is in Mathew 6:9-13

9… Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

11 Give us this day our daily bread.

12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Amazing… So I really started to think upon this prayer and how it really is a prayer of full surrender to the Father in everything…  First it glories Him, then it declares His Kingdom will is being done here on Earth just as it is in Heaven and then it shows reliance on Him for daily sustenance – spiritual and physical, it speaks of repentance for the forgiveness of sins and recognizes as we forgive others our sins are forgiven as well, it speaks that His hand prevents us from being led into our own temptation to sin and do evil things and then it ends with the same beginning declaring He alone has kingdom rule and power and glory and it is forever.

The Lord’s prayer seems more personal and beautiful to me than it ever has.  I can now see how often in the past I prayed it out of memory and not of the heart.  Lord forgive me.

Which goes to show, I really believe I have been such a worker of iniquity and hypocrite – in need of much purging and am thankful for it and even though it hurts the flesh it saves the soul.  In these days some are still deceiving themselves while some of us are just now realizing how in lack we have always been.  We’ve been sinners in need of a Savior and yet… thought we already were, but we were still playing around like an unchanged old creature.  We thought we could be saved on a prayer, only to realize Jesus does not indwell a vessel until it is emptied out through purging and repentance.

God is good all the time and we are not.  We may be good some of the time – but He is always good and He never changes.  It is so exciting how He is revealing more and more of Himself to us lately!

Remember when we used to worry we were a tare?  Or maybe some of you still do…  And that is okay, it is part of your process of repentance.  Before we go any further on that…  He is pressing me to share a little bit about the delusion that one can enter into Heaven’s gates without repenting. 

Here’s the Scripture – Acts 17:

30 Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent31 because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained.

Or – At the beginning of Luke 13 – He speaks twice about repentance:

There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had [a]mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.”

Do you know what these people were doing in this Scripture?  They were judging those who sinned differently than them…  thinking others were worse off and more lost than they were.  Jesus was pointing out to them – it is YOU who need to repent.  And this too is something I have been very guilty of myself.

Envy is one of the most devastating sins there is.  Envy, jealousy, backbiting, gossiping together against others…  accusatory text messages are one of the biggest ego centric actions I have witnessed as of late… Only because it takes way less guts to type something than it does to confront someone face to face…. We often forget there is a Heavenly record of every idle word – spoken by us, including that which is typed… refusal to submit to authority, is going to bring much destruction upon our heads – unless of course, we repent.  And just in case we need a reminder – to repent means, to turn away from and stop doing and if I may add that often means no longer associating with someone so you do not sin anymore – then do it… Because that is a “lead me not into temptation moment” found within the Lord’s prayer.  My experience has usually been, if you are truly changed – by the heart, not fake… those who enjoyed your company before will reject you – so be ready in the heart and mind to go all the way with Jesus – count the cost now, as many who are departing from the faith, will depart from us and they usually are noisy when they leave.  But we hold our peace.  Amen.

A surrendered heart is a submissive heart that is led solely by the Holy Spirit.  I am the first one to admit I used to have trouble submitting to authority, so I get it.  I was like that when President Obama was in office for a long time until I got so many spankings from the Father my pants were on fire.  And that is just one example of the type of carnal Christian rebellion I truly was in – and I was delusional at the time too, thinking myself to be something I was not.  Ugh… I lacked one very important component to Kingdom living… humility.  At that time I had sort of a false humility, believing I had all the answers… Like I would state proudly I was humble… sheesh… that makes me sick to think about now.  I always had to have the last word too, lacking any self-control, foolish child indeed… lol 

There was the old me and now is the new me.  The old me tried to rule over things sometimes with the ministry (and if you all tell him I confessed this – I will deny it, lol just kidding), I would not only make suggestions in a forceful way, I never held in my opinion.  Now this was years ago, not now.  Since that time, I do not question how Michael runs COT in such a way and I trust the Father will lead him much better than I could.  There are times he may seek my wisdom on things or confirmation or things like that…  So when invited I share.  Every once in awhile the Holy Spirit will give me something to place before Michael, but the convincing part now belongs to Jesus, not me.  And he does the same with ROF…. Its called respect and honor blended with love.

Can I be honest please?  Women need to know their place as nurturers and teachers to those who are youthful in their Spiritual walks (this is Biblical btw) but we must quench our desire to rule over man at all costs.  I am stepping lightly here… But we need to be purged of opinions and until we are able to – hold our peace more often.  Otherwise, we can easily become whiney and like a dripping faucet, as spoken of in the Old Testament… simply put – irritating to those around us.  An example would be – openly stating a complaint how someone is overseeing their appointed assignment.  I’ve actually witnessed females who are out of line with Godly order do this in both COT and Pastor Paul’s chatrooms over the course of years.  It is quite revealing just how much rebellion we still have within us, when we refuse to submit to those in authority the Lord has placed over us – should we choose to dine at a particular table – we really should have manners.  I have a caution for all those females who send emails of complaints continually to Michael or myself…  Let’s be sober in the mind, learning to be more submissive in nature to the leading of the Holy Spirit as a lady of grace who gently reflects the loving nature of Jesus.  As a living example of Him, may we act like a guest in the home when fellowshipping together, so that those who are watching have a positive influence to follow.  I just cannot even fathom entering as a guest into Pastor Paul’s fellowship with contentious complaints on how he is running his own household.  Actually, I would be quite embarrassed to do so, because even if I cannot see it within – everyone else can see I have many complaints within my heart.

I am sure the Father is also doing a mighty saving work with our brothers as well.  Since I cannot speak as a male to a male it is really out of place for me to address them, unless I am giving direct insight to how ladies perceive or feel about things – but don’t worry ladies, the Lord is purifying His whole church, men included… It is not only us who need a little course correction!  …. I will say this because it is written to males directly…  Men need to be loving females more like Jesus loves the church. 

You see… If we are not humble… It hinders everything!  And if we are humble…  It releases everything!  When we humble ourselves, and pray and seek His face and turn from our wicked carnal ways… It is then our Father hears us from Heaven to forgive our sins and heal us.  (2Chronicles 7:14)

Humility is the fruit to repentance, which saves us from doing works of iniquity.  Thank You Lord.

If I may… Can I release some weights and chains that have gotten very burdensome off of you ladies today?  Wives, Sisters it is not your job to be a pastor to our husbands or brothers… To be a Godly compliment in the walk of those you cherish the most, does not require we rule over someone or lead them to follow in our footsteps but rather to be an example of the love of Jesus in their lives, to encourage, foster hope and strengthen them in truth for the call the Lord has placed upon them.  May we always remember to pray for them most of all, so that the One Who is able hears the cries of our hearts and sets many to flight on their behalf.

Now I realize that seemed like an awful lot of bad news doesn’t it?  But if you will, with me, consider it a trumpet call to repent.  A revealing of the truth of us, so that we can be set free and walk according to the ways of Jesus, as our living example.  There is no condemnation in this whatsoever, because Jesus always makes a way of escape to the sin which so easily ensnares us.  Repentance is a beautiful and loving piece to our journey here on Earth.  The Father points these things out to us in His merciful love, for our benefit so we are not lost and wandering like a disobedient wayward child.  He is pulling us closer to Him all the time, purging us along the way, as we draw near to God, He draws near to us.

And remember…  Like we have been discussing for months now…  As a new creature in Christ, we are being purged of all the old creature habits – and today our focus is on the iniquity which still remains.

I know none of us gathered today want to go where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth – the place reserved only for the hypocrites, therefore, He is revealing to perfect us and definitely not to condemn us.

It is our job alone to turn from our wicked ways, everyone can choose not to, He forces no one.  But it is our own actions which reflect the truth of us – better to know this now, than regret it later.  Amen?  It is with a humble and grateful heart we can praise His Name for removing all iniquity from us to prepare us inwardly for the dwelling of Jesus within.  He is not doing this because He despises us, but because He loves us.  I pray you grasp this truth.  Don’t let that devil convince you otherwise, this truth is edifying to your walk, not condemning your walk.

Jesus never leaves us in the same condition He found us in – thankfully.  As things which do not align with His ways are revealed so that we have a choice to make regarding repenting – to wash our robes white – remember, the Bride makes herself ready.  It certainly feels as if we need more time, doesn’t it?

So many are preparing in the natural right now for what is happening, while I feel like my focus has to be on being spiritually ready above all else.  So much so, I am finding it a little difficult to focus on much in the natural.  But knowing I have children who depend on me, I know I need to be a little more responsible in that area, so I am trying to do what I can.  Many of you are very similar to me facing financial limitations to prepare – but rest assured, Jesus will not leave us, no matter what – He is our Provision for our health, security, finances, food, water, everything is upheld by His hand as we welcome Him into our Homes to abide.  He truly is the one constant in our lives we can depend on.  Amen.  So I encourage you to talk to Him, tell Him what is troubling you – He already knows.  I realize many have a tendency to go right to another person first – I’ve done that too – but truly if you desire that peace which surpasses all understanding it is only Jesus that can fill us with His calmness during these troubled times.  When we really see that Jesus is all we need, we won’t be so shaken when He is all we have.

We are blessed to finally be made aware now that we cannot save ourselves and to stop being a runaway bride and simply throw our hands up and surrender our self-will to His – that was simply exhausting wasn’t it?  We also no longer have our eyes fixated on the sins of others like we used to and wow, that is a good thing too isn’t it – so the real work of wholeness can truly begin?  Stones are being put down, hearts are turning away from evil and loving the Lord, we are clinging more to what is good than ever before and truly, beyond a shadow of doubt moving from glory to glory in HIM. 

I truly pray this message was received in the way in which it was given, with a humbled and grateful heart which points to Jesus as the only way to salvation, as He does all things in love.  The Bible tells us how quickly the Lord forgives our confessed sins and how blessed we are that we can go before Him in such an open and honest way.  If we can truly and whole-heartedly believe in faith without seeing that every single thing we are dealing with at the moment is God at work in our lives to deliver us fully from those mindsets that have held us captive for so very long…  We will be just fine.  We are all going to be okay in His capable hands.

So, with that I guess you could call it a wrap for today! 

I thank you for joining me and I also thank you for lifting ROF Ministries and myself up in prayer, for your love and/or financial support, should the Lord lead you to do so – in that we continue to be sent forth to be a blessing of hope to those the World has rejected, by healing hearts His way.

As always, your prayers keep us covered and your support keeps us reaching the multitudes.  Should the Lord place it upon your heart to give financially, you may do so by visiting our website at:, not only will those we serve be blessed – with your love seeds, your joy shall be made full in Him. 

We always welcome more members to our Prison Ministry Outreach Team, so if you are interested please email me at: – which is the same email for prayer requests or if I can personally be of assistance to you in anyway. 

Let’s pray ~

Heavenly and merciful Father, it is with great awe and gratitude we come before You this day to celebrate new beginnings of hope found in Your Only Begotten Son, Jesus.  We first bow before You in our hearts asking You to forgive us for taking for granted or mis-using the Gift of His sacrifice in ways that were for selfish-gain.  We thank You mostly for the gift of repentance which draws us into full submissive unity with You as Jesus washes out every spot or blemish which does not reflect His Image.  Lord we not only ask You for forgiveness we praise You for so willingly offering it, knowing we are not worthy to receive You and yet You welcome us anyway.  Thank You Father for continuing to open our eyes even more to the full understanding and knowledge of Your truth.  We love Your truth Lord, we love You Lord more and more each day as You are the one Who our soul longs for every moment of every day.  Thank You for receiving us just as we are into Your opened and loving arms and cleansing us, making us whole. 

We also pray today that You would wipe every tear from the eyes of those who are suffering, that You would draw them near unto You and be their comfort and guide.  We lift up our loved ones to You Lord and ask You to protect them and keep them safe during the trials coming upon the whole World.  We thank You Lord for the blessing of children, help us to train them better to walk in Your precepts and give us strength to say no on their behalf.  We pray in unity for our Nation and the leaders and inhabitants who live here Father.  We pray they see Your Sovereign majesty is upon all which concerns them and we thank You with all that we are that Your will being done on Earth as it is in Heaven.  Amen.

Life Saving Shaking ~ Broadcast Transcript from April 17, 2020

Good Morning and HAPPY late RESURRECTION DAY to each of you!  Thank you for joining me today on this ROF Ministries Broadcast and what a beautiful day it is to believe in faith this is the day the Lord has made and we shall be glad and rejoice in it, where every day is resurrection day around here.  Amen?  Thankfully, as a child of God we do not need to wait for a particular day or hour to fall on our knees in worship, do we?  For that I am most grateful, aren’t you?  Thank You Jesus – we give You all praise and glory and honor for the magnificent work on the cross which You are solidifying within our hearts and minds, renewing us each and every day.

AL righty then…  Shall we get started?  We have so much go discuss today!  I pray you are blessed, because you surely are highly favored and loved, by me of course, but more importantly by our Father in Heaven, Who sent love down in the word made flesh, His firstborn Son, Jesus.  And Jesus had many siblings didn’t He?  That is YOU!  And me – we are His spiritual family on Earth, just as it is in Heaven.  The Word tells us Jesus was the first of many brethren and my oh my, we are so thankful to be able to worship Him each and every day for only He is worthy to be praised and honored and glorified!  We love You Lord Jesus, with all that we are.

For the first time in a very long time…  I don’t know what to ramble about today… lol…  I know right?  Isn’t that funny?  I’ve been journaling for days now, since we last met and I kept looking for a common thread to all the Lord was showing me in His word.  I must admit – I see no common link here…  Except HIM of course – Jesus is our link in all we seek and love. Amen.  I would say let’s wing it today – but I am so not good at things unplanned…  We will just start at the beginning and see how He leads us to fellowship together and how all this unfolds today.

It seems very appropriate to start with…  the last three words Jesus spoke here on Earth.  Do you all remember what He said?  He said – IT IS FINISHED.  Oh this is gonna be good…  Because I bet you’ve never seen this Scripture this way before.  I know I sure hadn’t until Friday night when He led me to look up that familiar scripture.  Let’s read it:

John 19:30 –

When Jesus therefore HAD RECEIVED THE VINEGAR, he said, IT IS FINISHED: and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost.

We are going to come back to that, but first…  What was finished?  What do those three words mean to you?

  • Suffering
  • Pain & Destruction
  • Torment & Sin
  • Betrayal
  • Accusation & the enemy’s influence
  • Physical beatings
  • Shame
  • Being forsaken – abandonment

Jesus had just gone through some of the worst 24 hours of His life…  And all of that was directed at Him, but remember He also took on all our sins, as well, if you can possibly imagine that.  I cannot.

Let’s read what happened right before Jesus said IT IS FINISHED, again.

John 19:30 –

When Jesus therefore HAD RECEIVED THE VINEGAR, he said, IT IS FINISHED: and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost.

Vinegar is a bitter wine – and Jesus received it into Himself

All that bitterness He received into Himself, saying it is finished and then He died on the cross.

Bitterness always proceeds death.  Bitterness is like poison to the body, BUT, this is a HUGE revelation here…  When Jesus said it was finished, it means all that bitterness which tries to torment us day and night was put to death with Him on the cross and cannot be resurrected unless of course, we bring it back to life in our hearts and minds.  By Jesus taking it inside Himself, He becomes the bearer of all bitterness which attempts to have control over us and we are set free in Him.

Bitterness leads to drunkenness…  Being not sober in the mind – not thinking straight, double-minded and when drunk we do weird things, don’t we, like imagining things and accusing others?

But Jesus is our way of escape out of all that torment and yet…  We do not know Him intimately enough to drink only from Him – our well of everlasting life.  When He is not on the throne of our hearts, it shows, because we want everything and everyone else to complete us and make us whole.  Some of us have yet to approach that cross due to fear, let alone lay down all our burdens at His feet. 

Every single sin can be traced back to one thing – FEAR.  Which is why we need His perfect love to cast out all fear.  Love cannot be taught, love is a knowing, deep inside the heart and soul.  We hold onto sinful old creature ways out of fear.  And until we fear not what man can do to us, but only our Father…  Our lives are gonna be a little topsy-turvy, drunkenness. 

I repent for really asking the Lord to do more for me when He already did it all.  I feel really sorrowful how I would murmur and complain in my heart and mind about what I do not have, when He already gave me everything.  I had a “vinegar” heart for a very long time and to be honest… I didn’t care that Jesus said my old life was finished…  I wanted what I wanted and how I wanted it – Lord forgive me again.  Bitterness is like quicksand and will pull us under if we do not purposely step out of the snare of its grip. 

Our Lord is so amazing that He is not asking us to do anything to be saved, knowing it is already ready finished – He simply is asking us to RECEIVE HIM.  Will we receive Him or not?  We make excuse after excuse, like I will, but not today – today I am miserable, naked and blind… But tomorrow, yes Lord I will receive You.  We really, really say these things in our hearts don’t we?  I am as guilty as the thief on the cross next to Jesus…  As Jesus suffered and died for us to GIVE US LIFE and we say, No… I prefer to lay on my deathbed and deny Your Name over picking up my diseased comfort and walk to the healing waters of You.  Forgive us Lord.  Some of you get what I am saying and if you are carrying people around, when they actually should be walking themselves to Jesus and if they are capable of walking at all… Then you are doing them a complete disservice of hindrance to comfort them with a lie.  Jesus died for all, not some, but for all who seek Him – it isn’t hard to seek Jesus, not at all.  People just say those words to manipulate you – a child barely learning to walk can find Jesus, everything that has breath can praise Him, the grass bows before Him… Anyone who seeks Him, shall find Him. Period.

Again… bitterness proceeds death.  It did for Jesus as an example for what it will do to us.  Everyone must choose eternal life or death for themselves.  Please hear me on this – but if someone prefers death over life, it is NOT because Jesus did not do all He could to draw them to Himself.  He even leaves the 99 to go after the 1.  I really feel like people get saved in spite of us, not because of us quite often.  We often are so fearful of a little pain when the old creature dies that we will keep reviving that old nature in others, interfering and delaying their rebirthing process.  I pray the Lord continue to instruct us more in His ways and commands and raise us up to be workers during this end time harvest.  Was that too harsh?  I am sorry if I offended anyone, but Jesus truly finished all sin upon the cross for us – the problem is we just don’t believe it in our minds and our hearts deceive us to thinking repentance died when He rose from the dead three days later.  Actually, quite the opposite is true.  The new creature walks continually in repentance – otherwise, it would not be a new creature.  Make sense?

I think we’ve done the mixture (vinegar) thing long enough… Don’t you?

Pure, true and good fruit looks just like Jesus – we do produce fruit by the way – which are things that manifest at our hands, good or bad, by our wills, thoughts, actions, minds, hearts…  Anything we say or do that does not look just like what Jesus said or did is profane or bad fruit.  We often feel withered and weak when we are seeking an outside source to replenish us.

Jesus will never, ever be IN MIXTURE… Jesus vomits the lukewarm out… MIXTURE, vinegar – what HE RECEIVED INTO HIMSELF… oh boy… My heart is beating fast… You all with me?  We read earlier it was the mixture of VINEGAR (bitter wine & water) He received INTO HIMSELF then died on the cross…  Fast forward to Revelation and guess what Jesus vomits out of His mouth??? The lukewarm – mixture – hot/cold or bitter wine… those who are drunk on bitterness…  ugh… You all with me?  He took it in on the cross and will spew it out at His coming… This is huge!

Lukewarm are SHOWING CHRIST TO OTHERS but not LIVING AS CHRIST authentically. Hot and cold is being on fire for Him one minute and lethargic the next.

Some might say… they are doing outward works and uttering Him with their lips (false prophets, teachers, preachers, followers, witnesses, performing miracles), but their hearts are far from Him.  But enough about that – today is the day of Salvation for us all – to seek Him with our whole hearts, with all that we are – knowing that is enough.  He wants to break those chains in our minds that speak to us in opposition to His word, casting down all imaginations.  There is no condemnation in Jesus – He is for life, those other thoughts are just weeds sown into us by the enemy that things are still left undone… When Jesus said, it is finished.  It is a web of lies in our minds which tell us we must rise to meet Jesus by performance when He said we must bow before Him in humility.

He created us as vessels for Him to dwell in, not for works either.  Once He indwells within us His works follow, like a shadow.  The works do not announce Jesus is among us, they follow us after He is revealed.  Remember the shadow of the apostles healed?  Like I have said before – a shadow does not have a voice, it just is…  Man forces things, Jesus just is…  It is only fresh waters which heal, in which Jesus is the only source.  We do not have to make something happen, like water it flows but is not forceful and remember… Wells don’t chase people down – wells are constantly in the same place and people come to them to drink.

Jesus is so very kind and loving, desiring none perish – I mean none – not even the worst of all the sinners on Earth does He want to perish.  We need to lose that fear that He needs us to save others, which is works based.  He does use us to plant seeds of truth, grow others and comfort others, but the saving belongs solely to Him, because victory belongs to only Him – not ourselves, a part from Him – what can we really do anyway?  Jesus is that well of never ending fresh water which flows out continually and freely to all who desire to partake of Him and when we abide in Him, He pours out through us too.  To prosper as our souls prosper simply means, Jesus is established on the throne of our hearts so that out of our hearts flows Him.  We decrease in that He may increase and yielding to Him is a requirement of prospering.  If rebellion still remains within us it will serve as an obstacle to yielding completely to Him, we will not decrease as we should and continually be wrestling with ourselves, our flesh man and even God.  Remember our study on Jacob?  Until Jacob fully surrendered he was not blessed.  To be blessed resembled communing with the Lord, being naturally supernatural.

Remember the 2 trees in the Garden?  I am sure you all are tired of me talking about them…  Adam and Eve were given only 1 command, just one – which was to not eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.  One simple command.  The other Tree was the Tree of Life = Jesus, of which flows waters of everlasting life.  The Father knew that knowing of evil would destroy one’s innocence – He also knew it was not a requirement to know of evil to follow the Lord.  That one simple command to keep their eyes closed to darkness – where everything was permissible, they didn’t even know they were naked, because at that time everything was pure.  They say curiosity kills that cat, well that day it killed all humanity, over just their disobedience, innocence was tainted.  We lose our innocence each and every time we partake in knowledge of evil, the mixture resembles lukewarm, don’t you agree?  Good mixed with evil has impurities in it, just like hot mixed with cold is a mixture.  And this is exactly what spots and blemishes our garments.  Anyone thirsty for righteousness drinks what?  Righteous waters gleaned from only the Tree of Life.  And remember… to the pure, all things are pure – one must have darkness within them to seek and see darkness.  We can partake of something with our eyes and ears, not just our mouth.

We know lucifer is the father of all liars.  When anyone partakes of his fruit of knowledge… guess who manifests in and through that person?  Him.  Just like when we partake of Jesus, we abide with Him through our decrease so that He manifests through us.  Don’t forget there are two types of vessels… One key indicator of just who is manifesting is who is being glorified.  Lucifer feeds the ego so that one boasts on themselves.  Jesus feeds the Spirit and we then boast on the Lord.  Again, there are vessels of honor and dishonor – depending on which kingdom you abide in, that is who you present to others.

The lukewarm right now are in the Valley of Decision, just like we spoke about last week.  During this shaking right now it is forcing a choice upon all those who haven’t made one yet.  We are either for Him or against Him and right now it is quite revealing who is who by manifested actions, no matter the words they speak.  Darkness is being uncovered by the Light and many are found naked.  Once revealed openly one can either find some fig leaves to cover yourself and hide from the Lamb or else be covered by the blood of Lamb on the doorposts of our hearts.  Everything which is hidden will be revealed in the coming days because the darker the World gets, the brighter the lights of Jesus shine.  It might be a good idea to get in placement to hide ourselves under the shadow of the almighty until this indignation passes.

Next…  Let’s talk a little about this “shaking…”  Because more is on the way and it is growing in intensity.  When the Heavens shake first, like an echo it will reach Earth and the lands respond.  There is a word He gave me in which He called what is happening – The Saving Shaking.  He is saving souls all over the place and if we get our focus off what evil is doing we shall see spiritually the fruit the Lord is ripening.

It is our merciful Father pleading with all the inhabitants of the Earth as He shakes things a bit to awaken the masses to bow a knee and repent.  Shaking cultivates an authentic and intimate relationship with Jesus to be free in the Spirit through the circumcision of the heart to repent.  I am sure you can see it now, can’t you?  It has been a very long time since people were so free and open to prayer and calling upon the Name of the Lord…  Which is just enough – that is all He asks, that His people humble themselves, pray and seek His face…  And it is happening – more people are humbling themselves and openly seeking Him since I can ever remember.  So if you look at the bigger picture right now, I would say the fruit of the Children of God are popping up all over the place.  It often takes the direst of circumstances for a heart to cry Abba Father in truth, sadly.

All superficial devices are being revealed, sheep’s clothing is being stripped from wolves, wells without water are being dried up and laid bare so people do not drink from them anymore, our own works are coming down, people are returning to their first love Jesus having sole dependence on Him and His children are now beginning to honor Him with their hearts and lips and if not remain silent.

Jesus is here to take back what is rightfully His own and it is only going to get increasingly more intense from here on out because He does not relent.  Jesus’s ultimate plan from the beginning of time was to save lost souls and with these winds of change His presence is getting bolder and bolder.  He is gathering His people unto Himself – it sort of resembles a birthing of unity in the Spirit of those who worship Him in the love of the truth.  We know His remnant will rise, although many of us have been hidden in ashes for a bit.  Those who do fall away will do so mainly because they look to another to be saved, for explanation or solutions, while seeking to save their own lives, refusing to repent from wicked ways and pride.  And those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes have faith and hope that He is our only salvation.  We fear no death, knowing to die is gain and how much better it is be present with the Lord than to be in this body of flesh.

The lost church will increasingly fall into a pit with the enemy, keeping their eyes on one another – for answers and accusations until they devour and consume each other by finger pointing and a lustful desire to be right they will eventually consume one another.  They will conform to man who gives instruction over conforming to Christ and His set exampled ways, because they are used to an instant blessing, rather than the patience of the Saints.  The Father will again decree the tables of the money changers in His church to be overturned.  Those ministries who partake in mixture right now and are first are soon to be last while the Father ushers in His remnant for the Harvesting of His own seed.

It is time to kiss the Son, lest He manifest in anger.  It is for our good that every single thing which is of a higher priority than Jesus is being shaken down, so that He has His rightful place on the Throne of our hearts.  We are at a crossroads unmatched at the moment…  a T in the road so to speak… 

First came the trembling and shaking to reveal the crossroads… We can go down one of two ways…

The Narrow Way which leads to life everlasting or the Broadway which leads to destruction.

The awesome part about this shaking is the wakeup call for those who blindly were heading down towards the broad way by wandering off the straight and narrow way – Wow, its amazing just how loving and merciful our Father is, He sent us His precious Son to give us life and all we have to do is receive Him.

Anytime someone begins to imagine a “vain” thing… they immediately begin to rebel against the Lord, they wrestle internally against flesh and Spirit. 

Remember when we learned:

Who you bow down to is who you worship

Who you worship is who you love

Who you love reveals the Kingdom you belong to.

Whether you are from lucifer’s kingdom or God’s you follow this same chain of command

Now remember… lucifer is the most subtle of all the beasts, he is very tricky and since he cannot corrupt us, he tricks us into corrupting ourselves.  The Who in this pattern we just spoke about is self/ego, because that is the fruit he produces… Remember?  He fell because he desired to be as god… I just want us to be clear here… Bowing down to yourself and desires is a form of self-worship and most certainly is the broad way.

BROADWAY –                                               NARROW WAY –

Saves flesh                                                   Saves your soul

Tares – burned up         HARVEST        Wheat – gathered together

Serves Self                                                   Serves Jesus

Each and every shaking we experience in this life is a real blessing of mercy and grace upon us, helping us to humble ourselves and seek His face.

This is so amazing – Thank You Lord for breaking off the mindsets set as chains upon us as we seek You.

Just for clarification – There is an extreme difference in CORRECTION vs CONDEMNATION and many are unaware, walking around in offense.  We may talk more about this at a later date, but correction is actually being led by the Good Shephard Jesus and is a rightful blessing of the children of God.  Condemnation says – nothing you do is good enough… well, duh – nothing we do is good enough, to save us.  You see how the enemy speaks a lie into our minds that is truth, but laden with accusation?  If offense was not present, we would receive that truth just as it was stated…  But offense which is always based in pride (fruit of the enemy) pushes us to come into agreement with his lies about us and because we hide ourselves in shame the offense has the intensity it needs to catch fire.  Freely given, freely received without offense… None is righteous, we need His.  If you are offended, then you are under condemnation still trying to pry yourself out of death by works and earn your way to Jesus.

The Father corrects His children and to His children who seek to be pleasing that is a beautiful embracing process of pure love.  The gift He is offering is repentance and that too is beautiful.  Repentance simply means admitting your shortcomings before the One who already knows them with a humble and contrite heart.  You see why we avoid it?  It is not we care for Him to know we still have spots and blemishes of sin, He sees everything we do and knows every thought but we are washed clean in the Blood of the Lamb….  We still have a prideful piece within us which seeks to save our own lives and we do not like to admit we cannot do something on our own… If the enemy can trick us that we are being condemned – we won’t even try to seek Jesus the only one who can save our souls.

We certainly are that TEMPLE made not by human hands with walls and such, Jesus is the door guarding His house, so today of all days it is a great reminder to keep JESUS at the center of everything in our lives.

Shaking is the Season we are in at the moment – Then being weighed in the balance through the choices we make to rebel against God or repent before Him – Kingdom fruit is witnessed by others – God’s Kingdom or lucifer’s – it depends on who you serve (Jesus or self).

Now please listen closely for just a minute —- The magnitude or force of shaking you personally feel is the exact measurement of rebellion which still remains in you.

Rebellion meaning, trusting man or self over God when tribulations come upon us like waves.

Please, please remember – the Father is doing this for us, not against us! 

Why?  So that when everything is shaken, only that which remains in us is JESUS, unmovable and eventually unshakeable – so that we abide continually in HIS KINGDOM.

What falls off?  Self!

Shaking rises up the Bride to awaken and heed her Bridegroom’s call.  She hears His voice above all others, she follows Him wherever He goes so that He becomes her strength and finds utter and complete JOY IN HIM above all else…  He is taking an adulterous Bride, purifying her, formulating her to be equally yoked with Him, faithful and ready to be JOINED FOR MARRIAGE at the consummation.  My guess is – if we all really knew what was truly awaiting before us we would be jumping for joy in the shaking and asking for more and a quickening.  Now I am getting excited… lolol

Repeat after me:  Jesus is for me, not against me.  I am a child of God, He watches over me continually.

Remember this next time someone who says they believe in Jesus approaches with you a complaint in their heart – remember this if I complain to you, comfort one another with these words – which are truth to override all the whispered lies of the enemy.

Really quick, let’s just point out some manna words out of Psalm 46 –

  • The Lord is our refuge and our strength
  • He is purging all hypocrisy out of us for our good
  • There are times the Lord ordains us to rest by ceasing from our own labors
  • When our hearts are one with Jesus we do His works not our own in order to be pleasing in His sight
  • As His ambassadors and witnesses we point only to Jesus and His Kingdom
  • And we remember just how much our actions do reflect the truth of us so that we repent when it is time to repent and press on when He leads us to forget that which is behind us – our old nature.

You see… It already is finished…  Time for us to stop resurrecting that old man and run to Jesus to free us so we are indeed free, not just talking about freedom, but walking in the freedom He has set before us.

Once we were sinners, but now… turned Saint, no longer desiring to sin – repenting as soon as we do, it surely is finished.

A sinner sins and feels no remorse or need to repent.  A saint sins and immediately goes to the Savior for forgiveness.  If your conscience is seared and you can lie, steal, slander, commit adultery, murder, rule over others, just to name a few and not feel some sort of guilt – drop everything and run to Jesus before it is too late.  Jesus finished for us all desire to sin, we are already free, we just need to believe it.  The wages of sin is death and that is exactly what Jesus defeated on the cross.

Okay… Well here we are at the end of today’s broadcast.  I pray it blesses you as you walk faithfully hand in hand each day with Jesus.

Before I go, lets pray the Lord’s Prayer together as one body of believers, the same and yet different and uniquely created and formed by His majestic hands.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name, 
thy kingdom come, 
thy will be done, 
on earth as it is in heaven. 

Give us this day our daily bread. 
And forgive us our trespasses, 
as we forgive those
who trespass against us. 

And lead us not into temptation, 
but deliver us from evil. 

For thine is the kingdom, 
and the power, and the glory, 
for ever and ever. Amen.

Like always, I cannot thank those of you enough who have supported ROF Ministries by covering prayers, words of encouragement or financial blessings.  No matter the gift you have, many of you do not hold back and I cannot praise the Lord enough for each of you.  Please feel free to contact me at or visit for updates, prayer requests and/or to sow into our ministry, as we keep on healing hearts His way together in the unity of love for the glory of only His Name.

Let No Man Deceive You ~ Broadcast Transcript for April 5, 2020

Good Morning and God Bless each of you – thank you for joining me today on this ROF Ministries Broadcast.  I am most honored and happy you are here with me today!  How are you all holding up?  You doing okay surrounded by the madness of the World?  Days are really starting to blend together aren’t they?  Hard to believe we have only been abiding in the chaos for three weeks…  It seems more like three years to me.  As we continue to keep our eyes fixated on Jesus, we will not sink into the chaos of the World, just as He promised we wouldn’t.  Remember Peter?  He only started to sink when walking on water to get to Jesus when He looked down, taking His eyes off of Jesus.  Spiritually speaking, the same is true for us.

I kept going back and forth trying to see where the Lord would lead me for today.  I was torn between the magnificent story of Esther – which honestly is what I wanted to share with you all today during our time together.  But, the Lord kept pressing me with another topic and since this is all about Him – it’s His choice, not mine.  I always seem to gravitate to wanting to talk about pleasant things – of which the Book of Esther is, being near and dear to my heart.  As He leads we will follow and today the foundation of His message is…  Let No Man Deceive You.  I feel like this is going to be a hard message for some and for that reason I am going to apologize in advance for any offense today’s broadcast may cause.  Please remember, to test all things humans say, including me, by what is already written in the Word.

So here we go – Let no man deceive you…

And we will get to that Scripture eventually, but first we are going to read what happens if we let a man deceive us, even if just a little bit.  But first, a burden even comes with knowing it is up to us to some degree if we actually do let a man deceive us.  Without us even knowing we can even desire to be deceived.  Tickled ears gravitate to those who tickle them… 

What is that saying…  It is better to be hurt with the truth, than comforted with a lie.

Sadly, I too have chosen lying comfort over truth at times, not guarding my heart like I should of, which can really be crushing, but a necessity nonetheless for the perfection of the saints and the indwelling of wisdom oil.

If we gravitate to a lie just because it feels good we will not be blessed.  Let’s read that in –

Psalm 1:1
Blessed (happy) is the man that…

Walks (wanders) not in the counsel (receive advice) of the ungodly (morally wicked)

Nor stands (abides – ordain) in the way (walk with) of sinners (one who offends)

Nor sits (dwells) in the seat (assembly) of the scornful (mocker, teacher, leader who is boastful and in contempt)

In more common words…

Happy is the one who does not wander by receiving advice from those who are morally wicked, or abides and walks with one who offends others, or dwells in the assembly with anyone who talks arrogantly, leading others to be boastfully in contempt.

Those who do this the Father will deal with them directly, which you can read for yourself, Psalm 1 isn’t very long actually.

The Lord also called them:  fault finders, accusers of the brethren, contentious, blind guides, betwitchers, deceivers and the like.  There is really no reason for me to go over all that again and again…  But what I do want to discuss a little is the fact many have actually convinced themselves every Scripture, sermon, correction and call for repentance is about everyone else but them…  You know why?  They foolishly believe the Bridegroom has delayed His coming…  So they harm their fellow servants, giving no thought to their own actions and if anyone points it out – they say they are the victim or mock the ones they have injured by the shedding of innocent blood.  Somehow, someway the enemy has blinded us to seeking the path of repentance by a plank in our own eyes, seeing only the speck in others.

Let’s go read Mathew 24 a bit, because you are not going to believe this – this teaching is about servants – some are good and some are bad – truly, I never saw this word like this before – I will read it then we can talk more about it…

Mathew 24:45-51

45 “Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his master made ruler over his household, to give them food (spiritually feeding the flock the Word) [i]in due season? 46 Blessed is that servant whom his master, when he comes, will find so doing (working while its day or the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few). 47 Assuredly, I say to you that he will make him ruler over all his goods (priceless vessels, sheep). 48 But if that evil servant says in his heart, ‘My master is delaying [j]his coming,’ 49 and begins to beat his fellow servants, and to eat and drink (fellowship) with the drunkards (those who shed innocent blood/murder – even with their lips), 50 the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for him and at an hour that he is not aware of, 51 and will cut him in two (scourge/beat with many stripes) and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites (reap what he sowed). There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth (severe anger).

I want to cry…  I really do – I always knew instinctively there were two types of people inside the church – those who hurt others and don’t blink an eye and those who would never, ever intentionally hurt another person.  I say intentionally because we all have inadvertently hurt people, but some intentionally hurt others, just like we read, giving no thought of their own actions because they do not lay it to heart the harm they have caused.

Just to recap – So all the servants here are feeding the flock, spiritually.  But an evil servant says in his own heart that Jesus (master) is not coming soon – he will harm his fellow servants and fellowship with those who are not sober in the ways of the Lord and then Jesus will come on a day when he is not looking for Him to come and he will not be aware of Jesus coming and his appointment with be with the hypocrites rather than with Jesus… where they are angry. (weeping and gnashing of teeth means devouring someone in anger)

You all… In the Scripture right before that it says no man knows the day or hour Jesus is coming… They are doubting HE IS COMING  – to keep this in context, a message is unfolding and right intermingled in all this the Lord gave us a pearl… they are doubting 2 will be taken and one left!

Right before that it says…  The sun is darkened, the moon won’t give its light, stars fall as the powers of Heaven are shaken… BUT GET THIS… then THE SIGN OF JESUS WILL APPEAR IN THE HEAVENLIES EVERYONE ON EARTH WILL MOURN… THEY WILL SEE THE SON OF MAN (JESUS) COMING ON THE CLOUDS OF HEAVEN WITH POWER AND GREAT GLORY.  I know you know this Scripture, but please bear with me…  He will send His angels sounding like a trumpet and THEY WILL GATHER HIS ELECT from HEAVEN AND EARTH. Who will mourn?  Those who are still on Earth during that time.


Okay, I need to calm down, breathe a moment…  Let me relay the story as it is written by paraphrasing it to place some light upon the darkness verse by verse…  You see this why we cannot take Scripture out of context or pull parts of it out for vain satisfaction.  With the Lord’s help I am just simply trying to unravel the web of deceit we have gotten into at times because we received wicked advice from men – letting man deceive us, rather than reading the Word for ourselves and letting the Holy Spirit guide us into all truth.

It is right after Chapter 24 in Mathew 25 again the Lord shows us the 2 portions of the church virgins – half wise and half unwise… half shut out and half entering into the bridal chamber with Him.  Again… another dividing/separation.  Later on in 25 again He says… He puts the sheep on His right hand and the goats on the left.  Separation again.  You see the trend here?  Jesus appearing and separating His own, calling those who are His to “come out from among them…” 

Lastly, Mathew 10 tells us plainly – keep in mind this is all spiritual first which manifests in the natural– Jesus did not say He comes to bring peace now to Earth (He already did that at His birth – that is another story) but that those who do not deny Him before men carry Him as a sword within which will cause those who do not receive Him the same way you do to be against you.  This is no different than surrendering to the Lord, resist the enemy and he will flee from you.  Unfortunately and heartbreaking at times I must confess, when the enemy flees from us he often takes the human vessel he is indwelling with him if they are willing to go away.  Sometimes that abandonment and rejection we feel in our flesh is nothing more than a separation the Lord brought into our lives to keep us hidden within Him.  He told us unless two be agreed they cannot walk together and He also warned us about being unequally yoked with unbelievers…  I truly believe in my heart of hearts, there is a divine separation occurring right now and they is absolutely nothing we can do to intervene or stop it.  You remember how the Father turned Pharaoh’s heart cold towards the Israelites?  Same is happening to many of us at the moment, as hearts are waxing colder and colder by the moment.

If I may suggest, pray and ask the Lord to cancel out every word spoken by men and even myself or anyone else except the Holy Spirit, get in your quiet place and read Mathew 10 and 24 and 25 and let the Holy Spirit bring the Word alive for you and feed your soul directly the nourishment of this life sustaining Word so your eyes are opened to the only real truth without the filters of anybody but Him.  When we read freely the Scripture just flows so easily a child could understand it.

So far we learned about the Spiritual Law of Separation that is a constant before, is and shall be.

We also learned the enemy wants us focused on anything and everything but one thing – which is the return of Jesus by convincing us He has delayed His coming and don’t forget, many will say He already came, which is another deception.

Next we are going to talk about another trick he pulls to get us to question THE PROMISE OF JESUS’S COMING.

2 Peter 3 –

In verse 1 he says this Scripture is written to STIR UP YOUR PURE MINDS – which means untainted by falsehoods.  He goes on to say in verse 3 KNOW THIS FIRST – in the last days there shall be scoffers (which just happens to mean FALSE TEACHER, mocker or like Psalms 1 said scornful) walking in their own lusts (fleshly ways – unwise virgins, goats, like we just read a minute ago) and this is what they will say… Where is the promise of His coming???

  • They will mock you if you are looking for Jesus to come to get His Bride
  • The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night to them – they will be shocked when He appears because either they believe He already came or is delayed.

Verse 11 and 12 tells us – to be holy in all manner of conversation (not a mocker) and to LOOK FOR AND HASTEN (eagerly await) THE COMING OF THE DAY OF THE LORD GOD.

  • He says the beloved do watch for His return diligently, so we are found in Him in peace without spot and blameless.  (remember the virgins in Revelation – they are blameless too) what spots our garments?? Believing He is not coming! Why? If you are not expecting Him, you do not repent!!!

I am sorry I have to finish this real quick… but you can read it yourself in 2 Peter 3 too!

  • He goes on to say to His beloved… Seeing you know these things beware or you too shall be led away with the error of the wicked and fall from your own steadfastness (firm stability of the mind) or rather “drunkenness.”
  • Those who are SOBER are watching for JESUS TO RETURN, knowing it could be any day at any hour – taking not one moment for granted!

I really am hesitant even discussing those being caught up in the air to meet Him when He comes in the clouds, the enemy has tainted it so much to create strife it sucks the joy of the moment out of many of us to even bring it up.  If you desire you are more than welcome to read it fully just as it was written in 1Thessalonians 4 – but real quick I want to read what it says right after that verse…  Ready?


Vs. 17 says – 17 Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.


Therefore, today I am comforting you with these very words…  Jesus is coming!  I don’t know when of course, but believe me, He most certainly is coming and He is coming in the clouds and every eye will see Him and we are most certainly supposed to be eagerly awaiting His arrival and with longing looking for Him to arrive all the time!  We’ve stopped comforting one another with these words haven’t we?  Lord forgive us.

It is only thieves who shall see Him as a thief in the night!  It is only them who should dread the day of the Lord, not His Beloved – to us He is returning, to us it shall be a homecoming like no other!  When the Bible speaks of the day of the Lord being of darkness and not light in Amos and other places He is speaking to the hypocrites – if you read the full story He always, always separates out His own before He brings destruction down, always.  Right before this particular Scripture in Amos 5 it says “the Lord God of hosts will be gracious unto the remnant…”  His fury is against who?  Hypocrites.  Not the Beloved.  We must always rightly divide the word so it reflects the full intent of the message delivered in that it is received in fullness of truth.

Sooooo if I were the enemy – which thankfully and glory to Jesus Alone, I am not…  This is what I would do and by the way, I am only sharing this because the Lord is making me share it.  I guess you could say this is something I was shown years ago and never shared openly anyway…  Probably best I saved it for such a time as this…  Evidently, it is a timely word, exclusively taken out of the Bible.


  • I would lead many astray by mixing deceit with words of truth.
  • I would come in the flesh saying, Jesus is Lord, because unlike many I recognize the Son of Man Who is purposed to save sinners from eternal death.
  • I would also say, wars are coming to get your eyes off the truth that Jesus is soon to arrive.
  • I would entice you to fixate on distractions like famines and earthquakes.
  • I would afflict you by offense to cause you pain, kill some of you and turn others against you because you follow Jesus
  • I would mock you so much you would start to fear the Day of the Lord rather than long for it.
  • I would sow distrust among the flock, creating suspicion in the minds of people so that people abandon and betray each other to insure they hate one another and perish.  Offense would be my weapon of choice.
  • I would anoint and rise up false prophets to speak to the flock, leading many astray, as they appear to be godly and yet in the heart they deny the power thereof.
  • I would cause many to pretend to follow God’s laws so when the truth is revealed their love would grow cold one to another.
  • I would cause masses of people to hate holiness by exerting extreme affliction and pressure, so they refuse to pick up their cross daily to follow Jesus’s ways.
  • I would present and rise up false examples of Jesus as those who appear to speak like Him by even performing miracles which amaze you so that if it were possible, I could deceive the elect and the ones He has chosen for Himself.
  • I would lure you into secret rooms because you believe Jesus is there too.
  • I would replicate the Days of Noah through sowing vengeance to confuse your minds so that you are drunk with the ways of vengeance – instead of watching for the Lord’s appearing, until you are overtaken with paranoia and so fixed on self you believe others are against you when they are not.
  • I would distract you and convince you that I know the day or hour of His return, so that you do not believe it will come suddenly, insuring you are the one who is left behind.
  • I would convince you there is no need to guard yourself because I am not real or nor seeking to harm you, as I kiss you with partial truths while you ingest my poisonous fruit.
  • I would purpose you to be gratified with works so that you refuse the day of rest set forth by the Creator Himself, in order to wear out the saints of the Most High God.
  • I would convince you in the mind that you do know the timing of the Lord’s return so that you believe you have time to get ready, delaying the command to repent.
  • I would indwell evil servants to feed the flock information to satisfy their hunger, so that they are controlled by me, no longer hungering and thirsting for righteousness.
  • I would sprinkle within your gatherings those who are like actors on a stage playing a role of following Jesus to mesmerize you so you do not recognize the signs of Jesus’s return, as I tempt you with the fruit of knowledge.
  • I would convince you – to not expect Jesus’s return at any moment, that He is not coming in the clouds and that you are not meeting Him in the air and defer your hope, so you look downward to my kingdom, rather than seeing it is manifesting at hand.
  • I would convince you – to trust yourself, setting yourself to be as gods over the Lord on High.
  • I would plant seeds of doubt in your mind to trick you into believing the Word has been tampered with and not God inspired intently breathing the breath of life into your dry bones.
  • I would convince you above all things…  Seek to save your own life, so you deny the only true Savior there really is, Jesus the only Begotten Son of God, because when I am finished with you – you will indeed call evil good and good evil.
  • I would make you paranoid, fearful and weak to devour and sift you so that you avoid the preciousness of humility, boastful and proud.
  • When I am your father, you will become a liar just like me, but worst of all…  You will lie to yourself.

That was a lot and it actually makes me a little nauseous to think about.  The Lord sometimes has me add to this list but I promise you – every single word I just shared is Scripture based.  Others have asked me to share this, I just never felt like the timing was right until today.

Again… I cannot stress this enough if you only remember a couple things from today –

1 – Jesus is coming no matter if anyone believes it or not – He is and He is coming for both those who have gone before us by death of the flesh and those who are still remaining on Earth on that day!

2 – That day will be both great and terrible for all… Depending on which side you stand – to His right as a sheep it shall be great or to those on His left as a goat it shall be terrible.

Lastly, remember the Scripture which says… Let God be true and every man a liar, I must warn us all to take this very, very seriously with a sober mind…  Before we go around minimizing “liars” I need to remind us just who the father of a liar is… lucifer.  Although we all have lied, I pray we also have repented for that lie which places us into the category of the redeemed and forgiven of such sin.  All will be without excuse on that day – time is very short to be playing the part of a Christian.  If you have harmed anyone, especially the least of these and you feel any sort of sorrowful conviction, go to that person, acknowledge your wrong, ask forgiveness in that your Father in Heaven will see to it you are covered in the Blood of Jesus while His indignation passes upon the whole Earth.  Jesus instructed us to go back to the person we have harmed to mend what was broken so that peace and love rule in our hearts and minds, establishing peace with all men whenever possible.  If we are truly reconciled with Jesus we should go to extremes – I mean extremes to reconcile with one another because that day is rapidly approaching.

No one knows the day or hour Jesus will come, but with all that is going on in the World that moment could come for each one of us within the next few minutes.  It is my prayer we do not take this call lightly because the Lord isn’t.

Oh boy today’s message was an extremely difficult one Spiritually to press through and deliver.

He gave me more to share out of 1 Thessalonians 5 and even about hypocrites, but I think I will save that for another day given the fact it feels as if I have overwhelmed you with some pretty eye opening truths today. 

As an encouragement – please do not fear anything man can do to you or sicknesses or abandonment or sufferings – Jesus has His own well-kept, hidden abiding in Himself.

Just two more Scriptures before I go – out of Luke 21

25 “And there will be signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars; and on the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring; 26 men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 27 Then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.”

34 “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with [h]carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. 35 For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watch therefore, and pray always that you may [i]be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”

  • Jesus always makes a way of escape – He is our escape when we become a new creature in Christ
  • It is possible to be counted worthy to escape all these things coming to pass, hidden in Him as long as we are not caught up in the ways of the World, we will be caught up together with Him.
  • For some of us that is before the day of the Lord and for others it is when He appears – Regardless, we must be watchful and ready to go when He calls us – God has not appointed the children of light to His wrath.  Jesus is our ark of safety and today is a call to enter in.

May we let no man deceive us, as we search the word out for ourselves in that we recognize lies mixed in with truth so that we study to show ourselves approved unto One – God Himself.

So with all this…  Remember there is a Crown of Righteousness reserved for only those who LOVE HIS APPEARING.

It reads like this:

2 Timothy 4:8

Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.

Knowing Jesus – was, is and is yet to come.  He is appearing each day – manifesting, working, healing, loving, forgiving…  But in this particular Scripture it says ON THAT DAY!  A special reward is set for those WHO LOVE HIS APPEARING ON THAT DAY.

Thank You Lord. Your words speak truth we as humans cannot.

Let’s pray ~

Heavenly and merciful Father.  Thank You for loving us enough to speak the truth into us so that we believe not one lie or whisper which does not resonate with Your purity.  We humbly ask for Your forgiveness for times we entertained assumptions or suggestions which did not align with Your word, as we collectively are asking You to cleanse us from any mixture of truth or seeds of manipulation placed within our minds or hearts.  We also Lord ask You to forgive us for being lazy, seeking out man to speak to us rather than for studying the Word ourselves, letting the Holy Spirit be our guide.  We ask Lord that You would release the Holy Spirit to fall upon us giving us a repentant heart so that only love would abide which prompts us to make amends with those we have caused pain or hurt towards.  We are broken, hurt and often not the sure example of Jesus as we should be and therefore are most grateful for Your loving patience and mercy which is new upon us each morning.  We ask You to commune with us daily, walk with us, heal our hearts Lord Jesus, make us whole so that we seek only You to fill us to overflowing.  We also pray for those who do not know You yet, may they abide with You one day Lord just as we do, we thank You for drawing them unto Your glorious self, washing them clean and making them whole, just as You are us.  Father I ask for You to comfort those who are sick with this coronavirus as You breathe life everlasting into their souls in that they look to You for their hope.  Whether they live in this flesh another day or go Home to be with You Lord, I know Your will is being done for the glory of Your Name.  I am nothing but a speck Lord, nor do I have anything figured out regarding Your perfect ways – so I pray Let Your will be done in this virus situation and may we fully surrender to Your will no matter what obstacles are set before us.  I thank You Lord for those who are working each day in the midst of this crisis – infuse them with Your strength, placing a holy shield of protection around them and those they love.  May Your light and healing, work through their hands as they care for the sick.  We are pleading with You Lord to embrace those who are feeling alone, meet them right where they are with Your loving embrace, giving them peace which is unexplainable, joy that is everlasting and comfort which never leaves their side.  Help us Lord to forgive one another, do only good to one another and not only speak of love, but demonstrate it.  In Jesus’s most precious name I pray.  Amen.

Like always, I cannot thank those of you enough who have supported ROF Ministries by covering prayers, words of encouragement or financial blessings.  No matter the gift you have, many of you do not hold back and I cannot praise the Lord enough for each of you.  For now the prison ministry is still going strong and we will keep visiting inmates through letter writing for as long as the Lord keeps the doors opened.  If you all could, please pray for our inmates during this virus spread, they are not able to eat or get the medical care like we do on the outside.  Many are scared, needing a divine touch from Jesus in the heart and body.  Please feel free to contact me at or visit for updates, prayer requests and/or to sow into our ministry, as we keep on healing hearts His way together in the unity of love for the glory of the Lord.