Daily Pearls
Encouragement & Scriptures from our Lord Jesus
Christmas 2021
“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” Mathew 1:23
May the Lord Jesus be with you and bless you abundantly, during this holiday season and always!
We, at Ring of Fire Ministries, want to thank you for being a Pen Pal over the course of the past year and let you know what a blessing it has been for each of us to assist and walk with you on your Spiritual journey with Jesus.
It is our continued prayer, that you grow closer to Him each and every day, while trusting in Him to be your guiding light in the midst of darkness.
Love Came Down to Earth…
A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13: 34-35
The Word tells us that “apart from Him, we can do nothing.” Which means, when we are separated from the Lord, we try and fail too many times to count in this life. It is only through complete and total surrender that His peace, which surpasses all human understanding, wraps around our hearts and minds and we have His strength to rely on every single day. So often we fight to get through the day, relying on our own strength to the point of growing weary and eventually giving up and calling out to Him to be our rescue. It is at this point, we finally say “yes” to the Lord in truth ~ because when we are weak, He is strong.
Over the course of time in ministry, I have seen just how strong willed we as humans can be and we often forget… The Lord Jesus seeks to save souls, not our flesh. He will often use the breaking of our flesh to propel us into His Kingdom, so we are not eternally lost. The truth is, this is likely the case with you. You may have ran from the Lord for many, many years and He looked down upon you, saying, “this one is Mine.” He choose YOU, He left the 99 to rescue you off a wandering path and picked you up and sat you down in a place of solitude where He could commune with you, spend time with you so you get to know Him on an intimate basis, without the distractions of the cares of this World.
Did you know that almost every single disciple that Jesus choose ended up being imprisoned during their journeys here on Earth? It is in these moments of seclusion, He qualifies the called and never forget… It is up to you if you allow your past to dictate your future. Everyone has done things they regret, but that is not the point. The point is, what we do with what we have done and do we allow the Lord to use us and these events to work together for our good and to bring Him glory? You may have once been in darkness, but you are now walking as a child of light ~ placed perfectly in a place which needs more light and more of HIM. It is my heartfelt prayer, that you shine brightly and share Him with others so eventually that light will overtake all darkness you are surrounded by. I pray you let go of all regret and continue to grow in Him and closer to Him each and every day.
Part of you shining His love light is sharing the Gospel with others. It is both an honor and pleasure for us at Ring of Fire Ministries to assist you in any way we can, to do just that – share about Jesus. You are more than welcome to share our address with those who need a touch of Jesus’s love and assistance on their walks. If you need a Bible or know someone who does, please contact us so we can get one sent out right away. In addition, we are happy to provide you with Bible studies, so you may partake in the Word together and teach others.
One day, we will all be together in Heaven, with Jesus. And as His Word tells us, we are brothers and sisters in Christ. What a blessing it is we can join together here and fellowship, knowing one day soon, this World shall pass away and all of us, like the thief on the cross, will be with Him in Paradise.
I realize what a difficult time the holiday season can be when you feel so alone and separated from those you love the most. I pray you cling to the Lord, Who binds up the wounds of the broken hearted, so that He may comfort you with His loving joy.
Love did come down and His Name is Jesus… He is standing before you with an open heart and open arms to receive you, comfort you, guide and lead you. And when the whole world rejects you, He alone is the only One Who never forsakes a heart that is crying out to Him in humility and truth.
Have A Very Blessed Jesus Day!
Love in HIM,
Angela ~ Ring of Fire Ministries
And the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. I can’t imagine the feelings that welled up in shepherds when they saw baby Jesus. Being that close to the Lord and having this kind of knowing inside, a time long awaited for had come to them. I pray that the Joy of the Lord truly is your strength now and here forever more. ~Mare, Ring of Fire Ministries Outreach Team Member
One of my favorite Bible stories is when Mary, being pregnant with Jesus traveled to see Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John. And when they came close to one another ~ John leaped inside Elizabeth’s womb, recognizing Jesus before He was even born.I was pondering the womb… And how it was meant to be a full covering of protection, nurturing and comfort, where nothing can enter in to cause harm. A safe haven, if you will. A place of seclusion to give us an opportunity to grow in safety, prior to transitioning into a harsh, cold and dark World. I was also considering the honor which is bestowed upon the female, to actually be granted such a precious task of not only being a conduit of bringing life into the World, but sustaining it until ready to be delivered and afterwards…As a mother, I realize once a baby is born, quickly our influence on that child gradually diminishes, compared to carrying that child inside our wombs. We then get to hold and nurture, instead of carry. We bandage knees and comfort shattered hearts. We say no, when saying yes would be the easy route and we love with all that we are, until either they are no longer here or we aren’t, in which only seeds of love remain. It is almost as if, the Father Himself has appointed us as mothers to be tested and tried, through the strong will of a child. And I know we are supposed to be teaching them, but I often discover they are teaching me so much more than I am them about love itself.Every single human on Earth proceeded out of a womb, being fearfully and wonderfully fashioned and knitted by the Creator’s hands. There is so much dispute within humanity on when a fetus actually becomes a child. Often because people are looking for approval to do the unthinkable – to remove the sanctity of the womb and in it’s place, make it a choice whether to protect or compromise the life of an unborn child, placed within the barrier of its home, the womb. How did we forget John “knew” Jesus before entering the birth canal? And when did we to choose to ignore the truth of life as a blessing and not a bother?Although, I’ve never had an abortion or even had to make that decision, my heart breaks for the numerous people who are, to this day, fragmented and heartbroken over a regretful choice they made, believing they had no choice… so scared with no where to turn. Thankfully, Jesus forgives every sin when we confess to Him our faults, mine are likely worse than most, no doubt. Being in the ministry trying to love those back to wholeness I’ve observed what does remain long after the fragments of the baby are removed; guilt, shame, loneliness – like a piece of you died, constant mourning and regret. These are the aspects of abortion rarely spoken of, with most fixating on how it is the parent’s right to choose if their baby lives or dies or how many need to speak up for the little ones who have no voice. Well, honestly both is true, considering the darkness we live in nowadays, and I cannot believe I am even going to say this – but a mother does get to decide whether her baby will live or die and yes, more need to be that voice for the unborn who doesn’t have one.I was watching the saddest thing I’ve ever seen almost, the other day. There was a rally in which people were gathered and cheering for the promise granted to them, that very soon if they choose to abort a baby, it would be paid for, making it easy to undo what the Father had formed within them… And this overwhelming sadness washed over me and I cried… Is this what we’ve actually come to? Have we no shame or remorse or thought on the sanctity of life? How did we get here? What happened to turn our hearts so cold? And it dawned on me, when good stays silent, evil prevails. And right before me, I witnessed people calling evil good and good evil. Murder is murder – you can’t spin it, sugar coat it, make it political or sweeten it’s touch. What used to be shameful, hidden and not talked about is now something celebrated and that is what breaks my heart into pieces. It isn’t about the sin, we’ve all got areas we need to overcome and grow in. Its a matter of the heart, you cannot legislate love to regulate hate or equality and there is no celebration in one dying to save the life of another, save Jesus.We are on the precipice of a real wake up call due to increased lawlessness, it is my prayer we are all ready spirituallyThis World is not our Home… So today please join with me in lifting up all those who are suffering, unable to speak for themselves, hopeless and seeking comfort in places not founded in truth ~ as we celebrate life, continually thinking upon those things which are lovely.And for those of you who did make that regretful decision so long ago or even yesterday ~ Jesus was with you then and He’s with you now and you are most certainly loved fervently, because love is Who He is… He is for life, all life.Love Like Jesus ~ Angela
Quite often we get a true sense of what it is like to be alone, plucked out of the World, drifting to and fro and separated to a higher degree from our lives and others and even ourselves at times. Lately, it seems just getting through the day requires much more effort on my part and I begin to question everything ~ especially myself.
I often feel as if I am walking around in a shell… Like I am here, but not here. Some people describe this as going through the motions. This sort of disconnect can at times seem a little daunting… You may wonder why you are here? Is God really in control, because I am not? And your heart can become somewhat numb in the process.
As we begin to “Let go and let God” and truly surrender fully to His will and way in our lives, it is quite normal for life to spin greatly out of control. This is a typical and normal process on the journey to Jesus called… Life. The Bible describes this sanctification process in great detail. Once we understand that we are not of the World, but only a being within it, we begin to hold loosely that or even those who still remain within it ~ I often describe this process of feeling much like a fish out of water experience. We have days we can barely breathe, we flounder all over the place and we wake up daily realizing ~ we are not our own. We start to understand the process a little better and yet, we try decide if we should fully give in to our Maker.
Can He be trusted is at the forefront of our minds? Will He catch me if I fall? To me, falling is a guarantee… And we often recall all the times we did fall, having no one to catch us and we replay those scenarios over in our minds. But this time it is different… This time our eyes begin to open and we realize we need Him way more than He needs us. Our focus changes from what we can do for Him to a peaceful rest in all that He has already done for us.
So it seems we are at a pivotal time in our walks, in that Jesus is by our sides ~ sending angels to uplift us so we dash not our foots against a stone. He fully is able to keep us from falling, but the truth is He doesn’t always. Sometimes He allows a falling, knowing that when we do… We fall right into Him. Skinned knees hurt, but in time they heal. And lessons are learned, wisdom is gained and we start to accept that hot stoves, burn fingers.
I often wonder if one day we will be able to see in truth, just all the ways He kept us on the straight and narrow path? Quite often right now, it seems harsh and cold and even lonely. But one day, when our eyes are fully open to His loving embrace ~ we will see Him just as He is ~ our Beloved.
It is my prayer that you keep going, just one more day ~ Because with each step you take, you are one more step closer to overcoming the World and just a little bit closer to Him.
You are not alone.
Every doubt, every heartache, every question ~ others have had or are having right now, me included.
But as we cling to that which is good… Jesus, Who is our help in times of trouble, He understands the breaking of a heart and the love in many waxing cold. And just in case you are not convinced… I love you too and if you are reading this, you are embraced by my prayers and love. You do matter to me and most importantly Jesus❤️ ~~~ Angela
With ~ Angela September 13, 2020
My Precious and Crushed Daughter –
It is I who placed the Earth into motion and ordained who would come and who would go and when. It is I who gathered the angels together and sprinkled the skies with the light of their glory and it is I who plucked each one, purposely sending them as Messengers down to Earth for the glory of My Name. For they have tasted and seen that I am good to deliver the fullness of My love. They do not resist the fullness of Me, but rather embrace the way in which I lead them back to My security of safety. All that I do, I do for the remnant of faithful followers who call out to Me day and night with their whole hearts, which cannot be divided.
Presently, who the World calls My church, is infiltrated with imposters, seeking to save their own lives, through their own wills to be done and I will not plead with My people much longer. For you My chosen ones, it is time to be still and know I am God. Let the heathen rage and seek knowledge of good and evil, denying the wholeness of Me, in which there is no shadow of turning. They will trip upon the snare of pride, which so easily draws them in, as they gather unto themselves those who are of a likeminded soul, mirroring themselves.
Again, I say to you – come out and be separated, sit in the silent, secret place with Me until My indignation passes. Pray continually, longing and looking fervently for that day of hope, when I gather My elect from the four corners of the Earth. I command all things into existence – your hope is found securely and solely in Me. And now that your eyes have been opened, you must trust Me with all things, including those you love, especially those you surround yourself with, who are mixed with miry clay; distorting the vision of the blind leading the blind, only to find both of themselves within a ditch of knowledge.
The tide has turned now, in which calamity after calamity is the call I put forth – but who will hear? Who will see? Who will call out to Me in truth, turning from their wickedly devised plans, confessing their faulty finds one to another? Until My people mourn, there is no saving grace. Until My people hear from Heaven, there is no resolution or rest for the soul.
But you My child, who the World has counted out and the church members have refused to hear, are safely and securely in the bosom of My love – so absorbed, you hear our hearts beating as one. You, My love, are just now in full observation of seeing on display, that which I love and that which I hate. Is that word “hate” too much for you? Do you not realize I despise evil and did not create it, as man has spoken that falsity to you? Again I say, I did not create evil. All that I create is good, but rather it is man who strips the purity away from what I create, infusing it with evil through pride. It was pride which caused lucifer to fall and it is pride which has always set the course before, the fall of all men.
My chosen vessel resist pride and evil at every turn, seeking obedience above all sacrifices, even so, before the alter of My Son Jesus. I know you have little strength and have not denied My name, but you must hold fast until I come and not be swayed by the words of man, who’s breath is like tongues of fire to destroy.
Above all things, guard your heart, lest someone steal your crown of life, which is My righteousness dripping down out of Heaven’s throne to infuse you with the hope of My quickened return. Be warned, as you continually long for My appearing – there are those who long for My delay, in order they be not caught in their snares of deceit; who will persecute and humiliate you, in order to pressure you to deny that which you’ve known from the innocence of a child.
Those who belong to Me, will never be plucked out of the hand of My vineyard of readiness. The time of My coming is at hand, each day I come and abide with those Who love Me, with the purity of their hearts. Listen for and hear My still small voice, in the midst of the proclaimers of Earth based wisdom. As I lead, you follow. I am separating and I am dividing, by My calls to come close and be one with Me. I am taking you beside still waters, where those caught up in works refuse to go. I am searching high and low for those who are satisfied with only Me, knowing this World has nothing to offer them. Watch – continually learn from Me, let me reveal to you more and more about those things on Earth, which I love and gather unto Myself and those things on Earth which I hate and cast away.
Did you hear My trumpet call of choice, which has gone out? It is through this call, those who refused to make a choice are forced to do so – and when your eyes are opened Spiritually, it is plain to see who is and is not with Me, as many attempt to purchase the fruit of their hands, which carry forth the desires of their hearts and not Mine.
Love is not your ticket to Heaven, for even the heathens love one another, My Son is… The only way to enter into My loving embrace and acceptance. At this very moment My eyes are searching the Earth to see who truthfully loves Him. Every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord.
The question is – Who is bowing and confessing now? Who is clothed in humility now? Who is within the containment of purity now? Who is eating of the Tree of Life now? For those My dear… They are the ones to watch. Watch therefore… For when the sun sets in the West, the light shall arise in the East and all eyes will behold Him and His reward is with Him. His reward shall shine with the brightness of His coming and all will know I have loved you with an everlasting love and be greatly ashamed they didn’t.
Awaken My people out of the sleep of selfish pride. Awaken to soberness and truth. Awaken to the gathering unto Me, for My Bride is already, ready.
Eternally yours,
Your Father In Heaven
He says He has loved us but still we ask just when did you love us Lord? So many times we build our own lives and they are torn down by the Lord for our own good but we fail to recognize the losses as gain in Him. One day our eyes will see and we will say, The Lord is magnified. The Lord cries out where is My honor? You show more honor to your father and master in this World, but when will I, the one true God, be honored? You despise my Name and then turn around only to inquire how would that be so? My alter is polluted with vain offerings and sacrifices and I will not accept them as I did not require such a thing of you. Since I find no pleasure in you, I will not accept an offering by your hand.
I seek a pure offering so my name is made great among the heathen but you have profaned my table by rotten fruit and meat, tainting it through the acceptance and approval of evil ways. I curse the deceiver who is in the flock sacrificing anything corrupt to Me – the King of Kings, Lord of Hosts. My Name is dreadful to the heathens.
I have a commandment for the Priests. If you will not hear and purify your heart to give glory solely to My Name, I shall send a curse upon you and curse your blessings, actually I have already cursed them because you do not lay it to heart what I say as the final truth and do not take me seriously. Your seed shall be cursed and the vileness within you will be revealed on your face for all to behold. By my command, one will lead you astray.
I established a covenant of life and peace, giving it to you in measurement to the fear wherewith you feared me and was afraid of My Name. The Law of Truth was in your mouth and no iniquity rests upon your lips as you walk with me in peace and equity – turning many others away from iniquity as well.
The priest’s lips should keep knowledge, seeking my law, for he is the messenger of the Lord of Hosts. But some of you have departed out of My ways, causing many to stumble, corrupting my covenant, mixing in partiality, sinful, indeed.
We all have one Father, one Creator God and yet we are deal treacherously profaning our covenant with Him. Abominations are committed and overlooked, profaning My Holiness through fornication. The Lord will cut off the man that does this – the master, the scholar and anyone who offers anything up to Me. And you have done this repeatedly as if I am not aware. The residue of your shortcomings is upon you, therefore take heed and repent. You try to cover up your violence, take heed to your spirit so your countenance is not treacherous.
As you continually call evil good and good evil you weary the Lord with your words. You actually say – Everyone that does evil is good in the sight of the Lord, telling them He is delighted with them and that He does not judge their actions.
Behold, I will send my messenger and he shall prepare the straight way before Me and suddenly I will come into the temple with this messenger who speaks truthfully of the covenant for in him I find great delight.
I ask you… Who shall abide when he comes and who shall stand when he appears? For he purifies with fire, cleaning as with the washing of pure soap. He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver and he shall purify all children and purge them as gold and silver in that they may offer up an offering of righteousness unto the Lord. Then and only then shall the offering be pleasant unto the Lord as in the former days of old.
In order that you not be consumed I will be a swift witness against the sorcerers and the adulterers, those who swear of My Name falsely, all who oppress and those who do not know Me, especially those who refuse to separate from fornicators and fear me not. For I am the Lord and I change not.
Because you have drifted away from My ordinances and refuse to keep them I offer unto you a chance to repent, return to Me and then and only then will I return unto you. Even still you say to Me – Were shall we return so I ask of you – Will man rob God? Because you have robbed Me in all that you so vainly offered up to Me. Therefore, you are cursed with a curse, which sweeps all the inhabitants of the Earth.
Bring all you have before Me in order there be food in your house. Prove Me on this says the Lord of Hosts and see Me open to you the windows of Heaven and pour out upon you a blessing so great that there will not be room enough to receive it.
I shall rebuke the devourer in your midst for your sakes and he shall no longer destroy your fruit and every single thing in your life will be right on time, My time. Which is perfect and all the nations shall call you blessed, for you shall be a delight throughout the land.
You have spoken stout words against Me and once again you ask – When? You said to others it is vain to serve Me and it is not profitable to walk in My ways, Holy, in mourning for the sins committed. You call the proud – happy, as you set up places for those who work wickedness to do the enemy’s bidding and not mine, as you declare falsely even those who tempt God shall be delivered.
During those times, they that fear the Lord speak often to one another and the Lord hearkened and heard all that was said. Therefore, a Book of Remembrance was written before the Almighty, reserved solely for those who feared the Lord and thought upon His Name alone.
And they shall be mine, says the Lord of Hosts, on that day when I make up my jewels, I will spare them as my own precious child. Once you return unto Me, you will discern between the righteous and the wicked and between him that serves God and him that serves not.
For behold a day comes that shall burn as an oven, and the proud and those who do wickedly shall be as stubble, because on that day I shall burn them up, leaving no root or branch in the midst thereof, sayeth the Lord of Hosts.
But unto you who fear My Name, shall the Sun of Righteousness arise with healing in His wings and you shall go forth and spring up. In that day, you shall tread down the wicked, for they shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the day that I shall do this, sayeth the Lord.
Keep remembrance of the Law with the statutes and judgments.
Elijah the prophet shall be in your midst before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord and he shall turn the heart of the Father to His children and the Heart of the children to the Father, lest I smite the Earth with a curse.
Good Morning and God Bless You All! Welcome to today’s ROF Ministries broadcast and thank you for joining me today!
These weeks just seem to be flying by lately, hard to imagine Thanksgiving is next week and Christmas is only a month away. Knowing the holidays can be some of the most stressful times of the year, I am praying your homes are filled with joy, peace and love, as well as your hearts. Always remember – you take Jesus with you everywhere you go.
Did any of you guard a little more of what you view and hear the past week? And if so… Did you feel strength unlike before? This strength is internal, not external – more like becoming steadfast in abiding within Jesus Who dwells within. These are just some ways we can apply the Word of the Lord to our lives – growing ever so closer to Him each day.
Today we are going to continue on our journey, walking as children of light, discussing “Mobs…” Isn’t that a really funny and out there topic to discuss? It very well could be, “mobs” is not even something you have considered before as important, but I will tell you – it actually is a term more important now than ever that I can personally recall. Just as we as a Body have strength in numbers, so does the accuser of the brethren… They are called, “mobs” in the Bible.
Remember… We are to LOVE in word AND deed, not simply in words only. Jesus set boundaries and yet He loved everyone He came in contact with – the very same can be true for us.
I think you are going to be a little shocked to see just how many Scriptures actually address this “mob” mentality. The Lord also called them, “workers of iniquity or angry crowds of people.” We must discuss this for our own protection and deliverance in order to be prepared for what is coming upon the Earth.
The Lord has not kept us in a place of ignorance regarding the enemy’s devices. His number one tactic he will use is “victimization” portraying someone as a victim to the point they use it to manipulate others. The may formulate a snare, deny they had a hand in it and accuse you in some way. We see this all the time, in and out of church gatherings and families.
Let’s go over a few Scriptures right now, okay?
Psalm 64 –
We see here they meet in secret to counsel one another as workers of iniquity. (unholy speech)
Because they are bitter in their hearts (guile) they use their tongue to slay others – words are like an arrow
What they do to those who Jesus abides in – they are actually doing unto Him – and they do so secretly – hidden, plotting and planning
They encourage each other within the mob to do evil or plotting and planning how to “catch” someone by laying a sneaky snare and they actually are so delusional they believe no one can see their actions.
They are “faultfinders” who search diligently the iniquity within someone else because their own hearts are full of iniquity. Have you ever noticed that those who accuse others hide a lot lurking and observing? This is why.
IF we leave vengeance in God’s hands – and do not repay evil for evil… He will wound them, as they reap what they have sown and will flee away from us as a living example of His perfect will and sovereignty. Therefore, He shall get glory and people will have a reverence of awe of His works, becoming more wise of His ways.
Mobs gravitated to Jesus… It is also why He often “moved through the crowds” heading towards those with an open heart and ears to hear Him. He had a flock of naysayers following Him almost everywhere He would go, which is another reason He would separate Himself and go spend time alone with the Father away from all the people.
We are going to read some Scriptures in a moment of how forceful “mobs” can actually be. But before we do, I have a few characteristics of this mob mentality and those who provoke a mob… One being, Judas. Did you all know he was extremely pivotal in invoking the mob to actually arrest Jesus? I bet you did! Think of a mob similar to a snowball rolling down a hill getting bigger and bigger – this is how people feed off of one another’s angered emotions, which is why we should disengage from all contention and strife. This is just another step forward in our journey of abiding continually with Jesus.
We have seen similar tactics used against us… Such as, a friend who betrays with a kiss, just like Judas did Jesus and they will keep embracing us to our face, while gathering others to do their dirty work against us. Judas led the mob to arrest Jesus.
Those who travel in packs of mobs are full of envy and those who gather the mobs against another, are especially envious of the one they are targeting.
They do all they can to stir people up against someone, because they have an iniquitous heart through and through… They are a faultfinder and gather other faultfinders around them. The religious are often the ringleader of a mob and when we read in a bit we will discover it normally were the “priests” and “elders” who were behind the mobs that targeted Jesus and the disciples.
Please Note: Jesus “washed” Judas’s feet as an example to how we are to CLEANSE the filth off one another in a subservient manner – even those who plot to destroy us. We care for them in such a heartfelt way – which is way beyond human understanding – because He did.
You will also notice when we read the Scriptures in a moment… In unison they cried out – “crucify” Him – or rather, slay, murder and destroy Him. Now keep in mind the priests (religious) were the ones who stirred up the crowd that day into a frenzy, as Jesus stood on trial. And nothing is more joyful than when Jesus said – you have no authority over Me, other than that which is granted to you by My Father. The same is true for us – Praise the Lord!
This is an extremely pertinent matter – we are seeing this same thing happen today. Everything we are discussing today, just like the Word is written for us, not the World. It is clear again to see why – judgment begins in the House of the Lord.
Let’s read some portions of Scripture so I can reiterate a few points we may have missed in the past. This Biblical recount is one you are very familiar with… But today, we are going to be focusing on how the workers of iniquity were blood thirsty with Jesus as their target because that could very well be you or me or has been at some point and time. God forbid we join with their ranks against anyone, ever.
The disciples also were attacked by crowds of mobs:
Wow… I know that was a lot, but it is important we see just how damaging it can be to our souls if we entertain or give ear to someone who is compromised by way of emotional offense one to another. The Word clearly tells us not to have fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness in order that we too be led away and tempted to sit in the same seat as those who are scornful. These are witchcraft vessels who do come in the Name of the Lord Jesus but are sourced by the kingdom of darkness and not the Kingdom of Heaven.
I must admit there are times when we are so severely betrayed and hurt we just need a person to comfort and encourage us, pray with us and love us as a friend in Jesus. If that person we talk to is not spiritually sound or mature in the love of Jesus, our pain can cause a stumbling block for them – so be very careful and wise as to who you are vulnerable with in such a way.
Mobs and their ringleaders/Priests have Biblical Characteristics we can refer to for guidance and wisdom:
Sooooo, we are to NOT FELLOWSHIP with anyone who displays these tendencies for our own protection, lest we too be tempted to join in. And just fyi…. If someone will do something evil with you – they have it within their hearts to do it to you.
Wow – that was really a lot to digest wasn’t it?
Let’s take a breath and actually move towards applying the Words we learned today:
Joined to, sharing with one another, communing together – eat of, participate with, intercourse – intimacy, mingling, being vulnerable with, partake with – do what they do.
So before we close for today, the Lord gave me some sort of a parable to share with you all and it is all Biblical so you will recognize His words within the story.
Please consider your mind as the Garden, with two trees implanted within. There is the Tree of Life – which produces only good fruit and when consumed you are full and satisfied, transformed into having the mind of Christ. When full we do not seek outside knowledge of evil things which bring forth empty satisfaction, leaving us weak and depleted in a state of spiritual starvation. In our minds is also a Tree of Knowledge which is carnal in nature, divided, chaotic and confused. The enemy sows tares into our minds when we eat of this tree – we will seek more and more knowledge of evil when we eat of this tree and we also will gather evil knowledge about others to use as weapons to condemn them with. Remember, the enemy did not lie to Eve – he only tempted her with his fruit, so that she corrupt herself by partaking/fellowshipping with what he offered. Again… If we are full in our daily bread by partaking with Jesus we will not seek to eat of anything impure in nature. We do become what we eat of in such a way and if you remember what we discussed last week we learned it is wrong to even speak of those things evil people do. I am going to call this “forbidden” fruit. The Father desires to deliver us from all evil, not entertain it or embrace it.
So if we apply this truth to our lives, we will wisely guard our hearts in that we do not join in with those who are seeking like a mob to destroy others, even if what they are saying is true… We should not be cursing anyone, ever. By doing so we are indeed the ones who will be condemned. Just because a mob is speaking truth does not mean they have a right to operate in anger. Truth is to be easily entreated as it is etched upon our hearts – we must remember to never weary ourselves while doing good and to operate in love above all else.
How the Lord uses His own body is up to Him – sometimes He will show us and sometimes He does not. 1 Corinthians 3 gives the perfect example of how we are to submit to the Lord moving others to accomplish His will without envy, strife, confusion or questioning His sovereignty.
Sometimes the Lord will separate you from others, let Him.
Sometimes He uproots you from one gathering and places you into another, let Him.
Sometimes He will harden someone’s heart towards you, let Him.
Since He knows the end from the beginning – He severs relationships all the time and joins others all the same, as He gathers and collects His own body together. We must learn to accept change, rather than try to force what was into our today and tomorrows. Being bought with a price, no longer our own, we trust Him completely to use us at His will for a greater purpose and plan than we can see in the moment. Learning to shake the dust off and move on when the Holy Spirit is leading us shows maturity and principled guidance when we let Him orchestrate our footsteps.
Your friend’s enemy does not necessarily mean they are your enemy too. Let that sink in a moment.
I often ask myself… If I lived during Jesus’s day – would I be in the mob crying crucify Him or at His feet in tears? Truthfully, I can’t really answer that question. I would hope I would not be in the mob – but then again, Jesus did not walk as the religious commanded, He was outside the box of rule and law. So we need to reflect back on our lives – past behavior is a clear indicator of future behavior. When the Lord uses the least of these – how do we react? Do we curse them because they worship differently than us or because they are on the beginning portion of their journey – thinking ourselves to be higher than we ought to? Or what do we do when Jesus doesn’t heal someone? Can we accept possibly that to not heal is a part of His divine purpose or are we so set in our ways we cannot see His? The truth is… Jesus did not heal everyone, not all the time. What tables do we still have in our mindsets that need overturned? These strongholds are choking the fullness of His word, altering His Kingdom coming into our lives which limits the Holy Spirit pouring out of us to others. Jesus did nothing unless He saw His Father in Heaven doing it too. We must lay down all pride and realize the Father gives, but He also takes away. Some of us refuse to accept the Father would take anything away – but He surely does. Anything that may corrupt us – even if it is good, will be taken away if it is placed on the throne of our hearts, where only Jesus should be. Remember John saying he must decrease so that Jesus may increase in the lives of his own disciples he was ministering too? This is why.
Once we get our vertical relationship with Jesus on point, right where it needs to be – all our horizontal relationships will be balanced and orderly, falling into perfect place. So many of you cry yourselves to sleep at night or you cry in the shower when no one can hear you – but Jesus hears you. He is offering complete and total wholeness if we would just trust and let Him in to reside fully with us. Jesus is enough. All that wanting and lack will leave when we seek only Him for fulfillment. Quite often we are the delay to prayers because we are seeking the sign, miracle or wonder – rather than Him – the sign, miracle and wonder maker. When we seek first the Kingdom of God – all things will be added to us. Who or what are we seeking FIRST?
So I think I will leave us on that note… Something to ponder and consider for next time… Who or what are we seeking first – when sad? Angry? Troubled? Confused? Is it Jesus? Or is it another person? Or even knowledge? An escape? Lord willing, we will start right there next time we gather together.
Let’s pray, just as Jesus taught us –
Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever]
And also Lord I pray we collectively as One Body, Your Body –
God, give me grace to accept
with serenity
the things that cannot be changed,
Courage to change the things
which should be changed,
and the Wisdom to distinguish
the one from the other.
Living one day at a time,
Enjoying one moment at a time,
Accepting hardship as a pathway to peace,
Taking, as Jesus did,
This sinful world as it is,
Not as I would have it,
Trusting that You will make all things right,
If I surrender to Your will,
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life,
And supremely happy with You forever in the
So earlier as I was just praying and talking to Jesus, I was asking Him to please guide me to do as He would do in a particular situation.
You see, I have this most precious and dear brother in the Lord, who I consider an honor to call my friend. He is so very kind and loving, resembling what a true brother would be to a sister who often is heartbroken… Me.
There is a catch though… He is what many have thrown away, a castaway, he is gay. But I am overwhelmed with love for him in my heart and nothing inside me could ever “Cast him away” like most everyone else has.
So this morning, I was asking the Lord to first please forgive me if I have done something in error or out of disobedience. I was crying in my heart because “the religious man” says, my brother’s blood would be on my hands and yet, I simply cannot bring myself to kick a brother who the World has knocked down. He has been trampled enough, I will not join in with the mob, I simply cannot do it.
So I was asking the Lord to please forgive me of my shortcoming in this. And He knows I always go against the grain, often walking alone.
Then He whispered into my heart…
This is what He said…
“Finally, you are surrendering to love, Himself. For it is not your love by which you are overwhelmed, it is Mine. To share, to give, to not withhold. Only man seeks a desire to withhold love, I do not. Everything I do, I do for the sake of love because I am FOR the sinners, not against them.”
He then began to show me different places of His walk here on Earth and how He was never angry, not once at sinners, but only the “Religious” that caused offense within Him. Because they were so offended, an offense towards them arose out of Him.
In my mind He showed me the woman caught in adultery and the one at the well. The sick, the lame – the ones with sores outside the body, reflecting the condition of their souls, He called them lepers. He showed me how when all others would not “touch” them, due to these sores, He gently placed His hand of love and mercy upon them – making them “clean” again. The castaways, the ones the Religious were too good for… He embraced, found worthy to be saved and most importantly LOVED.
This is me, this is you. Am I greater than my brother and friend because I sin differently than him? I then began to ponder… What was I thinking? And why Lord would I pray such a vain prayer, to ask forgiveness for loving someone? This made me blush with shame and then He touched me again, saying go freely, walk with Me to visit those who the World has cast to the ground. I said, “Yes Lord.” And He responded… “Your faith has made you whole.”
Then He told me…
May You Be Blessed By His Love Today and May You Freely Give Away That Love You Have Been Freely Given ~
Angela ~ Marked By Heaven