Shelter In Place ~ Broadcast Transcript from April 19, 2020

JESUS – He was and is and is to come, Beginning and the end, Author and Finisher of our faith

IT IS FINISHED…  Complete and total wholeness in Him while we are on this journey here on Earth – we are not alone.  He was with us, He is with us and He will be with us.  He was with us at the beginning and He walks with us until the end.  He is authoring our steps and He is perfecting us until we are finished in our faith walk.

In this process, Jesus is revealing Himself to each one of us in a most beautiful and intimate way so rest assured ALL His creation (including you & me) will one final moment in time come into the full knowledge of the truth… Of HIM, Jesus, the truth, the way and the life.  But for now we are living souls crying out to be delivered from the old creature into the new.


His Kingdom shall not end.  Jesus is in us as that unshakable Kingdom.  As most of us are aware, everything outward is being shaken at the moment unlike what we are commonly used to – some it caught a little off guard and others, not so much – We are in a sort of birthing process in which HE REMAINS INWARDLY, while through shaking OUTWARD APPEARANCES fall off, unless they set the same example Jesus did while walking the Earth as the Word made flesh. 

We too are being raised up incorruptible, so that we walk as He walked, spoke as He spoke, do what He did… Jesus is the only way to the Father, we follow this most precious lamb wherever He goes. 

Sooo exciting – to actually rule and reign with Jesus on Earth!  Aren’t you excited?  What if I told you we are in that process right now?  Beginning with:  Ruling and Reigning with Jesus inwardly to manifest Him outwardly – oh this is so amazing!  We always thought that verse was in future tense didn’t we?  When actually it goes hand in hand with us decreasing and Him increasing within us – dying to self to the point, it is no longer I who live, but Him who lives through me or you, of course…  How do we rule and reign on Earth with Jesus?  Surrender everything to Him, everything. 

For those who are a little frantic at the moment over the going’s on in the World – rest in HIM, seeking Jesus continually – I always feel bad because some of you all have to grow up fast, which some of us have had years of disciplined love at the Father’s hands.  The first thing He usually does is start breaking off all outward influences on our lives, in order to help us serve One Master – our Lord and King.  Since time is so short, the shaking is gaining intensity to remove things quicker.  So for those who are babes or holding onto rebellious ways and such – and have been ruling and reigning with Him OUTWARDLY, this shaking is going to cause you to be a little frantic at times.  But no fear – Jesus knows perfectly what He is doing and will not lose one of His own, ever.  And believe me, as a runaway bride, if He could have lost anyone, it would have been me.  And one of these days – just trust me in this – you will learn to not only not despise the chastisement of the Lord, but long for and love it.  The fullness of the Father’s love includes embracing and instruction – but it takes precepts to accept both.  So hang in there – He is building a masterpiece – YOU!

Our refining is supposed to be more precious than gold, right?  He is burning all rebellion out of us and for some it feels like they are being smothered to death (Oh how I remember those days… thinking He honestly had forsaken me, yep – I convinced myself He had completely rejected me on more than one occasion).  For others, the refining is a way lesser degree (which I think because the process has been much longer for many of us – we have been in the fire a very long time) regardless the end result is the same – A precious and fine vessel.  Regardless, inside the fire (Jesus is with us) so we all feel the purging process – the degree of pressure correlates to just how much faith one has vs. rebellion.

Please do not think I am minimizing this process and saying it is easy, because it is not – but eventually you just get to point where you are at the end of your rope/being end of yourself, realizing just how clueless you are and suddenly you say to yourself…  Lord You alone are God and I am not, you shake your head, sigh, cry and finally let go of all the things you religiously thought you knew, practices you kept, advice you gave and all the opinions of man and you come to the conclusion… I’ve come to far to deny Him now, then you surrender in a free fall, thinking sometimes you will surely die this time.  But you don’t, you get back up and you dust yourself off and you realize – Hey, I have less ashes, dirt and dust on me this time than I did the last time…  So you shake it off and keep walking in His joy – until the next time you fall…  Every follower of Jesus falls, it is what you do after that fall that counts…  Victor or victim?  And really… That is a whole study on its own and involves what “kind” you are of… Caught up in rebellion or caught up in Jesus.  We may have to discuss that one day – when offense is at a minimum.

Have you noticed how this Shaking season we are in is perfectly orchestrated to pull us away individually to be with Jesus?  Before we admit we relied pretty heavily on one another didn’t we?  But right now it seems Jesus is showing up in a new way, a pressing way and when this happens we rely mostly on Him, don’t we?  Like when the chips are all down we know instinctively who we can count on and it isn’t humanity.  It kind of reminds me of us being pulled into the Bridal Chamber, spiritually speaking.  Often the Lord removes those who we place as a go between – between Himself and us.  Jesus is truly the only mediator we need between us and the Father.  In order we see this truth – He removes those who we go to first in our time of need outside of Himself.

Those of us currently in this state are discovering a beautiful simplicity and purity within the abiding in Jesus found only when we are sincerely devoted to Him. 

  • Our struggles really increase when Jesus is not enough for us inwardly, even though we may try to cover it up with a smile or scripture.
  • His love does not relent, therefore one day we will finally accept fullness/wholeness is only found in Him.
  • Counterfeits in our lives and the World for that matter are being plucked up – it is almost as if they are losing “access” to us – I for one am grateful, its been a long time coming.  Jesus as our hedge of protection is literally causing the enemy to flee and we need not do anything but surrender to Him.
  • You will find there are some people you just “know” and “click” with and others flee in your presence.  Who you gather with are your kind – being of one spirit and mind. 
  • We are binding with those creatures who’s spirit are the same “kind” as us…  I can’t really share all about that today – but this is very important to the Father and is in Genesis if you want to study it more on your own. 
  • Jesus as Lord tolerates NO MIXTURE
  • He purifies the mixture out of us so our actions do not deny Him before men while our mouths confess Him as Lord.
  • To die is gain, only when Jesus is our reward.  Hey, you all remember when we used to think Heaven was our reward?  I am just using that as an example of the difference between outward and inward devotion to Him.  Outward we had our eyes on Heaven, Inward we have them on Jesus.  But we gotta give Him glory – He did all this work within us, thank You Lord and some of us are not so easy to train up, are we?
  • To die is gain when it is no longer I who lives to work, but it is He who does works within me first then I may do works to glory only Him.  Again – it is outward vs inward – He flows OUT from within us so the change of us starts inwardly where no eye can see.
  • Hard Truth Alert – The old hasn’t passed away for many because it got them what they wanted in the past.  Many right now are so full of mixture they need a lot of prayer, tough love and correction followed by instruction by some firm and elder believers who are not moved emotionally.  They are playing on the edge with fire… walking continually in offense.
  • The Father’s shaking is so merciful to secure us, right prior to His indignation passing over the whole Earth.  Never, ever forget He is for us, not against us!
  • Please note:  Before the enemy can seed our minds – he has to know it first, which explains why he competes with the Lord for our attention.

All righty… I really have to share a deep concern of mine and I thank you all for listening and praying and whatever else the Lord would lead you to do is great, as well.  Lord I ask that You would speak through me to deliver precisely the message to the little flock You showed me as You prepared their ears and hearts to hear in Spirit and truth before I even came on air.  Amen.  You all ready?

Okay, here we go…  Although I am speaking to a few for a moment, I believe this message is for all who have those they deeply love and are sent to guard and watch over.  After all that is what Shepherds do – whether you are a shepherd over many or just one, if you have the Father’s heart at all – you present a covering over the ones you deeply love – including your family.  Paul and some other disciples spoke of this sort of love in 1Thessalonians Chapter 2 if you would like to read the full story.  But for today, I am just going to share verses 7 and 8:

But we were gentle among you, even as a nurse cherishes her children.  So being affectionately desirous of you, we were willing to have imparted unto you, not the gospel of God only, but also our own souls, because you were dear to us.

This sort of love supersedes natural love, it is on a higher spiritual plane and though it may bless the natural, it does not end naturally.  These are they of your own “kind.”  And for me, well that is some of you – the little naïve ones, the hurt and broken, most often love starved who need nursed back to health with love itself.  To those looking in, this sounds crazy, but to those who receive in such a way (you know who you are) please find rest in the truth the Lord did this because if you did not love me in such a way – you could not receive the Lord’s guidance and instruction, leaving you very vulnerable in the midst of wolves who are in sheep’s clothing.  When a sheep has a broken leg, it needs protection until ready to join the flock and be about its own, day and night lest a wolf could devour it.  I realize I am handing over many stones right now to be used against me…  But hey, that’s okay, no worries it is going to be well worth it in the end.  You see, in order to receive from someone you must first find commonality with them – something familiar to what they have walked out in measurement to what you, yourself are experiencing.  Then you must love them enough to hear the truth of what is being shared.  If these two factors are not present, one will quickly fall into a place of rebelling against that person sent and store up a quiver full of fiery darts to use against that messenger, speaking whispers to lure the little ones away so they are confused and scattered.  I have no clue why people do this – but some actually listen to someone just in order to discount everything which is being said. 

The Word tells us – How can they hear unless one be sent?  Anyone who is saved, is qualified, called, then sent out, if they have a willing heart to surrender to Jesus are sent.  Many of you are walking in this very assignment every day and you may not even know it. 

I will warn you – You become someone’s instant enemy when they confess something to you and they don’t want to change, or rather repent so they scatted bitter seeds among the flock.

As for me…  Well, I know you all very well by the Holy Spirit, like Paul, my heart is turned towards you in a most loving embrace, doing all I can for the sake of love, in that you are strengthened in the Lord.

Here is the Scripture I really take to heart striving to the best of my ability in complete surrender to Jesus in Titus 2 and is excellent for some of you as well, because you share in this heartcry – which says:

An older (ONE WHO PRESIDES OVER AN ASSEMBLY/AMBASSADOR/SET APART ONE) woman should be reverent (BEHAVE AS AN EXAMPLE OF HOLINESS) in the way they should live, not slander (FALSELY ACCUSE) others, be of a sober mind and teach only which is good (WHICH IS ACTUALY PHILLIPPIANS 4:8 —  Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.).  We also should urge (TEACH) those who are females younger in the faith to be sober, love their husbands and children – to be self-controlled and pure – to be busy (KEEPER) in their homes, be kind and surrendered to Jesus so that no one maligns (BLASPHEMIES) the Word of God.

Now for some of you – that was a lightbulb moment and you smiled…  You have a knowing of pieces of your purpose here on Earth and yet no Scripture to match it with…  Well there you go – Your heart’s desire written in the Word unfolded today.  To be this sort of female was transcribed within the Spiritual DNA of God’s Daughters.  I wonder why we separate from our initially ordained purpose?  Oh well, it doesn’t matter – what does matter is the Lord is purging us from everything that does not align with how we were fearfully and wonderfully made.

Real quick…  In case you are having trouble relating to what I am saying…  If you have children or even a pet – if you saw someone or something coming towards that child or pet to devour it – would you do nothing?  Well I know most, if not all of you would place yourself between the threat and that child or pet.  You would prefer you be torn to shreds than the predator snatch them up.  So for a moment…  I am standing in that gap and now that I have your attention…  let’s go to Jude, because the Word can explain the threat much better than I.

Vs 12 – there are spots at your love feasts…  and when they feast with you, they only care about feeding themselves.

Spots = people who by their conduct damage others morally or wreck them with confusion

Love Feasts = gathering places to fellowship in affection, goodwill, brotherly/sisterly love

***Please do not ever think that because your intentions are pure, others are as well

Some people actually come to fellowship where there is love to only take something from others, not caring if they hurt others or cause confusion and most often they are not even aware the enemy is using them.  Don’t forget that!

In Jude it tells us they “crept in unaware…”  however, sometimes the Lord will show us either by revelation or possibly divine intervention or even experience behind the scenes with that person that they are truly misleading others in a most crafty way.

Let’s go over some of their “fruit…”  I call it revealing fruit, because they may appear to present themselves in love – but one of their signatures is most always they play a victim, just needing someone to talk to, their actions are quite the opposite secretly, yet at times they cannot hold back the truth of themselves and in Jude we can see listed some of that truth:

  • They may take advantage of your grace to exploit you for selfish gain without shame
  • Full of lust, fornication
  • They deny Jesus – often by appearing He is too weak to be enough to save them
  • Are seeking revenge from what happened in their past
  • They target those who are not like them or rather their “kind” – strange flesh
  • Dream up ways to harm others or advantage themselves
  • Despise authority and Godly order, in rebellion, unteachable
  • Speak evil of those who know the truth of them or elders in the church
  • If they do not know something they automatically conclude it is not truth and speak evil against it because they only see naturally and actually corrupt themselves.
  • They have gone the way of Cain – meaning they have a murderous spirit and think – Am I my brother’s keeper?  In other words, they only look out for themselves.
  • Rebellious
  • Greedy – scheming for sympathy and money
  • They have no fear of God
  • They do not have life because they refuse to partake of Jesus – who is life, rather looking to men to satisfy their desires and needs
  • They go to and fro repeating the same patterns
  • They have no fruit, will experience the second death when plucked up by the roots – because they are not grounded in Christ
  • They will be proven by the Saints when they come with Jesus to execute judgment of all their ungodly deeds their “hard” speeches (meaning: what they said to offend or hurt someone, their harshness towards others, tendencies to be violent and deceit)
  • They go around raging, speaking about their own shame – yet accusing others for their wrong doings.
  • They murmur and complain always, instead of counting blessings
  • They speak words to flatter others to inflate someone’s ego for gain – they only do this to benefit themselves and will often gravitate to leaders openly, while slaying them in secret
  • They mock others (complain, find fault, make fun of) because they want what they want and will do anything to get it
  • They isolate and separate themselves, laying wait to prey upon the innocent, lurking and pop up out of nowhere
  • They are sensual (alluring to draw you in) and you may even believe they have the Holy Spirit within them, but they don’t
  • They have a pattern – With words of flattery and service they try to get close to leaders, lying in wait to harm and gain advantage over the little flock who are naïve to their devices

Ugh… That was a lot – and all of it is out of Jude.

Let’s not be like them, okay?  Because their future is eternal death. 

So right now this very moment – We have two types of people among us… Some of you are like wow, thank You Lord for this revelation or confirmation (if you already are aware of this Scripture by the Spirit) and then others are offended.  It seems every single time we gather together at least a few people will wonder why I am talking about them?  I am always shocked, because that is an admission of guilt on their part –knowing the Scripture corrects us all, doesn’t it?  And none are perfected yet, right?  And truthfully, if we hold the candle of what I just read, all of us are guilty of some, if not all of it, at some point and time.  Repentance is such a free gift, thank You Lord.  Scripture corrects, it does not offend, nor is it purposed to do so… If the truth offends us, we are not walking in it.

I have a method to my madness here… As one being sent to warn a few of my gathered little ones, those ones I cherish and they cherish me…  Please be on guard, there are wolves among you – please keep emailing me like you do with concerns, so we can seek the Lord together to insure Jesus is Your guiding example in all your steps. 

It pains me at times to see you all being lured in and entangled with a known wolf.  I see you sometimes getting so close to the edge it takes my breath away… I pray and miraculously it seems Jesus intervenes on your behalf, then I can breathe again. 

The Lord led me to read something to you, it is a familiar story you will recognize right away when I tell you the title – The Boy Who Cried Wolf.  When the Lord gave me this in prayer, I was shocked at how relevant it is – I haven’t read this in over forty years.  It is relevant today while you are watching youtube, watching the news, in various chatrooms – even if they are a love feast, in skype, attending supposed Christian Conferences and wherever you wander to engage with a mixture of people.  He did send us out as sheep among wolves – don’t forget that.

Let’s read this story – you are going to be amazed.

***The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Just to review the parable of this story ~

Often when we are idle and thirsty for love we will seek inappropriate attention and when people surround us – we will gloat in joy they paid attention to us, which only feeds attention seeking ways in others.  We also will sit in a place of rebellion and plug our ears to authority or Elders as they instruct us with wisdom for our own sakes.  When they are upset by our foolish and childish ways we may grin that we got under their skin, which is rebellious craftiness.  In our minds we are constantly planning our next attempt for attention.  After a period of time of tempting God, our covering hand of protection is lifted in that we learn a valuable lesson.  Keeping in mind our words go out to perform, not returning void – if we sow lies, in turn we will reap those same lies upon us – where the exact lie we told will manifest in our own lives.  The Father will allow us to be isolated, removed and vulnerable when the lie we told arrives at our own doorstep, so we can reflect on the harm our stories caused upon others.  We may feel rejected, however, it our childish schemes which are rejected, not us personally.  So a time will come in which we will need those we have lied to in such a way and they will not be there – then the Lord sends someone to comfort us in truth because truth always exposes a lie.  We must remember lies break trust and nobody believes a liar, even when they tell the truth… Just like the serpent did not technically lie to Eve, he was of the wrong source – leading many astray.

You all… don’t you listen to lucifer’s speech believing you can be saved without repentance.  And just like satan entered into Peter preventing Jesus from going to the cross – satan has entered that vessel to sway you asleep into drunkenness mixture. 

John 8 tells us clearly about those who speak opposing themselves and the Lord:

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Before we wrap it up for today, the Lord led me to share with you Acts 3:

19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.

To be converted – SAVED – one must repent and our Father is a God of order in such a precious way.  We recognize our sin, confess it, Jesus delivers us from hungering for that sin so that we may turn away from it and not do it again – CONVERTED – from the old creature nature to the new creature and THEN OUR SINS ARE BLOTTED OUT…  In other words, the more we seek Jesus, the less we have that desire to sin – but we must seek Him with our whole hearts in truth and believe me – the fruit is the proof.

When our consciences are seared we don’t even feel guilty or when we love darkness more than light we will make excuses – here is one – Jesus covers me in His blood and mercy (all the while we are thinking – I can do sinful things and it will be okay)  No it is not okay, nor will it be.  It is time to wake up church and have a sober mind.  Stop drinking in the mixture preached by man and study to show ourselves approved before God – read His word, gaining the strength to overcome all things in HIM.

I guarantee us all, if we truly believed Jesus was coming tonight…  We would be so busy repenting we wouldn’t have time to do or say anything to anybody between now and the next ten hours.  Our issue is – we really, really believe He has delayed His coming.  But what if?  He is taking roll call right now?  We don’t know when the time of the Gentiles will close – do we?  He certainly caught the Israelites off guard, didn’t He?  Let that not be any of us.  Please pray about and consider He is marking foreheads with His seal in preparation for His day of wrath.

Sadly, it is likely the ones who need to hear this won’t and those who do not need to hear it are already checking their hearts…  It is just the way it goes.

You can always tell who is seeking to be Holy as their Father in Heaven is Holy – humility and lack of accusation and if they accuse anyone it is themselves.  I know it is impossible offenses not come – but Lord help us to overcome being offended by Your written words.

Do we know what the FIRST COMMANDMENT is? 

Jesus said it is the first commandment and great commandment…  To LOVE THE LORD THY GOD WITH ALL THY HEART, ALL THY SOUL AND ALL THY MIND.

Well, with all this shaking going on, bringing down idols we are being pressed into a corner to do just that very thing, aren’t we?  This command given by our Father is one in which we no longer serve idols or self, placing anything above Him in our lives.  The first commandment is orienting us away from our idols so that what we won’t turn away from, gets removed…. It is the same way in which the Lord is there in our time of need.  We need Him don’t we more than anything or anyone? 

The Father is surely pleading with His people via manifestations upon the Earth to turn from our wicked sinful ways.

He gave me something I am going to share before I go…  Because I kept hearing the Lord say in my spirit, “I am the storm…”  This is how He is revealing truth of humanity as He is manifesting…

WINDS – The Holy Spirit is blowing and moving upon the Earth

FIRE – People consuming one another

FLOOD – Self-righteousness and pride is being exposed

VOLCANOES – Anger is erupting all over

HAIL – People stoning one another

EARTHQUAKES – Our faith is being shaken

DROUGHTS – Famines in the land for the hunger of the word of God

SICKNESS – Spiritual conditions of souls on Earth

PESTELANCES LIKE GRASSHOPPERS – Reflects how the enemy is devouring the inhabitants of the Earth

So what’s to come – lawlessness?  Why is this happening? 

Are you ready for the falling away?  Can you see the falling away?  Those who have spiritual eyes to see can see it unfolding clear as day…

What is unfolding…  2Thessalonians 2 ~

For the [d]mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only [e]He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming.

Please do not look for a MAN OF LAWLESSNESS…  it says MYSTERY of lawlessness, doesn’t it?  It is a mystery because it is within each of us.  We are enduring an internal battle of Spirit vs Old Creature.  I am just going to have to leave this at that for now.

So if we take a step back to take in the beauty of all our Father in Heaven is doing at the moment it is with a grateful heart we can praise Him each and every day – If we look to the forest in awe, saying that is Him and get our eyes off of the tree of self, we will praise Him in this storm and rise above it in a most whole hearted way celebrating with Him in the truth knees that have not bowed to Him before are doing so – lips who have not called out to Him to heal are discovering He is mighty to save.  And we too are learning the greater depths of the truth He will never leave us or forsake us.  In this shaking, we are worshiping Him in Spirit and in Truth – many of us for the first time are bowing before Him fully!

Let’s pray ~

Heavenly and merciful Father, You are the great I am, You are One Who we can always run to and count on in our time of need.  And Father we need You now in ways we never imagined.  Strengthen these dead bones to rise, to be borne of a great witness and testimony to Your mighty Name.  Fortify within us Lord a new and renewed truth and hope in You.  Give us Spiritual eyes to see that You are for us and not against as You overwhelm us with Your love in that we may go forth as witnesses which overshadow others in faith, hope and love.  As You pour in, may we pour out the purity of Your love in whole heartedness, no longer tainted with mixture.  We thank You Lord for breaking every stronghold over our minds and hearts and for the idols we’ve held so near and dear to us to be removed.  Forgive us for times we have participated in entertainment, calling it Holy or sought gain of any kind by taking your Name in vain.  As others point to us as the mighty ones – may we continually point to only You.  Deliver us Lord from every wile of the enemy which seeks to influence or taint us in anyway while we surrender to the shield of faith that only Jesus provides.  Above all else Lord make us instruments of Your peace as You send us forth into a lost and dying World.  Lure us Father with Your love and keep us hidden discretely within that love, knowing it is perfect and casts away all fear.  Sanctify our minds Holy Father in that we no longer invite in weeds of knowledge which so easily ensnare us into distractions.  We surrender all our desires and wills to the completion of You until we are One, just as Jesus prayed we say Yes Lord, have Your perfect way within us.  We ask all this in Jesus’s most precious and Heavenly Name.  Amen.

Thank you all so very much for joining me today!  I thank the Lord for keeping you all centered on Him and protected at each moment while He sends you forth each day.

It is with a grateful heart I honor those of you who support ROF Ministries, whether that be in prayer, words of encouragement, writing inmates or financially.  If you are led to come along beside us, healing hearts His way, please contact me at or go to where you can post a prayer request or send a donation via paypal or through the mail.  Believe me, we could not do this without you all assisting us, however the Lord leads.

Finishing Strong ~ Broadcast Transcript from April 26, 2020

Good Morning Blessings to each of you today!  It is my prayer that Jesus join us, as we join together to seek Him, worship Him and gather in love to support and encourage one another.  We have so much to go over today!  The Holy Spirit is really guiding and revealing so much to us lately isn’t He?  We most certainly are highly favored and blessed.

Because we have much to discuss today, we are going to get right into our study.  Today may seem kind of random, but I am going to do my best to not jump all over the place – but then again, you know me and my rambles.  We will just let the Spirit lead us, trusting it will all shake out in the end.  Amen?

Before we begin, I would like to read a poem one of my inmates recently wrote.  Some of you may have seen it already, because I did upload it to the ROF website.  It is titled:  Stand Up, by – Isaiah Nunez

I am serious when I say many of these inmates bless us way more than I feel like we are blessing them.  Another inmate, who I send all broadcast transcripts too shared something just incredibly revealing this week about something the Lord showed him while He was studying his Bible.  He was telling me how when Jesus was at such a weakened state from fasting and praying for 40 days and nights and the enemy took Him up on a mountain, tempting Him to perform miracles to feed Himself and offering Him this World as His Kingdom to rule.  I am sure you all are familiar to this Bible story – but anyway, Scottie told me the Lord showed him the IMPORTANCE OF THAT MESSAGE WAS for us to follow in Jesus’s footsteps and through obedience lay down our own freewill – that just totally blew me away.  What a timely word!

I also get a lot of questions and one really stuck out to me to share with you all today.  An inmate asked me if a husband or wife can be saved if the other one is?  I found that to be just an amazingly awesome question!  Let’s read it in the Word!

1 Corinthians 7

12 But to the rest I, not the Lord, say: If any brother has a wife who does not believe, and she is willing to live with him, let him not divorce her. 13 And a woman who has a husband who does not believe, if he is willing to live with her, let her not divorce him. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy. 15 But if the unbeliever departs, let him depart; a brother or a sister is not under bondage in such cases. But God has called us to peace16 For how do you know, O wife, whether you will save your husband? Or how do you know, O husband, whether you will save your wife?

  • Notice how this is speaking of marriage of course – but abiding together produces something… sanctification
  • Sanctification means – to purify and there is nothing like marriage to purge you of impurities is there?  Well, except having kids, that will certainly do it!
  • And how God called us to peace so if an unbeliever departs, let them
  • We are not to hold or trap people in relationships with us, which is bondage
  • We also as believers are not to leave, but if the other one leaves us, we let them go
  • Now there is exception to this do not forget:  unfaithfulness, which comes in many forms, such as:  sexual fornication with others – even in the mind – reminds me of pornography, abuse – physical or emotional, safety reasons, not providing for the family, neglecting one another’s needs, even emotionally, etc…  Just someone’s presence in the home does not make them a “faithful” marriage partner, being engaged in the relationship does.
  • This Scripture is speaking to ONE INSTANCE… being unequally yoked – a believer and non-believer.  In other words… If one got saved and one wasn’t yet – and they treat you in faithfulness, just because they do not believe is no reason to leave, because THROUGH PURIFYING the Lord may use you to save the unbeliever.

So, I just thought that was such an excellent question and I wanted to share it with you all, because usually if one has it – so do others.  Real quick, I must add – Jesus can do anything and is totally into doing the impossible, just surrender to Him, He will always guide and lead us on His chosen path for our lives.  And remember, you do not have to divorce someone just because you do not live together.  Remember Jesus said it is okay for two to separate for an agreed time with plans to reconcile, or come back together.  As always, everything I am sharing is given by the Word for instruction – but only Jesus can guide you on the straight and narrow path as obedience is key.

You know there is one commonality we all have at this very moment, especially – which is we all have something the Lord is working on us to overcome.  Knowing all things are possible with Jesus, it seems He has perfectly orchestrated obstacles in our lives which require we learn to lean on and trust Him ways we haven’t before.  As we are being rooted and grounded in His love, our eyes are being opened to His sovereignty and this is something to be most grateful for in a most precious way.

Just a couple reminders from the Word about this very position we are placed in:

Revelation 3 –

19 As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

21 To him that overcomes will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

22 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Now I just took this excerpt out of the messages to us, the church.  Each church was given an assignment to overcome the World in some way.  You can read about this in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 and maybe soon we will study this together.  Just so we understand – the Lord is purging the world out of His church right now, out of us as His members of His Body because we are in the World not of it. 

1 John 4 & 5 says –

4 – Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the World.

5 – Who is it that overcomes the World except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?

One last Scripture…

Hebrews 12:1-3

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

Witnesses – those who are watching us continually, observing our lives each day – we are often an example to them that with Jesus it is possible to not be overcome with evil and instead overcome evil with good.  (Romans 12:21)

May we finish this race strong and not give up, but keep our eyes fully fixated on the Prize – Jesus.

This is a wonderful encouragement to check our intentions and actions, asking Jesus to guide us continually to be an example of Him right here on Earth – people are watching, we can’t take that lightly.  May it be with excellence we strive to represent God’s Kingdom as His child.

Finishing strong… Not giving up and not giving in – to the World, people, temptation, sickness, the enemy, our own pride or emotions or anything that is not replicating Heaven on Earth.  We can do all things in Christ, Who strengthens us day by day, moment by moment and fortifies us through every fiery trial.

FINISHING STRONG is…  Seeking God’s will and then… APPLYING HIS WILL INTO OUR LIVES through completely surrendering our own will by coming into agreement with His, void of complaint.

To finish strong requires we apply what He instructs through His Word, not how human’s instruct – but God.  If you are feeling anemic and weak each day – it is a good guess you are not reading His word and APPLYING it to your life.  We should be reading His Word as if it was written only to us, individually – personally let Him nourish you and even better in every circumstance pray and ask Jesus to show to you exactly how He would react.  There is no better example than Him we can follow. 

Quite often I will get emails that Jesus isn’t talking to them or they can’t hear Him and I always ask if they are reading their instruction manual – the Bible – inevitably they say no.  I tell them His Word is Him speaking to them and yet they refuse to listen.  Over time of reading His word, He will begin to speak His word back to you in that still small voice.  As a matter of fact, Jesus quotes Scripture to me a lot in my heart, now that I am thinking about it.  I guess you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink – so the saying goes.

When adversity strikes – overcomers give it to Jesus and trust Him for the outcome and rest in the truth He will get us where we need to be, on time, every time.  Please learn from my mistakes – I have gotten myself in a lot of hot water taking counsel from men, when I should have focused more the Word and Jesus to save me out of messes, I looked to others and honestly, in many ways I am still paying for it – literally.  Have you ever wanted to believe someone so much that you did?  Well, that has been me, practically my whole life.  Thankfully, our sins are washed clean as snow when we call upon the Name of the Lord. We have much to be grateful for, don’t we?  He often allows falls so we lean upon Him the most.

What is beautiful is that the Father has already placed within us a desire for His word – this is because we belong to Him.  We need His truth to survive here, there is no doubt.  We get confused, dazed and are not sober or rather delusional anytime we have pleasure in unrighteousness so the Lord pulls us out often through suffering so we are not sent a strong delusion, having pleasure in the unrighteous ways of the World, no longer believing the truth. 

In 2 Thessalonians we are told specifically about Jesus being THE WAY, THE TRUTH & THE LIFE.  May we continually seek to receive Him as truth, believe His truth and finishing strong on the path which is the narrow way few find.  I praise the Father for drawing us unto Jesus.  Remember, blessed are those who believe without seeing.  Thank You Lord Jesus.

Okay, switching gears here…

BLAMING OTHERS is woven into humanity from the fall.  It is in me and in you.  Let that truth sink in for a moment because NO ONE is exempt and NO ONE has fully conquered this sin nature fully yet.

Just a couple disclaimers before we discuss this topic.

1 – I am going to use me as an example of how not to be and I am going to use my marriage to do so – but in that I pray the Lord does not allow Aaron to hear this message because he gets really upset when I use him on air in anyway.

2 – I cannot speak of anything evil that happens to a child before the age of accountability since it is still a mystery to me, meaning the Father has not fully revealed the truth to me of why this happens.  Man has tried over and over to explain it in various ways, but much of what they say does not resonate within me as the truth.  And you know what?  I am okay with that – I do not need to know everything, some things are just that – the Father’s ways and our ways are not His and therefore we do not know them all.  I call this believing without sight, trusting Him, He knows what He will permit and what He will not to mold and fashion us into His very image.

Here we go…  Adam blamed Eve and Eve blamed the serpent, directly after the fall.  And all throughout our lives we have made mistakes and rather than taking ownership and repent, we run from the road that leads to life and deliverance screeching blame all the way.  Most of what we experience as pain each day is due to our own rebellion in some way coming back to us.  There are consequences to our own self-willed choices – which is how we learn to go and sin no more. 

What is startling to me is how many people call themselves a follower of Jesus and blame everyone else for the hurt they are feeling, but I totally get it, I was the same way.  It is a dangerous ground because when you blame others, you are one step away from blaming God and remember it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God.  Blaming others and blaming Him does make Him angry.

In order to protect the sanctity of marriage, there are many things which transpired that were horrible, many actions against me and if I told you all the details you would likely cry.  You would also definitely think I was a victim, which in many ways I was.  Now none of this would be a shock to Aaron in anyway – I’ve already apologized to him long ago after the Lord pointed out I had blood on my hands as well – and the death was a marriage.  It was my own willful disobedience that placed me into harm’s way in the arms of a man who God did not choose for me, but I had chosen. Being a compromised soul, made me vulnerable to be placed in a compromised position.  And once the Lord showed me my part, I had no one to blame but myself.  Accountability is an important tool the Father uses to draw us into His arms.

I made a huge mistake…  So let’s use me as an example of how not to be, okay?  I am sharing this because after crying for years really, feeling like a victim and such one day the Lord woke me up with the truth, saying…  What I join together, you cannot separate – the issue I have with you is that you joined you together.  Now I have to tell you – that was certainly a stunning wake up call to repent.  Prior to that moment, I was delusional thinking I was a complete and total victim (which in many ways I was) but the point He was showing me was rebellion removes His covering for a hard lesson to be learned.  He then took me way back to the times when Aaron and I were dating and He showed me I had numerous and I mean numerous red flags (warnings from Him) that I ignored when I should have only needed one.  He started to show me a very ugly side of myself, a longing for another to take His place on my heart throne because it was easy and satisfying and the Father wound I had still from being deserted at five years old.  And because I had all this brokenness, you know what I did?  I was relentlessly pursuing a well without everlasting water – which made me vulnerable to many evil entities afflicting me.  The truth is – I knew in my heart Aaron was not ready for marriage, I even knew it was not of the Lord and yet – I wanted what I wanted and nothing would stop it – my mind was fixated on that happy home I had envisioned, so I pressured him into marrying me and him being weak-willed went along with it all in words – but in actions it was obvious he did not want to be married and I ignored them all.

Needless to say – the Father made me confess this to Aaron a few years ago and finally healing came and forgiveness and wholeness on my part.  He was finally released.  Peace was restored.  But I owe the Father all the glory in this – and I thank Him for His patience and mercy with me that a little bit way too late was enough.

Repentance is actually taking up your bed and walking… Which leads to healing.  But if we stay in a constant place of blaming others – we will never be healed in the soul.  There is not a day that goes by that I do not speak to someone or get an email from someone that they are not blaming someone for the problems or hurt in their lives.  And I mean, every day.  So I figure misery loves company right?  Lol  But seriously, please know you are not alone in this process of overcoming and also, that I fully understand your pain – but it really it is time to pick up your bed and walk – stop blaming others and ask the Lord to show you your part in your sufferings.  I hope this isn’t too harsh?  But if I would have never sought the Lord like this, I too would be blaming and crying and so very upset that the perfect little family I had framed in my head was stolen from me, even to this day.  I was really sick in the soul, mind and heart and I could not perceive until the Lord revealed it.

If we take just one tiny step towards Jesus, He is there.  If we seek Him with our whole hearts in truth, remaining teachable and open, rather than rebellious – He is so very mighty to save every single time.  I shared all this to hopefully just encourage even one person to look within and to dare be purged of all weights holding you down.  Sometimes the very thing we need to overcome the World is the part of ourselves which are still operating like it.  And that was me.  The Father trains His own children in the way that we should go – part of that training is judging our own hearts and intentions and when we are victims ask ourselves – What doors did my freewill open to make me vulnerable to the serpent’s tongue? 

Often when we look back we think what an emotional wreck we were and yet the Lord prevailed in saving us out of that mess.  Chances are in six months from now we will look back and say the same, which is why I try never to judge an unformed vessel, because I am one too.

~~~Freely we have been given, freely we receive.  Amen.

Mathew 10 –

And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

  • Preach
  • Heal
  • Cleanse
  • Raise the dead
  • Cast out devils

You have been given these powers freely, give them out to others freely.

Okay that’s all… Thank You Lord.  Lololol  – I wish… truly oh how I wish the Lord released me from saying what He has been pressing me to share on this one. Ugh…

My heart has been grieving for days and I am in constant prayer seeking the Lord’s intervention before it is too late.  Before a dream I had comes fully into fruition.  I believe I was shown something about a particular pastor to intercede on his behalf and he doesn’t even know me really.  But lately the pressure from the Holy Spirit has been so forceful and how all this is unfolding it is a warning for many.

I had a dream years ago and LayLay may know more about the details of when that was – she seems to be the keeper of my dreams.  Sometimes she will remind me of a dream I had that I’ve already forgotten and she amazes me every time.

Anyway, in my dream this well-known pastor was sitting at a desk with his head in his hands weeping uncontrollably.  He was in such grief because he could not retrieve all the books and videos he had made back – from profit from the ministry he had been freely given by the Lord.  He had even tried, wore himself out physically calling people and asking them to return his books but in defeat he sat crying at his desk knowing there was no way to retrieve all the materials that were floating around out there full of vain words, words that were God’s that he sold to others for lucre – money and the worst part is he had sensationalized much of what he was given adding to what the Lord instructed him to do.  My heart is breaking just seeing this pain in his heart – he truly was inconsolable.  Prior to that moment for him, the Lord had sent many to warn him, in which he refused to listen and he would block them or call them attacks and try to cast them off as devils, but in fact they were messengers sent forth by God to warn him of the end of himself if he did not repent and turn back to God for the freely given assignment the Lord had for him.  The Lord also showed me it was due to a lack he felt internally that prompted him to be famous since at a young age he was counted out.  Fame had gripped his poor soul and he was enjoying the bright lights and wealth it brought to be honored by man.  The Lord told me, he was… “selling the drama.”  And my dream ended but the ache in my heart has not.

Please note – it is not that I do not want to warn this man, it is just that I already know he will not listen.  As a matter of fact he is entwined with others who will not listen either and what is breaking my heart at the moment, others are being drawn into his situation – it is an unholy alliance.  So I pray continually for the Lord to intervene as only He can.  I have discreetly tried to warn a few – but they will not hear me and sometimes it is so overwhelming my heart physically hurts.

So I thought today maybe if I share, maybe some good can come out of this by the Father’s hand through a teaching and maybe the pain in my heart will alleviate a little.

We are not to take the Lord’s Name in vain – which actually means – to use it for selfish gain.  Whether that be financially, to boast in ourselves, to become an idol in someone’s eyes, to manipulate or seduce others, to entertain others – in other words to use God, to come in His Name saying He is Lord for our own benefit. 

Here is the Scripture:

2 Timothy 3 –

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.

For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,

Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.

For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,

Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith.

But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men, as their’s also was.

Now, please understand I am only sharing this because the Lord pressed me too.  The reason is, He gave me a warning that He is getting ready to overturn the tables within the ministries of those who are using His Name in vain for selfish gain and when He does – the sheep are going to be dreadfully heartbroken, shocked, having a deep pain of the heart.  Part of my calling has always been to prepare the way of the Lord’s appearing in a situation or someone’s life by preparing His people to alleviate what pain they may go through and walk them through that journey of pain so they arrive whole and healed on the other side.  Something like softening the blow and comfort when it comes.

There is a call going out to those “who sell the drama” is the word He gave me – for them to seek His face and turn away from such wickedness because judgement always starts in the house of the Lord and it is going to come in like a flood and thief to many.

He never showed me the end of that pastor as the dream ended – but I certainly still can feel the deep anguish of this man’s soul.

Again…  In order this not contain anything of me, I want to wrap this up by reading His words again:

Mathew 10 –

And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

  • Preach
  • Heal
  • Cleanse
  • Raise the dead
  • Cast out devils

You have been given these powers freely, give them out to others freely.  Knowing we all are surrounded by witnesses this is a good lesson for all of us.

If this is something you share in the heart with me on, would you please take just a few moments each day to intercede for those being tempted in such a way, in prayer asking the Father to be merciful to them, to draw them away unto Himself quickly before it is too late?

It is a very difficult task at times to be called to walk by faith and not sight.  I understand the financial fear of taking nothing and going forward but the Lord has a way of keeping us totally dependent on Him and He often does this by removing the very thing which would bring security outside of Him.  Just please pray for all those who have a calling upon their lives and for one another, no matter how great or how small so that the Lord is merciful in His corrective instructor.  And for those of you who listen to anyone to compliment your walk with Jesus, just remember we are all human and Jesus is the Only Source and Way to everlasting life.  We are mere humanity and pale into comparison to Him – you need not have anyone besides Him in your life to make it into the Kingdom of Heaven. 

I realize the Bible speaks a lot about prophets, teachers, pastors, etc…  Especially, in the Old Testament, but truthfully much of that was put aside to some degree now that we can actually have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit within us – with Him we should need no other instruction or guidance from the mediator of man.  Of course it is a blessing to fellowship with one another, learn from and comfort on another – I am most grateful for these times with you all, I really am.  But, the truth is, if I vanished today or if your favorite prophet or pastor vanished today – please know you will be okay with just you and God.  I am speaking to myself here as well, encouraging hopefully your souls as I encourage my own.

Every single thing the Father does with us is so beautiful and loving.  Especially repentance.  I think we sometimes get fearful of that word repent.  But think of it this way – Repentance is like the kiss of our Father upon our souls which prepares the way for the Lord to have His way with us, to protect us from harm by Jesus establishing His rightful ownership for the price He paid to insure that we are no longer our own and we definitely have been purchased out of the World.  He does this so that we hear His voice and not harden our hearts to it.  By the convicting voice of the Holy Spirit we are saved from the condemning voices that flow from the pit and are fully rescued being saved by grace.  As we yield to Jesus in a most precious way we escape by Him making a way out of the enemy’s grasp.

2 Chronicles 16:9 tells us to cleave to Jesus with a singleness of heart.

And that truly is what our heart’s desire and need actually is.

The more we come to “see and know” God the more wisdom of His ways we glean and eventually we understand love and discipline are not in opposition to one another, but rather perfectly compliment one another to work all things together for our good because we fall in love with the fullness of Who He is as Abba Father.  He is Abba Father to us, His children, which is why we cry out for Him continually and even our cries bring Him much pleasure.

Being a parent many of you know the fullness of joy that comes from comforting a crying child.  To have that inconsolable child melt into your arms of comfort and be calm and satisfied is unexplainable by words – and that family, is the source of our Father.  We could just sing of His praises forever, couldn’t we?  And we shall!

Let’s pray ~

Heavenly and merciful Father – You are the one Who made the stars and you named each of one of them.  You formed the seas and the mountains and You watch over us with singing.  Nothing is too impossible for You as You are majestic in all Your ways.  We first want to humbly thank You for this precious gathering today.  We praise You for divinely sealing us in Your love and mercy, especially to one another Lord.  May all that we do and say reflect the excellency of You and when it doesn’t convict and teach us Lord the deeper ways of Who You are so that we go forth as examples of Your Kingdom here on Earth.  Forgive us Father for our rebellion at times when we resist repentance.  Open our eyes to the ways we have been disobedient so we may be granted the opportunity to go and sin no more.  Close our eyes to the shortcomings of others Father, forging a trust within us that they of a different fold You will go get them too and bring them close to Jesus by Your Sovereign hand and will.  We release all those who have trespassed against us and we say bless them Lord as You surround them in Your saving love.  Specifically, Father for those who are using Your word or mighty Name for gain – we ask You to humble them Father to their knees with a repentant heart.  I also ask You intervene quickly and divinely before they take one more step towards the ledge of pride and ego, in order they are not totally lost, dazed and confused.  And Father I do not say this just for them, but for me too and all those listening.  Make us instruments of Your peace for the glory of only You.  May we too be a living sacrifice just like Jesus was for Your glory today and forevermore.  Amen.

Well, I thank you all for joining me today – what an amazing time of blessing we had!  I absolutely love spending time with you all and with Jesus.

Just a couple housekeeping things –

For those of you who have my phone number – Could you do me a favor and please not text or call me between the hours of 9 am and 9 pm unless it is a real emergency?  Due to the nature of my family’s needs, I do not put my phone on disturb when resting and I am extremely busy and never know for sure when I can sleep for a little bit.  Sometimes I fall asleep early and get up at 4 am to work or vice versa and I am one if my phone wakes me up I cannot go back to sleep, even if I only had three hours of sleep – I just can’t do it.  I am juggling several balls in the air at the moment, hardly having a moment to think – not a complaint, just a request for mercy and patience is all.  Keep emailing me, just know I answer every single email so there at times is often a short delay.  But I do read each one to make sure there is no crisis, however, sometimes I have to prioritize what order I answer them in.  Thank You very much!

And text messages…  Wow you all really like to text don’t you?  Lol  Well, I don’t.  lol… I prefer an email so I can pray and respond fully.  The other thing about text messages for me is I may get ten at once or over the course of a couple hours or even in the middle of the night and I lose some in the flood.  So please do not be offended if I miss one or if I answer with just a heart or couple words because I find it very difficult to keep up sometimes.  To me texting is an afterthought… It takes less effort really and can be patronizing sometimes and as you all know – I am really not into technology that much.

Lastly, videos…  You all are so very kind to think of me –you truly are and I am so humbled by your love.  But, sometimes I get upward of 5 or more videos sent to me in a day and if I watched every one of them, I couldn’t get anything else done.  I appreciate the fact you think of me – but please understand and please, please do not be offended if I cannot watch all of what you send.  And the same is true with books, there is just not enough time in the day to accomplish all I want to accomplish and remember…  I am still homeschooling two teenagers over here every day, which is a chore in of itself.

We know this too shall pass.  Amen.

So far so good on the inmate letter writing still – the Lord is keeping that door open, Estelle Unit was shut down for a couple weeks which explains the delay some of you are having at the moment with getting letters back from inmates.  This is only temporary – thank you so much for visiting the prisons with me!

Lastly, like always I want to honor those who come along beside me with ROF ministries with prayer, encouragement, finances and especially your love.  You are an intricate piece to us healing hearts His way and I appreciate you more than you know.  Should you have a prayer request, question or something to share please email me at:  Markedbyheaven7@gmail. Com or visit our website at for updates, to post a prayer request or ways to donate to our assignment for the glory of the Lord.

Always know you are loved, by me but most importantly by our Lord, keep close to Him and there is no possible way you won’t finish strong!  God Bless You all!


Transcript From RING OF FIRE Broadcast ~ March 7, 2020

Today I need to apologize in advance because lately I have been in an extreme mental state of soberness.  Partly due to understanding the gravity of all that is going on in the World around us and partly because many do not understand the severity of that which is to come.  Where my concern lies is not with the World per se… but rather with those in it who are still cutting up, lacking the fear of the Lord and in their careless ways are mocking God.  So today I am sober for that reason, today I am speaking to us about us and pleading that we turn from our wicked ways and repent before the Lord starts His judgment in His own household.  Many like to fool themselves that judgement will start in the World, however, it doesn’t… it starts inside the church.  And if we are not sober right now, this moment, then a time of sifting is going to catch us off guard so suddenly, many will be shaken awake into soberness.  It’s truly rare I get a warning message like this one He gave me today.  Today’s message he titled:  SOBER.  That is all He said to me… just SOBER.  Usually He gives me eloquent words for titles, but today is not like all the others, today is a call to stand SOBER.  You all ready?

Lord Jesus please walk with us today hand in hand.  Our hearts and ears are open to You and we thank You for being the perfect example we are to follow.  Collectively we surrender this teaching to You, along with ourselves.  Have Your way in us Lord, especially today.  Amen

WISDOM…  Which is oil by the way, you know… the oil in the virgin’s lamps is wisdom.  No time to go over all that today.  WISDOM…  Every single person has some amount of wisdom – some more, others less, but WISDOM is granted nonetheless. 

It took a precious letter from my inmate friend, Van Edgar to open my eyes up to an amazing revelatory truth about wisdom.  He was talking to me about Solomon and how he had so much wisdom, that many envied all the wisdom he had.  Then all of a sudden a revelation came to me…  WISDOM everyone wants to attain more and more of it – but that is not what is important…  What is important is HOW WE APPLY THE WISDOM WE HAVE.  Wisdom is gained by suffering and as a result we learn what is allowed and good or bad and harmful in our lives.  King Solomon had much wisdom, however, he did not apply it correctly in his life and was practically a crazy man obsessed with power and women – just as Van Edgar explained to me in his letter. 

So we can know good from evil and yet still choose to do evil…  Therefore, we can have wisdom and yet not apply it.  Being sober minded means…  Applying the wisdom to our lives continually while learning from our mistakes and actually going and sinning no more.  And this is how— we take our oil out to go meet our Bridegroom!  Yayyyyy!  It is all making so much more sense now – trimming the wicks is repentance and now He gave us this pearl to match it with…  Apply what we have learned from past mistakes so we do not repeat them…  Wisdom

Okay… that was the good news… lol…  Well it’s all good news, but today we are focused on being SOBERMINDED.  I just wanted to let you down easy with a pearl.  lol

I really want to talk about drunkenness, but the Lord told me we have done that enough and we already know what is right or wrong, even if we choose to ignore it, we know.  Having a Momma’s heart, I always want to get down on my knees and explain what someone is doing in opposition to Jesus and explain why it will hurt them and to please stop so they do not hurt anymore.  He won’t let me do that today…  He says you already know.  Just like I already know when I am disobedient.  We know, don’t we?

The Father is pleading with His people who have rejected Him.  As a matter of fact, all struggles work together for our good in such a way.  He’s doing this constantly behind the scenes and always has, but for some reason we get really nervous when it manifests openly like it has lately.  Staying sober minded in understanding He is Sovereign – which will keep us from drifting into a place of compromise where if we are not pulled from that place, we will eventually curse the Lord for what He is bringing upon the Earth, so that hearts cry out and knees bow down in worship to Him.  If I would be so bold to say… In such a way – coronavirus is a blessing, not a curse.  And since we serve such a merciful Father, even His judgments as laced with an element of love.  He is seeking to save souls, while we believe if He isn’t saving our physical bodies He is rejecting us, but in truth He is receiving us.  Man’s hearts will fail them, but ours will not because He is preparing them for Jesus to abide within us on the throne of our hearts in a most beautiful way.

Tatum shared a beautiful pearl of wisdom the Father laid upon her heart with the COT Family the other day and I am going to share it with you all since many of you missed it…

I Just Wanted To Flow In The Spirit About What THE LORD Has Laid Upon My Heart. Because I Keep Noticing Something, Not Only Out In The Community, But Also In The Body Of CHRIST. That Ever Since There Has Been An Uptick In This Virus, That It Spiritually Is Revealing Something About People. Well A Virus Makes People Sick & Not Well. This Also Is What I’m Noticing In Many Spiritually, Where Their Minds Aren’t Well Or Sober. And I’ve Notice It Spread Like A Virus From One Believer To Another. Where Things In Their Thought Process Seem Chaotic, Paranoid & No Clarity, Like Drunk In One’s Chaotic Thought Process, Where Justifying Things Also Just Don’t Make Sense. And So I’m Led To Pray, Because I Also Keep Hearing The Word, “Repentance” & “Get Your House In Order Immediately”. I’ve Realized A Serious Truth, That No One Can Save Me But JESUS Of Nazareth Can. And That Now Are Truly Sober Times Needed To Be Alert For When Our Time Could Be Up & To Stand Before JESUS, Before JESUS Returns. And This Truly Is My Hope For ALL Of Us. I Can’t Shake It Off, But Rest In HIM. GOD Bless You All, Thank You For Letting Me Share

  • Thankfully He is removing all fear of man from within us at the moment.  Sheep have a tendency to be skittish and due to betrayal and pain, we too are skittish to some degree.  However, Jesus is an awesome Shepherd and we follow Him wherever He goes – WE GROW WHEN THE WORDS OF GOD MEAN MORE TO US THAN THE WORDS OF MAN.
  • Right after we finished our teachings on rejection the Lord spoke to me in my heart saying…  You have focused so much on how you were rejected – Have you considered the ways in which you rejected Me?  So after much soul searching I discovered the unmeasurable ways I have rejected the Lord on every level.  This gave me much time to reflect and repent and also to become more sober in the mind.  My eyes were opened to the truth it is not so much I do not know how not to do evil, but rather I choose not to do good.

So let’s talk for a moment about… REJECTING GOD

This may hurt the flesh a little I must warn you – because the flesh naturally opposes surrendering fully to the Lord in every way so we wrestle with it instead of dying to it.  He reminded me how He sends no one to hell, they choose to go there and many are experiencing a living hell right now in their minds.

As He opens our ears and the scales fall off, our hearts will embrace His truth.  When we are still primarily in rebellion we get offended and mad at anything that sears the flesh.

REBELLION is – self-will, wanting things our own way, as disobedient children and we often surround ourselves with others who will join with us to take up our cause and come into agreement with the sin we both share. 

FALLING AWAY is – rejecting God and His moral ways and is becoming more hard to hide now because so many reject the victory over sin found in Jesus.

THE RESULT is – The Lord removing His hand of protection from us when we are in rebellion.  Just like Jesus told Peter – be sober, wake up… Don’t you know the enemy desires you?  And later, He explained the enemy may sift you as wheat.  Remember Job?  The enemy was granted permission to destroy all fleshly, carnal things in his life and steal them.  The only safe place to be is surrendered to the Lord fully, as He is our only protection from fiery darts in that they do not prosper against us.

Currently the Father is pleading with His people by allowing pressures of all kinds of flesh trials to remove all which is not of Him from us.  There are countless times recorded in the Bible where He removed His hand of protection to get a rebellious people to seek and embrace Him.  By denying the full truth of the Gospel, we are tempting God in a way we surely do not want to out of ignorance.

If we do not take captive our own thoughts, our own thoughts will take captive of us.  We are at a point in time Spiritually speaking it is very dangerous to play with fire just to tickle our ears.  We cannot just gloss over what we perceive is bad in the Bible and drink only what is pleasing to the eyes.  If we love Him, all is good and all is beneficial for Spiritual growth.

SEEKING…  It is all about seeking…  For everyone who does not SEEK to surrender all – including self plans, wills, desires, etc… to the Lord fully is a rebellious child and discipline will follow.  Now notice I said SEEK, because the Father knows the intentions of our hearts and tries them.  We may fool ourselves or even one another – but He cannot be fooled in such a way.  He knows, He certainly does know us more intimately than we know ourselves.

The truth is – not only do many refuse to seek to surrender to Him they are opposed to it.  And as a result, they despise His correction.  Which is sad really, because correction really means – Let me correct your course you are on.  It is really non-threatening and very simple. 

Hebrews 12:6 says…

Who the Lord loves, He disciplines and He chastises every son whom He receives.

Chastises means – a calamity sent by God, a spanking to devour or decrease the flesh

Now I understand many of us have been harmed times over by a strong hand which strikes by man.  But please do not compare at all what man has done to God, Himself.  Take captive those thoughts which bring our Father down to the fallen nature of man – so that you learn to love His discipline, not run away from it.

Godly fear is healthy and preserves us in many ways.  We must have a godly fear or we will keep too much rebellion within us.  Godly fear keeps us firmly on the straight and narrow path and insures we do not get a seared conscience in which we will call evil good and good evil.  Remember – the fear of the Lord is only the beginning of wisdom (knowing right from wrong) because it places us into a position of receiving the gift of repentance which delivers us from excusing our sin to going and sinning no more.

Proverbs 3: 11 says…

His children do not reject His discipline or hate it when he rebukes us.

His children know – all He has towards us is love and that He is really infusing His promise to keep us covered and protected, even if at times, it is from ourselves.  I don’t know about you all… But I don’t trust me, do you trust you?  It really helps to know that the Father is so loving and Sovereign He won’t let us corrupt ourselves to the point we perish.  I should have been a lost cause a long time ago… But He intervened.

Finally, Revelation 3:19 is a beautiful promise of love…

Those I love I rebuke and discipline so be zealous and repent.

REBUKE means…  Conviction of the Holy Spirit as darkness is exposed by the light – basically feeling guilty for doing something wrong  – the Lord loves us so much He will allow guilt to come upon us so we know when to ask for forgiveness and not call evil good or hide our sin… this is true deliverance.

ZEALOUS means…  Burn with a desire for and to pursue constantly

How amazing is that?  Let’s read it now in layman’s terms…

Those I love I convict with the Holy Spirit to reveal all darkness by My light and I discipline you so that you burn with a desire for and pursue constantly to repent from all darkness that influences you.

See… Now it isn’t so scary is it?  Now with Spiritual eyes we can see, His discipline is nothing more than a loving Father keeping guard and watch over us because He loves us so very much.  When we remove the heavy hammer of man we begin to receive all that is written, just as it was written in love as love.

Discipline in loving context takes on a whole different meaning and His perfect love casts all fear away from us.  Discipline also is the birthing word for DISCIPLE…

Discipline teaches accountability, accountability teaches good from evil, knowing good from evil teaches repentance and repentance teaches us how to follow in Jesus’s footsteps.  Jesus’s ways keep us on the straight and narrow path which leads us to life everlasting, rather than the broad way which leads to destruction.  One of the most crucial mistakes we can make is not finding the narrow eternal path because we refuse to accept, let alone love the discipline of the Lord.  Again, discipline is instruction and guidance done in a perfectly loving way.

All have sinned just as it says in Romans 3 – But do you know why we keep sinning?  The answer is in verse 18 – There is no fear of God before their eyes.

We all know what fear means – but listen, it also means to revere one’s husband… I found that interesting.  I am pretty sure all our preconceived notions about the Lord are pretty much worthless at this point.  The more I learn the less I know.  All powerful is about all I can say right now.  He isn’t coming as a Lamb this time…  He is coming like a lion – so sober up.  We can pray we are worthy to stand before Him all we want, but right now, truthfully I don’t even know what that looks like to be worthy in such a way, I feel much more worthless than worthy, thankfully it says pray we are worthy – that we can do.

The Father created us all perfectly and He wove into us the freewill to make our own choices in a most beautiful way.  With that comes some responsibility… And a lot of accountability.  But knowing He is a very good Father, He gives us many opportunities to choose good over evil.  For example, every single action we take here on Earth contains the fruit of consequences.  Sometimes good or sometimes bad, but a reaction/fruit is always produced in what we say or do.  Just as His words go out to perform – so do ours or like how one pebble thrown into a lake creates ripples…  So do our actions. 

Remember, when we choose the action, we choose the consequence and as little children learn to walk… often stumbling and falling, bumping their heads and touching hot stoves – so do we.  This is how we often learn to lean on Him through pain.  But on the flip side of that is a heart of brotherly and sisterly love, one to another which produces good fruit… Very good fruit indeed.  For example, when we walk in forgiveness and mercy one to another, we are at peace with one another in a most Heavenly Kingdom way.

The Lord has led an example for us to follow, to not always take the easy way out.  Remember, before He could rise from the dead, He walked the path to crucifixion…  Therefore, we too must die to self, the old nature to be risen and born again a new creature in Christ.  Unfortunately, this process is delayed when we refuse to yield and surrender and choose the sinful ways of death.  And worse is when we deny we even have sin still in us.  Jesus came and called all sinners to repentance.  We cannot say one thing and do another.  Jesus said in Luke 13:3 – Unless you repent you will perish.  It is true some will enter in another way, but only to be eventually thrown out.  We do not want this to be us.

Just to review why Jesus came?  Our answer is found in the Word in Luke 5:32 and it reads as follows:

He came not to call the righteous, but to call sinners to repent.

There is a hint here – Jesus is only calling those who are willing to be disciplined, corrected and purged of anything and everything that cannot enter into His Kingdom.  This Scripture tells us He did not call the righteous – it is because those who think they are already saved are not looking for a Savior.

So there is really something very beautiful about repentance – it is nothing to be shy about or it is not condemning whatsoever, it is a calling forth to be cleansed, healed and made whole.  Jesus is not harsh like man – He is love and all He does is loving in nature.  Man has twisted what the Lord calls beautiful, especially repentance.

You see the enemy does not want us to be made whole, because he keeps tricking us to corrupt ourselves and he knows if we allow shame to separate us further from Jesus we will live a miserable life.

We need to practice every day reading the words of Jesus so what He taught is sealed in our hearts and minds to block out the whispers of condemnation from the enemy.  Just as he told the truth and whispered to Eve, he does the same with us.  And yes, I did say he told the truth… When he said you will not surely die – and she didn’t die physically but spiritually.  In the same way he attempts to lure us away from Jesus, Who is the Way, Truth and Life.  In the Bible when it speaks about those “who love not the truth…”  It is speaks of Jesus, our First love and it doesn’t say… who knows the truth, but LOVES THE TRUTH.  You see, you can KNOW about all the Scriptures like a righteous person – but unless YOU LOVE THE TRUTH Jesus will not know you and say depart from Me you worker of iniquity.  I’m sorry, I know that sounds really hurtful, but remember everyone is given a chance to repent, everyone.  Life or death is the consequence to that action.

As we work out our salvation daily, we see the importance to live a changed life, as Jesus changes us from the inside out… that is the fruits of our labors, so to speak or consequence to surrendering all to Him and this is a good consequence by the way.  He came to give us life and life abundantly and when we follow His ways that is exactly what we will have – an abundant life.

Remember – the Lord only expects your very best.  Whatever you have to offer however small it may be… that is the best to Him.  When you get out of carnal thinking, what Jesus desires is not riches or gold – He has all that anyway… He desires you and you giving yourself to Him is of highest value on Earth, it is eternal – you are priceless like this to Him.

We do not want to reject the Father by rejecting His discipline.  It is very unsafe to live a life like that, we can really get hurt.  Can you imagine a toddler running on train tracks – we would panic wouldn’t we?  Well, the Father wants us to have abundance in His Son Jesus our eternal reward to be content here on Earth in plenty and want.  Many of the precepts He has given us are truly for our good, to keep us safe from heartbreak and fragmentation of the soul.

We are all being transformed by the renewing of our minds, going from carnal mindsets to Christlike in nature – before you know it, you will see you think differently, talk differently, want to do different things than before and soon, as you look back – Jesus changed your whole life, little by little one step at a time.  The renewing of the mind is pivotal in our process to being transformed into a new creature.

I bet you are curious what a non-carnal mind ponders?  Dreams about? Has curiosity about and so forth…

I will let the Word tell you, it is found in Philippians 4 ~

Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.

Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand.

Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.


A mind that isn’t carnal THINKS ALWAYS ON THESE THINGS ~


MOST IMPORTANTLY!!!  Here is the clincher of a life lesson of the upmost importance…. Ready?

Jesus said —- THE THINGS YOU HAVE LEARNED I DO – YOU DO, WHAT YOU HAVE HEARD I DO – YOU DO & WHAT YOU HAVE SEEN ME DO, YOU DO…  Sounds familiar like… following the Lamb wherever He goes, doesn’t it?

So that the God of peace shall be with you or another way of saying it… YOU WILL LIVE IN PEACE.

JESUS IS OUR BEST EXAMPLE, because HE ONLY DID WHAT HE SAW HIS FATHER IN HEAVEN DOING!  Can you imagine how much we would struggle without Jesus to follow as an Example??? Now you know why some of you are simply starved to know Him and know about Him in a more intimate way.  As we let go of the carnal mind – what we would think upon is just not valuable or filling to us anymore… It is almost like many of us have lost a taste for anything that is not good for us Spiritually.  Remember, there is only one way to the Father – it is through Jesus.

Can you believe it?  We are finally no longer eating from the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil… Because Jesus the Tree of Life is all we crave, knowing it is all that satisfies and fills us.

I am doing my best to paint a beautiful picture for you of the truth of the Father’s discipline no longer tainted by the religious who use force to get one to convert.  Because that does in no way replicate the Father’s ways.  His discipline is nothing to fear, but rather embrace – it is not absent of love because it is His love, His guided love to keep us safely pulled close to Him so we do not stray and get hurt or injured in anyway.  To be in total awe and fear of the Lord means to recognize His majesty and all powerful ways to which none can compare.

An example may help…  For those who are parents.  Remember a time when your child was struggling with something or maybe got caught doing something that could bring them much harm.  As their parent, you pleaded with them in love, you patiently never let go as you set consequences in place so they would understand the gravity of their actions – but all this you did in love, because you knew if they could just get past this – brighter days would come, they would remember how painful it was to be in that place of danger and would truly never turn to that thing again.  Love never left you and you spoke to them until it clicked, then one day they realized and began to weep, they were truly sorry and then… You fully embraced them and your heart rejoiced with gladness for them.  Months passed you saw them grow out of that mess, you were front and center to a changed life and how pivotal it was that you stood your ground and you were finally able to see the fruit of your labor of love towards them.  Now… that is how the Father looks to us – with those same loving eyes and guided hand.  He is for you – not against you in this same way.  So please… Do not mix the heavy burdens that others who even call themselves Christians place upon you because they too are laden with sins, which may be different than yours… if the truth was known, they deserve the very stones they throw at you turned on themselves.

With all this being said – it is time to stand up and be accountable to the Lord and take responsibility for our own actions, no longer denying them.  Consequences that do come will come if we do not repent from our ways of old in order to teach us how to walk in the new.

So no more blaming the devil all the time, like he made us do something.  He doesn’t have that kind of power over us anyway.  When we have Jesus living and abiding inside us we are unshakable, which is why we are all being purged of iniquity at the moment.  The Lord is really going deep this time!

  • He’s establishing within us His eternal Kingdom
  • As He is filling us with the Holy Spirit – it most certainly does require a displacement of self
  • He’s making us inwardly ready so that when all is shaken there is nothing left so that in Him we are able to stand and be worthy to stand before Him – unshakable
  • The method by which He is doing this is not important – the outcome is

Take the coronavirus for example… Those who seek to save their lives are in a panic, some of us see God pleading with people in order to save a life for all eternity.  It is all how you look at it… Carnally or Spiritually. Sadly others stuck in vengeance are declaring – you are gonna get it.

Psalm 91 is a good place to start daily, these are not words just to read or proclaim but are faith filled words to believe!

The Father is doing only one work with us all – He is conforming us into the Image of His Son.

He uses many means to create the same end result, depending on what is required to get us over to the other side individually.  We are becoming a Bride made ready for her Bridegroom.  However, in order to be made ready we must be emptied of everything and anything which does not reflect the example of Jesus.  We wash our own robes white which leads us to the truth, we do play a part in our own Salvation.

The Father is not looking for righteousness, sacrifice or works…  He is looking for obedience, a surrendered heart He can mold, that is sensitive and broken that needs made whole.  There is no possible way to be obedient unless surrendered and you cannot surrender without being broken and empty of self.  Some of us are walking around in tears feeling empty like it is a bad thing – which is the very thing that Jesus is excited about because to Him that is a vessel that He can fill and occupy.

Either we rule and reign with Him fully or not at all.  If we are not fully surrendered to Him we are divided.  When we are divided, so are our:  thoughts, actions, intentions, hearts, perceptions, everything is divided or screened through carnality to some degree.

A divided house (person) cannot stand.  Jesus wants to flow freely through us – He wants to have His way in and through us – this goes hand in hand and is not divided, but whole.  Will you be made whole?  If so, you must be emptied first.  He does not put new wine into an old wineskin.

What God does not initiate He does not anoint, so we are sifted, disciplined, purged and guided in that we walk as obedient children so that all we say and do is precisely what our Father in Heaven wills to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven through us.

So you see why it is so important we be sober right now?  A sober mind is a mind fixated on one thing – Jesus.  A sober mind is a single mind so that we live like nothing else matters… Nothing.  And then and only then – all things will be added to us.  Remember… Emptied out, so that new can be put in.  He pours into us, we pour Him out to others and we become a well that never runs dry.

So I pray this message blessed you today, I also pray that you no longer fear the Lord’s loving discipline but learn to desire His covering hand of correction.

Before I go I want to thank all of you who do support ROF Ministry by time, talent or treasure.  Your prayers cover us and your support enable us to keep healing hearts His way.  Any prayer requests or ministry needs can be emailed to me at: or if you wish to support ROF with a love gift you can go directly to our website at and click the donate link.

You all are just too precious for words…  Never ever forget you are loved with an everlasting, a deep and drawing love that is a rarity to experience.  It is not found anywhere here on Earth, nor can it be compared to natural love in anyway.  My prayer is that we all begin to experience this priceless gift of love to the fullest as we begin to release knowing about the Lord and are transformed into knowing Him.

Thank you for joining me today, love and bless each of you very much!

Angela ~ Ring of Fire Ministries

Afflictions Of The Soul ~

The Pain that just won’t go away…

Transcript from broadcast February 26, 2020

Good Morning and God Bless each of you – Thank you for joining me on today’s ROF Ministry broadcast as we continue to journey on in our study of Genesis 32 and understanding of rejection in that we are fully delivered from all afflictions and residue, becoming a New Creature in Christ.

I give all glory, honor and praise for what He has done, is doing and will do in our lives.  While we are here on Earth, we are sojourning with Jesus on this divinely orchestrated and anointed path called the narrow way.  The Word teaches us few find this path because it is so narrow – meaning pressing and restricted.  I would say this narrow path is not for the faint at heart – no not at all.  It requires we lay down our lives for the sake of Him, no longer seeking to save our lives we realize we lose our lives only to find Him abiding fully in ours.  It is beautiful and it is taxing, it is freedom and yet being a prisoner for Him and it is so very rewarding – when He is our reward.

This narrow way not a path we can take anyone else with us on.  It is you and me and Jesus alone.  It can get quite lonely at times, I’m not gonna lie.  You also will see others getting away with many things, having fun, living a carnal life (even though they may say they are Christians) and yet you cannot escape or rather get away with anything.  There’s no turning back now… lol…  Time to just roll with it!  I guess that is another reason He tells us to “forget the former things…”  It can grieve your heart a little to glance backward, instead of forward to the promises of our Lord Jesus.

Many right now are on the bridge of being chosen, just as you were – so they will need your comfort, assistance and encouragement to keep crossing over to the other side because Jesus is calling them forth.  Many of you have been anointed for that very purpose, as a matter of fact, you will comfort those with the same words by which you were comforted since He choose you to journey as a forerunner before those who will come behind you.  Honestly, it is very rewarding and exhausting to the flesh at the same time.  But remember, when we pour out – Jesus pours more new wine right into us, like refreshing waters and we are renewed day by day.

Just to recap a bit…  Last week we read a portion of Genesis 32, where Jacob wrestled with himself and the Lord surely taught us well.  We ended just where we will begin today discussing “afflictions of the soul.”

The reason being… If we cling to rejection we’ve suffered by replaying it over and over, speaking in the ways of a victim and refusing to be healed and made whole…  We have very un-Christlike personality traits and bleed on or rather spew words out of our unclean hearts Jesus would never say.  A fractured soul is a hurting soul and it is all connected to our minds.  We are to renew our minds each day, casting down imaginations which are contrary to our Faith in Jesus, having the mind of Christ – for real!  Not by words, but by truth.

You all ready to talk about “Soul Afflictions?”  Or rather…. Characteristic personality traits which do not represent the example of Jesus because as a New Creature – in Him we move and HAVE OUR BEING.

An Afflicted Soul may:

  • Be overly timid or fearful
  • Easily provoked to anger
  • Quickly offended and overly sensitive thinking everyone is against them
  • Haughty in spirit – thinking themselves to know everything about everything, having all the answers
  • Abrasive, harsh, cold or even indifference
  • People pleasers over pleasing God
  • Attention seekers or seeking approval by people they know
  • Seductive or lustful – openly or hidden – God sees all
  • Insincere or dishonest – who often lie to manipulate or seduce others – and this is not always sexually btw

We just described what it looks like to be in a church and yet still being ruled by flesh instead of the Spirit.  It is obvious here that the spirits of the flesh are in complete enmity with the Fruits of the Holy Spirit.

This is not how our Father formed us in His image – but rather, how the World conformed us to its image and we all know who is the ruler of the World… lucifer.

The absolute truth is – our history does not determine our destiny – our destiny was set in place when we were fearfully and wonderfully made by the Creator of all things, Himself.  He knew us then and He knows us now and right now in this moment we are learning to know of Him again. 

The old creature will often get stuck in a mindset of pining after or cursing what was – our history.  While the new creature inside us being reborn has an undeniable thirst for Jesus, to know Him deeply and to be conformed to His Image…  You see the cycle?

At birth we come forth into the World in the Image of Jesus, the World taints us and tries to force us to conform to it – but it is permissible so that we make an honest choice to follow Jesus in truth, as He is the only way to the Father.  The Father does not desire us to worship Him by command, but through only a heart of devoted love.  Through trials, those who are His children instinctively know to call out to their Father and upon doing so – He embraces us with open arms.  It is through the trials of this life His love unto us is forged, perfected and sustained – an unbreakable covenant bond is sealed… the end result is?  We return to our first love Jesus, joined to Him in ways unimaginable and unexplainable really – as you can tell I am struggling very much to articulate this… But eventually being one with Him we return to our first estate (Spiritual condition) – a New Creature in His Image.  This is our Spiritual Life Cycle, if you will.

So in this process, day in and day out, we wrestle to overcome all things which are NOT permissible or profitable in the Kingdom of Heaven.  We can only overcome all things through Jesus, Who gives us strength to conquer all darkness because He really is a consuming fire, burning away all the dross (unfruitful parts) of our existence on Earth as Godly children.

And sadly…  Part of that process is “suffering the affliction of rejection..”  Just like Jacob was rejected by his Earthly father and suffered watching his brother be given preference over himself – so have most of us.  We have been rejected by our own families and those we love deeply too, just like Jacob – I call that friendly fire and it sears the heart the most.

Did you know all rejection is not created equal? 

  • Those we value the most can hurt us the most
  • Those we trust and believe their words are sincere, so we let our guards down – can shatter your heart to pieces in a second
  • The closer we have let someone into our shared lives and truths of us – they have the greatest impact to hurt our hearts the most.

Rejection from them always stings much more than from a stranger.  Right?

  • We respond differently and can be tormented deeply from rejection at the hands of someone we have been most vulnerable with.

For example – If a thief on the street stole your purse, you would not take it personally.  But if your confidant and friend stole the same from you, it would likely devastate you.  Because trust was broken.

We often feel like an outcast not because the World doesn’t want us, but because the ones who said they loved us didn’t or the ones who were appointed by the Father to love us abandoned us instead.

You know Jacob was an outcast too, he had to leave his home prematurely at a young age and he really did quite well outwardly…  He married, had children, etc… And yet inside he was still an “orphan.”  Jacob accomplished all the successes a productive man would attain, however…  he too had the residue of lingering rejection from a wound of long ago and it festered within Jacob, robbing him of contentment.  So later on in life in an attempt to reconcile with Esau, his brother, Jacob came up with a plan…  You know what I mean right?  One of those scenarios we play out in our heads which give the perfect ending to a perfect nightmare…  Some of you all know what I am talking about… lol  Jacob, admittedly had no idea how this would go and since he did not consult the Lord on this, he truly was alone.  So he sent his family away and he sent a gift offering to Esau to go before his attempt to reconcile – this is people pleasing at its finest right here.

In order to prepare Jacob set himself in a place of aloneness and he wrestled… 


  • There are times God uses isolation for our transformation – he often used Elijah in the same way
  • Other times, He will orchestrate alone time with just Him to do a deep spiritual healing work, where we are separated and silenced through some sort of crisis or sickness.

There are times when we are so distracted by the noise of our own plans, the Lord uses something swift to surrender us securely to Himself.  We may even wrestle with Him in the process – but He always wins and never tires.  I’ve noticed a trend we sometimes have… We will call good evil sometimes when the Father is trying to get our attention.  We become devil blamers, like he is roaring around not under the subjection to the Almighty – Lord forgive us.  I must ask you to ask yourself…  Can anything override the covering Sovereignty of the Lord on High?  I used to think my freewill could override Him, but lately He has been showing me quite the contrary… For example, if I started to corrupt myself so much I would be eternally lost – He would take me Home to Heaven with Him, He showed me how nothing can pull us out of His hands – not life or death or angels or principalities – NOT ANYTHING… So just rest in that truth, believe it and walk it out in Faith.

Can you ever remember a time where you called something a curse of evil and then over time it proved to actually be a blessing in disguise?  Or even vice versa… We sometimes will call something good and over time it proved to be evil…  Hindsight truly is 20/20 – well, so is patiently waiting for the Lord to prove all things – because, when God shows up – He often does not look like Himself if our eyesight is not yet healed.  What we think is a curse, could in turn be a blessing but quite often – too many times to count – what we thought was a blessing was actually intended for our demise.  Even the disciples thought Jesus was a ghost one fearful moment in time… Fear skews our vision big time.

If we are not healed… the Lord can show up to protect us and we cast Him away like the enemy.  You all with me on this?  He gives and He takes away and BOTH are purposed to keep us as His child protected and untainted.

Sometimes God shows up opening doors but sometimes He shows up closing them and that is Him too!  How many of you looking back are saying Praise You Lord for closing that door I had propped open for twenty years stiff necked and bullheaded?  It is because when we look back, we no longer see in part, but in fullness.  Here’s the clincher…  The wrestling comes when we still want, what we want!  And after we are done wrestling with ourselves – guess who we wrestle with?  God Himself… Can I get an Amen?  Because some of us are gonna be set free today!  I for one am done trying to author and finish myself!

Aren’t we so very tired of letting man define our worth?  When we place such power into the hands of another we often feel abandoned and weighed in the balance by them.  What I mean is…  Say the payout you are looking to receive is “attention” and if you are not getting enough attention from someone – you feel abandoned because in your mind you feel unworthy of their love.  We would not feel abandoned like this anymore if we believed this one thing, it would be a wholeness moment for us all:  When we understand the Lord opens doors and He closes doors of entry into and out of our lives for others, we will richly be are peace.  Jesus stands at the gates as to what or who can and cannot enter into our lives.  The same power which raised Jesus from the dead is living and active inside us because the no one has authority over us other than that which is granted by the Father.  If we need sifted, then he must gain access to us by the Lord Himself.  Just because the enemy desires us, does not mean he can attain us.  And just because he can sift us, does not mean he can devour us.

We have truly been wrestling with the old nature of ourselves way too much and it is also why we have grown very weary.  Remember, Jesus told us to forget what is behind us and press on towards the higher calling.

Knowing God is a good gatekeeper all the time, we understand the same God that shows up to open doors, closes them too – see…. We have never been abandoned at all and one day we are going to be ever so grateful for His hand of protection upon us – no matter who or what exits our lives.  Oftentimes, the Lord has shown the enemy to the exit and because of our own desires we are clinging onto him with all our might.

Jesus loves us enough to refuse to allow us to corrupt ourselves with wrong choices.  In doing so, He often removes options of death influencing us by His sovereign hand of intervention by closing doors and remember it is a thankful heart that clings to Jesus in plenty and in want.

As a reminder, if we have a soul affliction of unresolved rejection within us, we will not see God working in our lives when an answer to a prayer is no.  Our Father is a good, good Father and therefore saying no is a good, good gift, even if we cannot perceive it as such because we truly are as little children.

Using Jacob again as an example, taken from Genesis 32 verse 28 says, Jacob wrestled with a man (human) and with God and was overcome…  We know from preceding scripture Jacob was alone.  Jacob was the only human present that night.

What is God showing us to glean in this Biblical account?

  • Could it be the person Jacob was wrestling with was himself?  His own flesh?  His old nature?  How often is it we too war by the Spirit against the flesh in such a way?
  • God is pulling us towards our future destiny by severing our connection to our past.  He is doing this by killing our flesh while drawing us into the likeness of Jesus.  He does not want us to self sabotage His mighty work by refusing to stay an unchanged wineskin.
  • Remember in this passage Jacob was indeed in a battle and the one he was wrestling with said to him – let me go and Jacob said, I will not until you bless me.  Jacob was having a mind battle at this time.  What he was really saying here was – I will wrestle until I win or overcome and it went on for hours – Jacob had already made up his mind he would not stop fighting by the Spirit until no flesh was saved or rather, until the past was buried.
  • And don’t forget… Jacob suffered a wound when wrestling that night.  It was a painful process, dying to self always is.
  • We know Jacob was living a successful and productive life – likely admired by most – however, he still was riddled with past hurts.  Jacob’s request was not to GET SOMETHING but rather to BECOME SOMETHING.  He is a demonstration of us:  A new creature being formed into the image of a mighty God who is seeking first the Kingdom of God so that all things will be added…  All things which are profitable – which requires a purging of those things which we have allowed to remain permissible in our lives and yet they do not reflect the example of Jesus.
  • All you deed workers out there…. Listen to me a second, we know wisdom tells us we can be overachievers in everything – knocking ourselves out, even in ministering and serving others – but there is no such thing as enough work to fill and heal an afflicted and wounded soul.  This type of soullessness is a bottomless pit which can never be satisfied and filled – it is why the Lord does not put new wine into an old wineskin.
  • The truth is… there are many things we just cannot do on our own – but we sure wrestle with it, don’t we?  We sure try!  Emptiness and deep wounds cannot be filled by works done by us or to us in anyway in the natural – it is only eternal spiritual works at the hand of Jesus that can stop a bleeding heart.
  • The Lord uses our rejection to place us on path to commune with Him.  Rejection in this life can shape us into something less than so that God’s hand will be received by us to shape us into who we were appointed to be – formed into the image of His Son Jesus.

The Lord gives us tools, many tools to use and assist us in our overcoming process so that when He sends us out with wisdom by His spirit we may comfort others just like we were comforted.  Therefore, there are a few keys we need to understand regarding overcoming the rejection in the soul.

  • Rejection by others is their vision of you – It is not your true value.  Quite often the issue is not us but that the other person is spiritually blind.
  • Rejection is sometimes perceived by us due to our own spiritual blindness, as well.
  • We were fearfully and wonderfully made, created in His Image – priceless and valuable.  Just because people can’t see value in us or we do not see value in ourselves doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
  • Please hear me on this one…  The only one who can assign value to something is the one who created it because others can only RECOGNIZE the value of a thing – they cannot determine it.
  • It takes eyesight to recognize something, doesn’t it?  We need to embrace what the Father says about one another and ourselves – and no longer see with flesh eyes which are faulty in nature.  Again, the vessel is not faulty – eyesight is unless it is spiritual in nature.
  • The Father makes all things new – this is me and you and all His children, we are in a process – it is time to stop judging before the time of perfection, one another and ourselves.  Some of us are way harder on ourselves than we are other people.  The grace that is sufficient and the mercy which is given is not just for others, but for ourselves as well.
  • The Lord is fully aware of His hand upon us and only He knows the end result of His guiding, remember He is not slack concerning His promises towards us so He sees us in a different light than people see us or we see ourselves.  He sees a complete and finished work, knowing the end from the beginning.  Please understand, most of His work is internal anyway and can only be seen by the Spiritual eye.  He has a plan and vision for you – He sees the result of that plan, where others look externally for the fruit of His labors, He sees the inward fruit.
  • When we keep handing ourselves over to people to assign value to us we have handed over to others a responsibility that can only be assigned to God and we become compromised in nature.  Like I said, only our Creator knows the plans for our lives of being a living soul, whatever we contain and what we are called to do and even all that we are capable of – the meaning and timing of all things pertaining to us belongs to His charge.  What He says goes and it is final.
  • We should not absorb other people’s issues as our own.  Jesus took on the sins of the World, we do not have to.  So as a reminder, rejection is often a result of other’s issues and not ours.  Jesus warned us time and again about making assessments of others without assessing ourselves first.  Once we remove the plank (which is ego) out of our own eye it is then we can see clearly the shortcomings of another.  Frequently, people do reject us because of their own plank, not our splinter because of their own self, pride and ego when they think themselves to be higher than they ought to.  They will overcompensate for their insecurity by focusing on our lack – again, rejection is often not our issue, but theirs.  People pleasers need to let go of the tireless striving to please an unquenched unfulfilled soul which can be satisfied by Jesus Himself.
  • Rejection frequently propels us into God’s direction when you are not of this World, those still in the World are naturally going to reject you.  But what is beautiful, when this happens you find yourself firmly implanted inside the church, no longer an onlooker into it.  When God does shut it’s door, we may perceive it as rejection when in truth it is His protection.
  • In this process the Lord is breaking us from all entitlement mindsets – like He owes us anything.  He doesn’t owe us anything, because He already gave us everything – found solely in His Son Jesus

Who is our reward.

  • There are times we are convinced God exists for us – which is a self-centered, wrestling with the flesh mindset.  The truth is we exist for God’s good pleasure, just as Jesus did, which is a spiritual mindset way of thinking based in a surrendered Christ centered life of walking by the Spirit.  In all situations we are either being led by spirit or flesh and “who” we are focused on in any given moment is the testing point.  Is it Jesus or self and others?  We don’t matter – He does and if walking by Spirit, Jesus matters more than others in our lives and it shows.  But just who is willing to take that stand, knowing in doing so rejection will come upon you like a flood?  You know the Scripture that says… Stand therefore and pray you are worthy to stand before the Son of Man…  This is what it means to stand – it does not mean to fight in the flesh or spirit, but to stand up in truth and faith, placing Jesus as number one, no matter the cost.
  • It requires us to have doors closed at times through rejection to fully grasp how far and wide and deep is the Father’s love towards us as His children.  As we mature and grow, what we used to call unfair we call God at work in our lives and give Him the praise He deserves.
  • It settles our hearts to know we are in a fight we cannot lose…  And why?  Jesus has already won and the victory is ours in Him.  God often moves us from assignment to assignment by closing doors, just like He does when opening them.  Some of us resist change so much it requires a closed door for us to move anywhere, doesn’t it?
  • Rest and trust in the truth that the Lord places us at the right place at the right time every single time.  We may cry for a few nights, but joy always comes in the morning!

Speaking of closing doors, I feel totally released now at this moment to finally put this “rejection” teaching to rest.  He has taught me much and I pray you also benefited from all He showed us the past few weeks.  I am most curious where He will take us next?  So far, He hasn’t laid anything upon my heart for us to study next, but He will, He always does.

Let’s pray ~

Heavenly and glorious Father, I am just overwhelmed by Your love today and every day.  You are the breath and life which sustains us each day and without You we would flounder and perish.  Lately, it seems as if not a moment goes by we are not calling out to You to save us and yet, You are mighty and faithful to save every single time.  We come before Your presence today and say Lord, I cannot do anything a part from You, come abide within us from this day forward.  We repent from questioning you and placing way too much value of others into our lives.  When all is said and done, it will be me and You Jesus and I thank You for giving us an opportunity to make things right before Your eyes.  Thank You Lord for teaching us Your ways and Your truthful intentions towards us as you place the seal of God upon our foreheads and cleanse us of all thoughts which contaminate our souls.  We promise to do our best to refrain from the value to be seen by the eyes of men and to diligently seek Your Kingdom perspective concerning ourselves and others.  Help us to surrender perfectly to Your will each day in peace, without wrestling with our old natures of flesh.  Deliver us oh Lord from all evil, starting with self.  Purge us from all mentalities of works so that we authentically worship You in spirit and in truth.  Help us see ourselves just as You see us covered in the humility of Jesus.  We humbly come before this day Lord with a grateful heart saying may Your will be done in our lives on Earth as it is in Heaven.  In Jesus’s Precious and life giving Name we pray.  Amen.

So I humbly thank you all for joining me today.  Each of you have blessed my life beyond imagination and I pray for, love you and am grateful to serve Jesus with you each day.

I ask that you continue to lift up ROF Ministries and myself in prayer, love and financial support, should the Lord lead you to do so in order that we are sent forth to be a blessing to those the World has rejected by healing hearts His way.  Your prayers keep us covered and your support keeps us going out to the multitudes.  Should the Lord place it upon your heart to give, you may do so by going to and click on the donation button, not only will we be blessed to continue in the Lord’s work – with your love seeds your joy shall be made full in Him.  If you are so led to join with us in visiting the prisons through joining the Prison Ministry Outreach Team, please email me at:  You can also email me anytime at the same address to share or request prayer.

So that is all I have for today.  Thank you for fellowshipping with me and one another today.

Love and Bless each of you.

Wrestling With The Residue Of Rejection ~

Transcript from broadcast February 19, 2020

Good Morning Blessings to you all and thank you for joining me today on Ring of Fire Ministries.  What a joyful blessing it is to fellowship with you all today.  It is so good to see each of you and I am thankful the Lord got us through another week!  So we are one more week closer to going Home — yayyyy!

Last week we talked about Rejection and how sensitive we are to it, often stemming from our upbringings.  I hope it blessed you like it did me and that we can just rest in the truth of our Lord Jesus, trusting Him to reveal, deliver and make us complete and whole in Him.  I had mentioned how much the Lord shared with us last week, which was a precept of what we are going to study today – and it is this portion I am most excited for knowing when we study different characters in the Bible we see a unique commonality which brings hope for us – if there was hope for them and the Lord brought them all the way through it is a promised guarantee He will do the same for us.

I was thinking the other day how we are created in His image, being fearfully and wonderfully made and just how precious each one of you truly are to our Father.  I was also thinking about how innocent we all were at birth, trusting, unseasoned by the World – not tried by fire yet or anything like that.  We weren’t skeptical yet, were we?  Some of us lost that innocence way early, while others had more love filled youth so the pains of humanity were delayed a bit.  Regardless, all have experienced some sort of rejection.  When we are formed in His image, I was thinking about how it is way more difficult to “keep that imagine” untarnished when the harshness of life bristles your heart over and over again.  As I was praying the Lord said to me…  It is very true you were created in My image, but whether or not you keep my image depends on your own freewill. 

So here we are again…  Seems like we cannot escape this season of surrender we are currently in – this surrendering is giving up our desires and wills in exchange for His – to keep His image intact, we lose our image and then it dawned on me… Image is the root word of “imagination.”  And where is imaginations conceived?  In the mind.  So it makes perfect sense He is cleansing our minds of all corrupt thinking in order we, as new creatures think just like Him, meaning we contain the mind of Christ.

The words, mind of Christ, get thrown around so much it seems almost common, sort of watered down and familiar.  But if we really think about it…  Our minds are very opposite of Jesus’s in so many ways.  This is a truth we should not take lightly as if we have already reached that goal… Because in truth we haven’t.  It is funny how short we fall in trying to judge ourselves rightly.  In the Bible it actually gives a command that we are to judge ourselves…  Which is a precursor to repentance. 

Repentance is not very politically correct in the manmade church these days…  Sadly, the modernized church of today surrenders to ego and self so frequently the very word repentance bristles the masses.  And every message we hear, we often have names and faces of others who need to hear it – as we discount the word – especially the written word was written for us – not the World.  Soon we are going to be talking more about the Mind of Christ, but I felt led today to just set the groundwork for the future study, Lord willing.  Romans 12:2 Tells us so very clearly to not conform to the World but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and THEN we can test and approve what God’s will is because His will is good and pleasing and perfect.  If our mind is sick and not healed, we cannot think correctly in so many ways and so our lives look out of kilter or off and in chaos. 

I am so very excited to share with you a portion of Jacob’s life, found in Genesis 32 today!  All the rejection Jacob suffered was overseen by the Lord, Himself, just as ours is.  And I hope you will see how similar what Jacob went through so did Paul and many others and you and even me.  The beautiful part about the Bible is that we get to see the end and the beginning – which is quite different from our own lives.  So hold tight knowing our Father changes not and He is One Who does know our end as He orchestrated our beginning as well. 

Old things have no power over the new creature any longer, thankfully.  We sometimes get so caught up in all the details that we overcomplicate the simplicity of walking hand in hand on this journey called life abiding with Jesus the whole way through.  There are way too many words sometimes… like we are over processed with methods that work and don’t work, what instructions others give, corrections and even edifications…  I call all these “religious tricks of the trade…”  These are very very noisy to those who are extremely sensitive in the Spirit, like we are.

The Lord gave me a beautiful Psalm yesterday… I am going to share it if that’s okay with you?  It is simplistic and embracing.

You can read the whole Chapter, it is short… Psalm 15 –

David starts out asking…  Who will abide in You Lord?

And then he gives answer, as follows…  Those who’s daily walk is based in integrity, does righteous works and speaks the truth in his heart – being open and honest when talking – one who does not backbite – talking bad about others, one who does nothing to harm others and never seeks vengeance,  Vile people who practice such things will be condemned but those who fear the Lord will be honored.  He goes on to tell us the importance of keeping our word to others, even if it hurts us to do so and that we are not to change, going back and forth, but stand firm, innocent and true.  This Psalm goes on to say we are to give to the poor and needy, specifically widows and the weak and that it is not to be repaid when giving.  This Psalm ends with those who follow this example shall never be moved. 

Real quick…  Can you see Jesus in this Psalm?  Jesus walked always with integrity, He was righteous and always spoke truthfully, He was open to share His heart, He never was a backbiter even when accused or sought to be killed He sought no vengeance, He had reverential fear towards the Father, Jesus kept His word always, even when it hurt Him to do so physically, He gave to the poor and needy and He embraced females which was forbidden in those days, He comforted the weak and gave all of Himself to tend to everyone else, never expecting to be repaid.  Jesus never wavered and when we abide in Him, we will not waiver either. 

I shared this today for one reason only – Jesus is the only example we are to follow.  No matter who says what… If you cannot picture in your mind or know in your heart that He also would do or say it… Do not proceed any further.  Just stop, take a moment and rest in Him, inviting Him in to lead and guide, always in everything we say or do or think even.  Remember, we are to think upon things which are lovely, true, of good report, etc…  HE SAYS TO THINK ONLY UPON THESE THINGS… He actually used the word… ONLY.  Quite often the reason we do not have the mind of Christ it is because what we are placing into our minds ourselves… Sure we like to blame the devil and all, but the truth is not all things are profitable, though they may be permissible. 

Well that was sort of an unplanned ramble this morning… lol  forgive me!  I need to get back on track here with today’s message.  Before we get started, let’s read today’s Bible passage taken out of Genesis 32.

In this particular chapter we see that Jacob was extremely distressed, he was at odds with his brother – desiring to make amends, not knowing how or if his brother Esau would receive him, so he sent gifts before he went and he prayed that the Lord would deliver him from the hand of his brother who sought to kill him because Jacob had great fear that Esau would not only kill him, but his wife and children.  There is nothing more heartbreaking when your family becomes your foe – I am sure we’ve all had similar type moments… Rejection at its finest.

We are going to read a portion of this Scripture, beginning in verse 24 – because it says it all…

Genesis 32 ~

24 And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.

25 And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him.

26 And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.

27 And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob.

28 And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed.

29 And Jacob asked him, and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there.

30 And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.

Heavenly Father thank You for this opportunity to feast on Your word today as manna from Heaven in that our souls may be strengthened just as you strengthened Jacob.  Teach us Your ways oh Lord and direct our footsteps as we completely surrender to Your will each and every day.  Amen.

Jacob was left alone wrestling with the residue of rejection – many of us have been in that very place time and again.

  • Jacob was scared and alone
  • Jacob had been tricked and rejected by his own family
  • Jacob also admitted he had no endurance left – now this is when the Lord can really go to work on us, when we get so wore out and admit we have no answers anymore – we will surrender to Him as being our answer
  • He was up “wrestling” all night with who?  Because here in the word it says he was alone….
  • Jacob was wrestling with himself – his mind – ever have one of those nights?  Where you try to be at rest, you desire to sleep and yet your mind is chaotic with fear and worry so you wrestle, tossing and turning over and over – playing out scenarios in your mind of what if’s? 
  • This is a real battle, an internal battle of Spirit vs Flesh.
  • As Jacob’s thigh was out of joint – it portrays a weakness in the flesh, painful – we too can get out of joint in many ways and if we do not process through our mindset can become “wounded, offended, having a chip on our shoulder” so to speak.

Verse 28 is where the victory lies…  After wrestling all night long Jacob’s spirit won out over his flesh and his identity changed.  Jacob received a new name – he was a new creature, walking by the Spirit.  His old creature was put under subjection, which represents his flesh and the old name which defined him. 

Something so beautiful about this story is how Jacob surrendered in the flesh to God and began walking in the Spirit and was blessed the Word says.  With power which comes from on high we will prevail just like Jacob – but we must be willing to give up our old natures, ways, mindsets, comforts and anything attached to this flesh.

Sometimes we wrestle to much to hold onto the past, that we actually begin to wrestle with God, Himself.  Telling Him what to do and how to do it.  We will often have a battle raging within us at times to the point we are raging within, like a storm brewing between God, Self and Spirit.  The Bible tells us we wrestle not with flesh and blood but with principalities… oftentimes, that principality is US.  Us being cultivated in the mind – our thoughts, emotions, words of man or curses spoken over us by humans.  We weigh them constantly in our minds, which is why the Lord has told us to take captive our thoughts and put them under subjection to Jesus – the living example we are to follow.  He leads we follow and if we get out of step from that and try to lead…  We wrestle, I like to call it floundering – similar to a fish being out of water and sometimes our life looks just like that doesn’t it?

  • Everyone is wrestling (struggling) with something – everyone!
  • We overcome all things in Jesus… but everyone has something to overcome.

But this is what is so amazing —  When we invite Jesus in – the battle is no longer our own.  Yayyyyy!  Someone should be doing some celebrating with me right now!

  • All insecurities, anxiety, hyper-sensitivity, rejection, loneliness, feeling unloved, fearful, workaholic mentality, dependencies on others – the list is endless really – But each one of us has flesh that is yet to be overcome by the Spirit – so we wrestle with it.  Remember – the battlefield is in the mind, some call that the devil’s playground – I can see it.

Although, this can be applied in struggles too many to name – today we are going to finish up our study on rejection, carried over from last week in order to clean up any residue we carry from rejection.  Therefore, today we are going to talk about – WRESTLING WITH REJECTION.  Because if you’re breathing right now – you’ve been rejected at some point and time or possibly even today.

I call that person who you just can’t seem to get out of your heart and mind to the point it gets a stronghold on you – the object of affection.  I saw this a lot when ministering to people so you see, it is not the person they are clinging to, but rather the fear of rejection… so they wrestle in their minds with this person and themselves.  Jesus should be our only object of affection and as we calm down and breathe we accept the truth – for our own wellbeing He places others into our lives and He removes them as well.  It is for our own protection and good, not for our harm or hurt.  This person can be anyone really – a family member, a friend turned foe, a love partner, child, boss… Whoever you wrestle with – it is not them, it is self.  Sometimes it is your past you cannot seem to let go of.  Make sense?  We cannot move forward if we are constantly looking back – remember, we learned last week to forget those things which are behind us today and keep our eyes focused on the Lord, Who is our prize which is our higher calling in this life.

Just to get this in context… Have you ever attainted that object of affection, whether it be a person or dream, only to still be left wanting?  This is because only Jesus is to hold that sort of placement in our hearts – He completes us, everyone and everything else can only compliment what He already established within us.  We abide fully only with Him, no one else.

  • Wrestling with rejection is an unavoidable reality – others pretty much refuse to accept us for who we are or who we are not.
  • Jesus, Himself, experienced rejection as the first of many brethren, so we will too – remember, He was the stone that the builders rejected?
  • If not put down or tended to – rejection will become a weapon the enemy uses to fragment our souls and we will not ever be made whole when Jesus sets before us an offering to do so.
  • Rejection means to “throw backwards” which also is how we backslide.  How?  I’m glad you asked…  It is woundedness.  Why?  It causes offense to enter into the soul.
  • Soul wounds are different than flesh wounds because the bleeding is inward and internal and it hides itself to the point we sometimes do not recognize it and when we don’t recognize it we underestimate the damage it causes.

Jeremiah said in Chapter 6:14 – that the wounds are tended to a little and people say there is peace when there is none.  We have all been guilty of this, covering up the shame and the wounds and yet… we bleed on others with our mouths all over the place.

Sometimes it comes out as poor me and with others it is an inflated ego to overcompensate – either way, it is there.

Thankfully, the Lord is close to the broken hearted and for those who are full of pride, their fall will be their salvation in the end.

  • When a wound is not healed, an infection can materialize – we will call this a “soul affliction.”

What is a soul affliction?  An ungodly personality trait – because out of the mouth flows the issues of the heart.  Remember our issue of blood we studied a couple weeks ago?  It is through ungodly personality traits we bleed on others.

So for today, speaking of the residue of rejection, this is a really good place to stop for now and we will pick up next week right were we left off on SOUL AFFLICTION connecting to infection of the heart and how they manifest in personality traits.  We will also take Genesis 32 line by line and study even more about Jacob being rejected many times over and how to overcome he had to wrestle with his own flesh and even the Lord until he finally surrendered it all and was given a new name as a new creature.

Before I go, I just want to address some of you all with precious hearts who are fearful looking upon all the things affecting the Earth and our World at the moment.  There is no need to rehash all the events pressing us and all the inhabitants of the Earth in one way or another.  I think you would have to live in a cave to not discern the birth pains we are faced with each day.

I also want to encourage you all to keep writing me, so that I can encourage and assist you the best way I know how… By pointing to Jesus, of course.  I have been pondering a lot lately about faith – mine is tested and tried almost daily it seems – I am even wrestling with myself about do I even have any faith?  I know that sounds awful… But I just know in my spirit by the Lord we have no clue what faith actually is – or at least I am finding out I do not. 

I look at it this way…  Regarding faith, it is the same as KNOWING JESUS or KNOWING ABOUT JESUS.  If we have knowledge of all the books of the Bible concerning faith we know ABOUT IT – however, that is not going to cut it in these tumultuous times…  We need to KNOW FAITH on a personal and deep level, intensely and intimately be unmovable in FAITH itself. 

So for three weeks now, I keep going to the Lord and going to the Lord because I had this thirst for Faith itself and I knew I had an understanding of faith and yet… still had a longing inside me because I knew there was way more to it than what I’ve learned or been told.

Refusing to give up… Finally, the Holy Spirit spoke to me in a very small voice saying…  “No one knows what faith actually is in completion because there is only one who in truth knows the end from the beginning.”  That totally settled my heart, but He went on…  He said, “Jesus Alone is the AUTHOR & FINISHER of everyone’s Faith, therefore, being unable to see the end we can never measure our own faith, let alone another’s.” 

And so finally….  I was at rest, infused with peace – real peace too, His… it comes from Him directly pouring into us and we settle.  We can finally breathe a little easier, knowing to be still is to REALLY KNOW HE IS GOD.

Countless times I have tried to author myself and I am embarrassed to say I tried to author many others, mainly those who I love deeply…  It would be an understatement to say I failed on every account.

We need to get out of the way of the Master, which is why we are in this painful flesh process of surrendering.  We welcome Him to abide within us to dwell and be Lord in our lives for real – He knows we need this and He also knows we crave this unity with Him.  I can certainly attest to the fact, the process goes a lot quicker and smoother if we let go and let God, in our own lives and especially with those we hold near and dear in our hearts.

Okay…  I just wanted to share that bit of wisdom He gave me a couple days ago.  Pray about it, seek Him and search for confirmation if you are so led to do so.

Lastly, when in prayer for these poor people stuck on these cruise ships who keep pulling on my heartstrings day and night the Lord gave me something to give in response to those who have more questions than answers.  As a matter of fact, none of us have any answers that are worthwhile, knowing Jesus is the only answer which satisfies a restless heart.

Somehow, someway… the sovereignty of the Father has totally gotten pushed aside.  The church in my opinion is up for a great fall due to this dishonor and disrespect being done to our Master.  It is like they worship at too many thrones..  trying to figure out just who or what is in charge.  Please hear me on this – The Father is not up in Heaven wringing His hands unknowing what to do with this enemy or this rumor of war, or pending financial collapse or pestilence, plagues or anything which portrays itself as evil, rather than good.  If not one sparrow falls to the ground without Him knowing…. Why are we in a state of panic?  We need to look deep into our hearts to search why are we so fearful we are going to extremes to save our own lives?  Those who do this are stepping clearly into the abyss of conspiracy theories, man’s opinions almost to the point of being delusional where you cannot reason with them.  It is very sad to watch from an onlooker.  The grieving of the Holy Spirit is almost unbearable at times because some of the worst ones selling the drama for lucre and gain are those who come in Jesus’s Name pretending to be Christians… or saying they are Jews and yet are not. 

Forgive my ramble…  I need to focus on what Jesus told me… Not what the charlatans are doing – that is way above my Kingdom paygrade…  As I was in prayer, seeking His answer to these troubling emails all He directed me to was His word – which is enough for any soul that truly belongs to Him. 

So I am going to read His word in answer to all our questions… Even mine as we declare as one in Him that we trust You Lord, to the best of our ability we will put all our trust in You for our today and all our tomorrows.  Amen?

Let’s read… And let’s keep in mind, when people come to us we can ease all their fear with showing them His love and patience, while feeding them the truth, His truth because…

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39 KJV

Eccesiaties 3 ~

Everything Has Its Time

To everything there is a season,
A time for every purpose under heaven:

A time [a]to be born,
And a time to die;
A time to plant,
And a time to pluck what is planted;
A time to kill,
And a time to heal;
A time to break down,
And a time to build up;
A time to weep,
And a time to laugh;
A time to mourn,
And a time to dance;
A time to cast away stones,
And a time to gather stones;
A time to embrace,
And a time to refrain from embracing;
A time to gain,
And a time to lose;
A time to keep,
And a time to throw away;
A time to tear,
And a time to sew;
A time to keep silence,
And a time to speak;
A time to love,
And a time to hate;
A time of war,
And a time of peace.

The God-Given Task

What profit has the worker from that in which he labors? 10 I have seen the God-given task with which the sons of men are to be occupied. 11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end.

12 I know that nothing is better for them than to rejoice, and to do good in their lives, 13 and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor—it is the gift of God.

14 I know that whatever God does,
It shall be forever.
Nothing can be added to it,
And nothing taken from it.
God does it, that men should fear before Him.
15 That which is has already been,
And what is to be has already been;
And God [b]requires an account of [c]what is past.

Injustice Seems to Prevail

16 Moreover I saw under the sun:

In the place of [d]judgment,
Wickedness was there;
And in the place of righteousness,
[e]Iniquity was there.

17 I said in my heart,

“God shall judge the righteous and the wicked,
For there is a time there for every [f]purpose and for every work.”

18 I said in my heart, “Concerning the condition of the sons of men, God tests them, that they may see that they themselves are like animals.” 19 For what happens to the sons of men also happens to animals; one thing befalls them: as one dies, so dies the other. Surely, they all have one breath; man has no advantage over animals, for all is vanity. 20 All go to one place: all are from the dust, and all return to dust. 21 Who[g] knows the spirit of the sons of men, which goes upward, and the spirit of the animal, which goes down to the earth? 22 So I perceived that nothing is better than that a man should rejoice in his own works, for that is his [h]heritage. For who can bring him to see what will happen after him?

So I challenge us today to really consider the Master’s ways… and trust, trust Him to make all things beautiful in their own time – which is quite often different than our timing.  Whatever He uses, whether that be sickness, lack, abundance or health – trust HIM.  The only one who absolutely knows where faith is found on this Earth, in who it is found and the measurement we need to overcome all things in Jesus, in spite of ourselves.  All we need is faith the size of a mustard seed – that seed is Jesus…. You believe in Him – He’s got you… The Lord gives the increase to that Jesus seed in His timing, His way and His planned out purpose.  It is much better to be that one who is ye of little faith than to be gravely mistaken believing your faith is greater than most, only to be found wanting when the weights and balances are at your front door when the time of testing is unleashed upon all the habitants of the Earth.

Never forget, you are only required to sustain that which you have been given, for those who have a greater measure more is required. 

What season are we in currently?  A season to embrace fully God is God and we are not.

If we truly perceived how fragile the plan of God really is, we would see our lack in attempting to be in charge.

If we imagine this World as being similar to a house of cards and each card is the Father working all things together for the good of those who inhabit the house He is building…  What would we do to intervene?  Would we remove a card titled coronavirus or possibly one named financial collapse or even sickness or death?  Taking this thought, removing a card of sickness for example would cause the whole house to collapse and fall down.  Faith is believing without seeing…  Believing His hand is upon every single manifestation upon this Earth, no matter what it is or looks like with our natural shortsighted vision. 

We forget sometimes that our Father is eternal.  Our beginning starts here but finishes there, so a calling is going out right now to all the inhabitants of the Earth to trust in Him and if we are honest – it is much harder than we ever imagined it would be.  Keep in mind the hairs on our head are actually numbered, which changes constantly by the way – that is just how Majestic He is and He’s got this, all of it – you, me, every situation and calamity is under His charge.  Jesus is not asleep in the boat during this storm we are facing… He is the boat and the enemy has no authority to do one tiniest of things unless granted permission from our Father.  Masterpieces often look messy in the process of creation – He is building a masterpiece, which is us, He is the potter, we are the clay but His mind towards us has not changed or waivered… What we call messes, He sees the end result of perfection, since only He knows our end regardless of what our beginning looked like.

So this morning I was taking a step back in the Spirit, as on outside observer to this whole coronavirus situation.  As I was embracing the truth that the Father wills and lets at His perfect discretion… I began to ponder His ways in all things and as I did I began to wonder what if?  What if the Father is using what we call evil to actually be a call to good?  What if this virus is seeking those with vengeful, angry and hateful hearts to blow a trumpet of repentance so that their knees bow and their tongues confess Jesus is Lord as they call out to Him in the purity of the heart?  What if He is allowing this call to go out one last time before He sends forth angels to gather them like tares and throw them into the fire?  Wouldn’t a merciful Father send a fire prior to everlasting fire in order to capture the lost in His bosom in such a most precious way?  And that the revival we have been looking for all this time is right before us but due to self will we just cannot perceive or see it?

I am seeing more and more everyday His ways are not our ways and that the safest place to be is surrendered fully in agreement to His will being done on Earth, just as it is in Heaven. 

Let’s pray ~

Heavenly and Masterful Father I thank You with my whole heart for Your opening the eyes of our hearts so that our perception of Your mighty ways are being shown to us in a most precious way.  I thank You for settling our minds and our hearts to be at peace as we abide in the presence of Jesus, the King of Glory.  Forgive us Father for our misguided emotions and short sighted understanding which question Your sovereignty.  We are the smallest of creatures, weak in nature, only strong through submission to You.  As You so ever so gently lead us through the red sea of life we humbly bow down before You in thanksgiving and praise saying Abba Father deliver us fully to the place You ordained and appointed us to be before time existed.  We thank You for our blessed hope for all eternity and have the deepest of longing to be gathered together under the shadow of Your wings.  As the Author and Finisher of our faith we will trust in You to do a complete work in us and in those we love and cherish.  You are mighty to save and in Your mightiness You shall prevail.  As Your decrees go out into the Earth, we see Your fingerprint in all adversities while you are working all things together for the good because there is no shadow of turning or darkness within You whatsoever.

Father once again I consecrate ROF Ministries unto You and ask that all we do brings glory only to Your Name.  That we would continue to remain a voice without a name or face as You alone are worthy to be praised.  Lord I ask that should it be Your will that we continue on this path together that You move hearts to support what we are doing here at ROF Ministries, as You go before us each day preparing the way that we are to walk in.  It is both an honor and privledge Lord to visit those in prisons with You.  Continue to guide us Lord as we assist and comfort those the World has turned their backs on.  You already know Lord what we have need of before we ask, so I thank You Lord for the provision released in order ROF Ministries continue to operate just as You ordained.

And Father, I thank You for keeping each one of those who are listening today or will in the future through the archive in Your perfect will.  Hide them Lord under Your wings, guide them daily and protect them when death is at their doorsteps.  Place a wall of fire of protection around their hearts and their dwellings so that they rise above as obstacles set before them, declaring Your majestic works to all those who have ears and hearts to hear.

I pray all this in Jesus’s precious and love filled Name.  Amen.

What Is Your… Issue Of Blood?

Transcript of Broadcast January 22, 2020

Good Morning and God Bless each of you today and always.  Thank you for joining me today on this ROF broadcast.  It is my heartfelt prayer the Lord Jesus join us as well so His name is lifted up high among us, as we fellowship together. 

With each passing day we are seeing even more how faithful our Father is to see us through everything which comes our way.  As we surrender to His perfect will and process in our lives, we are no longer tipping to and fro in the storms which come our way.  We also are getting glimpses of what it means to walk on the troubled waters of this life and not sink into them so that they overtake us.  This is a truly indescribable moment of abiding in Jesus.

I titled today’s broadcast – What is your issue of blood?  Because we all have at least one thing that we’ve prayed for, hoped for and believed for and yet are not quite fully delivered from…  It remains with us to this day.  So we are going to talk more about this purposed issue of blood because the children of light are on the brink of a huge prophetic breakthrough.  We also are going to go over some other pearls that blessed me in such a mighty way and I know they will bless you, as well.

As the Father’s love presses so intently into our hearts, He sears our hearts with His majesty to the point we desire Jesus over sin, freewill, anyone else or anything else that tries to rule and reign on the throne of our hearts.  That secret place is reserved for One – being Jesus. 

You all remember the Bible account of the woman with the issue of blood?  I pray the Lord lead me to lay out this beautiful message of this story so that it becomes one with us and applicable to our own lives.  Help me Lord to show the listeners what You showed me so their hearts are comforted by Your truth.

We have shared so much recently about being “made whole” and how it is only Jesus who does a complete work, inside and out.  We are constantly seeking Jesus it seems and we need to hear Him today, this day to be made whole.  No person can make us whole, no person can stop the ache of a bleeding heart – it is simply the virtue of Jesus imparted to us that satisfies the wounds of the past, as many of us cling to that which is good… the hem of His garment.

Let’s read the scripture –

Luke 8:43-48

43 And a woman having an issue of blood twelve years, which had spent all her living upon physicians, neither could be healed of any,

44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

Notice it was her touching Him that stopped the blood – one would think it would be the other way around wouldn’t you?

45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

Jesus was surrounded that day be a multitude of people – it even confused the disciples why Jesus would think only one touched Him.

46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

Here is the miracle – she in faith, touched Jesus and His virtue left Him and went into her.  Virtue – STRENGTH, POWER, ABILITY

47 And when the woman saw that she was not hid, she came trembling, and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately.

Healed immediately – Him coming into us, heals our bleeding hearts – the wounds caused by the thorns inflicted by others sent to press us into surrendering to Jesus so that we seek Him in truth for strength and ability to overcome all things.

She immediately began to testify “why” she had touched him…  I always assumed it was due to a menstruation issue and until recently when the Lord showed me – it did not say that in His word, I was then open to be instructed by Him in such a precious way.

48 And he said unto her, Daughter, be of good comfort: thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace.

She sought peace… And peace was bestowed upon her that day – what an encouraging deliverance.  This same deliverance is available to us – but…  I have a question for us – Will we be made whole?  Will we actually come to Jesus or remain in our sorrows with an issue of blood, bleeding on everyone we come in contact with?

  • How many need a heartbreak healing today?  You see…. The Lord began to show me how applicable this Bible story is in our own lives – male and female.
  • This story has to do with the “thorn in the flesh” in so many ways – meaning, the Lord will remove our heart of stone and give us a heart of flesh.  We know Paul had this thorn to keep him humble and prayed three times for it to be removed, only to later walk out the passage, “My grace is sufficient for you” or rather – I am with you always and in Me you can overcome every single obstacle in your path – as long as you walk surrendered to me – I in you and you in me, is what Jesus was speaking of.
  • As Jesus breaks our hearts for what breaks His – that is the “issue” of blood to stir up love and compassion – HIS VIRTUES – within us.  So why do we fight it so hard?
  • Jesus alone will and is addressing the curse of the issue of blood we too have today.

Just in case some of you are still not on board with us…  Let’s define ISSUE OF BLOOD in Greek:

Issue means – flowing

Blood means – violence, slay, murder

What flowed out of her was violence and murder.

Okay now – Now we are getting somewhere…  The particular passage speaks to a broken bitter heart full and flowing out violence to slay and murder others.  We know out of the mouth the heart speaks, right?  We also were told when she touched Jesus HIS VIRTUE went into her and healed her – therefore, she no longer flowed violence out- but Jesus and from that day forward she walked in peace.  Before she was stirring up strife and likely due to the heartbreak she suffered 12 years prior.  I hope this sets foundation for you all, it certainly was an eye opening moment for me…  A real heart check.

Will we be made whole?  Or will we cling to the pains of the past?  Will we be salt – stirring within others a thirst for Jesus or we will remain offering nothing but bitter waters?  I don’t know about you all, but I want to be set free.  Amen.

The Lord then began to show me more:

  • Holiness in the Bible actually means “to cut” so I thought even more about the circumcision of the heart – it bleeds right?  And just how purposed it is we have a heart that is even capable of bleeding, many are stone cold – not moved, no compassion, lifeless…  The Lord can work with a bleeding heart, but with a cold heart – there is no hope for them until it is broken and shattered – until circumcised you give instruction, but lack the love and compassion where real change is fortified.  Knowing Jesus stirs up others to know Him too, we no longer are seeking knowledge in mixture with the tree which speaks of evil as well as good.  When a heart is fixated on Him – it clings to that which is only good.  But that’s a whole other story He gave me the other day.
  • I know I am falling extremely short articulating this mighty work of His and all that He was showing me the past few days – I do pray you take this to Him, that you seek Him and ask Him to show you too and most importantly that you be made whole and walk in peace carrying and displaying His virtues to others – which is the end goal of this particular process we are all in.
  • Since we know now that Holiness means to cut – we can understand on a much deeper level why – It pleased the Father to crush the Son.  He has given us many precepts leading us up to this day…  Jesus is our example, being the first of many brethren, His brethren too shall be crushed just as He was, but it is very very purposeful.

Here is the Scripture the Lord gave me:

2 Corinthians 2

15 For we are unto God a sweet savour of Christ, in them that are saved, and in them that perish:

16 To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. 

This Scripture explains why so many are at enmity with us quite often…  If our hearts are crushed and theirs aren’t…  Ego is still activated in their lives and it shows.  Many have drank from many waters, in that many waters flow out of their mouths.  For those who drink solely from everlasting waters, it is that water which flows out.

When the Lord has our hearts in totality – he has our bodies too, our tongues, our minds, our eyes, hands and feet.  Transformation starts inwardly – Jesus wants our hearts, not a part of it, but all of it and He goes right for it as soon as we answer the door to the heart He is knocking on and invite Him in.

Intentions are nice, knowledge is okay too but it is our ACTIONS which display just who has our heart – If it is Jesus, then He will be observable in what we do and if it is not Him then we are like a mixture a tree walking around with knowledge of good and evil so that is what comes out of us – a mixture. 

You see our intentions are important, but even more than that is our follow through on all that which we say. 

Psalm24:4 tells us to become:

The one whose deeds are blameless and whose motives are pure, who does not lie, or make promises with no intention of keeping them.

Lord help me deliver this in Your perfect way…. We will give account for every idle word – those things we said and did not do – those things which were not fruitful or rather performed.  If we do not take heed to this warning, we will continue to be that cloud without water – it is without water because it did not manifest what it was created to do.  Ugh… Do you all understand what I am conveying here?  Our yes must mean yes and our no, no.  That means if we say “yes or no” to someone – we follow through on that yes or no, with the highest of integrity in a most holy way.  I don’t know about you all, but I do not want to be that cloud without water who does not represent King Jesus in the most Kingdomly way.

Many people look to us and it is true we are held to a higher standard and it is imperative we keep our word, this is extremely serious due to the extreme nature in which the Father will take in action towards those who mistreat the least of these in such a way.

It is our actions which reflect if we love Him and others.  Talk is cheap, so they say.

We are given this very unworthy position of instructing others, the Word tells us how to accomplish anything when we apply the Word in our own lives.  If we do not walk this out ourselves and only speak of such things, we are a hypocrite in danger of going where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.

I am so very thankful the Lord is purging us of all ego and pride, our very eternal lives are in need of His touch in such a powerful way.

Genesis 6:5 explains it this way…

The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination and intention of all human thinking was only evil continually.

I know none of us want to be counted among the wickedness of the Earth, therefore, we are so very grateful for this time and space to repent from all our selfish, sinful ways and pre-conceived notions which do not originate in the virtues of Jesus.  Remember, it is not the one who says Lord Lord that shall enter into Heaven, but those WHO DO the will of the Father.  It was lucifer who tempted Jesus to only proclaim a thing and have dominion – but it was the Father’s requirement He walk out in full demonstration all He had spoken.  Faith, hope, love, etc… without works (being performed) are all dead.  Amen.  He also requires the same from us.

It has gotten most wearisome to endure all the opposition by the tough guys towards those with bleeding hearts.  If we too shared in the virtues of Jesus we would begin to embrace those who’s hearts are weeping just as His did.  It is called… compassion.  This type of weakness and humility is an asset, not a sin – Jesus binds up the wounds of the brokenhearted, He embraced them then and He does so still today.  Remember the suffering and how we learned it equates to abiding?  And how we are examples to the lost when we follow Him as our example?  Just like Jesus we have charges against us for that issue of blood, for loving the unlovable who have the same issue as us.  These same charges were leveled against Jesus in His day… So He put all that to rest in saying, it is not the well who need a Physician but the sick.  From this respect we can lay down all shame man has placed upon us for wounds inflicted and the sorrow which we must endure for the night.  Jesus and His joy does come as a healing promise in the morning.  When people do this – they are looking at the outside of the cup as a sign to our wholeness, while Jesus is doing heart surgery within, not observable by the natural eye.

Every single time Jesus healed someone He told them… Go and sin no more.  Jesus did not come to call the righteous, but sinners – just like me and you – to repentance.  If you have that issue of blood, if you seek Him to be made whole – He is there, it is why He came and suffered only to defeat all death in His victory.  When His virtue comes upon you, you shall rise up, be made whole knowing it was Him all along that you needed.  There is no shame in not being perfect, that is a mind game humans play on one another so that we do not recognize we need a perfect Savior, rather than them.  And as long as someone can focus on you – they do not have to deal with their own issues of blood.

Do you all know what the word PERFECT actually means?  It means MATURE… now someone should smile over that.  Perfect seemed overwhelming before, didn’t it?  But when we realize it simply means to grow into Spiritual maturity – well, we can all do that, right, as a matter of fact, we are doing that?  What we feed grows and if we feed ourselves daily on Jesus, His word as our daily bread – then we are on the perfect path.  Growing in Him is being Holy as our Father in Heaven is Holy.  Man gauges where you are by perfect works – the Lord measures us by a process of dying to self with a surrendered life.  When people do this to you, just say – after you are done talking about me, pray for me because I want to be perfect like you.  lolol

Something that really irritates me is when pride rises up and we condemn a baby in the Lord for doing just as they are supposed to do…. Desire the sincere milk of the Word because that is what babies do.  It is also why Jesus said, let the little children come to Me, this highmindedness goes way back in time.  I think many of us forget just what it was like to be in love with our first love, Jesus and seek Him with all our hearts.  Some of us need to repent from that haughty spirit flashing around these grandiose words of wisdom as if everyone better step to attention and listen to them… I saw it the other day in chat, I didn’t say anything, but one day the Lord is going to humble those who do this because we all are on an individual journey to mature and grow up in Christ Jesus to fullness.  There is ONE AUTHOR who is fingerprinting the finishing of each person’s faith – His Name is Jesus and He is capable.  But…. Do we actually practice what we preach in our feeble attempts to override the message of love for the sake of self lest we too become one of those who confess Jesus, having a form of godliness, denying the very power of Him.  Remember – God is love. Period, no need to add to or take away or dissect that statement. This statement will always bristle the flesh, in less of course it is mine I am trying to save.  The truth is… that drug addict, that one with a wounded heart, the drunk and the prostitute and those still suffering from an issue of blood – they need to know God is love and this is why… We are to desire the sincere milk of the word…. Meat is not sincere – embracing, warm, satisfying and comforting… Only milk is.  The wise will say… oh surely there is more, look at that poor little one, broken, bleeding and struggling in tears crying out to Jesus.  Guess which one He runs to?  I believe you already know the answer to that question….

When we seek to save our own lives, we tend to make ourselves unreplaceable in the lives of others – I see it working in many, I don’t say anything – but it is time to sweep our own back porches so to speak.  Do you all know the plank in our eye that needs to be removed is ego/self/pride?  Once removed, it is then we can see others clearly through the Holy Spirit and remove their speck – or rather assist them, not point figures, but love and walk with them as they grow in Christ.  Until it is removed we have a distorted view on others because we make it all about ourselves.  The Lord often can and will use a different means to accomplish the same purposed outcome in another’s life.  Most of the inward work cannot be seen by us in another until the Lord reveals it Himself.  There would be way less strife in the church if we took the process of one another in meekness and faith that the Lord is fully capable of perfecting/maturing His own sheep.

Who know’s…. Everything I’ve shared so far could be making no spiritual sense to anyone but me, but I am sharing it anyway, even if I look completely foolish in the process.  All I know is the Word says, the Father disciplines those He loves and after living a life of abandonment I need His love, I need to KNOW I AM LOVED BY HIM, then everything else will be okay.  And okay is good…  I don’t expect greatness or dreams fulfilled or fairy tales or anything of the sort anymore – content in Him if that is okay, then that is satisfying to the enduring soul who cries a lot and feels hopeless sometimes and yet, He has had found His favor upon just enough so I no longer carry that shame and the labels men try to attach to me – I am praying for this for you, as well.  Sometimes, just like Elijah who could see something his servant could not, we can see things operating that are out of godly order – what is important is what we do during those times – a heart which belongs to Jesus will always refer and run to Him, seeking only His leading, even if it means being looked upon with ridicule and shunned.  The least of these are those who follow the Shephard because they will never leave the hem of garment and Jesus insures they don’t most often by the crushing of their hearts.

This is a perfect segway into the rest of today’s broadcast…

Applying the pearls He gives us into our lives, so that we do remain that sweet smelling aroma:

Thorn in the flesh….

  • You see… We all have that issue of blood and it serves a great purpose to suffer for the sake of Jesus.  Remember, to suffer is to abide and endure with Jesus through a trial or heartbreak.  A bleeding heart in itself is not a problem, as long as we are releasing the virtues of Jesus when the flesh is pierced with a thorn.  What is the problem is when offense is the companion of this issue of blood.  Jesus told us it is impossible offenses not come, the reason being once offended the Lord will remove self out of us altogether.  Again – having a bleeding heart is not blocking our peace, offence is.  Offense is the issue.
  • Many will deny they are offended and even get offended if you mention the word offense in reference to them.  I have found that is when you are the most offended of all – speaking of my own self here.  Deny offense is a coping mechanism based in ego, saying I am too untouchable to be offended.  It is laughable really.

Let’s call “the thorn in the flesh – the root” of what shatters your heart the most.  That one thing that is just too painful to bear, to ponder, consider, witness or even entertain…  that is the thorn.  People usually do one of two things with the thorn – they cover it up in denial or talk about it incessantly.

Ugh… I know I must use me… I also know the Lord showed me this is many of you as well.  Not all, but quite a few.  I need His strength to get through this today because if we push this thorn deep enough inside us – we can sense the pain, but no longer have to look upon the cause of it – it is self-soothing to avoid transparency to some degree.

On a side note – I am going to have to at some point discuss my thorn more openly in a small setting with those who share in this type of suffering with me.  Just so we can be fully delivered and recognize ourselves in it, but we will do that another day – not on a Wednesday. 

My Issue of Blood is…  Abandonment.  There is even a specific disorder, which the Lord so beautifully revealed to me called – Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria.  I am most grateful for this journey He has us on – Jesus always reveals before He delivers so that only He gets the Glory.  During that special broadcast we will learn more about Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, but not today.  And once healed we transfer from offense to actually truth this time…  Pouring Jesus out of us like a drink offering to others.  Dysphoria is really no big deal – it actually means – “to endure something.”

Some of us – especially me and I could name a few of you, as well, but I won’t… are HIGHLY SENSITIVE to BEING REJECTED. 

Therefore… “sand paper people” – those who are harsh, super insensitive, combative or non-compassionate are very abrasive to our souls.

As a matter of fact, no matter what your issue of blood is…  The Lord will send “sand paper people” into your life to purge you of self.  We can switch it around too – If you are a sand paper person – my highly sensitive nature gets under your skin like a thorn and you feel provoked no matter what I say.  You all get the picture?

We all have an “issue of blood…”  I cannot stress this enough.  What is amazing is when we recognize this to be so, we also recognize we are in desperate need of a Savior and that we really need Him in every way, body, soul, mind and spirit.  And thankfully, He is right there waiting for us to call upon Him in our time of need.

I think I am going to leave all that right there…  Unless of course you all have any questions or comments?  We will go into much more detail on this topic during the special broadcast, as well as seek the Lord to help us in being made whole and healed and sent forth to heal the sick hurting in such a way.

So I am going to try and have a special broadcast sometime between today and next week’s broadcast, because I am so very excited about us talking about THE BRIDE OF CHRIST found in Revelation planned for next week, unless the Lord guides us elsewhere.

It all started last week when I was walking and Jesus said to me…  “My people suffer jezebel’s tactics in their midst…”  I was like – whoa!  There is that word suffer again…  I had completely forgotten all about that word being in that particular Scripture.

You all wanna read it quick?

Revelation 2

19 I know thy works, and charity, and service, and faith, and thy patience, and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.

20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.

  • We will study this more later, but suffering here means TO ENDURE IT & HOLD UP
  • Jezebel – resembles a womb/church gathering – it is the HARLOT CHURCH committed to Baal worship
  • Those who idolizes, edify or TOLERATE these false practices and do not repent when Jesus comes – He will consume those with the brightness of His coming.

21 And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.

22 Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.

23 And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works.

Interesting isn’t it how the Lord searches our hearts to see if our works/deeds are authentic in Him.

Revelation 2 & 3 speaks to Jesus knocking on the door of His church – not just our hearts, although He does that too, of course.

Just to review ~

We believe faith is the evidence of what Jesus said is observable – repentance is that evidence of a heart crying out to the Lord for deliverance, healing and wholeness so that we walk out a converted lifestyle as the new creature within us marries the outward, which is sanctification.  Perfect is being in the process of growing into maturity, as a child of God, so that no one can boast, because from this respect we are all on equaled, level holy ground.  Man looks at the outward, while the Lord looks at the heart to see if it is seeking Him.

As our driving passions grow above everything to KNOW JESUS more, we become conformed to Christ, our old creature is crucified with Him so that it is no longer you or I who live, but it is Jesus who abides and lives within us – which is the higher calling of God upon our lives.

It is true the same love the Father has for the Son, He has for us – that love poured out as a drink offering is poured into us so that we thirst no more for anything which is unrighteous.  To know Jesus is not knowledge based so that we become experts on what He did or what He professed regarding endtimes, prophecy, events to unfold, signs, miracles, wonders, etc…  But to intimately and fully surrender as a bride would to her husband, to take His name as your own and be one with Him.  This is honestly the only way to go where He goes, do what He does and say what He says.

A transference of eternal life occurs during the consummation of such relationship so that misplaced intentions of sign seeking and the like dissipates in that we no longer are that wicked generation who seeks signs – as we have now embraced the Sign – Jesus.

When Heaven kisses your soul in such a way… The only Sign your heart longs for is the appearing of Jesus inwardly, so that outwardly we do wear that crown of righteousness reserved for only a few.  We do so love His appearing in all things, in other’s lives as well as our own.  When Jesus appears and gets glory, no matter the circumstances we celebrate in worship, laying before Him as only He is worthy to be praised.

And just as there were 10 virgins asleep, which replicate the church, as the call went out half heard the heart awakening, the other were awakened in the mind.  The Bride who has a heart surrendered to the Groom – let Him into their hearts, welcoming His intimate embrace, which can never be taught by instruction.  The others are simply guests to observe and witness the interactions between His Beloved which He says are mine.

All those who seek Jesus shall be satisfied…  The wise and unwise virgin parable is not a salvation parable, but rather a Marriage parable.  The five wise indeed are the Bride – as they sought Him with their whole hearts and shall be satisfied by only Him.  The five unwise sought Him with their minds and they too shall be satisfied, but only in the mind.  One knows Him, the other knows about Him.  When works are your end goal, you will be completely satisfied in them as a well done and faithful servant.  But for those who are in love with Jesus, works are simply a means to an end, because our hearts will never be satisfied until we are one with Jesus in spirit, soul, mind and body – so that works follow after the procurement of relationship. 

Martha was not in the wrong, however, Mary chose the better part – she found the one who her soul loves – Jesus.  The same is true for us.  Both were thrilled to see Jesus that day and honored to have Him in their homes – only their reasons for being thrilled were completely different.  Therefore, not all who believe – although they are saved – will attain a marital relationship with Jesus and yet both groups shall be satisfied by Him.  Again in this parable we seek the Marriage Supper of the Lamb – Martha working attending the feast, Mary in bridal submission, even though there was work to be done.

We can have our identity in only one entity – works or Jesus.  Works feeds the ego and allows Jesus to assist, Jesus as our identity kills the ego and works assist.

As a Bridal Temple of the Lord we desire what He desires – relationship – with Him first, then one another.  As we watch and wait, lovingly desiring more and more of Him – knowledge, manifestations, words, signs, anointed speeches, attention from people – nothing satisfies us any longer….  Only Jesus.

At this point the fight is over…  You know, the wrestling of yourself and others – you surrender, no longer desiring to have your way, a hush comes over you because you carry a secret…  a treasure so near and dear in the secret place of the heart….  An unbreakable love bond between you and the one you were purposed to love, the Bridegroom, Jesus.  It is that desire for Him that gets you through each day in full hopes of breaking this veil of flesh for good and banded to Him in fullness one day.

So next time someone who is a guest in your life…. Looks down upon you, or scrutinizes what you are feeling or saying…  Remember just who matters most in your life, who you love more than breath itself…  Jesus and He is coming, He said He would and He surely will.  Though He tarries, He is right on time. Amen.

Just cling to what is good every day – Cling to Jesus and when we do, He will get us through the worst parts of this life because He is the best part of our lives, delivering us a hope and promise in Himself.  The Lord is not slack in His promises towards us, no not ever.

Lastly, a call to repentance has gone out.  May we stop taking our gift for granted and lording it over others as if they are falling short in someway because they are not gifted as we are.  For example, I write, it is what I do and I am most humbled and in awe how the Lord has bestowed such a precious gift of His heart to articulate beautifully with written words.  But, I cannot speak, nor do I desire to.  I know my limitations and they are great in the area of speech.  Therefore, I am not ashamed to admit everything I just shared with you – I wrote out first with endless hours in the secret place of the most High.  When I write, intimacy with Jesus is forged in unmeasurable portions.  I cherish the gift He has given me, but I will never set heavy burdens upon another for not writing, because that is not you.  You may be one who does have the gift of speech and I honor you for that gift as the Holy Spirit speaks through you – it blesses my heart in such an anointed way.  This is just one example of how our ego will easily slip in to the place where we expect others to conform to us, rather than Jesus.  Each one of you listening to me have a perfectly placed gift within you and many are waiting for you to share that portion of yourself with others – you have healing waters for those hearts who are bleeding waiting for your touch.  It is my prayer you embrace the beautiful masterpiece of you in such a way you may be sent out to a lost and hopeless land, spreading His virtues to hearts in severe straights with His love.

Heavenly and Masterful Father, I did as You called me to do, as I delivered this precious message to those who are wounded and at times hopeless.  I am quite humbled Lord by Your everlasting love as You comfort us in our time of need.  We repent Lord for times we tried to instill our wills or ways upon another or tried to override Your majestic precious work in the hearts we could not see or discern in truth.  Forgive us Lord for harshness or having a lack of compassion that does not reflect the heart of Your gentle Son, Jesus.  Lord, words cannot express the gratefulness in my heart for showing me there is beauty in all things, even a hopeless, bleeding heart like mine.  Thank You Lord for delivering us from the sting of painful wounds while keeping the authenticity of truth.  Thank You Lord for breaking all shame within us so that we may walk freely in just how You created to be.  As You send us forth as the salt and light, may people see Jesus, not us and be thirsty for more of Him.  We bow down before You Lord and say come Lord Jesus come, draw us ever so closer to you, we want to know You more and more intimately each day.  Quench us Lord from all the hurtful ways of man and show us what it truly means to be more intimate with You, truly Lord this is one we cannot do on our own.  We give You permission Lord to have Your way with us, we cast down all imaginations of fear that comes with walking a path in which our tomorrows are unknown.  We get scared sometimes Lord and fear tries to overtake us, but You are the promise and hope of a new day so we will trust in You and You alone.  May You get the glory You are so deserving of, in our lives and the lives of those we are blessed to love.  In Jesus’s precious name we pray.  Amen

Are We Representing Jesus As A Representation Of Him?

Recently, I was thinking a lot about what we look like as the Body of Christ and also, how we all fit together in Him and with one another.  I was thinking about what it is like to be “on the outside, looking in” and if I were outside, would I have a desire to be like us?  Would I have a desire to be like me?  If I were looking in…  Do “we” do “I” or even do “you” resemble Jesus, if even in’the smallest of ways?  If we are really supposed to be fishers of men, just how do we “reel” them in, so to speak?  The truth is most of us shy away from harsh people and if we are too harsh for one another, I can only imagine to the lost we appear to be raging heretics.  It seems at every turn, the Lord is directing us at our gatherings to focus once again on being loving rather than a clanging cymbal.  It must just be our divine appointment or something, since this appears the area He works on us the most.  So rather than focusing on what others are doing wrong, we will surrender fully to Him in order He teach us how to be more like Him for our divine appointments He has laid before us.

The other day I was listening to this amazing message from Zac Poonen…  The title of his message was, “You who have failed will be blessed,” so you can totally see why I was drawn to this message from the get go.  Many of us feel like the Lord should have destroyed us many years ago and since He didn’t, we have a debt of love to Him and one another.  He is teaching us constantly now to give, to love and expect nothing in return because He is our return or rather reward.  Aren’t we starting to actually sense more freedom now?  This is why…  We are becoming more like Him in the laying down of our desires and wills so that He truly can operate through us as His hands and feet.  And more importantly, He is guarding our hearts in the process, which is truly a blessing all of us needed.  All it takes is surrender.  I often wonder why that is so difficult for us to do?

Anyway, about Zac’s message…  He compared us to a piece of bread, saying until we are broken into many pieces we cannot feed the thousands.  Isn’t that incredible?  No wonder the Lord said a little leaven ruins the whole lump…  Bread, just think about it spiritually speaking – What are we actually “feeding” people?  And is it something they would want to come back for and eat again and again?  In truth, if it is not love based without condition or anger and such (which equals to leaven) the answer is NO, they instead will seek the one who holds the Bread of Heaven within, who feely gives out that which is freely received. 

A couple weeks ago I shared a message the Lord gave me about the woe coming upon leaders first, out of the Book of Jeremiah Chapter 23.  Because in this World, as we let our love light shine, we are those who lead the way for others – all of us do this, as it exceeds the scope of Earthly titles given by man. 

So in order to build upon the precepts we have learned over time… Today we are going to take a look at ourselves and discern through the Holy Spirit if the leaders we are following truly are replicating Jesus as the source, He absolutely is the only pure source of love and are we?

Initially I titled today’s teaching, when I was in study – Are All Leaders in the Church Godly?  But today as I was in thought with the Lord, I changed it to – Are We Representing Jesus As A Representation Of Him?  Only the Lord knows the details of the change, so we will see how all this unfolds. 

I am sure it goes without saying by now, but just in case…  Like with all studies, we thank the Lord for showing us His ways and receive this teaching for ourselves first, to correct and clean our own walks prior to ever looking to another.  We also thank Him for giving us wisdom to discern when others we follow are not following Jesus in that we be not deceived as He eradicates all leaven within us so that we do not mislead others.  Amen.

Keep in mind we all are “leaders” to some degree, whether that be in our homes, workplace, community, ministries, etc…  Our presence sets an example as a vessel of honor, which is habituated by the One Lord and Savior Jesus.  Therefore, this message is for all of us and I thank the Lord for it, may He prepare our hearts to receive.

What kind of prompted this whole study is a message I was listening to by Francis Chan about division in the church and how it trickles down from the leaders, as their flock who are like minded and of one heart, gather under them.  He then went on to talk about what a Godly Leader is and is not, so I thought to myself – Lord, I do not want to be found out of Your grace and will, so I began on this journey I am going to share about today.  Like I said, this teaching number one is for us to check our own hearts and make sure we are surrendered to Jesus and number two make sure those who are over us are submitted to Him, as well.  Because, none of us want to be caught off guard and hear those dreaded words, “I never knew you” and labeled a worker of iniquity. He is helping us to be Him visiting those who are in prison, sick, troubled and such, through the teaching in His word.  In order to do His will, we must be surrendered to Him, otherwise we are doing our own will.  In Ezekiel 36 it says “When I put my spirit in you to walk in My statutes (ways) and you will be careful to observe my ordinances (commands).”  In the Old Covenant the people performed… In the New Covenant the Lord performs through us.  The only requirement is:  surrender.  He completes this verse by saying – and you will live the life I want you to live.  He said He does this so that He may be glorified through us. 

Shall we get started in our study?

Remember how the Bible tells us – Jesus was poured out as a drink offering.  As He is poured into us and we drink of Him a beautiful event takes place.  We surrender, and He overcomes us with Himself and then…  He pours out to others through us – We water many in such a way.  I find this so beautiful – as a matter of fact I see Jesus within so many of you.  Thank You Lord.

This is why we are going to study today about BEING A GODLY LEADER.  So that we can put down all the characteristics which are in direct opposition to Jesus and replace it with pure water…  As the river of life flows in, it too shall flow out.  Let’s get started!

One of the most distinctive signs of a Godly leader is when we ABIDE IN JESUS, because we are then “set apart” from those in the World.

John 15:14-23 reads ~

14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.

16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever;

17 Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.

18 I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

19 Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.

20 At that day ye shall know that I am in my Father, and ye in me, and I in you.

21 He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him.

22 Judas saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, how is it that thou wilt manifest thyself unto us, and not unto the world?

23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Isn’t that truly something?  So those who abide in Jesus make time daily to be alone with Him our number one priority not some of the time, but all the time.  He and He alone is #1 on our to do list each day.  Not only do we recognize apart from Him we can do nothing, but we no longer have a desire to do anything He would not do or say – or rather, apart from Him.

I was thinking about how we are to PROVE TO BE HIS DISCIPLES and how we can get so withered when we are not abiding in Jesus.  Then I heard this most amazing message from Francis Chan and he was describing that very thing.  I took a few notes because it spoke so much truth into my Spirit, correcting and edifying me to seek His face even more.  He was explaining how if we are not abiding in Jesus we are similar to those DEAD BRANCHES mentioned in the Word and that these dead branches are spiritual branches made up of pride, ego and being somewhat of a know it allHumility produces the fruit, fruit of the Spirit, as a living branch dependent on Jesus can bend without breaking, a dead branch “snaps” when moved with the wind.

If we get too comfortable we will often begin to depend less and less on Jesus and more on ourselves or even others.  If we get puffed up it is way easy to go from being a love light in the midst of sinners, to one being a sinner driven by works to save and correct others, as if we are their answer and not Him.  A dead branch will point to self for having all the answers and a live branch always points to the source of life – Jesus Himself.

To teach or instruct others, we must remain teachable and when we are not… We are withered, threatened and unsure of ourselves.  When ABIDING is not our priority, WORKS becomes our centric portion – self.

Knowing there will always be a need, a talk to give, an event to participate in, as it states (the poor will always be among us…) trying to distract, trying to pull us away from our time alone and allotted to just be quiet, making Jesus first to abide in only Him as our focus.

What happens when we slip in this area?  We can easily wither, get dried up and eventually be thrown into the fire and we all know what happens inside the fire – the dross/waste is burned off of us, it is painful and exhausting to say the least.  Jesus is with us inside the fire and we come out all shiny and new.  So this is not the everlasting fire, but a cleansing fire and we know also, there is nothing like a fiery trial to pull us close and back into the abiding place with Jesus.  As a matter of fact… Many of us are in the fire at this very moment and if not, we have been or will be.

Today we just basically discussed the introduction of our study in BEING A GODLY LEADER by abiding with Jesus and what it looks like to WALK IN HUMILITY.  This is so very important because HUMILITY casts out offense, giving it no placement in our lives.

Our souls are longing to be ONE WITH HIM continually.

May the Lord continue to bless you in His Love ~

Angela ~ Marked By Heaven

Biting And Devouring One Another For The Sake Of Correctness ~

October 23, 2018

I have been praying so much lately that when the enemy shows up around me, that he will find nothing within me to adhere to and that I will have nothing to feed into his desires to grow his assignment here on Earth as accuser of the brethren.

I keep asking myself – Who? What am I aligning with?  Knowing at any weak moment I could and do fall prey to the enemy’s devices of discontent so that when he shows up in my weakness he feeds that discontentment and I come into agreement with him against the situation the Lord has me in or another person or thing that seems to be against the Lord’s will for my life.

I have been so busy lately with the Lord in purging even the deepest crevices of my heart, those things hidden way down and ignored, those things which if I just didn’t think about them they do not exist.  But in truth just because someone or something has departed from our lives, does not mean the frustrations they brought departed at the same time.  The truth is they leave fragments of shattered promises or hope within our hearts that can only be sealed by the Blood of Jesus and if we do not fully forgive, release and bless that one…  Well, the pain within us becomes more obvious through our words and actions than we would like to admit.

This is how the enemy is working feverishly within the church today…  This is what was written about so long ago – brother betraying brother, things like that are manifesting everywhere now as the love of many, way too many, is growing colder and colder.

I believe we can all agree…  The enemy has come into the church and has found many things within that he can use to prompt us to agree with him to the point love is not covering us, one another or a multitude of sins.  The past month I have needed so much clarity and direction that only the Lord could provide.  I still cannot figure most of it out, but I have been diligently in prayer and study and wanted to take a little bit of time today to share with you what He has shown me.

Just like in all studies…  This begins with my heart first and I share with you as my family in the Lord.  The Word tells us to “Judge our own hearts” and in this study I have been constantly judging mine.  As I share, remember I am not judging yours – only sharing what He gave me and instructed me to not agree with on any level, lest I too fall into temptation.  That is the premise of why I want to share with you today what I am about to share regarding…  BITING AND DEVOURING ONE ANOTHER.

  • A few weeks ago the Lord gave me a stern warning for those who are “leaders” of any kind proclaiming Jesus is Lord. It really gave me pause…  Because I do not want to be weighed in the balance, found wanting.  He showed me a measuring rod going out on the heads of those who lead others and warned me of a woe going out on their heads for going against Him in anyway, especially for provoking others to be a child of wrath and not walking in love.  He showed me how they themselves were leading others to be just like themselves and if the enemy found placement in them, he would in turn find placement in those who follow and collectively they gathered of one heart and mind in either love or hate.  He showed me whatever was within was the commonality that they shared and when either Jesus showed up or the enemy showed up, whatever was within was found inside.  I still have the most severe warning for all leaders right now I shudder because this woe He gave me is eminent if they do not repent immediately.  This is why I have been very isolated and quiet the past few weeks…  I had to search my own heart and when He releases me I am going to share what He showed me as a stone of stumbling block within my own heart.  Not today, but I surely will as I do not mind to be used by Him in such a way as an example of how not to be.
  • All this division in the Worldly Church today is heartbreaking to Jesus. I know this for two reasons.  One being He showed me there is no division whatsoever in His Church Bride and two because people have given love a backseat for the sake of vanity and being right.  Jesus is heartbroken over this, I pray you can hear me and most importantly that you can hear Him.
  • Like with most teachings a manifestation of what is being taught is granted by the Lord, the same is true, especially today. It all started with a word I got in my Spirit over a month ago and I really did not know what to do with it – so I wrote it down and set it aside and yet He kept bringing me back to it.  He just gave me the Scripture two days ago and opened my eyes to what He was actually telling me.  It is a sad story really…  But if we share the heart of Jesus, we too are grieved when the Holy Spirit is grieved.

This is the word He gave me ~

We want others who have hurt us to pay for their own sins, while we ourselves are exonerated fully for ours.

For a while I told everyone I could those captivating words, but it never really seemed to resonate with them like they did me.  Oh the gravity of those words, the denial of mercy upon another while we ourselves with both hands opened fully receive the mercy offered at the cross.

In religious attire we selfishly declare…. YOU have the greater sin than me and therefore you must be exposed and put to an open shame from your drastic deed while I remain hidden under the blood for the minor atrocities I have committed.

I held onto this word for a very long time…  But today I am released to share.  It was only after He gave me the Scripture in Mathew 18:21-35 that He has allowed me to teach on this.  I really needed my own heart purified and cleaned in order to not drag tainted flesh into what I am about to say today.

I already know those who are participating in biting and devouring will not hear me, they boldly declare they do not listen to me and haven’t for so long a time in their hurtful emails.  The reason I am sharing with you today is twofold.  One, you can cautiously examine your own heart to see if you too are provoking or if by any chance you are being tempted to come into agreement with the accuser of the brethren so that you can be purged in that he find nothing in you and as a result when Jesus comes all He finds within us is an image of Himself.

Once again ~ The word I received was…

We want others who have hurt us to pay for their own sins, while we ourselves are exonerated fully for ours.

I am trying to decide whether to talk about the elephant in the room or just get into Mathew 18.  I think I will do both and see where the Spirit leads.  This is a conversation I have been avoiding to be honest, I do not like contention whatsoever, but the Lord has laid it on my heart as a vessel of love to bring light to the darkness without partiality.

As a demonstration of the Scripture I am going to use the recent contention with COT, another ministry and those who lay in the crosshairs crying out to the Lord with their heart shattered when self desires its way and satan enters in, using one against another.

I just need the Lord to give me boldness to address this whole situation as a parable for His word and glory.

If you have been a part of the recent division I ask you to please hear my heart today and reconsider what you believe to be the Lord directing you on what to say and do and if you are one caught in the crossfire of all that has gone on, I pray it will give you encouragement and wisdom to walk in love and mercy for a day that is surely coming in which it may be all that you potentially have to get you through.

As a reminder, we do not need to pick a side as long as we are on Jesus’s side.

Let’s get into the Word:

Mathew 18:21-35

21 Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times?

22 Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven.

Have you ever wondered how someone could sin again you that many times?  I propose something to you – How about in your mind when you replay over and over in your thoughts what someone did to you?  This could easily add up to that amount and more.  Some of us at times have made it apart of our daily routine to rehash all the evil done to us by our “brothers, sisters, etc…”  In this portion of Scripture Jesus said we must forgive all things, all the time, as many times as it happens when someone does something against us.  Jesus said this because He paid the price for all sin – it is finished, He forgave all and therefore, we cannot hold anything against anyone.

Now the next part is where He gives an example.

23 Therefore is the kingdom of heaven likened unto a certain king, which would take account of his servants.

                If we are in the Kingdom of Heaven we abide by the rule of Jesus, he keeps record of His own and they follow His leading, doing as He did and saying what He says.

24 And when he had begun to reckon, one was brought unto him, which owed him ten thousand talents.

                On the day of reckoning or rather coming face to face with Jesus all our debts are before Him, all our wrongdoings and sin are laid bare before Him out in the open.  Since Jesus paid for it all, we owe Him and yet…  let’s keep reading

25 But forasmuch as he had not to pay, his lord commanded him to be sold, and his wife, and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made.

If Jesus desired He could require we repay everything owed to Him for what He has done for us.

26 The servant therefore fell down, and worshipped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.

This servant was so fearful not wanting to lose everything he fell down, worshiped Jesus, seeing how guilty he was, just as charged and he begged – HAVE PATIENCE WITH ME

27 Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt.

Because Jesus is moved by compassion we are released from our prison and forgiven for every single sin and wrongdoing, paying nothing in return as we receive fully what Jesus has already done.

28 But the same servant went out, and found one of his fellow servants, which owed him an hundred pence: and he laid hands on him, and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me that thou owest.

Some, once they are forgiven themselves tend to elevate themselves and forget how far they have fallen and how dirty they actually were.  When this happens we feel empowered to require those in our midst to PAY FOR THEIR SINS, even though we did not have to pay for ours.  They neglect to see they too are a work in process and totally ignore the fact others are as well. PLEASE NOTE:  This is so interesting because it is directly speaking of “fellow servants” or rather those who you serve the Lord with.  Very timely indeed given what has recently transpired.

29 And his fellow servant fell down at his feet, and besought him, saying, Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all.

So the one who was forgiven went to the one he was serving with demanding something of him because he thought he was guilty.  When this happened the one accused fell down at his feet (just as he had himself to Jesus earlier) and asked for him to be patient with him and he will repay what was lost or stolen or rather what HE THOUGHT WAS OWED TO HIM.  He needed the same PATIENCE that was given to him as he too was a work in progress.

30 And he would not: but went and cast him into prison, till he should pay the debt.

But the servant refused to offer compassion and patience to his fellow servant and cast him into prison after he, himself, was forgiven of all debt.

31 So when his fellow servants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that was done.

There were other fellow servants sitting back observing all that was going on and were very sorry and heartbroken and because it grieved them so they went to Jesus in prayer in their heart and cried to Him.

32 Then his lord, after that he had called him, said unto him, O thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all that debt, because thou desiredst me:

Jesus called this servant wicked who was forgiven for all his sin.  This servant did desire Jesus by the way.

33 Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellow servant, even as I had pity on thee?

Jesus told him you should have had compassion on your fellow servant because I had pity on you when it was time for you to pay for your own debt of sin.

34 And his lord was wroth, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him.

Jesus was fiercely angry at this servant even to the point of calling him wicked.  But look what happened… He was given over to demons to torment him until all his debt of sin was paid for.  He basically was reaping no mercy because he had shown none.  We can only imagine what he reaped due to his lack of sowing of compassion, love and patience.

35 So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses.

This teaching in so important because this is what the Father will do to us, if we do not FORGIVE in action every time our fellow servants do something we do not agree with that hurts us…  A trespass. 

I am wondering if we know what it is we are even supposed to forgive?  What it means to be merciful?  What it means to be like Jesus since He did not come to condemn anyone of anything?

Do we actually think He should expose and put us to an open shame every single time we lead someone astray with our mouths?  Or speak His word out of context? Or have secret sin if only in our thoughts?

The truth is many cannot know the truth of another because they do not love enough to cover them rather than uncover them.

I know many things about many people that I would never ever utter publically about them.  Why would I do that anyway?  They do not answer to me, they answer to One, Jesus.

I don’t care who you are… We all have sin still in our lives that Jesus is patient with, showing mercy at every turn, that we do not want put in open display before the day of reckoning and completion.  Who are we to demand the day of reckoning of another when we ourselves claim our sins are covered by the Blood of Jesus?  When we do this we are certainly on the most dangerous of ground….. we are that wicked servant spoken of in what we just read.  We are very close to be fully given over to demonic torment for the way we have tormented another.

What I am about to say may sound a little harsh, but I must be obedient to the Lord on High, giving answer only to Him.

You see there are some of us who simply sit behind the scenes calling out to the Lord Jesus on High to intervene and remedy this situation.  We are on no one person’s side, but rather just pray continually that love, mercy, grace, wisdom and forgiveness have its perfect way.  We truly do not want to see anyone harmed or scarred in the process and desire everyone put aside their differences and operate out of a place of love.  We are the ones who are stumbling because of the vendetta of your offense.  We are the ones who have nothing to hide, because we hide nothing.  Our hearts are breaking as the little ones who have loved you and followed you and now you cannot hear us anymore due to the desires of your minds that are overriding all mercy and forgiveness through your shouts of anger.  And what saddens us most is how you are drawing away our brothers and sisters who we consider fellow servants in that because we will not take a side and you have, we too have become their targets of dissention.  Our hearts are breaking because you cannot hear our “I love you’s” over the spirit of offense whispering in your ears.  We beg of you, to please lay your weapons down towards one another, to lay down all pride which forges you to put to open shame one who we deeply love and just come together in unity to serve Jesus with us, not against us for we are not your enemy.  There is a time coming in which we will need one another, because Jesus and one another is all we will have.  We have severe fear and reverence before the Lord, knowing if we cannot submit to His ways now a greater tumult is inevitable in which we truly are forced to appreciate and love one another just as He has commanded us to do so. So please stop being angry and sinning, you are hurting not only us, but Jesus too and if He were here, He would say to lay your sword down or you will surely die by it.

So this is my constant prayer, as well as it is the cry of the heart of many I believe, considering the emails I am getting.

The Word tells us the Lord hates it when those sow discord among the brethren.  In His Word He never gives reason to sow this discord.

We pray all the time for the Lord to forgive us when we trespass against Him and yet we attempt to hold one another accountable when they trespass against us.  We pray for mercy and yet withhold it from others, Lord forgive us.

The Lord was showing me how we can have much knowledge about someone or something, but wisdom comes in only by understanding what we are to do with what we know and have been shown.  Quite often the Lord will only reveal to us the truth of another to what capability we have within us to love them.  On the other hand, the accuser will reveal knowledge about someone to provoke us through pain and hurt.  We need to follow the constant leading of the Holy Spirit to know the difference because it is surely impossible that offenses not come.  Amen.  I for one, will not be used as a source of fuel to build a case against anyone ever.  I stand with my Lord against such tactics and need to likely remind anyone who is planning to use me in such a way that you are not to touch God’s anointed or do His prophets no harm.  In full submission I lay at His feet, knowing already that even if He slay me, I love Him and receive Him as my Beloved.

So today’s teaching would not be complete if we did not go over Mathew 18 on how to deal with differences, keeping them inside the Church.  The brethren are told never to go to law with one another but reason together in all differences.

People have always had struggles amongst themselves even back to the time of the disciples when they would boldly declare they follow Peter, Paul, etc…  The real issue here is that Peter and Paul and the others did not encourage that sort of behavior, but rather served as an example knowing Jesus was the Head of His Own Body, in that competition and strife was not welcome nor allowed to operate.  As long as the disciples stayed in unity and love…  So did those under them who followed suit.

Mathew 18 is basically a step by step guidance on how to address a situation when a brother trespasses against YOU – YOU PERSONALLY.  This is not about preaching false doctrine, leading others astray and all that other nonsense.  This directive in Mathew 18 is how to deal with one of the brethren who trespasses against you personally, which we will go over in a bit.

But first, so just what is a trespass?

To keep it simple – a trespass is a wrong doing

It means to injure, annoy, inconvenience someone, a violation of any law – civil or moral, to offend someone or even God Himself, to go against the Biblical Word.

The Bible even teaches us to make amends with one another before coming before Him or He will not receive whatever it is we are offering up to Him – prayers, worship, works, etc…

Mathew 6:14-15 says ~

For if you forgive men their trespasses, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

So it seems, just as sure it is we shall be offended, we must not hold that offense against anyone or we will too remain in an unforgiven state.

And to be honest, I really don’t even know what to do with all that?  I too struggle at times from all the heart pain inflicted upon me since birth, up until recently the cards seemed to be stacked against me, so to speak.  I am sure some of you feel the same way.

We must keep our hearts and eyes focused continually on Jesus, trusting that in time He will wipe every tear and put our hearts back to pieces as He mends them complete in Him.

Before we go into Mathew 18 I have to tell you a little testimony of mine.  A few months ago as I was struggling with something I reached out to a very popular female Minister and to be honest I was shocked that within a matter of minutes I found myself on the phone with her.  I kept thinking this has to be the Lord, because never in my wildest imagination did I expect a response right away, let alone a phone call.  I actually talked to her a couple times.  The main reason I even reached out to her was I needed some female guidance from what I would call someone over me in maturity, someone without partiality who was not involved in any way with what I was going through to avoid the flesh and such, plus I needed my discussion to remain confidential since on a personal level she did not know me and I do not know her.  Well anyway, it wasn’t long into our talk that I began to see clearly her wounds that were unhealed.  She just kept telling me that I am way to “Mercy motivated and to get out while I can…”  Now, I kept trying to wrap my mind and heart around what she was saying because in the mind it made perfect sense and yet in my heart I just could not reconcile fully what she was saying.  She continued to reveal to me some of her personal life pains and how she finally just had to run…  Anyway, that is not the point.  The point is I kept trying to separate my heart from me and how the Lord created me to be or rather to replace my own personal identity with the pressure and will of someone else or many in this case.  And I just could not seem to do it.  None of what they were saying to me made sense in my heart, only in my mind so internally I knew I must not be moved and do nothing but sit still and wait upon the Lord.  He kept telling me this too shall pass, just like all the other times you have been deeply hurt and that only He is my Savior and Master.  So I waited, things got worse and I waited and things kept getting worse, so I am waiting… Things are not better EXCEPT… sometime in all this quiet waiting and seeking Jesus in one sentence He spoke into my heart and this is what He said…

“I made you in the image of Me, do not let man tell you what to be like or who to love.  Do not let man tell you not to be mercy motivated because I was mercy motivated too, so much so it was for mercy’s sake I hung on a tree, they just do not know this yet and if they loved Me they would love who I love, which is everyone.”

And in one moment… all the chaos and fretfulness of not knowing what to do vanished.  In an instant I was settled and complete internally and at rest.  I maybe one of the most misunderstood humans on the face of the Earth – but I rejoice in knowing my Jesus understands me because it is His love I love another with and not my own.

Some of you are very similar to me, please do not let anyone tell you who to be.  Remember who you were before the World told you who you should be.  You are fearfully and wonderfully made, a Heaven sent creature to spread love and light into a fallen World, you confound the wise and make grown men cry, as you wipe the tears of a baby’s desperation.  You carry the fallen and lift up the weak, you are an overcomer with Him and a hot mess on your own.  You may stumble and fall and yet your door is always open to the 1 set before you. You are wronged, unbraided and sometimes a little tangled in sin and yet you always have time for a heart that needs comforted.  You are moved by mercy because you need it most and you forgive more as He has forgiven you for much.  You realize you were truly bought with a price of the highest degree as it cost Him His life and just Who would do such a thing for a dirty rag like me?  You know you are naked, broken and bare so there is no point in pointing the finger to another because you realize one simple truth…  It isn’t the saved Who need a healer – it is YOU and it is me, all of us because none of us have  yet been raised up incorruptible.

The Lord’s grace (patience) is sufficient for every single soul on Earth.  We often are partial in who we show grace to, the Father isn’t.


You really cannot make this stuff up… But you will not believe this, yet I promise it is true.  Just as I thought I was almost finished with my notes for today’s study I felt the Lord remind me of how He instructed his disciples to work out their struggles as well as for all those who followed after Him.  I remembered it was in Mathew somewhere like Chapter 15 or something and as I began to search for it, lo and behold… Guess where it is?  Mathew Chapter 18!  Yes, it is before what I was studying earlier about the wicked servant…  I am still in awe at our Lord’s majesty and His ways.  Tatum can verify what I am saying is true because as I was talking to her on the phone I told her I am almost done with the teaching but the Holy Spirit laid upon my heart it would not be complete unless I have instruction by the Word on how to handle when someone hurts you.  So here we go… Because now more than ever I am starting to grasp how important this is for us to understand.

Let’s start at the beginning of the Chapter, since we already covered the end of it, we will do this a little backwards today.

Mathew 18 ~

This is kind of cute how it all starts out because I often wonder exactly what conversation the disciples were having that prompted them to ask Jesus, “Who is greatest in the kingdom of Heaven?”  Isn’t that just a riot – like us – they probably each secretly wanted to be the greatest among all of the Father’s children.

You remember what Jesus did?  He called a little child and put him right in the middle of all them and said, “Unless you become converted (changed) and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of Heaven.”

Do you know what converted means in this sense?  Being humble

Jesus said, “Whosoever shall humble themselves as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven.”

Humility = the opposite of pride

Children may be a lot of things, even full of folly and yet…  They are humble, as Jesus said.  The same should we be.

Jesus said also, “If you receive a little child in my name, you receive Me.”

If we think of this in depth – I would receive you, you would receive me, we would receive one another for one reason only – each of us belong to Jesus.  Isn’t that just amazing?

He does give a stern warning about what happens to those who offend one of us who belong to Him, as a child, humble.  This is what Jesus said to everyone listening to His word, then and now:

“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Goodness gracious, that is a frightful thought and my concern is we have heard it so often we begin to take it lightly.  Those who offend are in much more danger than those who are offended.  One sure truth is that those who belong to Jesus for real, when offended they call out to Him in their time of need knowing He is the only answer to all our troubles.

The next verse I believe we are witnessing increasing today in the World we live in…  Jesus said, “Woe unto the world because of offences!  (seems like a tumult to me, just sayin) He said, “Offenses need to and must come BUT WOE to that man by whom the offence come.”  Do you mind if I share why it is so bad if an offence comes through you?  The Holy Spirit revealed to me a woe comes on you because you are being influenced by evil to offend someone.

Let’s picture this…  The offended who belong to Jesus go to Him when hurt, those who offend others are being influenced by evil to harm a little one….  This reminds me of when the parents are late coming home the children get antsy and begin to fight or…  If people believe Jesus has delayed His coming, they will start to smite (inflict pain upon) their fellow servants.

Next the Lord tells us whatever body part is being used to cause pain on another (feet, hands, eyes) because it is better to enter into the kingdom maimed than to keep that which offends you to the point of lashing out that you would end up into hell’s everlasting fire.

Side Note ~ I personally believe just like Israel becomes a trembling cup to those who have come against it, we too will be a cup of trembling to those who have come against us.  We are grafted into the Branch being Jesus so there is no true separation between Jew and Gentile in the Body of Christ.

Jesus warns us to take heed that we do not DESPISE not one of these little ones, because their angels in Heaven do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.  This is scary because we could simply just not like a child that belongs to Jesus and slip in our intentions towards them and perish.  This is just very serious and I pray just because we have heard it so much that we not forget to receive the severity of the Word at hand.

The next verses tell us the Son of Man (Jesus) is come to save that which is lost to the point he will leave all 99 of His sheep to track down just one lost sheep and that HE REJOICES MORE OVER THE LOST ONE THAT RETURNED than He does over the 99 that never did go astray.  Isn’t that just astonishing???  Wow

Now verse 14 brought me so much peace, I pray it will you too…  In verse 14 it says, “Even so IT IS NOT THE WILL of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.”  Whew – Did you get that?  It is NOT THE FATHER’S WILL that we perish – in other words, we won’t perish as long as we keep surrendered to Him.

So the next few Scriptures are why today’s message would not be complete… But I had to get it into context as to the extreme the Lord goes to for RESTORATION.  Verses 15-20

Many of you are very familiar of these next instructions BUT please hear my heart on this, the Lord showed me distinctly without a doubt IF your primary goal is not RESTORATION then it is very dangerous to even take the next steps without a humble right heart, full of love.  If we get outside of God’s will in this we become the ONE BRINGING OFFENSE upon another and are uncovered at that point and like we just read… influenced by evil.

We already talked about “trespasses” so when that happens to us, we are blessed to have instruction on how to handle such things in our daily lives.

15 Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.

Reminder – This is if YOUR BROTHER in Christ does something, not someone who is not a believer

We are to go to the person privately and if he hears us we have gained our brother back (we do not go to other people and he must HEAR us which means listen and receive what we shared)

16 But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.

Now if that does not work, you ask one or two more witnesses for Jesus to go with you (hopefully to encourage the one lost, not to gang up on them just like the Lord goes after us when we stray)  These people who go with you are not to give witness to your offense but be a witness to Jesus for reconciliation. You see we have had this so backwards in the past.

17 And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

Lastly, if he will not hear you, then it is appropriate to get the whole church involved to attempt to reconcile him BACK TO JESUS so he is your brother again.  This is not about us – this is about the other person being lost, drifting and needed brought back to Jesus – then we will retain him as a brother.  Sadly if he will not turn from his wicked ways it says to no longer consider him a part of the Body of Christ, he is lost.

Then I loved how Peter then asked… How often do I have to forgive my brother when he offends me?  So now we have come full circle to right where we began.

Forgiving one another when it is easier to accuse, laying our desires down for one another, showing patience while we each grow, giving mercy instead of criticism, repaying evil with love and so forth; knowing fully all that we do to one another GOOD or BAD we are actually DOING IT UNTO JESUS.

Just one last point before I close today…

Please, please before you proceed in any fashion be 100% sure YOU HAVE THE FULL TRUTH, not just facts that lead to the truth BUT THE FULL TRUTH or else it places us individually into a very dangerous situation.  Consider this— If you are willing to gamble your own eternal position in the kingdom without a shadow of doubt what you are saying about a brother or sister in the Lord is truth then by all means do as you are being lead.  But keep in mind, if you are accusing them with your measurement of truth rather than theirs and they are not guilty in the Lord’s sight, only yours… just like the 1 Jesus left the 99 for they will be saved while you perish.

1 John 4:20 tells us – If a man say I love God and hates his brother he is a liar.

The Lord has given us an excellent opportunity to store up some mercy for in a future time to come in which we are surely going to need it.  He has in His ever present mercy shown us patience while teaching us to be patient with one another because we all are a work in progress.  Anything done with anger, strife, contention is derived from hatred and perceived by many who are watching.  We must always ask

We have barely scratched the surface on biting and devouring one another and will go deeper into this opportunity for repentance in our next study as He is teaching us to stop swallowing a camel of our own sin while straining the gnat of those who belong to Him as our brothers and sisters.


I am going to share today something Sister Jodi wrote yesterday which really blessed my heart and then we will pray.  But, first I want to remind us what Jesus said to those who were feeling a little aggravated in how some other disciples were ministering to their flocks differently than they were…

Mark 9:40

But Jesus replied, “Do not stop him. No one who performs a miracle in My name can turn around and speak evil of Me. 40Forwhoever is not against us is for us


Wow…  What an instruction that is…  Jesus said – DO NOT STOP HIM, that those who perform a miracle in MY NAME will not speak evil of ME.  Whoever is NOT AGAINST US, is FOR US.

Just because someone has a different method than us personally, if they too are speaking Jesus is Lord, they will not speak evil of Him – you see it is ALL ABOUT HIM, they may speak evil of us, but what is most important is that THEY NOT SPEAK EVIL OF HIM.  He then sets all peace in place and settles all matters of contention and strife in just a few words like only Jesus can do —  He said, WHOEVER IS NOT AGAINST US IS FOR US.

The same is true that who is AGAINST US IS NOT FOR US.

And that is all I am going to say about all that right now.  I just pray the Lord purge our hearts from being AGAINST ANYONE, ever.

?Let us pray of one accord…

Heavenly and mighty merciful Father in Heaven.  We thank You for this opportunity to gather together in Your Name for Your Glory today.  Lord we just ask Your forgiveness for times when we have not shown others mercy and expected more out of them than what You require of us.  We surrender all to You Lord, as the Great I am, full knowing and fully leading Your children Home.  Please continue to open our eyes to the truth of how we fall short and blind our eyes to the shortcomings of our brothers and sisters.  Do not let our love run cold Lord, save us from the snares of agreeing with others for the condemnation of the brethren.  Deliver us and purge us Lord from all iniquity so that our heart reflect the Image of You and not ourselves.  We petition You to make us whole in that when the enemy comes knocking on our doors that he may find nothing in us to carry our his will here on Earth.  We pray Jesus that You continue to pull us back from the edge of death in times we wander away from You.  Our souls are in Your hands Lord for the molding into Your image and we honor You for teaching us how to die to self so only You remain. 

Lord we lift up those we love who are caught in the snare of offense.  We humbly ask You to show them the height and depth of Your love, we thank You Lord for chasing after those who have gone astray just as You chase after us in our time of need.  We trust You Lord to be the designer of our faith and the faith of others, that only You can save Jesus as Your mercies are new every morning.

In unity we submit to Your will, Your love and to walk in forgiveness to the best of our ability from this day forward.  Bring Heaven to Earth Lord, change hearts, changes Nations as Your perfect will is done.  Deliver us Lord in our time of trouble, healing us and making us whole.

In Your Precious and Mighty Names we pray as one. Amen

May the Lord Bless you in His Love,

Angela ~ Marked By Heaven?

God’s Sovereignty ~ Finding Our Purpose In WORKS


We are no longer dead in sin… But rather are being raise up INSIDE this flesh body to incorruptible BECAUSE Jesus lives within us.

Recently the Holy Spirit has been teaching us about BEING RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE… Just as it dawned on me, through the Holy Spirit, what that exactly means.  I am not so sure we all understand this, because if we did, we would be so full of joy it would not be contained.

The problem is – we have the mindset of a sinner and yet claim we are saved by Grace.  Grace is for those who IGNORANTLY sin.  That is not us, concerning most temptations we face.  We know right from wrong and still continue to choose to do wrong.  But fret not, no worries here, because we all have Jesus, the Author and Finisher of us (our faith walk) and He will complete a total work within us.

I simply love this Scripture right now:

A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Do we know what this completed work looks like?  We are becoming INCORRUPTIBLE.

When something is CORRUPTIBLE it is:

Having the potential to be corrupted, tempted, perish, dishonest, one who takes bribes, unclean, immoral.


Honest, with convictions, moral, righteous and full of virtue.

So basically here, we see a clear demarcation in something.  Do you see it?  It is the old creature versus the new creature we are becoming in Christ Jesus.

Let’s review the Scripture we discussed last time in 1 Corinthians 15:

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead (in the flesh) shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

53 For this corruptible must put on in-corruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

54 So when this corruptible shall have put on in-corruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

So this verse is a perfect complement to what we shall be… And we do not even know the fullness of that yet, except to say we shall be like HIM, speaking of Jesus.

We spent much time in Romans 8 the last time I spoke, getting to the heart of the matter in living this life here on Earth as a Child of God, because a child of God does walk in a body of flesh and bone, however, we no longer feed the carnal lusts of filthy flesh for we are counted among the redeemed of the Earth.   Once the heart changes, so do the desires of it and therefore you CHANGE from being of the Earth to a Heavenly body abiding here still on Earth.  A child carries the characteristics/dna of his or her Father. Amen.  Our lives unfold based on the “seed” we carry inside us internally.

I will show you in the Word, where it perfectly gives instruction to this truth.  So let’s get back into 1 Corinthians 15, which we have not discussed in depth before.

31 I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.

Paul is telling us here – we are to DIE DAILY

So it is true we may die a natural death – however, he is clearly speaking spiritually here in this Scripture

Paul is teaching them – he has counted the cost and follows Jesus as his apostle no matter what comes his way or challenges he must face

33 Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.

34 Awake to righteousness, and sin not; for some have not the knowledge of God: I speak this to your shame.

Paul is telling them it is a choice whether to sin or not.

35 But some man will say, How are the dead raised up? and with what body do they come?

36 Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened, except it die:

37 And that which thou sowest, thou sowest not that body that shall be, but bare grain, it may chance of wheat, or of some other grain:

38 But God giveth it a body as it hath pleased him, and to every seed his own body.

There are actually His children on Earth today that are of His seed.

39 All flesh is not the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.

40 There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.

Some are from Heaven, others are from the Earth

41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.

42 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption:

We were ONCE dead in sin, but have been raised up into LIFE ETERNAL because it is only once for man to die.

The following tells us HOW that it is played out:

43 It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power:

44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

Here on the Earth there are natural and spiritual bodies – the actual flesh and bones does not determine the origination of the body, but rather the SOURCE of within that particular person.  There are some seeds which are “tares” and others are “wheat” of which only the Father knows, because only He knows the end from the beginning – otherwise, we judge before the time.

45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.

47 The first man is of the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven.

48 As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.

49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.

To be CHANGED here means:

To exchange one thing for another, to transform or to speak or react in a different manner.  To cease from discord through moods, emotions or self will of desires.

So it is in this moment – daily in each circumstance as we die to the flesh, we crucify our wants, our thoughts, our desires and most importantly, our ways and it is no longer us who live but Jesus lives in us and we are changed.  By this we are effectively applying the Gospel to our lives and we are raised incorruptible.  No longer then do we carry out or walk out that which is in opposition to our Father, we become like Him in all manners of our lives.  This is how we move… Glory to glory.

A good example would be when we get upset with someone.  It is our flesh carnal nature that is offended at their flesh carnal nature.  Jesus is not upset with anyone.  He sees past the flesh of us all into the heart and is accepting, forgiving and loving.  When we view others through His eyes we operate in the same fashion as Him, pulling down all strongholds to lash out, have our way or prove a point just to be right – we become righteous because He is righteous.  We will never win a battle fighting flesh to flesh.  All darkness is only overcome by light, in ourselves and others.

52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

53 For this corruptible must put on in-corruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.

54 So when this corruptible shall have put on in-corruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?

56 The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law.

57 But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

This is a NOW WORD… Not something in the way off foreseeable distance.  He is telling us here NOT TO LABOR IN VAIN, but rather to DO THE WORK OF THE LORD.

The WORK OF THE LORD is done IN US – daily, moment by moment.


So today we are going to discuss GOOD WORKS vs. DEAD WORKS.

The Kingdom of Heaven surely is within YOU


19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.

20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:

21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

We so often look for an outwardly sign of the Kingdom just like the Pharisees, becoming demanding and such, but the truth is – THE KINGDOM IS WITHIN US, a hidden mystery that many cannot grasp.

We often battle internally with these WORKS…  Which is why the Lord placed upon my heart to share exactly what type of works He has spoken of and is looking for – because these WORKS He speaks of enter eternity with us, they do not perish and are so hidden most often He is the only One Who can observe them because they are internal – Wholeness and completed by Him.

I can promise you right now this message will crucify your flesh and your flesh and mind will resist it in parts, just like mine did – But if you can spiritually grasp this concept you will have a pearl of understanding today that you possibly did not consider before.

Sadly, the truth is…  Some people need to get saved for real.  To be truly saved, it is no longer I who live, but Jesus lives inside me.  I am dead.  He is risen within.  And when this happens, repentance becomes natural as He exposes, delivers and consumes all that within us that is not of Him.  We are changed (made whole) from the inside out.

Peace comes into our lives when OUR WILL is ONE WITH HIS and it surpasses all understanding because we should be upset, running to and fro and worried and yet instead we are walking in full submission to His sovereignty…  That is when the peace comes.  One cannot have peace and be inside their own will, it is only when HIS WILL IS BEING DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN that real peace is felt and it is then and only then that we grasp how Sovereign our Father actually is – until that time, we will question everything and worry continually.  In these cases we also will fret over who is saved and who isn’t deceived believing it is a part of our WORKS TO SAVE THEM.  It is the ENEMY who tells us to save ourselves and others while Jesus said TO DIE TO SELF.  We need to get out of the way when God is dealing with another, not intervene to save them from what the Lord is using to save their souls and He uses the pains of flesh to destroy it.  When our labor is in vain, so are our works.

The Now Word for the season we are currently in is:  Die to self because as we decrease He shall increase within us.  The truth of it is – A person is not anointed but rather Jesus is the anointed One and to the measurement that we have decreased – He is increasing within us as a demonstration of truth by what is said through us, not by us.

Today we are going to talk about one part of this process – getting rid of all DEAD WORKS IN OUR LIVES.

As the Lord continues to prepare us to receive Him fully into our hearts, souls and minds it seems like lately not a day goes by that He is not revealing and purging something within…  He is truly “preparing His dwelling place” within us.  It was at this point last week I realized…  The impossibility of no matter how much I gave of myself to others it still was laced with a bit of carnality.  This explains why all of OUR works are DEAD WORKS, they are mingled with —- SELF gratification.  He began to show me just how impossible it is to do anything that does not have fragments of my carnal nature mixed in because even though we may be compassion driven – we are still gratifying something of ourselves and usually it is a self-centered desire to BE NEEDED.

Now before you just throw up your hands…  Hold tight for just a little bit, because there are VERY VERY GOOD WORKS which the Lord directed me to in His Word.  These PERFECT WORKS are actually the only ones that are pure into a transference into our Eternal life.  Jesus set the prime example for us as a demonstration on how to walk continually giving the Father Glory.

But before we look at that…  Let’s look into the Book of Ecclesiastes because for the first time in all my life I am seeing that all truly is vanity.

It is interesting to note that King Solomon wrote this book, even calling himself a preacher.  I don’t think I ever noticed that before.  I encourage you to read Chapters 1 and 2 in Ecclesiastes soon because to save time I am going to use just a few passages and do a lot of paraphrasing.

Chapter 1

Vs. 2 tells all that all is vanity and in Vs 3 he goes on to talk about labor and asks what does it really profit a man?  Then in Vs. 14 he says he has seen ALL THE WORKS that are done and ALL OF THEM ARE VANITY.  In other words – people labor in vain because in the next verse it says – that which is crooked cannot be made straight and there are so many wanting it is a number that cannot be numbered.  It is important to note in Vs. 18 he says – in much wisdom is much sadness and as our knowledge is increased so is our sorrow.  I believe many of us can relate to that even today.  The Father alone makes our paths straight and others to be in line with Him.

Chapter 2

In this chapter he goes into all the things he has done on the Earth:  Like pleasure, laughter, wine, wisdom, folly, great works, building of houses, planted vineyards and gardens, pools, servants, great possessions, silver and gold, entertainment and he did all this so HE LOOKED GREAT – Vs. 9  He also took what he desired (including women) and experienced much joy.  He says in his heart HE REJOICED IN HIS LABOURS.

Vs. 11 is very important because it is here HE LOOKS AT ALL THE WORKS HE HAD DONE by his hands and was shown – all of it was done in vain and his spirit was vexed because what he had done brought NO PROFIT UNDER THE SUN.  (It was all done in vain because the reward was here, not eternal.)

Basically, the whole Book of Ecclesiastes is Solomon coming into the understanding that no matter how much you do or the wisdom you have can interfere with the sovereignty of God and when we do attempt to do such things it is all vanity.

We have all more times that we realize have spoken out of self, lead others astray – even unknowingly and been seduced at times to follow idols – one, being self.  Which is why the Father in this season is wanting us to grasp His sovereignty and how a part from Him we can do nothing.

We all are like flowers of the field who toil and spin and yet… In truth, it is the Father Who tends to us because we cannot even take care of ourselves.  How beautiful is this truth!  So we can all relax now knowing “The Father has this” because He truly does.

Before we go more into dead works, I want to preface this teaching with saying what I am not saying…  Which is – I am not saying we aren’t to assist one another, comfort one another and be used by the Lord daily as His vessels pouring Him out upon the Earth.  We are to do all those demonstrations of love, loving others more than ourselves…  Which is exactly the point here…  It is all about Him and it is all about others and it should be not at all about whatever we do to gratify self.  I know some people will take this to the extreme.  However, just like all Bible studies this is about going deeper into the precepts of the Lord.  So please keep that in remembrance as we study today learning more about how the Father operates so we build upon what we have learned, not forgetting what He has shown us so far.

Let’s get into the study:

In John Chapter 9 it tells a story of when Jesus healed the blind man as a display of the Father’s works because people were trying to blame someone (himself or his parents) for sinning to cause this illness.  In return Jesus said no one had sinned to cause this illness, but rather so that “THE WORKS OF GOD SHOULD MANIFEST IN HIM.”  He was born blind for one reason, so the Father could demonstrate Himself as Healer and He did so THROUGH JESUS.

In vs. 4 it says:

I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.

It is important to note here – these are not “worldly” works, but rather an act done for one sole purpose – that the Father get glory.   We will learn more about this throughout the study today.

Interesting enough this word “works” is the same word in the Greek of the following Scripture:

Philippians 2:

Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:

And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name:

10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;

11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.

These “works” we are being taught about concern – obedience and salvation

John Chapter 6 gives us another hint as to what the Father considers worthwhile “works”:

27 Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.

28 Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?

29 Jesus answered and said unto them,This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

Jesus said – The works of God are to believe in Jesus.  This is how we “work out our salvation daily” we do so by FAITH.

He also said here that all other labors will perish but to know Jesus will help us to endure into everlasting life.

What the Lord began to show me is how often we weary ourselves when the enemy convinces us to run to and fro “working” in the flesh to achieve many things that will not sustain our eternal life.  These “works” become some sort of an idol in our lives and goes against what Jesus told us to do.

During my study He reminded me of the CHURCH OF SARDIS in Revelation Chapter 3.  Let’s take a look at what is spoken to that particular church – I think that might bring some clarity as to why the Lord is directling us to study this right now.

And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.

This church was doing things for others and not only that, they were being recognized for what they were doing.  They thought they were ALIVE but in truth were DEAD.

Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.

They had stopped watching to be strengthened in the Lord Jesus and their works were not PERFECT because they were not strictly for God’s glory, but rather their own.

Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.

They had taken their eyes off Jesus and if they did not repent from these works, He will come to them as a thief – without notice, they will not even recognize it is Him as He will come without warning.

Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy.

There was a small remnant who’s garments were made white and had not defiled themselves in these dead works.

Our “Garments” are actually the FULL ARMOR OF GOD found in Ephesians 6:

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

Back to THE CHURCH OF SARDIS in Revelation 3:

He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.

This is telling us we must overcome doing any works at any time that glorify ourselves, otherwise our names will be blotted out of the Book of Life.  To overcome means to: acknowledge our shortcomings and rely on Jesus to help us go and sin no more – with true heartfelt repentance in this area.

So as I was studying this I began to ask our Lord to show me just what would be considered a “good and perfect work” because our works are so imperfect, we need to know or rather I needed to know exactly what He does consider a “perfect work” in order to make a change.

Ironically, I found 7 PERFECT WORKS in the Bible and each one is GOD CENTERED not MAN CENTERED:



Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.

Please Note:  The ONLY SALVATION we can work out is OUR OWN, not anyone else’s.


MARK 13:34

For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.


JOHN 17:4

I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.


JOHN 5:20

For the Father loveth the Son, and sheweth him all things that himself doeth: and he will shew him greater works than these, that ye may marvel.



But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

Through exhibiting PATIENCE we learn to be made whole, no longer desiring anything on this Earthly plane.


ACTS 26:20

But shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance.



Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

So you see…  The Father considers the intent of the heart to be fixated on Him and Him alone and this is truly the ONLY GOOD WORK He considers of importance.

Now on the flip side MATHEW 23 speaks about doing WORKS TO BE SEEN BY MAN – these are unfruitful to the Kingdom of Heaven:

Then spake Jesus to the multitude, and to his disciples,

Saying The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat:

All therefore whatsoever they bid you observe, that observe and do; but do not ye after their works: for they say, and do not.

—false promises would fall into this category, they also want you to watch what they are doing

For they bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.

But all their works they do for to be seen of men: they make broad their phylacteries, and enlarge the borders of their garments,

And love the uppermost rooms at feasts, and the chief seats in the synagogues,

And greetings in the markets, and to be called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi.

But be not ye called Rabbi: for one is your Master, even Christ; and all ye are brethren.

And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.

10 Neither be ye called masters: for one is your Master, even Christ.

11 But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.


These works spoken of here has the same Greek root word as DEEDS.

The deeds which are done for the Lord are done in secret, not openly for man to see.  (John 3:21)

If we want to be seen by men – it is for an earthly reward, but if done in secret the Father will reward us openly.


ACTS 7:41 warns us about rejoicing in the works of our own hands while in doing so we are actually sacrificing (or rather giving of ourselves) to idols.

Doesn’t this make you want to stop dead in your tracks and search your heart not only for WHAT WE ARE DOING, BUT WHY ARE WE DOING IT?  It surely convicted me and in turn we will gain much about the wisdom of God.  Praise Jesus!

Jesus told us in JOHN 14:12 that greater “works” we shall do.  Partly because Jesus abides within us now and as we decrease He increases.  As a result, our “works” become submissive to His ways and in turn gives all glory to the Father through our own obedience.  What is amazing about this is – It can happen through many of us all at the same time, which was not possible when Jesus walked the Earth – hence, we do “greater” or rather “increased” works here in our day simultaneously.

We must take note on the fact that “MAN IS JUSTIFIED ONLY BY FAITH, NOT DEEDS OR WORKS” as written in ROMANS 3:27-28

So often we have been groomed to serve others to the point we are in direct disobedience into conflict with God.  Many of us, especially me, are learning how NOT TO go against our Lord in this way.  Again, like I said earlier – no matter what condition we are in at the moment, we are decreasing and He is increasing in us.  Therefore, some who SERVE BY NATURE as being halted and OTHERS WHO TAKE BY NATURE as learning to give of themselves.  It is a beautiful process we are in at the moment.

In this process, we are beginning to — Cast off the “works of darkness” in order to put on the armor of light.  (Which is Salvation) as stated in ROMANS 13:12, so that our “garments” are not defiled by the mingling of truth.

We have all at times “Boasted on our own works” written about in EPHESIANS 2:9, but thankfully just as written about the Church of Sardis the Holy Spirit is giving us the gift of repentance in this area, in order that we are worthy and well pleasing in the Father’s sight.

JAMES 2:26 says that “Faith without works is dead.”

  • These WORKS are not of the flesh, but rather of the Spirit
  • These WORKS do not perish with the flesh
  • Through these WORKS we have a securement of Salvation
  • Through these WORKS our faith in Jesus is perfected
  • Even devils have FAITH IN JESUS AND TREMBLE as stated in Vs. 19 – But these “works” are far more reaching that to just believe in Jesus

If we sow INTO THE FLESH – we will reap FLESH

If we sow INTO THE SPIRIT – we will reap SPIRIT

So please consider this when you assist another.

We must always consider the “source” of why we do something.  Is it self or spirit?

We can do something Spirit lead that will affect another’s flesh, but we cannot be lead by the flesh and expect to reap something Spiritual.  Does that make sense?  Sometimes our desire to be needed overrides what the Spirit is directing us to do.  And other times the Spirit is directing us to do more, but our flesh does not want to cooperate.  What we dwell on – we worship, so if we dwell on others more than Jesus, He is pulling us back on course to fixate solely on Him – then we cannot veer of the narrow path that few find.

We are simply in a beautiful process of learning how to walk by faith and not sight.

This is the dividing line between being chosen to serve or remain in a state of being served.

Remember – It was MARTHA who frantically said to Jesus – CAN’T YOU SEE how busy I am working Jesus?  Make my sister come help me.  And Jesus in His gentle way reminded her how she is WORRIED and UPSET about many things but that her sister Mary had CHOSEN (TO REST IN HIM) WHICH IS THE BETTER PART that will not be taken away.  You see – What was inside Martha (works) was coming out of her and there is no hiding from Jesus what is within.  He is calling us to REST IN HIM and TO RECEIVE OF HIM, where the yokes of burdens are easy and light.  How often the demands of others and this World we easily forget the BETTER PART – resting in Jesus.

Martha represents our FLESH WORKS

Mary represents our FAITH WORKS

Flesh works will all be burned up, however, our faith works will never be taken away.

This surely does confound the wise.

We collectively at COT/ROf recently did a mighty “work” in helping a precious sister and her mom who were in need.  And for all of those who assisted in making this happen, I want to honor you and thank you for your generous obedience to the Father.  This was a prime example of BEING LOVE one to another when one of our family is in need and it is precious.

Here is what happened…  A precious sister in the Lord, who cares for her sickly Mother just happened to mentioned how much they were suffering in the heat since they had no air conditioning.  She did not ask for assistance, except prayer to overcome this heat through Jesus.  Immediately, the Holy Spirit laid it upon my heart for us to come together as one in Jesus to make this happen for them, which we did and the Lord guided us the whole way, opening doors as we progressed in making arrangements for a unit to be delivered as soon as possible.

So, using this example we need to understand the “works” here was not that they got an air conditioner, but rather that her FAITH IN THE LORD INCREASED, knowing He loves her, cares about her well-being and will not forsake her – which is something she will carry with her always.  Even if the air conditioner breaks down, has to be thrown away – she will remember how the FATHER PROVIDED FOR HER and will do so again because HE LOVES HER, that embrace she will always have.

If we focus on the air conditioner – man gets the glory and once the air conditioner no longer works, the imprint it left will fade away too.

If we focus on the deed – The Lord gets all the glory, only He deserves and it is ever lasting – the better part and will never be taken away.

I know she was thankful and we receive her gratitude, always pointing back to Him – but in each email I reminded her it was all Him and we are nothing more than the vessels He used.  In one email I recall telling her to REMEMBER THIS ALWAYS AS AN EMBRACE FROM HIM TO KNOW SHE IS LOVED AND TO NEVER EVER FORGET IT.  She promised me she would.  And then a test came… To insure her walk matched her talk.  For now, I will leave it at that.

Anyone of us can and do many things for others each and every day, but if it is done for any other reason than for our Father to get the Glory – it is consider a “dead work.”  And just as 2 Peter 3:10 says, it will be burned up.  Some key indicators to look for are:  Do we expect a thank you in order that what we gave is “recognized” by the other person?  Are we keeping score, say with a spouse or child, reflecting on how unbalanced the giving and taking is in the relationship?  Do we give something to another expecting the Father to reimburse us 10 fold?  Or even at all?  When we give do we pat ourselves on the back thinking highly of ourselves, even if we do not murmur the thought to another?  There are many other examples, but you get my drift…  The focus is on SELF, not JESUS.

I want to transition a bit and in doing so we are going to go over HEBREWS 4:8-11 as follows:

For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise, And God did rest the seventh day from all his works.

And in this place again, If they shall enter into my rest.

Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they to whom it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief:

Again, he limiteth a certain day, saying in David, To day, after so long a time; as it is said, Today if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts.

For if Jesus had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.

There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.

10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.

11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.

  • There is a rest for God’s people
  • The Father displaying REST as an example for us to follow as He rested on the 7th day – when He completed the works of creation
  • This Scripture tells us to CEASE FROM OUR OWN WORKS as that is where we have rest in Him
  • We are to LABOR to enter into His rest or we will fall into unbelief – our WORKS should be to rest in Him
  • Again – as we WORK OUT OUR OWN SALVATION DAILY – We are becoming co-laborers with Jesus and that truly is the only labor that transfers from this mortal life into our eternal one.

Scripture tells us in HEBREWS 9:14 that we are to PURGE OURSELVES FROM DEAD WORKS TO SERVE JESUS.  I have a feeling He is doing this work inside many of us right now.  Praise the Lord!

JAMES 2:21 says that “Abraham demonstrated great WORKS when he placed Isaac on the alter” which equals to having FAITH IN THE FATHER.  Many of us have some “Isaac’s of our own” we need to place before God and trust Him intently and fully with these cares and concerns.  Me included.

Some of you all are feeling very similar to me lately, resembling the Church of Philadelphia In Revelation Chapter 3.  I am not going to read the whole portion but there are a few key elements I do want to point out.  One being, in Vs. 8 it says that “Only those who WORK out their Salvation enter through the Open Door.”  The open door is Jesus by the way.  But, it also says – SPEAKING TO THOSE WHO DO BELONG TO HIM:


This is very telling as to what counts the most in the Kingdom of Heaven.  He is helping us to rest right now in Him while empowering us in this process to NOT DENY HIS NAME, WHILE WE KEEP HIS WORD.  Now that is something to be ever so thankful for right there!  The World says “stand up, be strong” while Jesus says “in your weakness, I am strong.”

Lastly, in Revelation 20:13 it says “The sea (of people) gives up the dead and everyone is judged according to their works.”  The “dead” or rather “tares” are removed first… Tares and their works are in vain and what remains?  Those in Faith.

Before we wrap it up – I just want to thank you all for staying with me during this study.  I know it is complex and cutting to the flesh and I so appreciate your willingness to walk on this narrow path with me.  Before I close, we are going to take a closer look into the Laodicea Church since we have many more precepts than when we first went over this particular gathering of multitudes.

Do you remember when the Lord told us to “Return to our first works?”  And how He compares that to returning to our “First love?”  Which is Him.  This is why – when we are deeply in love with Him, our eyes are focused on Him, we are so close to Him that what He does we will do, where He goes we will follow and what He says we will say.  In being one with Jesus, His way envelopes us to the point that where He ends we begin and vice versa… That is really – a “first love experience.”

So we can embrace the hurting, feed the poor, visit those in prison and do all the deeds of a Saintly calling just as we are commanded.  However, we must love Jesus above, how much we love assisting others.  We say we love Jesus more – but do we?  How many times must He keep asking us if we love Him, not because He doesn’t know, but rather so we can look inside and ask ourselves.  Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him and go figure, Peter proudly said yes and then denied Him three times, to be exact.  Seems there is a message in that as well.

Love is demonstrated, not just spoken.  I know you all probably get tired of me saying that, but I have my reasons.  I just pray you all can hear my heart in all this…  Because I am not saying we shouldn’t give to others, I am saying we need to give all we have to Jesus first then let Him flow out of us to others.

Righteousness only comes by faith, not in what we do or do not do.  This is an extremely hard concept to get, but with Lord’s patience we will overcome all things – especially ourselves.

I know you all are familiar with the Church of Laodicea mentioned in Revelation 3 but I want us to go over Vs. 15 real quick.

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

Keeping in mind this is written TO THE CHURCH, not the World, it is important to know that our own works are cold and when mingled with a partial truth they become lukewarm.  This Scripture is telling us He would prefer we either do no works or do His works, but to mingle our own with His, will cause Him to spew us out of His mouth.  I was taught this Scripture was about being on “fire” for Jesus, as if the word “works” was not even in the verse.  Clearly, this verse speaks only of “works” which proves the point – WE ARE TO WORK OUT OUR SALVATION DAILY.

We are almost to the end of this study… finally!

Revelation 9 speaks directly about the 5th and 6th Angels that sound a trumpet releasing “woes” upon men on the Earth.

If we go down to the 6th Angel that sounded to release four angels upon the Earth to slay 1/3 of all men, I discovered something very interesting there…  Let’s take a look at Vs. 20 & 21:

20And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:

21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.

I do not think I ever noticed before how this Scripture is saying how serious it is for us if we DO NOT REPENT OF THE WORKS OF OUR OWN HANDS.  Notice it does not says repent of SINS here, but rather WORKS.  All has changed now in my view of truth regarding these works, after being shown by the Holy Spirit how serious the Father is about only Him receiving Glory for anything and everything.  I have been so convicted by this truth and am really ripped to shreds over it – which is a good thing, but it sometimes is painful when the Lord shows you what you thought you were doing “In His Name” was really for your own will and not His, equaling rebellion.

Even this study continues on with a pattern here that He has been giving us for the past year at least…  Which is:  Purging us from the PRIDE OF LIFE.

I pray this teaching has been a blessing to you all and that you will take it directly to the Father and ask Him to show you what He would have you to glean from it.  I pray also, that He will continue to decrease us daily so that He may increase within us until we are complete and whole that our joy may be made full in Him and Him Alone.  Help us Lord to stop measuring the pride in others, as a mechanism of denying our own.  May He give increase to the seeds I have planted until the day of Harvest which is growing exceedingly more near with each passing moment.  I give Him all honor and glory and praise for His long suffering nature which guides us on the path of truth so we may walk uprightly in the Spirit void of anything within us that opposes Him, as it is an honor to serve You Lord.  In Jesus’s magnificent Name I pray. Amen

May the Lord Bless You In His Love,

?Angela~Marked By Heaven


A most precious sister in the Lord sent me a question through email yesterday and bless her pure heart that is constantly crying out to the Father.  She has gone through so much in her life and it has been my joy to minister to her at the leading of the Holy Spirit or all these months.

This is what she asked me:

Is he telling me I need to be thankful for the NDE an molestation and the abuse and the rape and the

Violation of coerced sexual manipulation is he telling me that it was Gods pleasure for us to have suffered these things??? Ok I really don’t get that I think that is sick as all get out and I do not believe God is some sick twisted human thinking creator… It a good thing he is not now can I be thankful he has kept me thru that yes.. Has anyone been born again then yet if he is the only begotten are you born when you die? How can that help the living be healed Jesus healed the flesh if the flesh was so bad why did he heal it why would God say I’m going to take the stones out of the heart an give a flesh heart.

So today I am going to address this, because I seem to be getting similar type questions from others and it is pertinent we know exactly where we are in this process the Lord has us in at the moment.  In order for me to share with you all, I am going to have to share one of my pearls.  Something priceless the Lord has shown me.  For those who like to give an excuse for sin or rather their behavior – those that have the “I can’t help its…”  This pearl will not be very popular.  But for those who truly do have a heart after God’s own heart and are constantly in a state of repentance, my prayer is it will bless you.

Like a child, I like to keep things simple.  I also like to read the word with an open heart, letting the Holy Spirit be my guide.  So if it is in the Word and I do not understand it – I go to the Father relentlessly until I have clearer understanding of what He is saying.


Some key points we must understand:

  • Rebellion is any action in opposition to the purity of the Lord
  • Flesh should be understood as CARNALITY – our CARNAL NATURE has nothing good in it whatsoever
  • Our Carnal Flesh nature contain lusts that are not good for us and when acted upon hurt others and ultimately ourselves. We are to die to this selfish nature.
  • Sadly, so many talk about the FLESH as being totally doomed – which in truth a better description would be CARNAL FLESH.
  • Flesh controlled by the Holy Spirit is not carnal in nature.

The Father is pouring out His Spirit upon all FLESH, for this very purpose – just as it is written in

Acts 2:14

The Bible also tells us that the WORD WAS MADE FLESH [in Jesus] TO DWELL AMONG US in John 1:14

We also understand that the Father SHORTENED THE DAYS FOR THE ELECT’S SAKE OR NO FLESH COULD BE SAVED.  This is in Mark 13:20




When we walk in submission to the Holy Spirit our bodies carry out the will of the Father.

When we walk in submission to the carnality of the flesh our bodies carry out rebellion.

I simply do not agree with people when they say – I am sorry I couldn’t help it… Jesus always makes a way of escape to us if we choose to follow His example.  The truth is it is time for us to admit – we choose sin and quite often for that matter and quite often to feed the lusts of the carnal mind/flesh.

So, Jesus was in a flesh body – He was perfect the whole time while in His flesh body because He was in total surrender to the Father.  He had no carnality in Him, therefore no rebellion.  He walked fully in the Spirit because He was triune with the Father and Holy Spirit.

In this sense He was – incorruptible when He faced every temptation.

In a like manner, we are on a similar journey to be like Him.  We do have our moments of dying to self, our sin nature and carnality as we walk in our flesh body here on Earth.  When we are lead and guided by the Holy Spirit which indwells within us we are no longer lead by our carnal desires to manifest in our flesh.

For example:  When we are tempted to do wrong and choose to do life rather than something which is rebellious and carnal, we are walking similar to how Jesus walked – as a Spirit inside a body upon the Earth.

This is a process we are currently in, step by step we are learning to put away all evil in the old creature within us very similar to how a baby learns to walk.  We fall down and get right back up.  Jesus covers us when we make mistakes along the way and we learning how to repent – turn away from sin and do it no more because our hearts are set on Him and a heart set on Him has lost all natural desire for sin itself.  This is called a HEART OF FLESH in the Word.

It is important to note it is not what we DO that makes us righteous, but rather it is a laying down of your own life and submitting to Him fully because of what He already did and He becomes our source of righteousness.


1There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

WE COULD ALMOST STOP HERE AND GET WHAT WE NEED FOR THIS STUDY… If we are IN JESUS we are no longer condemned as long as we do not walk following the carnality of the flesh but rather walk in the flesh being led by the Holy Spirit.

But we will keep going…

For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:


That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit.

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be.


So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.


But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.


10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness.


11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.


12 Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh.


13 For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.


14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.


15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:

17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.


18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.


20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,

21 Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.


23 And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.


24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?

25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it.

26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.


27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.


30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.


31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?

33 Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God that justifieth.

34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us.

35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?


36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.

37 Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

It is true evil things do happen to us – rebellious people have caused us much harm, for some of us this has been a pattern our whole lives.  There is beauty in this as well, because we learn from these experiences to not inflict this same pain upon another.

  • Being betrayed by someone you love in a similar way then “perfects” us to not betray others – the Father uses these struggles to prove Himself in our lives.

This is a clear demonstration on how the Lord words all things together for our own good according to His riches in glory.

When you mix two carnally minded people together – it is a major disaster.  This is why if we submit to Jesus and His principals we “cover” those who we are joined with in many ways.  It is how – Love covers a multitude of sins.

Just to sum this up – We need to know the full truth.

Carnality and rebellion is wrong – The physical body when submitted to the Spirit, having the mind of Christ can do great and wondrous things for the Kingdom of Heaven.  I believe Jesus even said — GREATER WORKS YOU SHALL DO.  A piece of that is what we discussed today.

Jesus is perfecting the Body of Christ at this very moment. There is no carnality or rebellion in His Body, so He is ridding us of all sin in order He be the head guiding and leading us of one accord THROUGH HIM.

Right now we are all moving in the same direction, but all on a different path, leading to the same destination.  There is one door = Jesus and one destination = Heaven and soon He will do that complete work, making us of One Accord in Him.

So… We are called according to HIS PURPOSE – The Word of the Day — WE ARE LEARNING HE IS SOVEREIGN OVER ALL THINGS, ESPECIALLY US and it can be painful and beautiful at the same time.

Like a two year old must learn who is sovereign in His home, we too are learning He is sovereign in our Household of Faith.

May the Lord Bless You in His Love,

?Angela~Marked By Heaven