❤Ring of Fire Ministries Broadcast Transcript ~

Are you Marked To Be A Disciple?

Good Morning Blessings and thank you for joining me today on this ROF Ministries broadcast.  It is my prayer that each of you are keeping your eyes continually on the prize, our precious Lord Jesus, while sensing the safety and security found only in Him.  These days of preparation for His children are very pressing and yet He is guiding us into safety by keeping us securely on the narrow path.  This path is getting so narrow, that eventually all is squeezed out so we reach the point where it is only us and Him walking each day.  This path, this narrow way is leading us to wholeness…  I know we’ve sought to be made whole many times over, but in order to be made whole, we must come into agreement and walk together one on one with Jesus continually – wholeness is simply the measurement of Jesus within us and if we are fully poured out, then He is fully residing within and we are made whole.  The process is very rigorous at times, well most of the time – all that can be shaken is shaken in that only He remains dwelling within.  The end result is a blessing beyond imagination where He abides within us, we abide within Him and in truth – we evolve into salt and light, being used as His hands and feet – for real this time – no faking it until you make it during this season – the truth of us all is being exposed.

Recently the Lord was speaking to me about “besetting sins…”  found in Hebrews 12 – which also speaks to us about the race of faith – let’s read a portion of that scripture today.

Hebrews 12 –

Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the [a]author and [b]finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

The Discipline of God

For consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls. You have not yet resisted to bloodshed, striving against sin. And you have forgotten the exhortation which speaks to you as to sons:

“My son, do not despise the [c]chastening of the Lord,
Nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by Him;
For whom the Lord loves He chastens,
And scourges every son whom He receives.”

If[d] you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chasten? But if you are without chastening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons. Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the Father of spirits and live? 10 For they indeed for a few days chastened us as seemed best to them, but He for our profit, that we may be partakers of His holiness. 11 Now no [e]chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it.

  • Besetting sins – are those sins which cause us to step back from holiness, they often trip us up and are unique to us personally.
  • They are often what we want to excuse, in ourselves and others
  • They usually are mind games we play on ourselves – trying convince ourselves that the Father winks at sin and bring Him down to our level – as if He understands and condones unrighteous behavior.
  • When we are struggling with a besetting sin – we will often say “I’m not perfect…” or worse tell others dealing with the same thing… it’s okay, giving them permission to sin.

About the great cloud of witnesses – You do know right – that these are not people in Heaven looking down upon you?  These are those who are witnesses to your walk on Earth with Jesus – people in the midst of you, who whether from afar or close watch every single action you take and listen to every word you speak to see if it is measured in truth and integrity and for real representing the righteousness of Jesus.  Again, these witnesses watch to see if you are who you say you are…  a child of light or child of darkness.  Actions speak much louder than words, because however we think so are we…  Where the Bible speaks of “fruit” it is speaking of a manifestation of the heart outwardly in truth – and cannot be hidden so easily like we might think it can. 

Alrighty…  that was just extra….  Because today we are going to talk to and about disciples, which comes from the root word “disciplined.”  Which is the great commission by the way, it is the higher calling of a child of God because one must come into agreement with Him to be anointed and qualified as a disciple.  One must be poured out and on a path to wholeness in Jesus, having willingly surrendered your own life, will, excuses, pretending and such.  From this respect – many are called, but few chosen and it has nothing to do with natural qualifications and capabilities like can you read, speak, present yourself well and such.  It has everything to do with – loving the chastisement of the Lord, seeking a disciplined life and being one who observes and teacher others to observe and follow all the commands of Jesus.  Jesus told us He would have disciples on Earth until the end of the age.  Let’s read it:

Mathew 28 –

16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. 17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some doubted.

18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. 19 Go [c]therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” [d]Amen.

So to be a disciple means many things of which most is not taught in church gatherings.  In order to be a disciple you must not keep sin but rejection all rebellion, buy resisting and repenting – in yourself and others, which is a fruit of pure love…  As Hebrews 3:1 says to the Holy brethren that all who desire to be partakers of the Heavenly calling, shall be – one with Jesus as He is the apostle and high priest of those who serve in the capacity of a disciple.

Before you tune me out – thinking this type of calling is just too hard…  Please stick with me on this – it is not the calling is too hard, it is just that keeping our life in tact is what is easier…  But the Lord showed me many of you have a disciple’s anointing within, which is just begging and pleading to arise and come out in the boldness of truth, to no longer call evil good and good evil – but to be a witness to others, serving alongside Jesus for the highest of callings for the great commission.

We are going to study a lot today about the surprising qualifications of a disciple in order to break the lies of the enemy which tell you that you are not qualified.  Many in the church today are being called, however, like those in the Bible – say no to Jesus or tell Him to wait… so they can keep their old life intact or their current one for that matter and “tend” to things important to them.  For today, the Lord has given me charge to make a clarion call to those who have this deep desire to do more for Him, to completely lay their lives down in servitude for the Kingdom of God and I know that is many of you listening to me right now.  So if you have a stirring within you as I speak, please join with me on discovering a day in the life of a disciple and consider saying yes to the Lord.

Why discipleship is needed?  Part of the fivefold ministry of Jesus on Earth includes disciplining others – apostles/disciples are needed for the Body of Christ as a whole.  I am not one for titles at all… a true disciple is inwardly, not outwardly – it is not a word before your name, it is a way of life that reflects the heart inwardly.  Chances are if someone declares by name they are an apostle – they aren’t.  A true apostle wouldn’t do such a thing – they’ve already lost all reputation in sight of man, seeking to please the Lord alone.  Disciples are just like Jesus in the way, they are about their Father’s business only continually.  They don’t have to think about it, it is woven into the very fabric of who they are.

Just in case you are wanting to count yourself out before understanding more…  I want to read to you something out of 2 Corinthians 11:6, speaking of disciples, Paul wrote this…

 Even though I be rude in speech yet I am not in knowledge… (Knowledge about the commands of the Lord, of course) but listen to this… “rude in speech” really caught my eye – it means someone who is a private person, unlearned and uneducated in the World, appearing ignorant by man’s standards, destitute in this life – having the simplicity of the mind of Christ and un-beguiled by subtle serpent speech regarding evil.

So look at that… YOU all are qualified to accept this call – should you chose to do so!  Thank You Lord.

Regarding Disciples/Apostles – CHARACTER is everything.  Dead to self to the point Jesus comes forth from within.  Ephesians 4:11 says – A disciple is a sent messenger to believers, who are close companions to Jesus containing commands and orders from the Lord.  (paraphrasing)

Disciples are not caught up with the cares of this life, having been caught up by Jesus, they are not moved by anything coming upon this World and shake off any dust of distraction by what the enemy is up to, knowing all evil has been defeated – they never glorify evil, by speaking of it’s power to rule the day or night, by their own choice they are set to glorify only the Lord.  I know what I am getting ready to share will create an increasing stir within a few of you, not many but that’s okay – it is written that would be the case.  But as I share in a moment about the character of a disciple, please be attuned to the truth of you, considering, is that me the Lord is calling?  After I share about the internal nature of disciples, I am going to read to you an example of a letter by Paul which resembles a letter you also might write to others reflecting the longing in your heart for them to see Jesus and walk according to His ways – found in 2 Corinthians 4.  If you find yourself one with anything else I share today – rest assured the Lord is calling you, to not look back and drop everything, taking nothing with you and say Yes Lord, send me, I will go wherever You lead me, I will follow.

Are you ready?  For this next part, all I did is take direct statements out of the Bible pertaining to disciples so we get a clear picture of the true nature of one who said yes to the Lord when He called them.  Everything is scripture based – I only condensed it into terms applicable to our own lives.

Disciples/Apostles are basically the same thing – being disciplined followers of Jesus who lead others.


  • Constant companions sent to lost sheep who have ears to hear, eyes to see and a heart that is read to repent – these 3 qualifications are a necessity prior to anyone receiving the gospel message – open ears, open eyes and a repentant heart.  Disciples do not preach to the choir, nor are they sent to those who do not wish to see, hear and repent – having wisdom to know when to shake the dust off and move to the next village of people, so to speak.
  • Frequently persecuted for their obedience and faith
  • Sometimes slayed – by words or actions of unbelievers or the religious
  • Crying out continually to the Lord
  • Carry authority by anointing through chastisement
  • Commissioned by the Lord Himself
  • Minister to others by what Jesus has shown them personally in trials and tribulations
  • Witness to those they are sent to – by opening their blinded eyes to see, turn people away from darkness to the light and removing power over the captives from satan in exchange to God’s power ruling over them so they are forgiven of sins and receive the inheritance of life and faith
  • Set captives free by exposing sin through deliverance to go and sin no more – they always speak of repentance and they themselves walk in it continually
  • Preach the Gospel over words of wisdom because they are already wise beyond human understanding having the full knowledge of God within
  • Constantly about doing the Father’s business
  • Have proven lives this is the more excellent way to live on Earth
  • The Word is written on their hearts
  • Live to glorify Jesus alone
  • Demonstrate great patience – while signs, wonders and deeds follow after them, not before to announce who they are
  • Only are appointed by Jesus, not man
  • They have a circumcised heart and weep continually
  • Gain their revelation only by the Holy Spirit – never seeking man’s knowledge, especially regarding the events in the World
  • They are often sent two by two as messengers who work in unity in Jesus for 1 purpose – His plan and His glory
  • Never use words to flatter people or seek to be pleasing unto men
  • They do not boast on self, contain no false humility – knowing to die is gain, He slayed them already
  • They affectionately desire to impart the Gospel to those who are precious to the Lord
  • They labor and travail as a witness to Jesus
  • Are an ordained preacher by God, which is secondary to the higher calling of being pleasing to the Father
  • They speak the truth in Christ and lie not
  • Faithful teacher of the ways of holiness
  • Cannot bear anyone who does evil
  • They try those who say they are apostles and are not, proclaiming they are liars
  • They are avenged by God when He punishes evildoers when He judges evil influences upon the Earth
  • They form the wall of the city of the New Jerusalem, which is the Bride – the Lord’s wife which comes down from Heaven
  • Any harm which is inflicted upon these anointed ones is recompensed directly from the Father, they never repay evil with evil or stand in the way of His judgment because they rest in His will being done
  • Willingly speak the fullness of truth in love to all men and women, knowing they often shall be deemed an enemy for not calling evil good and good evil or words of flattery instead of truth.

We know by study and observance disciples do a variety of things here on Earth – they also have a variety of personality traits – just look at the variety of the ones chosen by Jesus – no two looked the same and yet He formed them into unity by His own desire.  They have quirks, characteristics and personalities and yet their natures reflected Him.  A disciple is chosen not on appearance outwardly even by ministry standards, but rather from the characteristics and qualities by how moldable they are into the Image of their savior.  When we seek to understand what qualities a disciple might have, it is not skill based, talents, abilities and things they do or say as much as “who they are” within the heart of the matter.  To determine discipleship, one must look inward to the heart – because that is what Jesus looks at and it is all about… the “intentions of the heart.”

Disciples are willing to suffer, which is one reason many are called and not chosen – it looks messy quite often to the natural eye.  Jesus Himself was a suffering servant (Isaiah 53) and we know He is the example for all other disciples.  Acts 9:16 said we are called by Jesus to suffer – Paul and all the other disciples suffered, some even to the point of physical death – not every disciple will suffer to this degree – the point is, we should be willing to endure whatever hardship that presents itself to us for the sake of Christ and the commissioning of spreading the Gospel on Earth.  If this sort of willingness is not present in your heart or the heart of another then that disciple is not worthy of the calling and is either not genuine or not yet properly formed.

Gentleness and love are the hallmarks of a disciple.  Jesus said to learn from Him and set the example of being gentle and humble and Paul even spoke of being gentle to those he was sent to, to the point of having such overwhelming love for them he compared himself to a mother caring for her children.  To institute discipline a demand of the heart is given so gentleness is associated with it.  In discipleship you become the least among those you serve, knowing to who much is given, much is expected.

Disciples are:  servants first, recipients of grace, contain great love, have a heart to discipline, are clothed in humility, have great patience, are trustworthy, are devoted with undivided loyalty to Jesus and are basically of ANOTHER SPIRIT.  There are saved and unsaved and then there are… disciples. 

Being a true disciple has nothing to do with how charismatic a person is or what great leadership skills they have or whether they are intelligent.  Anyone in the World is able to be charismatic or smart – but God is looking for one thing alone in choosing His disciples – HE LOOKS FOR A CERTAIN MEASURE OF THE HEART to see if it is moldable and teachable – void of rebellion.  Apostles are not born from a woman, they are called and then made as they suffer, obey and follow in Jesus’s footsteps regardless of the difficulty they face.  It is through years of qualifying that they become the kind of people God asks them to be. 

If talents or outward qualities were required, some of the World’s most talented unbelieving people would be serving Jesus right now.  God is searching the Earth for people of character and of these He calls some to be disciples, knowing they already have said yes in their hearts to Him, so He will train them many years to possibly only use them for a very short time.  Jesus was trained for over thirty years to be used for only three. 

To become a disciple we must operate in a continual season of yieldedness and surrender, a daily emptying of self desires by the moving of the Holy Spirit operating within – quite often the Lord will pull a disciple away from all of this life and intimate relationships to impart within a thorough knowledge of Himself.  As a disciple you will continue to grow, change and be changed until you finish your race/time here on Earth.  The Kingdom is at hand and the Kingdom is within you – but please realize until you fully depart from the earthly kingdom you cannot be one in fullness with the Lord in His Kingdom.

Again… God looks for inward purity of the heart when anointing disciples.  He tries the heart to see if it seeks to please Him and if it will conform to Jesus by staying teachable by embracing correction for redeeming repentance.  He does this so that we not shy away from preaching the good news imparted following a contrite heart that repents.  A disciple never excuses sin, but sees the destruction and death it brings by introducing the cleansing blood of Jesus.

A disciple realizes that depending on who’s presence you are in… you will smell sweet with the aroma of life in Jesus or smell like death as a reminder to those who will perish if they remain in the current state they are in.  (2 Corinthians 2:15-16)

Okay…. So 2 Corinthians chapters 4-7 gives us a pure example of just how one might plead with such compassionate love for those who choose darkness over light, while speaking the truth to their rebellion, giving an opportunity for them to repent by not glossing over sin but pointing to Jesus as a way of escape out of walking in darkness. 

What I did is take these lovely chapters and put them into letter form by paraphrasing as if Paul himself was writing to you today.  In this letter, I pray you will discern Paul’s deep love for all and his devoted life to sharing the Gospel after he counted the cost and said yes to the Lord and His commands.  You will sense the pleading in Paul’s heart, knowing if those he loved stayed in rebellion they would perish and the relief which comes once many chose the path of repentance and what joy and celebration Paul had in his heart from the fruit of his labors.  Like with all scriptures, you will see you in what I read.

As I read to you this modified scripture in letter form – take notice of how your heart reflects Paul’s and Jesus’s, pay attention to the skills given to Paul to redeem the lost by preaching the Word in love and learn from him as the Lord guides.

Here we go… Paul’s letter to the Corinthians found in 2 Corinthians 4 – 7 ~

So beloved as I read this letter, may it be of comfort to you – depending on whether you are hearing a distinct call from the Lord to rise up and be His anointed servant – I pray it is an example to you how to share the fullness of the Gospel with others or if you are still on the fence, entertaining sin not quite laying your life down for the sake of righteousness I pray you receive the truth written in love and if you are like me, still growing into the fullness of Jesus it will embrace you to keep holding onto to the hem of Jesus’s garment and growing in Him each day. 

2 Corinthians 4-7 ~~  A Letter From Paul

Dearly Beloved,

Knowing I am one who has been renounced through the hidden things of dishonestly for the manifesting of the truth, please be aware, although I am troubled on every side I am not distressed and while being perplexed by what is happening I am not in despair.  I’ve been persecuted continually but never forsaken by the Lord Jesus while most often cast down by humanity I am never destroyed.  Rather I go through these challenges so that the life of Jesus may manifest through me in my mortal flesh.  It is because of Him and my faith in Him that I faint not, even though my outward man may perish, inwardly I am renewed day by day.  I also may suffer light affliction at times, in exchange for eternal glory that is eternally everlasting. 

I must remind you to not look at what is seen with the natural eyes, but look at that which you cannot physically see, as the things which you can see with your own eyes at this moment are temporary, but the things you cannot see are eternal, knowing that while home in this natural body is to be absent by some degree from the Lord Jesus.  We are only to be walking by faith and loyalty not natural sight in these days.  We as His disciples labor together so that present or absent in this life or the next we may be accepted by Him.

Be mindful, all shall appear before the judgement seat of Christ.  Everyone on that day shall receive things done while in His Body, according to what Jesus would do while here, whether good or bad.  You may have heard this judgment is for the world, when in truth He shall judge His own one day whether their deeds were wicked or righteous, handing out recompenses accordingly.

Be ready to give an answer to those who glory in the appearance only and not inwardly of the heart.  Know that if a person actually is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creature, old things have died and he has become all new, in that they no longer seek out the ways of a sinful lifestyle.

Never forget it is only through Jesus we are reconciled back to God.  Since we have now become ambassadors for Jesus we ought to continually pray the same for others.  We should not go around using the grace which has been bestowed upon us for self-gain, taking the Lord’s name in vain for self-promotion as now is the day of salvation for all of us. 

Seek to maintain a walk of holiness at all times and cause no offensive act to cause harm to others in that the ministry of Jesus is blamed for your sinful ways.  How you respond to everything in this World, reveals who you are and who you belong to, so in all things be a minister of God showing patience, while in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, when beaten, imprisoned, in tumults, in labors, while watching and fasting.

It is by pureness of the heart, knowledge of God, with longsuffering and kindness we are to be led by the Holy Spirit through unfeigned love.  By words of truth, the power of God, an amour bearer of righteousness and when honored or dishonored or spoken evil of or good of, called a deceiver when you are indeed truthful, when unknown and known and viewed as dying but are actually among the living, especially when chastised by the Lord, yet not killed, as sorrowful yet rejoicing, being poor while making others rich, realizing we have nothing yet… We possess everything in attaining a life laid down through Jesus.

If I may… please heed to the following instructions to keep you protected and safe in pureness, as a Child of God from my heart of love…

Be not unequally yoked mingling together with unbelievers, for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion has light with darkness and what agreement has Jesus with wickedness.  In truth, what part does one who believes have to share and partake in with an unbeliever who does not trust in God, for God said I will dwell in them, walk inside them and I will be their God and they shall be My people.  Come out from among them who are unrighteous, be ye separated from among them through a setting apart and exclusion and touch not unclean things and I will receive you as My own, meaning grant you My favor through My kindness.  I calling you to leave a place of your own accord, to depart from them even to the point you must forsake the assembling together and escape for your own safety.  As I declared you must not touch unclean things in order to be found Holy, I expect you to not cling to or adhere to, nor have any carnal intimate involvement with those who do not walk in My ways and commands.  As a child of light you must have no fellowship with or attach oneself to those who practice wickedness.

Should you surrender your rebellious ways and come out from among them… I shall be a Father unto you and embrace you.  I shall infuse My very own spirit into you and govern your mind.  I shall rule over you and uphold you as your guard and protector.  I no longer will be your judge, but your loving Father and we shall share a close bond of intimacy, you and I – sharing in my divine nature.  The fruit of this separation is I shall make you familiar with My purposes and appoint you to carry out and explain the plan of salvation which is being offered to all who dwell upon the Earth as… Many are called for this position, but few are chosen.

Our loving Father gave us these promises Beloved, in order we cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit while perfecting and executing holiness in the fear of God as we reverence Him as one would their own husbandman.

We pray you receive us, understanding we’ve wronged no one, we’ve corrupted no one, nor have we defrauded any or taken advantage of their weaknesses.  I speak this message not to condemn you, but because you are in our hearts to live with and to die with you as in the new union in Christ Jesus.

Great is my boldness of speech towards you, in that I have been granted the freedom to speak openly with you.  Great is my glorying of you in boasting and I am filled with comfort and joyful in all tribulations when you come into my mind.  When we first met with you we had come from a place in which our flesh had no rest and we were troubled on every side, we were outwardly fighting and inwardly very fearful.  Then God, Himself comforted us when we were cast down.  But it was at that moment I heard of your desire, mourning and your mind towards me so I rejoiced even more in my own afflicted state.  I had instructed you, you received my correction, applied the instruction and now I can rejoice with you as you are conformed into the image of Christ, as a result of when one speaks truth in love to an open heart such as yours.

I realize I made you very sorry with my words – I don’t repent of what I wrote to you, but I do constantly repent myself knowing what I wrote made you sorrowful for a season.  But now… I rejoice because you were made sorry and because it was in your sorrow you repented – you were made sorry in a godly way so the truth is you were in no way damaged by us by the fullness of truth, as Godly sorrow works through repentance to salvation while sorrow in worldly enticements brings death.  It was in your sorrow you became careful of your actions, cleansed of all sin, now without any sort of indignation and having a true fear of the Lord in reverence of Him with a full desire for Him with zeal so that in all things you have been found approved and favored in His sight.

Please know, I didn’t write because you were wrong or had suffered the wrong of another, but because I care for you and desire the sight of God be given unto you.  It is in your comfort we ourselves find comfort and joy by your change.  We spoke all things to you in truth, though our inward affliction is abundant, just seeing how obedient to the Lord you are now and how with fear and trembling you have received the truth relieves me so much that now I can rejoice and have confidence in you concerning all things.

Love in Jesus,

Your fellow servant and brother, Paul and my devoted counterparts

How beautiful is that?  Thank You Lord… If you want a copy, you can email me.

Hopefully, I was obedient to the Lord today myself.  And hopefully, I kindled that fire within you for the true nature of your calling.  It is precious and dear to my heart because some of you are already writing letters of instruction while on the Prison Ministry Outreach Team – you’ve overcome self enough to speak the truth in love to those who need it most, not calling evil good and good evil, but offering up the Gospel of Jesus for the sake of redemption void of partiality.   Many of you whether in the prison ministry or not have said yes Lord send me… to make disciples of all men/women who are being called.  And just how would one go about that?  Giving instruction, sharing the Word with all who will listen.

Just to review quick about disciples… if anything I am going to share speaks to your heart, bringing it to life – it is the still small voice of Jesus inviting you to be His disciple.

If you…

  • Have a yearning inside you cannot explain to glorify Jesus by telling others of His redemptive love, you might be marked to disciple.
  • Are not satisfied to just be counted as sinless, you might be marked to disciple.
  • Have a heart for the lost and to set the captives free, you might be marked to disciple.
  • Feel as if this World has nothing for you, you might be marked to disciple.
  • Already practice daily repentance and love the chastisement of the Lord, you might be marked to disciple.
  • Have turned away from rebellion, resisting evil, never justifying sin in yourself or others, you might be marked to disciple.
  • Read the Word and apply it into your own life continually by not just hearing the Word, but doing it, you might be marked to disciple.
  • Desire to forsake everything, let go of all the World has to offer and be sent out as a messenger, you might be marked to disciple.
  • Fear God over man and do not engage with devils on a person level, you might be marked as a disciple.
  • Have a Godly sorrow in your heart to tears for the lost, you might be marked as a disciple.
  • Contain a purity of love in the fullness of truth, you might be marked as a disciple.
  • Are sober in the mind, not saturated with anything grounded in carnality or cares of this world, you might be marked as a disciple.
  • Die daily all the day long, have no reputation, seek no name for yourself and live only to glorify Jesus, you might be marked as a disciple.
  • Are either male or female with a heart for Jesus to be seen within the life you live as a demonstration of His miraculous ways, you might be a disciple.
  • Willingly are open to share who you were before Christ and who you are now as living proof of His purifying love, you might be marked as a disciple.

So how will you know?  If you have gotten to the place spiritually that you are content with Jesus, when you are in lack of things in this life or satisfied in this life and you do not complain nor do you waiver… If you can actually be so devoted to Jesus that when an unbeliever seeks to leave, you willingly let them go and trust them in His hands – get ready to be sent out as one of His disciples, you’ve surrendered for Him to lead you in the constraints of a disciplined life within the realm of love itself., no longer demanding love but as a conduit of love which respects the freewill of all to worship Him in spirit and in truth.  In essence, a disciple is constantly seeking WWJD in every situation they find themselves presented with.

The truth is…  All who follow Jesus are given an invitation to be His disciples who are sent out to make disciples, but the reason only a few are chosen is greatly because few are willing to pick up their cross and follow Him in such a way.

❤Ring of Fire Ministries Broadcast Transcript ~

The Severity of the Lord!

Good Morning Blessings – thank you for joining me today on this ROF Ministries Broadcast.  It is so uplifting to be able to gather together in love of Jesus and seek Him as one.

It has been a rough road the past week or so for myself and many of you… The Holy Spirit just keeps reminding me how “Jesus is holding us in the palm of His hand.”  And there is so much to this… as it relates to where His scars are, once bleeding and binding Him to His cross of suffering – which are now healed, painless and only a reminder that it was His friends that did this to Him and yet… He loves them so.  Many of us have scars too, especially from those we love and yet, the Lord has healed us – these scars remind us of His love He poured into us, knowing because He first loved us – we too can love all, especially those who inflict us with pain.

There is one thing about being inflicted with pain by those you hold dear… You learn very quickly to not inflict pain upon another.  You learn to be slow to speak, that mercy is victorious over judgement every single time and love covers a multitude of sins.  Our eyes are also opened up to the fact that for those of us who have been forgiven of much, forgive much and it is through pain… We are clothed in humility with a softened heart of gratitude for what Jesus has done for us, praying He will do it for all lost souls in the World who are so desperately in need of a savior, whether they know it or not.

The word the Lord gave me for today is:  SEVERITY…  As in the severity of the Lord.  He is really intense, isn’t He?  He kept whispering that word to me and I was pleasantly surprised when I actually found it in His word – lol – not to question Him, but I often question myself not always knowing if it is His still voice overshadowing my own.  In this case it was His voice, thankfully or I wouldn’t be sharing it today.  The verse is in Romans 11:22 which reads:

Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God: on those who fell, severity; but toward you, goodness, if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off.

It seems like everyone in the World is fully willing to seek, receive, believe in and cheer for the goodness of a Maker.  But what about the severity of our Lord on High?  To love Him is to know Him and to know Him means you receive the fullness of Him – goodness and severity.  One of the worst things we can do as a believer is water down or tamper with the truth, His truth and His word.  It truly is scary how lightly people within the church take the majesty and ferocity of our Father, which is indicative of just how we are in the end of days, having mixture rule the day – where there is no fear of God in the land, crossing over into His church.  In Greek the word “severity” means, sharpness, to be rough and aggressive in removing something which does not belong or abruptly severing ties. 

I cannot tell you how extreme the warning in my spirit is for those who justify and ignore sin, claiming the goodness of the Lord, in which the Lord called being blind in part by one’s own conceits… or rather, thinking God is similar to them in thinking or reacting to hidden sin.  He is not.  He sees everything, He knows our thoughts and the intentions of our hearts – which condemn us even if we do not carry out the deed.  If these words offend and make you want to bristle, all I ask is for you to remember them and keep them for a day in which they will be demonstrated.  The truth is always being demonstrated in our lives – and since the Father cannot lie, anything which does not align with Him, will be removed by Him or repented of by our broken hearts.  And that day is different for everyone, all I can say is – I’ve had both and it is much easier to repent of our own accord, than have the Father intervene in His severity.

So for now… I am going to leave that right there… We may come back to His severity one day, but for now I don’t want to choke anyone on meat, while I rest in the fact we plant seeds, sometimes water them but only the Lord can give the increase of His truth seed sown in our lives. 

Truth… boy is that ever a touchy subject these days, isn’t it?  Right before my betrayal a couple weeks ago – everything I heard and everywhere I went – the Lord just kept speaking that word to me – “truth”…  I see now why – He was getting ready to reveal truth to me in a way I had not imagined.  He was preparing me for the exposing of the sinful actions and intentions of a family member’s betrayal, knowing I was nowhere near ready for the shock of it all.  And I still am not, but when the Father exposes darkness by His light – He doesn’t consult us or ask for permission – He just does it, in His timing, His way. 

I can’t discuss the details of it all because it involves my daughter and she’s a minor.  Plus, I am nowhere near being healed either, so I would mix too much heartbreak, wounds and sadness into my message.  He will one day turn this test into a testimony and I will share it then – so He gets the glory.  Any message in which Jesus is not glorified, is not worth sharing, to me anyway.  Some of you know what happened… I shared a little for prayers of healing and restoration to begin in my family.  I don’t mind if you talk about it, I am not seeking to hide evil – I just can’t speak about the details on air due to the sensitive nature of events, plus it is vile and disgusting.  My goal is to not cover up evil, but protect Shelby.  She is already receiving some backlash and she is the victim in this situation.  And I must admit, I even questioned her until the perpetrator confessed.  Anyway, I already said way more than I had planned…  It is just so unbelievably difficult, especially when both parties you’ve loved and poured your life into for many, many years do not have good intentions towards you.  So now you know why I haven’t been on air or seen lately…  We are supposed to hush until we heal… It scares me to death to let my own struggles bleed over into what we share together.

So for that reason, I am not going to go into the betrayal study that I am using to let the Lord heal me until His work is completed within my heart.  Prior to this unveiling of truth – like I said I was already studying truth, so we can proceed with that topic a little today and see where else the Lord leads us.

Aaron and I were talking about how so many people who claim to be Christians are so against “accountability…”  I mean we are literally seeing this everywhere.  It is like someone let all the rebellious dogs out…  Accountability with discipline by the Lord helps us so much – in order we know for sure where we are in our aligned placement with Him.  Accountability is His mercy, His love that keeps us tethered to Him.  It is a good thing – a really, really good thing.  His goodness and His severity are equally good, because every single thing He does is good and love based – we cannot separate His hand of placement and action upon our lives in any way from love, because God is love.  Can we please just receive this truth?

His redemptive judgment upon us now is His mercy to keep us in alignment for safety so we do not fallaway forever.

We are not appointed to His wrath, but are continually weighed and measured by His righteous judgment.  I like to call this redeeming judgments – He’s not mad, this is not the day of vengeance, He is keeping us reserved by His goodness so our consciences are not seared, where we do not feel the gravity of the weight of sin we choose to retain and carry out in our lives. 

We’ve studied a lot about how we are no longer orphans, but have been adopted into His family as sons and daughters and a piece of this is… He disciplines His children. 

Those who are not sober in the mind equal His loving hand of correction and protection with:  condemnation, rejection, unfairness, hatred, harshness, unmerciful, unloving, etc…  None of those words describe our Father do they?  No they don’t, not at all.

This probably goes without saying, but you do realize only those walking in rebellion at the time, refuse accountability.  Accountability is taking responsibility for our own actions, acknowledging our shortcomings rather than hiding them or lashing out at others to deflect from our faults.

Accountability is beautiful on a path of repentance because in our surrender we say – Lord I cannot do this without You, I am Yours, help me, cleanse me and make me whole.  If we refuse to admit something, we keep it – it stays within us, it remains.  James 4:17 says – Whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.  We’ve all sinned and fallen short, many times over – but to know it is wrong and do it anyway, will bring loving judgment discipline – because we are so loved by a divine Father.

Now I am not saying we are to run around holding everyone else accountable all the time – I am saying we are to hold ourselves accountable when we know our actions go against being surrendered and obedient to the Lord.  Being accountable to the Image of Jesus, by following in His example, of reading His word as a mirror of measurement to hold up to our lives and see just how we are doing spiritually is so very freeing.  We obviously need to sweep our own back porches first…  this is not a rule thing, it is a heart thing… so its best we focus on our spiritual health more than another’s.

Now just sit tight… I am going somewhere with all this…

Holding one another accountable, if done with a heart of love is a very beautiful thing – plus it is good practice for when we meet the Lord Jesus.

Just as it is written in 2 Corinthians 5:10 – WE MUST ALL APPEAR before the judgment seat of Christ, so that EACH ONE MAY RECEIVE WHAT IS DUE FOR WHAT HE HAS DONE IN THE BODY, whether good or evil.

Not one soul is able to skip out on this face to face judgment meeting, saved or unsaved.  Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God one day – Romans 14:12

There are so many Scriptures which compliment the Body of Christ, referencing accountability… but honestly, it seems as if hardly anyone wants to delve into that truth for some reason.  It feels like to me, quite often we didn’t even know accountability was a part of our life after being saved?  And that’s okay – because we are all learning and growing and we are not held accountable for the truth which has not been revealed to us – Jesus prayed forgive them for they know not what they do… but some of us know something is wrong and do it anyway… So we must hold ourselves accountable, hold others accountable or the Lord will intervene in order to not lose one of His own and He will hold us accountable, which its more perfect when He does it, but it hurts a lot more too because it is perfect severity…lol… If that makes sense?  For some reason we seem to run farther away from discipline than we do evil or the Lord…It must be in our human nature to avoid discipline at all costs, reminds me of my kids…  Aren’t we all such silly children?  When we do not perceive the Father loves us like He actually does, we will perceive discipline as condemnation when in truth He is returning us back to His own embrace.  He is actually breathing upon us a desire for repentance as time draws to a close – He desires to gather us together and cover us in His love while exposing our multiple sinful flesh ways.  It is only through our willful sin we can be put to an open shame via consequences to our actions and Jesus is calling us to come up higher than that through redemption.

The end time harvest messengers will continually have repentance on their lips, as they are sent out to prepare the Bride for the coming of the Lord.  These messengers will have such an overflowing pure love to draw all unto the Lord through guidance, correction and encouragement – having love of the whole truth. 

Since so many get hung up on condemnation… let’s read it in the Bible.

John 3 talks about why Jesus came, to not condemn the World but to save it but here is the clincher you must BELIEVE YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LIVE A LIFE IN SIN once receiving Jesus, to not live a life in sin.  If we do not believe this truth then we are already condemned. If you see Him abiding in you as light that gets rid of darkness within… then that is exactly the life you shall walk out, overriding preferring to walk in darkness. 

Vs 19 in John 3 says – And this is the condemnation – you ready?  I am getting ready to read to you what the condemnation many feel is and why they feel condemned…  here we go…

Vs. 19 – And this is the condemnation, the light has come into the world and men loved darkness rather the light because their deeds were evil.

  • They preferred – chose to do evil over good…  so they felt condemned – not by our words or the words of the message but why?  Because the light of Jesus has come into the World.  So what condemns evil?  Light.  And just like that – you don’t even have to say a thing…

Vs. 20 – For everyone that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, so that his deeds are reproved.

  • Oh my this is good, thank You Lord…  anyone who does evil avoids light so their darkness remains in tact, hidden and unseen – because when YOU SHINE… their darkness is reproved/revealed. 

Vs. 21 – But he that does truth comes to the light so that his deeds may manifest that they are performed in God.

  • Oh my goodness, someone ought to be jumping out of their seats… Coming to the light, the darkness in us is burnt up/consumed/ gone… so that… it is no longer I who live, but its Jesus’s brilliant light – we become His hands and feet… we decrease, He increases… We are dead, being risen together in Him… We are made whole, we go and sin no more… we stop eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and instead eat of his flesh/drink of His blood and are healed from every unclean thing as He is our daily bread, BECAISE THERE IS NO CONDEMNATION TO THOSE WHO ARE IN CHRIST… Wake up family – you hear this?  You only FEEL CONDENMEND WHEN — you are not abiding in Him, when you willfully sin, run away from the light, choose darkness over light and so forth because sin makes us unwhole…  Wholeness is only attained while abiding with Jesus, so that we seek nothing else outside of Him to be complete.  When He fulfills, no sin is sought out to fulfill our desires anymore.

I am telling you someone is going to get free today… You were once a sinner saved by grace, but NOW YOU ARE A SAINT… As a man thinks so is he or she…  So if you choose to think you are a sinner – you are gonna walk out the life of a sinner BUT, BUT… If you believe you were once in darkness, but are now a child of light you will walk out the life of a saint and you know what happens when that happens, don’t you?  You no longer thirst and hunger to sin, but for righteousness – then you eat truth, then you grow and grow bigger and bigger in your faith and soon… you love the offered repentance of the Lord which keeps you on the straight and narrow.  You cannot ever be fully delivered of a sinful desire you have until you hate it.  Until you embrace the truth that even touching the fruit of that tree is forbidden, you will be tossed to and fro on a sea of ups and downs of endless waves of torment and condemnation and guilt….  Remember, who the Lord sets free is free indeed.

We just believe we are a sinner by the carnal mind, however the spirit knows we are a saint… A sinner is actually who we used to be, now we are a Saint who repents several times a day if necessary – what’s that called?  Washing our robes, making them white… Praise the Lord.

My Lord, how did I get off on that?  I was talking about accountability… oh well.

For the record… about my ordeal, we have chosen at this time to not utilize the legal process, while dealing with our pain we are trying to teach Shelby about boundaries, that she has a voice and that forgiveness does not mean letting that person close enough to harm you again.  It’s a never ending process and balancing act for her to understand we are not covering evil, but protecting her in a lasting way she cannot see at the moment.  She doesn’t really get it yet, but she will.  I just thought I should mention that because of the whole accountability topic – accountability is not vengeance or making someone pay… it is about truth revealed so someone is reconciled back to the Lord.

Anyway… let’s go over some Scriptures I pulled out so we can apply the Word into our own lives regarding accountability.

Matthew 12:36
“I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak.”  Our careless words we speak are recorded and are never blotted out – we haven’t faced judgement day yet, have we?  On that day we will be held accountable.

Jeremiah 17:10
“I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”  We are rewarded by the intentions in our hearts by how we react when our minds are tested, our actions are measured and produce upon the Earth through us – what we receive back from the Lord is the exact same of what we released upon the Earth.

James 3:1
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.  That is scary… those who serve, are continually measured, judged and held accountable with greater strictness.  I said its scary – but I don’t run away from it.  I just keep it continually in the back of my mind all the time to hold myself accountable to the ways of Jesus the best way I know how and repent when I fall, openly even.

Hebrews 13:17
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.  When we lead others, best make sure you are not leading them into a ditch – we have precious cargo, souls who Jesus loves and we all lead someone sometime and will give account to the Lord if we did so in a Godly, honest and pure way.

Hebrews 4:13
And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account. There no hiding anything from the Lord, we may run from accountability to others – but it is impossible to do so with Him.

Ezekiel 33:8
“If I say to the wicked, O wicked one, you shall surely die, and you do not speak to warn the wicked to turn from his way, that wicked person shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand.” A lot of people use this to slay others or to falsely excuse evil and sin… I am not going to add to or take away from this Scripture – I know we like to play dumb sometimes so we don’t have to be obedient, but the Word is simple enough a little child can follow it.  You all are so smart – you know when and how to obey the Lord and if you are told to warn someone, do it and if you make a mistake you, yourself will get a spanking bc just as we are to train our children up – our Father does the same with His. 

Galatians 6:1
Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. So by these instructions part of the restoration part of any of us often includes someone who loves Jesus enough to in a gentle spirit come to us when we are doing something the Lord calls a transgression – an act that is not good, that may hurt others but especially ourselves.

Ephesians 4:25
Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. Speak the truth… it would be a falsity wouldn’t it to not to ignore an evil act?  It seems like much of that is what has gotten us where we are today, so much rebellion in the World because the inhabitants have been more tolerant of sin in their own lives.

Colossians 3:16
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. This is beautiful… to have praise be on your lips with a grateful heart, while at the same time teaching and holding one another accountable to the Words of Jesus. 

Luke 17:3
“Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.” Most Christians don’t like to live this verse, let alone walk it out… I am not going to add anything to it myself – I will just say, Jesus said when you correct a brother, if he repents, forgive him.  If you are one who does not accept this word, please work that out with the Lord.  I know what He has shown me, which is to not deviate from His instruction and only apply the good parts.

James 5:16
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. I love the promise of this Scripture, don’t you?  We all need healing, some internal, some fleshly and most of us have a mixture of both…  When we confess our sins/faults to one another and we pray together before the Lord – we are healed.  There is always such hope and promise when we do as we are instructed.  Confessing our sins, rather than covering them up is such a healing process.  It is when we humble ourselves in such a precious way and are broken before the Lord, we are well on our way to cleansing and being made whole.

So we have learned that holding one another accountable is not passing sentence on the sinner to keep them in chains, but used as a redemptive tool in that they see just how much they need Jesus as Lord and Savior…  It is purposed to deliver and redeem, so we are aided to go and sin no more in that area.  Accountability is for the goodness and growth to freedom in Jesus of the other person and ourselves.  To lift them up – not cast them down.  It is the Jesus way of instruction for all the Lord’s children, so our lives and souls are prosperous.

Let’s pray ~

Heavenly and merciful Father, we come before You today and ask You to forgive us for all wrong doing, we ask that You help us to not hold wrongs against anyone, but rather be used in such a precious love way, that whoever you place on our paths are free to just come clean, be healed and be made whole by the loving touch of Jesus.  It is our prayer that we hold nothing against anyone, in that You hold nothing against us.  We remember just how Jesus saved us and washed us clean and have such faith to believe if He can do this for us, He can do this for anyone.  We also ask for forgiveness for unrighteously judging or harming anyone who has hurt us by holding onto pain that Jesus has healed us from, whether that be yesterday or forty years ago.  We ask You Lord for a divine intervention for all those who have despitefully used us, knowing they are broken too.  We forgive, release and ask You to bless them in mighty ways for the Glory of Your Name.

Lord we ask that You continue to break any rebellion within us that would drive us to resist Your severity of loving chastisement.  Give us a sober mind in place of carnal thinking so we see Your loving embrace and guidance is for Holy fruitfulness in our lives, not for our demise.  We cannot thank you enough for Your ever reaching and never ending patience with us as we learn and we grow to bloom into an authentic follower of Your Son Jesus, who set the perfect example before us to follow after.

Thank You Father for Your nourishing and rich written word, which leads and guides us, corrects and keeps us on the straight and narrow path.  All Your commands and instructions are to keep us safe and secure until the day we return to our Heavenly Home to be one with You again.  Help us Lord to see that You are good, that your commands are not for condemnation, but for restoration.  Heal all the hearts Lord who have been judged harshly by religious zealots and conspiracy theorists and the like… Remove the scales from all eyes, while stirring up a hunger and thirst for truth alone.  Thank You Father for Jesus, our daily bread, who is enough, our search is over now, we have found the One Who our soul loves and it is Him.

It is for Your great honor Father we pray together in this ROF family that Your Name and Jesus’s Name be glorified through us all the days of the rest of our lives.  Amen,

❤Ring of Fire Ministries Broadcast Transcript ~


Good Morning Blessings!  Thank you for joining me today and this ROF Ministries broadcast.  I want to welcome everyone and tell you how grateful I am for our time of fellowship together the Lord has blessed us with.  You each have an incredible anointing on your lives – truly, if you could see the potential I see in you – you would jump and leap for joy.  In order to motivate you a little – we are going to talk more about the Great Commission today in hopes to just motivate you and get you thinking a little outside the box and let that light shine within you to illuminate and share more of Jesus and His love with others.  We are be instant in preaching the Gospel all the time – you are a reflection of HIM as His witnesses – just like He sends angels as messengers, that is you!  We know many are called and few chosen – the chosen part has nothing to do with worthiness, as He equips the called – you are equipped already, what is lacking within so many these days is motivation in a passion for Jesus to reach the lost.  So…  Will you be like Jesus and leave the 99 to go after the 1 lost sheep?  I sure hope so!  Today is a no-excuse zone…  Because honestly, with Him nothing is impossible and He is calling forth His own to shine His light in a world that is becoming darker all the time.  The Word calls this – occupying until He comes and I don’t mean occupying our beds… but to actually pick up our beds and walk on Earth as it is in the Kingdom of Heaven.  We all can do something to expand His Kingdom here on Earth, if we are willing to do so – He will set before us open doors, no man or enemy can shut, He will fill our mouths with His words and set divine appointment across our paths for the glory of His Name…  IF we are willing to be sent, we will surely BE SENT.

We are all without excuse when the Lord calls us to be His own about His business on Earth… because just as it says in Romans 12 – When we pursue the Lord, He transforms us and then THE POWER OF HIS SPIRIT WORKS THROUGH US TO TRANSFORM OTHERS.  So each of us are on equaled ground in pursuit of Him which cleans and releases us out into those who are suffering and in need of Him.

I was thinking about Enoch and how he walked with God…  It was because of His obedience to the Lord that he became so precious in the Lord’s sight to the point he brought great pleasure to the King of Kings.  He carried a mantle with him woven into His countenance that said “I am an obedient child of the most high God.”  That same mantle is being released upon all God’s children, should we desire to pick it up and carry it too.

2 Timothy 2:24-26 gives us a clearer picture of instructions and commands in pursuing being a conduit of the Great Commission:

19 Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of [g]Christ depart from iniquity.”

20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. 21 Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, [h]sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. 22 Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. 24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, 25 in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, 26 and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.

You are molded into that precious vessel of honor as His child, having resisted all iniquity – Jesus has cleansed you from the desire to invite sin into your life or give permission for unrighteousness to reign in your hearts – therefore, you are sanctified and prepared for every good work the Lord lays at your feet – having now a purified heart where Jesus dwells.  YOU are the ones I need to speak to today – those who said yes when He called, being surrendered servants to one Master – Jesus – by countenance/nature you are gentle, in humility you correct and teach others who oppose the Lord within themselves, while praying the Lord will grant them the gift of repentance so they know the truth, escaping the snare of devil they are in, doing his will rather than the Lord’s.  This is the true heart nature of a disciple… repent, repent, repent…Meaning stop sinning and follow the commands of the Lord Jesus and when we do sin, we feel the sorrowful nature of guilt and shame in order to confess our sins, be washed clean again and keep walking spreading the Gospel to those who need to hear the same Good News told to them and they too become free indeed.

If you are like me…  You have an unspoken and deep hidden heart cry to hear these words…  “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”  And with that you have a deep reverence and fear of heart these words… “Depart from Me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you.”  One statement brings us great joy, while the other one makes us tremble inside – why?  Because what I just shared is TRUTH!  And definitely not my truth – but the Lord’s truth. 

Before we read that Scripture… Let’s get it into context…  It is found in Mathew 25 and what precedes enlightens us to just who is found to be a “good and faithful servant.”  Inside the Kingdom of Heaven are ten virgins – five wise, five foolish (childish ways) – both possessing light/lamps.  The childish ones were foolish and had no oil/wisdom – they had been playing around, not being prepared spiritually for Jesus to come unto them because they thought He was taking too long they remained spiritually unprepared and eventually what little wisdom they had accumulated ran out because it was foolish and not of the heart  – when He came to retrieve all the virgins, they all in a blink woke up trimmed their lamps (repentance) but since the unwise had run out of wisdom they wanted the wise to share their wisdom with them (oil) but the wise stated they did not have enough for both their counterparts in the Kingdom and themselves and told the unwise to go get their own from those who buy and sell it to others… so the unwise left to go buy oil to keep their internal flame alive from sources outside of Jesus – which just happens to be when He showed up for only those who were spiritually ready and it was then the wise entered into the Marriage supper with their Bridegroom Jesus and the door was shut behind them all. Now, I know you all are very familiar with that story in the Bible… But I bet most often whoever shared it left off the ending… so here we go… So inside the bridal chamber is the wise virgins communing with Jesus and the door is shut to the outside world and here come the unwise knocking, saying…  Lord open the door to us and Jesus replied… I know you not.  Ugh… that’s a hard truth to swallow… all are in the Kingdom but not all in the Kingdom know Jesus or are known by Him.

Moving on… Next He compares the Kingdom of Heaven the same as a person who was given talents to travel all over the World with – each one of these people were given various talents but all resided inside the Kingdom for the purposes of the Lord Himself.  This is us you all… we each contain a God ordained gifting to share with others to expand God’s Kingdom here on Earth.  It is what comes natural to your heart quite often.  The beautiful part about these talents you carry is the Lord Jesus has matched you perfectly with those who are prepared to receive from you what you carry for His glory – It is what we do with what He granted us that comes into question here…  If we share what we’ve been given, Jesus is multiplied greatly upon the Earth but if we bury, hide, are lazy and refuse to share what was given the Lord when He comes will say to that person you are wicked and lazy – but to those who walked the Earth sharing all they had with been given with others to them He says, well done good and faithful servant, you were loyal over a few things and will now be made a ruler over many things to increase your joy.  Sadly, what was given to the lazy servant was handed over to the trusted servants then the untrusted servant due to being unprofitable to the Kingdom is cast into outer darkness…  Now, I am not saying any of this to scare you all – maybe just to sober us up a bit and not take so lightly into laziness that we are truly sent here to be workers in the Kingdom of Heaven and not be idle… because being idle means nothing positive for anyone – being a faithful/loyal servant should always be at the forefront of our minds as His messengers.

You can read the rest of the chapter yourself which goes into Him separating the sheep and goats and where they ask Jesus when did we see You hungry, thirsty and naked, etc… then He will reply WHATEVER YOU DO TO THE LEAST OF THESE YOU HAVE DONE UNTO ME for that was ME you could have fed, gave a drink to or clothe or visit in prisons or healed… But a promise at the end of the chapter is where I will end this portion of today’s study is when Jesus said to those wise servants who were not idle and lazy, but spiritually prepared continually for His coming – whether in the lost or He Himself on that last day – the wicked servants will go into everlasting punishment BUT THE RIGHTEOUS INTO LIFE ETERNAL.

Thank You Lord for reminding us faith/loyalty to You without works is dead and help us to be Your hands and feet of love no matter where You send us, each day.  Remind us Lord Your charity starts within our own homes and help those of us who struggle within our own homes to be Your representative there first and foremost.  Amen.

Okay I just had to say that because many people are nicer to outsiders than they are to their own families, even doing so in the Name of Jesus.  They may be meaner than dogs or neglectful to their own loved ones while spreading the Gospel in church gatherings or serving Jesus by serving others while their family is depleted emotionally and financially void of a presence of love and this should not be so, it is out of Godly order.  If we really want to know if we are walking purely with Jesus as His servants, we should ask those closest to us – our spouses, children, parents, siblings, etc…  they know us personally, on good days and bad days – how we handle obstacles, pain, betrayals, sins and temptations, anger, you know – the hard things that come at us, how do we cope as that is what reveals the true nature of us. 

Trusting in the false ministry faces people put on to reach the lost is futile when discerning who is and is not your co-laborer in the Kingdom.  You really want to know who someone is?  Ask their families… I always think to myself, how the Father sees and knows everything I do – Do you all do that too?  If so, you know what I mean when I say realizing He knows us so deeply really keeps us on our toes to inspect our hearts to insure we are found to be bringing pleasure to Him in place of disapproval.

Anyway – we are intent on discussing the Great Commission today with a hope and prayer it is encouraging and igniting to you to use what your Father gave you for HIS KINGDOM PURPOSE!

So within the Great Commission is a few heartfelt servants who by the outline of the Lord Jesus have a set example before them in Him and what He expected them to carry out until the end of the age and what to do in His absence.  Mathew 28 is where you find in detail what Jesus commanded to His apostles before He departed Earth in the flesh among them.  He instructed them and us to make disciples while we are occupying in this World until He comes again… He used the words baptize and teach secondly to by instructing them all the ways of Jesus.  One must be baptized by fire with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to be a true follower of Jesus and when you combine the two – remaining teachable and teaching other with the baptism of the Holy Spirit you become one who imitates the example of only Jesus, by relying on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide.  When we are anointed to make disciples, it simply means to teach and train others who are of a willing heart to follow and obey Jesus.  We are called his witnesses sent to all the ends of the Earth, enabled to go anywhere He leads by the power of the Holy Spirit so that the authentic church body of Christ is expanded and grows.  When we meet with others, Jesus is our focus and we plead on others behalf to be reconciled back to God, because that is what Jesus does. 

All of this I am sharing is knowledge most of you already know… but for us this is a very timely word… We are on the precipice of many being sent out into the World revealing the true nature and heart of God in which He desires all people to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth spoken of in 1 Timothy. 

Let’s use Isaiah as an example today…  When he witnessed by the spirit God’s perfect holiness he was immediately convicted of his sin, recognizing he deserved punishment – but it doesn’t end there, not for him or for us, thankfully… It is then at the moment Isaiah and us for that matter become ripe for picking and we realize we deserve a woe, having unclean hearts and lips… so in truth, in brokenness we of the heart cry out to our Lord for saving, and this time it is for real… Not to escape or get out of something, but because we know we are sick inwardly in need of a healing touch from our Lord on High.  So an angel takes a piece of coal burning from fire from the alter and places it upon Isaiah’s lips to burn away all uncleanliness and what formed within him was such a pure and grateful heart after he knew he deserved punishment, in exchange he was granted grace for eternal life.  But like I said… it doesn’t end there, what followed was miraculous – Isaiah and God began to converse… and God asks Isaiah a question (all of this is in Isaiah 6 btw) “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?”  You see this?  They became one and God who was searching all this time for Isaiah was reconciled back to His son who at that moment came searching for HIM.  Without question immediately Isaiah responded…  Here I am… send me!  He responded with such excitement that measured to the degree of excitement he had for the Lord Himself.  Why?  He couldn’t wait to tell the World and all who would listen within it – what the Lord had done for him.  And about God who is mighty to save with a passionate desire for them to have a life changing moment in the same way he did.

And just like Isaiah, we have a great commission too – to share our testimonies, giving God all the glory – to point to Jesus as the lasting Lord and Savior in our lives and shout it out to the World how lost we were and now have been found.  This sounds like returning to our first love, our commanding love and passion shared with Jesus for one another and the lost doesn’t it?  Let’s call it a reigniting of that flame of love, full of excitement and newness to share with everyone and anyone who will listen. 

Within the confines of our great commission is void of the watered down gospel of man… Instead it is pure truth with fullness, which is the ONLY WAY THE HOLY SPIRIT leads others and speaks to others.  I don’t know what spirit all these others are of, but I do know when the HOLY SPIRIT is leading it is full and complete work done within each of us.  Our commission is to guide and lead others just as He were doing so Himself.  We are to share how salvation is seized through the grace of God alone and how His holiness requires a punishment upon us, but Jesus already paid that price on our behalf.  We deserved wrath, but for a moment in time, Jesus received that wrath upon Himself so we wouldn’t be appointed to it ourselves.  As a perfect man without sin, Jesus went to the cross that day owing us nothing He gave us everything eternally – life itself.  We owe Him a debt we can never repay, which He expects us to not die as He did, but live continually a life laid down for Him.  That is how we show our love and adoration for Him, willingly we forfeit our lives to live for Him, considering all He did for us – it really a small thing isn’t it?  When we place our loyalty to Him above all else we find true salvation and freedom from the ties that bind us to this World and we too shall explode with excitement over Jesus, containing an unwavering desire to serve Him by telling others about Him and His ways – to fulfill the great commission – to do it! 

From the outside to hear or see of anyone who gives up everything, even possibly risking their own lives to proclaim the gospel and assists others on their journeys to Jesus – it may appear foolish or like their decisions are not rational or logical but honestly – their joy is made full in HIM, they risk it all because they have already been given all they need — truly, there is nothing left to lose, once you lose your life for His sake.

Evangelism of today on the other hand is not instructional or disciplined like the great commission is – meaning we as followers of Jesus are not TO SELL the gospel for any profit on any level… We are not into playing intellectual games, fame, being a salesperson, shiny objects to lure others in, knowledge based worms on hooks to reel others in or that sort of thing… no smoke and mirrors on the disciple’s lists – just the simplicity of Christ Jesus in love is on their hearts, minds and lips.  Discipleship has nothing to do with   coning people into buying something they don’t need, especially more knowledge or fame… or trying to grab people’s attention or forcing on anyone a faith that doesn’t go deeper than a memorized prayer. 

We are to proclaim not ourselves, but only that JESUS IS LORD – speaking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – in LOVE, of course and then… ready?  LEAVE THE RESULTS WITH GOD, who is the perfect author and finisher of everyone’s faith walk with Himself.  If we at any time lure people to Jesus with anything not grounded in the whole truth – sadly, once received their walk will be fleeting and not built on the solid ground needed to thrive… when storms come what little they had will blow away, fall apart and the worst part – it will appear to them God forsook them… Isn’t that sad?  But when we speak truth always in love and hold nothing back, they will grow up into maturity with deep strong roots to with stand all storms of this life.  They will… walk on water, keeping their eyes fixated on Jesus at all times, who never told anyone storms would not come – He just promised to never leave us within the storm.  Amen?  Carnal evangelists count salvations, disciples rejoice with angels over just one sinner that repents.  See the difference?

Sometimes it seems as if we are not effective or making any difference at all, doesn’t it?  Just keep in mind we are not responsible for the multitudes of people we have no control or charge over.  We are only responsible to those THE LORD HIMSELF SENDS US TO… as He goes before us to prepare their hearts to receive His truth and our hearts to deliver it in love.  Just one can make a difference, you just committing yourself to praying for, encouraging, instructing, teaching – assisting by coming alongside just that one for however long it takes is how we will grow the church during these last days.  I call these divine appointments the Lord sets up for us and when we say yes to Him, He will cultivate for us a discipiling relationship with that person.  When we just like Jesus invest into another soul, He will use as a His witness, ignoring our own weaknesses as an excuse to sit idle and do nothing.  We may not be able to freely rush into a large crowd and deliver the gospel, but we can surely go looking for and lead back that one lost sheep who has wandered off and is lost, scared and lonely in need of some spiritual TLC.

As we read the Word, we need to be placing ourselves right there in the midst of it, because it is our instruction manual.  In Mark 16 it says we are to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all of creation.  The disciples were not idle no matter what ailments or imprisonments they faced.  Even Jesus Himself was purposed to win souls until He took His last breath… The very last person He preached the good news too hung on the cross beside Him – If you can even imagine that?  Everything our precious Lord Jesus had endured, He still put aside His own pain and suffering to embrace another in need of saving – the church in America especially has gotten so anemic and weak that if all conditions are not perfect, we refuse to share the Good News.  Jesus’s disciples did not shrink back like we do, having unmatched zeal and boldness.  Acts 4 describes how Peter and John were threatened with punishment by the rulers, elders and scribes… But continue to preach the gospel anyway – saying the gleaned joy in suffering for the sake of their Lord Jesus.  

When you take a closer look at all they went through on a regular basis, it surely conflicts the heart, doesn’t it?  None of us have faced such tribulations like they did or like many do outside of the US.  Yet, despite our safety, we struggle to be motivated enough to entertain even participating in the Great Commission required of us.  In truth, there is no valid excuse for any of us not to share the gospel. 

If honest, being idle is due to our own inward focus and self-centric attitude and I am at fault with this just like everyone else.  I am guilty before all… knowing in times of heartache I ruminate on what happened, coming into agreement with my pain, caring too much about my reputation and comfort and by pride lose sight of my Lord and Savior and His commanded expectations of me.  In essence we take our eyes off Jesus and place them on ourselves more often than we like to admit.  Having a daily devotion to the Lord is our strength in time of weakness and trouble.  Fellowshipping with Him all the time cultivates a deeper communion with Him so we are able to daily deny ourselves, pick up our cross (suffering) each day and follow Him. 

The Great Commission is for all of His who call upon His name – all are required to do something to change the atmosphere in the World, no matter who you are or what natural obstacles are in your way.  It is His way…for us to teach and assist others to observe all that we were commanded by Him and yet, we cannot command something by the power of the Holy Spirit if we refuse to pick up our own beds and walk…  in order to equip and disciple the church of Jesus – He told us the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few in Mathew 9… I can see it, realizing I can do so much more – can’t you? 

Jesus highlighted some basic qualities of what one of His disciples look like, as a reminder to what we studied last week.

  • Disciples embrace within the heart the Word of God by applying what is written into the very fabric of their own lives, without adding to, taking away or altering the gift of the message in anyway.
  • Disciples make up God’s Kingdom here on Earth, meaning they assist in making His Kingdom concrete and perceivable and observable Jesus walking the Earth.  They are visible entities and expressions of Jesus alive and active here in this place.
  • Disciples are citizens of Heaven who bring the good news about Jesus by conducting themselves in way which represents royalty and purity.  They are not of this world, just passing through it as His appointed ambassadors.  We are supposed to look different than the rest of the World, being sanctified and set apart being Holy as our Father in Heaven is Holy.
  • Disciples go out in groups of likeminded souls, equally yoked in order to encourage one another, to stir up one another to love and do good works.  The fellowship together for the purpose of loving strength, not to exclude anyone else, but to include Jesus in the midst of themselves to overcome all obstacles as they deliver His message.  A day in the life with a disciple of humility, realizes dependence on others who have the same heart, mind and spirit as them is essential.
  • Every disciple is granted a gift to evangelize others the Jesus way by sharing the gospel and being ready to give explanation of why you have such hope in a hopeless world, being content with Jesus in times of plenty and times of distress.  Disciples never see themselves as a victim, not ever – they see it an honor to suffer in any way for the cause of Christ and be used and abused to bring Him glory.
  • As a disciple your countenance of light will provoke those who abide in darkness to lash out at you through false accusation and persecution.  Your holiness in Jesus will irritate the demons influencing others to the point they cannot hold their tongues and will rail accusations continually.
  • As a disciple you have total understanding that two is better than one and that forfeiting this go it alone lifestyle is not conducive to cultivating a Kingdom culture which is based in full surrender, each part heeding to the blessing the other part brings to the table of the Lord.
  • Disciples easily comprehend the difference between suffering for others versus suffering due to their own lack of discipline and do not confuse the consequences of their own rebellious ways with the oil gleaned from mourning with those who mourn in a time of need in order to comfort them with the same words by which you were comforted.

Lastly before I go I want to share some of a recent conversation I had with Michael which was very eye opening to me on several levels.  I am sharing it not to cause offense, but rather to give some insight as to why our dealings with others often ends in ways that do not reflect the intent of our hearts.

I pray you will consider what I am about to share and take it to the Lord for clarity.  Again, not to offend, but to set free, so if I happen to be speaking to you just ask the Lord if this is truth for chains to be broken and minds to be set free so you walk in liberty in Him.

Michael and I were having one of those deep moments of talking about the Lord and His purpose for us and he started sharing about how for years people will say to him “don’t kick me out…”  He was speaking about how that is demons operating through others not wanting to lose their grip on the person.  Then I began to tell him that people are constantly saying to me “don’t judge me…”  which always catches me off-guard because I judge no one ever and we both were just shaking our heads because we don’t even have to say a word but just by being present in the moment people say these things to us… Then it dawned on me… how many times people in chat will say “don’t kick me out…” and they have for years and every single time I convey to them I can count on one hand how many unruly people who would not conform to love were banned from chat – but they don’t believe me, I know the number is less than five, which isn’t very many considering we’ve been doing this for close to ten years, having thousands of people we cross paths with.  Michael was telling me how because I carry the light of Jesus within, people who are in darkness and do not desire to partake in His light feel naked and exposed for sin and rather than repent they deflect saying I am judging when I’ve said or done nothing to indicate that is so outside of speaking truth occasionally, but never targeting anyone specifically like they have fabricated in their minds perceiving accusation.

Then the next morning after our talk, the Lord began to show me something… And it relates to how many are and will view Him, using us as an example.  We do not go around kicking people out, judging others or holding grudges… but if your own actions are sinful and cause you to be separated out, then that is on you.  The Lord began showing me how He does not prevent anyone from entering His own Kingdom, but rather their refusal to accept forgiveness of sins by not confessing them and being washed clean falls upon their own doings.  When we do not own our personal shortcomings and sin, we keep it and granted access to enter into the Kingdom.  Just as Adam and Eve were not permitted to re-enter into the Garden the same is true for us.  Jesus is our intercessor to reconcile us back to the Father, as a matter of fact He is the only way to the Father’s heart.  But what about being reconciled back to Jesus after we are beat up and worn out with doing things our own way?  It is only by accepting within the heart the sacrificial gift Jesus gave of Himself for on the cross – by crucifying your self-life with Him, only to be raised back to life from the dead in His power and cleansing blood.  It is with confession (of sin) that through faith and mercy we are saved – to have that same power that raised Jesus from the dead imparted into us we are no longer smelling like the stench of death ourselves. 

So then another piece to this is about an hour later in our conversation (we always talk about the Lord mostly, obviously) Michael reminded me only those who endure until the end shall be saved… Then we got into this long and deep conversation about what that means – enduring until the end…  Enduring what?  You all want to guess?  I’ll get right to the point…  It does not mean, enduring the attacks, illnesses, shortcomings and obstacles.  Now Michael thinks you all already know this… lol… but I told him, nope not everyone does… I told him many think they need to go buy guns and toilet paper to endure until the end… lol… So if that is you… Please hear me just a moment…  Enduring until the end means, enduring all temptation to sin, to overcome a sinful lifestyle that is in rebellious opposition to our Holy Father who has no darkness within Him whatsoever.  To endure and overcome through the power and blood of the Lamb all ungodliness which desires to overtake, kill and destroy you for all eternity, in order you be found blameless when He calls you Home.  So that is it in a nutshell – I pray it helps someone out there today or who will listen to the archives.

Again… We are not looking to kick anyone out, nor do we judge anyone… If either of those thoughts cross your mind – please ask the Lord to show you why that is what you are perceiving and know that we are constantly praying that each of you do indeed endure until the end because those same people are the ones who shall be saved.  Amen.

Although initially it may appear the qualifications of a called disciple are quite vigorous and treacherous and practically unattainable, however, that is just our flesh talking against being under the subjection of Jesus.  In truth, all it does require is full surrender to the Lord in every way, understanding your worth, having been bought with a very heavy price and knowing just how loved and valuable you are to Him – so much so, He is grieved by anything we choose which separates us from Himself.  It is with great soberness I share with you today – how short time is and how we have only moments left to put away such childish ways and get very serious about our own salvation. 

❤Ring of Fire Ministries Broadcast Transcript ~

The Great Commission – PART 1

Good Morning Blessings!  Thank you for joining me today and this ROF Ministries broadcast.  I want to welcome everyone and tell you how grateful I am for our time of fellowship together the Lord has blessed us with.  You each have an incredible anointing on your lives – truly, if you could see what I see in you – you would jump and leap for joy.  In order to encourage our own souls a little – we are going to talk more about the Great Commission today in hopes to just motivate you and get you thinking a little outside the box and let that light shine within you to illuminate and share more of Jesus and His love with others.  We are to be instant in preaching the Gospel all the time – you are a reflection of HIM as His witnesses – just like He sends angels as messengers, that is you!  We know many are called and few chosen – the chosen part has nothing to do with worthiness, as He equips the called – you are equipped already, what is lacking within so many these days is motivation in a passion for Jesus to reach the lost.  So…  Will you be like Jesus and leave the 99 to go after the 1 lost sheep?  I sure hope so!  Today is a no-excuse zone…  Because honestly, with Him nothing is impossible and He is calling forth His own to shine His light in a world that is becoming darker all the time and that can only happen if His lights refuse to shine.  The Word calls this – occupying until He comes and I don’t mean occupying our beds… but to actually pick up our beds and walk on Earth as it is in the Kingdom of Heaven.  We all can do something to expand His Kingdom here on Earth, if we are willing to do so – He will set before us open doors, no man or enemy can shut, He will fill our mouths with His words and set divine appointments across our paths for the glory of His Name…  IF we are willing to be sent, we will surely BE SENT.

We are all without excuse when the Lord calls us to be His own about His business on Earth… because just as it says in Romans 12 – When we pursue the Lord, He transforms us and then THE POWER OF HIS SPIRIT WORKS THROUGH US TO TRANSFORM OTHERS.  So each of us are on equaled ground in pursuit of Him which cleans and releases us out into those who are suffering, lost and in need of Him.

I was thinking about Enoch and how he walked with God…  It was because of His obedience to the Lord that he became so precious in the Lord’s sight to the point he brought great pleasure to the King of Kings.  He carried a mantle with him woven into His countenance that said “I am an obedient child of the most high God.”  That same mantle is being released upon all God’s children, should we desire to pick it up and carry it too.

2 Timothy 2:24-26 gives us a clearer picture of instructions and commands in pursuing being a conduit of the Great Commission:

19 Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of [g]Christ depart from iniquity.”

20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. 21 Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, [h]sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. 22 Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 23 But avoid foolish and ignorant disputes, knowing that they generate strife. 24 And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, 25 in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, 26 and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will.

You are molded into that precious vessel of honor as His child, having resisted all iniquity – Jesus has cleansed you from the desire to invite sin into your life or give permission for unrighteousness to reign in your hearts – therefore, you are sanctified and prepared for every good work the Lord lays at your feet – having now a purified heart where Jesus dwells.  YOU are the ones I have a stirring to speak to today – those who said yes when He called, being surrendered servants to one Master – Jesus – by countenance/nature you are gentle, in humility you correct and teach others who oppose the Lord within themselves, while praying the Lord will grant them the gift of repentance so they know the truth, escaping the snare of devil they are in, doing his will rather than the Lord’s.  This is the true heart nature of a disciple… repent, repent, repent…Meaning stop sinning and follow the commands of the Lord Jesus and when we do sin, we feel the sorrowful nature of guilt and shame in order to confess our sins, be washed clean again and keep walking spreading the Gospel to those who need to hear the same Good News told to them and they too become free indeed.  Blameless simply means one who’s heart is so turned to the Lord they look to Him when they make a mistake for cleansing.  It is not that we do not sin, it is our intentions towards letting sin enter and remain within us.

If you are like me…  You have an unspoken and deep hidden heart cry to hear these words…  “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”  And with that you have a deep reverence and fear of heart these words… “Depart from Me you worker of iniquity, I never knew you.”  One statement brings us great joy, while the other one makes us tremble inside – why?  Because what I just shared is TRUTH!  And definitely not my truth – but the Lord’s truth. 

Before we read that Scripture… Let’s get it into context…  It is found in Mathew 25 and what precedes enlightens us to just who is found to be a “good and faithful servant.”  Inside the Kingdom of Heaven are ten virgins – five wise, five foolish (childish ways) – both possessing light/lamps.  The childish ones were foolish and had no oil/wisdom – they had been playing around, not seeking to be prepared spiritually for Jesus to come unto them because they thought He was taking too long they remained spiritually unprepared and eventually what little wisdom they had accumulated ran out because it was foolish and not of the heart  – when He came to retrieve all the virgins, they all in a blink woke up trimmed their lamps (repentance) but since the unwise had run out of wisdom they wanted the wise to share their wisdom with them (oil) but the wise stated they did not have enough for both their counterparts in the Kingdom and themselves and told the unwise to go get their own from those who buy and sell it to others… so the unwise left to go buy oil to keep their internal flame alive from sources outside of Jesus – which just happens to be when He showed up for only those who were spiritually ready and it was then the wise entered into the Marriage supper with their Bridegroom Jesus and the door was shut behind them all. Now, I know you all are very familiar with that story in the Bible… But I bet most often whoever shared it left off the ending… so here we go… So inside the bridal chamber is the wise virgins communing with Jesus and the door is shut to the outside world and here come the unwise knocking, saying…  Lord open the door to us and Jesus replied… I know you not.  Ugh… that’s a hard truth to swallow… all are in the Kingdom but not all in the Kingdom know Jesus or are known by Him, it is through deep spiritual intimacy one is invited to remain with the groom within the veil.

Moving on… Next He compares the Kingdom of Heaven as being the same as a person who was given talents to travel all over the World with – each one of these people were given various talents by equipping them for what He had purposed them to do while here on Earth, but all resided spiritually inside the Kingdom for the purposes of the Lord Himself.  This is us you all… we each contain a God ordained gifting to share with others to expand God’s Kingdom here on Earth.  It is what comes natural to your heart quite often.  The beautiful part about these talents you carry is the Lord Jesus has matched you perfectly with those who are prepared to receive from you what you carry for His glory – It is what we do with what He granted us that comes into question here…  If we share what we’ve been given, Jesus is multiplied greatly upon the Earth but if we bury, hide, are idle and refuse to share what was given the Lord when He comes will say to that person you are wicked and lazy – but to those who walked the Earth sharing all they had with been given with others to them He says, well done good and faithful servant, you were loyal over a few things and will now be made a ruler over many things to increase your joy.  Sadly, what was given to the lazy servant was handed over to the trusted servants then the untrusted servant due to being unprofitable to the Kingdom is cast into outer darkness…  Now, I am not saying any of this to scare you all – maybe just to sober us up a bit and not take so lightly into laziness that we are truly sent here to be workers in the Kingdom of Heaven and not be idle… because being idle means nothing positive for anyone – being a faithful/loyal servant should always be at the forefront of our minds as His messengers.  Each one of us was fearfully and wonderfully made for a purpose.

You can read the rest of the chapter yourself which goes into Him separating the sheep and goats and where they ask Jesus when did we see You hungry, thirsty and naked, etc… then He will reply WHATEVER YOU DO TO THE LEAST OF THESE YOU HAVE DONE UNTO ME for that was ME you could have fed, gave a drink to or clothe or visit in prisons or healed… But a promise at the end of the chapter is where I will end this portion of today’s study is when Jesus said to those wise servants who were not idle and lazy, but spiritually prepared continually for His coming – whether counted in the lost or in Him on that last day – the wicked servants will go into everlasting punishment BUT THE RIGHTEOUS INTO LIFE ETERNAL.

Thank You Lord for reminding us faith/loyalty to You without works is dead and help us to be Your hands and feet of love no matter where You send us, each day.  Remind us Lord Your charity starts within our own homes and help those of us who struggle within our own homes to be Your representative there first and foremost.  Amen.

Okay I just had to say that because many people are nicer to outsiders than they are to their own families, even doing so in the Name of Jesus.  They may be meaner than dogs or neglectful to their own loved ones while spreading the Gospel in church gatherings or serving Jesus by serving others while their family is depleted emotionally, without mercy and forgiveness and financially void of a presence of love and this should not be so, it is out of Godly order.  If we really want to know if we are walking purely with Jesus as His servants, we should ask those closest to us – our spouses, children, parents, siblings, etc…  they know us personally, on good days and bad days – how we handle obstacles, pain, sickness, betrayals, sins and temptations, anger, you know – the hard things that come at us, how do we cope as that is what reveals the true nature of us. 

Trusting in the false ministry faces people put on to reach the lost is futile when discerning who is and is not your co-laborer in the Kingdom.  You really want to know who someone is?  Ask their families… I always think to myself, how the Father sees and knows everything I do – Do you all do that too?  If so, you know what I mean when I say realizing He knows us so deeply really keeps us on our toes to inspect our hearts to insure we are found to be bringing pleasure to Him in place of disapproval.

Anyway – we are intent on discussing the Great Commission today with a hope and prayer it is encouraging and igniting to you to use what your Father gave you for HIS KINGDOM PURPOSE and none are too weak to be counted in and be used.

So within the Great Commission is a few heartfelt servants who by the outline of the Lord Jesus have a set example before them in Him and what He expected them to carry out until the end of the age and what to do in His absence.  Mathew 28 is where you find in detail what Jesus commanded to His apostles before He departed Earth in the flesh among them.  He instructed them and us to make disciples while we are occupying in this World until He comes again… He used the words baptize and teach secondly to by instructing them all the ways of Jesus.  One must be baptized by fire with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to be a true follower of Jesus and when you combine the two – remaining teachable and teaching others with the baptism of the Holy Spirit you become one who imitates the example of only Jesus, by relying on the Holy Spirit to lead and guide.  When we are anointed to make disciples, it simply means to teach and train others who are of a willing heart to follow and obey Jesus.  We are called his witnesses sent to all the ends of the Earth, enabled to go anywhere He leads by the power of the Holy Spirit so that the authentic church body of Christ is expanded and grows.  When we meet with others, Jesus is our focus and we plead on others behalf to be reconciled back to God, because that is what Jesus does. 

All of this I am sharing is knowledge most of you already know… but for us this is a very timely word… We are on the precipice of many being sent out into the World revealing the true nature and heart of God in which He desires all people to be saved and to come to the full knowledge of the truth spoken of in 1 Timothy. 

Let’s use Isaiah as an example today…  When he witnessed by the spirit God’s perfect holiness he was immediately convicted of his sin, recognizing he deserved punishment – but it doesn’t end there, not for him or for us, thankfully… It is then at the moment Isaiah and us for that matter become ripe for picking and we realize we deserve a woe, having unclean hearts and lips… so in truth, in brokenness we of the heart cry out to our Lord for saving, and this time it is for real… Not to escape or get out of something, but because we know we are sick inwardly in need of a healing touch from our Lord on High.  So an angel takes a piece of coal burning from fire from the alter and places it upon Isaiah’s lips to burn away all uncleanliness and what formed within him was such a pure and grateful heart after he knew he deserved punishment, in exchange he was granted grace for eternal life.  But like I said… it doesn’t end there, what followed was miraculous – Isaiah and God began to converse… and God asks Isaiah a question (all of this is in Isaiah 6 btw) “Whom shall I send and who will go for us?”  You see this?  They became one and God who was searching all this time for Isaiah was reconciled back to His son who at that moment came searching for HIM.  Without question immediately Isaiah responded…  Here I am… send me!  He responded with such excitement that measured to the degree of excitement he had for the Lord Himself.  Why?  He couldn’t wait to tell the World and all who would listen within it – what the Lord had done for him.  And about God who is mighty to save with a passionate desire for them to have a life changing moment in the same way he did.  Our past does not dictate our future unless we give it permission to do so.

And just like Isaiah, we have a great commission too – to share our testimonies, giving God all the glory – to point to Jesus as the lasting Lord and Savior in our lives and shout it out to the World how lost we were and now have been found.  This sounds like returning to our first love, our commanding love and passion shared with Jesus for one another and the lost doesn’t it?  Let’s call it a reigniting of that flame of love, full of excitement and newness to share with everyone and anyone who will listen. 

Within the confines of our great commission is void of the watered down gospel of man… Instead it is pure truth with fullness, which is the ONLY WAY THE HOLY SPIRIT leads others and speaks to others.  I don’t know what spirit all these others are of, but I do know when the HOLY SPIRIT is leading it is a full and complete work done within each of us.  Our commission is to guide and lead others just as He were doing so Himself.  We are to share how salvation is seized through the grace of God alone and how His holiness requires a punishment upon us, but Jesus already paid that price on our behalf.  We deserved wrath, but for a moment in time, Jesus received that wrath upon Himself so we wouldn’t be appointed to it ourselves.  As a perfect man without sin, Jesus went to the cross that day owing us nothing He gave us everything eternally – life itself.  We owe Him a debt we can never repay, which He expects us to not die as He did, but live continually a life laid down for Him.  That is how we show our love and adoration for Him, willingly we forfeit our lives to live for Him, considering all He did for us – it really is a small thing considering all He did for us isn’t it?  When we place our loyalty to Him above all else we find true salvation and freedom from the ties that bind us to this World and we too shall explode with excitement over Jesus, containing an unwavering desire to serve Him by telling others about Him and His ways – to fulfill the great commission – to do it! 

From the outside to hear or see of anyone who gives up everything, even possibly risking their own lives to proclaim the gospel and assist others on their journeys to Jesus – it may appear foolish or like their decisions are not rational or logical but honestly – their joy is made full in HIM, they risk it all because they have already been given all they need — truly, there is nothing left to lose, once you lose your life for His sake.

Evangelism of today on the other hand is not instructional or disciplined like the great commission is – meaning we as followers of Jesus are not TO SELL the gospel for any profit on any level… We are not into playing intellectual games, fame, being a salesperson, utilizing shiny objects to lure others in, knowledge based worms on hooks to reel others in or that sort of thing… no smoke and mirrors on the disciple’s lists – just the simplicity of Christ Jesus in love is on their hearts, minds and lips.  Discipleship has nothing to do with   coning people into buying something they don’t need, especially more knowledge or fame… or trying to grab people’s attention or forcing on anyone a faith that doesn’t go deeper than a memorized prayer. 

We are to proclaim not ourselves, but only that JESUS IS LORD – speaking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth – in LOVE, of course and then… ready?  LEAVE THE RESULTS WITH GOD, who is the perfect author and finisher of everyone’s faith walk with Himself.  If we at any time lure people to Jesus with anything not grounded in the whole truth – sadly, once received their walk will be fleeting and not built on the solid ground needed to thrive… when storms come what little they had will blow away, fall apart and the worst part – it will appear to them God forsook them… Isn’t that sad?  But when we speak truth always in love and hold nothing back, they will grow up into maturity with deep strong roots to withstand all storms of this life.  They will… walk on water, keeping their eyes fixated on Jesus at all times, who never told anyone storms would not come – He just promised to never leave us within the storm.  Amen?  Carnal evangelists count salvations, disciples rejoice with angels over just one sinner that repents.  See the difference?

Sometimes it seems as if we are not effective or making any difference at all, doesn’t it?  Just keep in mind we are not responsible for the multitudes of people we have no control or charge over.  We are only responsible to those THE LORD HIMSELF SENDS US TO and often we are just planting His seeds along the way… as He goes before us to prepare their hearts to receive His truth and our hearts to deliver it in love.  Just one can make a difference, you just committing yourself to praying for, encouraging, instructing, teaching – assisting by coming alongside just that one for however long it takes is how we will grow the church during these last days.  I call these divine appointments the Lord sets up for us and when we say yes to Him, He will cultivate for us a discipiling relationship with that person.  When we just like Jesus invest into another soul, He will use us as a His witness, ignoring our own weaknesses as an excuse to sit idle and do nothing.  We may not be able to freely rush into a large crowd and deliver the gospel, but we can surely go looking for and lead back that one lost sheep who has wandered off and is lost, scared and lonely in need of some spiritual TLC.

As we read the Word, we need to be placing ourselves right there in the midst of it, because it is our instruction manual.  In Mark 16 it says we are to go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to all of creation.  The disciples were not idle no matter what ailments or imprisonments they faced and no matter where the Lord placed them, they made the best of it to be His sent messenger.  Even Jesus Himself was purposed to win souls until He took His last breath… The very last person He preached the good news too hung on the cross beside Him – If you can even imagine that?  Everything our precious Lord Jesus had endured, He still put aside His own pain and suffering to embrace another in need of saving – the church in America especially has gotten so anemic and weak that if all conditions are not perfect in our own eyes, we refuse to share the Good News.  Jesus’s disciples did not shrink back like we do, having unmatched zeal and boldness.  Acts 4 describes how Peter and John were threatened with punishment by the rulers, elders and scribes… But continued to preach the gospel anyway – saying they gleaned joy in suffering for the sake of their Lord Jesus. 

When you take a closer look at all they went through on a regular basis, it surely conflicts the heart, doesn’t it?  None of us have faced such tribulations like they did or like many do outside of the US.  Yet, despite our safety, we struggle to be motivated enough to entertain even participating in the Great Commission required of us.  In truth, there is no valid excuse for any of us not to share the gospel by being a walking testimony to an unbelieving World, having once walked in darkness ourselves and yet He delivered us making us children of the light.

If honest, being idle is due to our own inward focus and self-centric attitude and I am at fault with this just like everyone else.  I am guilty before all… knowing in times of heartache I ruminate on what happened, coming into agreement with my pain, caring too much about my reputation and comfort and by pride lose sight of my Lord and Savior and His commanded expectations of me.  In essence we take our eyes off Jesus and place them on ourselves more often than we like to admit.  Having a daily devotion to the Lord is our strength in time of weakness and trouble while keeping our eyes fixated on Him.  Fellowshipping with Him all the time cultivates a deeper communion with Him so we are able to daily deny ourselves, pick up our cross (suffering) each day and follow Him. 

The Great Commission is for all of His who call upon His name – all are required to do something to change the atmosphere in the World, no matter who you are or what natural obstacles are in your way – you radiate light just by being who you are.  It is His way…for us to teach and assist others to observe all that we were commanded by Him and yet, we cannot command something by the power of the Holy Spirit if we refuse to pick up our own beds and walk…  in order to equip and disciple the church of Jesus – He told us the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few in Mathew 9… I can see it, realizing I can do so much more – can’t you? 

Jesus highlighted some basic qualities of what one of His disciples look like, as a reminder to what we studied last week let’s go over a few of them.

  • Disciples embrace within the heart the Word of God by applying what is written into the very fabric of their own lives, without adding to, taking away or altering the gift of the message in anyway.
  • Disciples make up God’s Kingdom here on Earth, meaning they assist in making His Kingdom concrete and perceivable and observable as if Jesus Himself was walking the Earth.  They are visible and tangible entities and expressions of Jesus alive and active here in this place.
  • Disciples are citizens of Heaven who bring the good news about Jesus by conducting themselves in a way which represents royalty and purity.  They are not of this world, just passing through it as His appointed ambassadors.  We are supposed to look different than the rest of the World, being sanctified and set apart being Holy as our Father in Heaven is Holy.
  • Disciples go out in groups of likeminded souls, equally yoked in order to encourage one another, to stir up one another to love and do good works.  The fellowship together for the purpose of loving strength, not to exclude anyone else, but to include Jesus in the midst of themselves to overcome all obstacles as they deliver His message.  A day in the life with a disciple of humility, realizes dependence on others who have the same heart, mind and spirit as them is essential.
  • Every disciple is granted a gift to evangelize others the Jesus way by sharing the gospel and being ready to give explanation of why you have such hope in a hopeless world, being content with Jesus in times of plenty and times of distress.  Disciples never see themselves as a victim, not ever – they see it an honor to suffer in any way for the cause of Christ and be used and abused if need be to bring Him glory.
  • As a disciple your countenance of light will provoke those who abide in darkness to lash out at you through false accusation and persecution.  Your holiness in Jesus will irritate the demons influencing others to the point they cannot hold their tongues and will rail accusations continually, and yet we are not moved to stoop down to their level, it is in Him we rise above all conflict.
  • As a disciple you have total understanding that two is better than one and that forfeiting this go it alone lifestyle is not conducive to cultivating a Kingdom culture which is based in full surrender, each part heeding to the blessing the other part brings to the table of the Lord.
  • Disciples easily comprehend the difference between suffering for others versus suffering due to their own lack of discipline and do not confuse the consequences of their own rebellious ways with the oil gleaned from mourning with those who mourn in a time of need in order to comfort them with the same words by which you were comforted.

Lastly before I go I want to share some of a recent conversation I had with Michael which was very eye opening to me on several levels.  I am sharing it not to cause offense, but rather to give some insight as to why our dealings with others often ends in ways that do not reflect the intent of our hearts or bring glory to the Lord and His nature.

I pray you will consider what I am about to share and take it to the Lord for clarity.  Again, not to offend, but to set free, so if I happen to be speaking to you just ask the Lord if this is truth for chains to be broken and minds to be set free so you walk in liberty in Him, seeing yourself as a valuable and chosen vessel within His kingdom.

Michael and I were having one of those deep moments of talking about the Lord and His purpose for us and he started sharing about how for years people will say to him “don’t kick me out…”  He was speaking about how that is demons operating through others not wanting to lose their grip on the person.  Then I began to tell him that people are constantly saying to me “don’t judge me…”  which always catches me off-guard because I judge no one ever and we both were just shaking our heads because we don’t even have to say a word but just by being present in the moment people say these things to us… Then it dawned on me… how many times people in chat will say or email “don’t kick me out…” and they have for years and every single time I convey to them I can count on one hand how many unruly people who would not conform to love were banned from chat – but they don’t believe me, I know the number is less than five, which isn’t very many considering we’ve been doing this for close to ten years, having thousands of people we cross paths with.  Michael was telling me how because I carry the light of Jesus within, people who are in darkness and do not desire to partake in His light feel naked and exposed for sin and rather than repent they deflect saying I am judging when I’ve said or done nothing to indicate judgment outside of speaking truth occasionally or reading the Word, but never targeting anyone specifically and yet at times people will be like they have fabricated in their minds perceiving accusation when all I was sharing was God’s word.

Then the next morning after our talk, the Lord began to show me something… And it relates to how many are and will view Him, using us as an example.  We do not go around kicking people out, judging others or holding grudges… but if your own actions are sinful and cause you to be separated out, then that is on you and how it is the darkness which does not want to flee so the person can remain in fellowship.  The Lord began showing me how He does not prevent anyone from entering His own Kingdom, but rather their refusal to accept forgiveness of sins by not confessing them and being washed clean falls upon their own doings.  When we do not own our personal shortcomings and sin, we keep it and granted access to enter into the Kingdom is delayed.  Just as Adam and Eve were not permitted to re-enter into the Garden the same is true for us.  Jesus is our intercessor to reconcile us back to the Father, as a matter of fact He is the only way to the Father’s heart.  But what about being reconciled back to Jesus after we are beat up and worn out with doing things our own way?  It is only by accepting within the heart the sacrificial gift Jesus gave of Himself for on the cross – by crucifying your self-life with Him, only to be raised back to life from the dead in His power and cleansing blood.  It is with confession (of sin) that through faith and mercy we are saved – to have that same power that raised Jesus from the dead imparted into us we are no longer smelling like the stench of death ourselves. 

So then another piece to this is about an hour later in our conversation (we always talk about the Lord mostly, obviously) Michael reminded me only those who endure until the end shall be saved… Then we got into this long and deep conversation about what that means – enduring until the end…  Enduring what?  You all want to guess?  I’ll get right to the point…  It does not mean, enduring the attacks, illnesses, shortcomings and obstacles like many think.  Now Michael thinks you all already know this… lol… but I told him, nope not everyone does… I told him many think they need to go buy guns and toilet paper to endure until the end… lol… So if that is you… Please hear me just a moment…  Enduring until the end means, enduring all temptation to sin, to overcome a sinful lifestyle that is in rebellious opposition to our Holy Father who has no darkness within Him whatsoever.  To endure and overcome through the power and blood of the Lamb all unholiness which desires to overtake, kill and destroy you for all eternity, in order you be found blameless when He calls you Home.  So that is it in a nutshell – I pray it helps someone out there today or who will listen to the archives.

Again… We are not looking to kick anyone out, nor do we judge anyone… If either of those thoughts cross your mind occasionally – please ask the Lord to show you why that is what you are perceiving and know that we are constantly praying that each of you do indeed endure until the end because those same people are the ones who shall be saved.  Amen.

Although initially it may appear the qualifications of a called disciple are quite vigorous and treacherous and practically unattainable, however, that is just our flesh talking against being under the subjection of Jesus.  In truth, all it does require is a heart longing to fully surrender to the Lord in every way, understanding your worth, having been bought with a very heavy price and knowing just how loved and valuable you are to Him – so much so, He is grieved by anything we choose which separates us from Himself.  It is with great soberness I share with you today – how short time is and how we have only moments left to put away such childish ways and get very serious about our own salvation. 

So before I go – I want to read to you out of Luke 10 – it is a very timely word of encouragement for us all to embrace the great commission the Lord has anointed us with.

LUKE 10:1-23 –

 After these things the Lord appointed [a]seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. Then He said to them, “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Go your way; behold, I send you out as lambs among wolves. Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road. But whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace to this house.’ And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you. And remain in the same house, eating and drinking such things as they give, for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do not go from house to house. Whatever city you enter, and they receive you, eat such things as are set before you. And heal the sick there, and say to them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you.’ 10 But whatever city you enter, and they do not receive you, go out into its streets and say, 11 ‘The very dust of your city which clings to [b]us we wipe off against you. Nevertheless know this, that the kingdom of God has come near you.’ 12 [c]But I say to you that it will be more tolerable in that Day for Sodom than for that city.

Woe to the Impenitent Cities

13 “Woe to you, Chorazin! Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would have repented long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes. 14 But it will be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the judgment than for you. 15 And you, Capernaum, [d]who are exalted to heaven, will be brought down to Hades. 16 He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, and he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.”

The Seventy Return with Joy

17 Then the [e]seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.”

18 And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 20 Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but [f]rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”

Jesus Rejoices in the Spirit

21 In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight. 22 All[g] things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.

23 Then He turned to His disciples and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes which see the things you see; 24 for I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what you see, and have not seen it, and to hear what you hear, and have not heard it.

❤Ring of Fire Ministries Broadcast Transcript ~

The Lord of the Sabbath

November 2021

Good Morning and God Bless You All Today – thank you for joining for this ROF Ministries broadcast… Lord have mercy I am not even quite sure what I am getting myself into today, but no matter what with Jesus we are learning to walk on top of all Spiritual waters.  We are getting ready to step into the viper’s pit today – you all with me? You’ll understand that pun a lot more a little later… I either must be a little cra cra or too out of this World to care much about this World anymore or maybe a combination of both!  So for today I am gonna blame Redmarble – so if anyone gets super sensitive or offended or angry…  I’ll give you their number – jk… lol

Redmarble – this one is dedicated to you.  So here we go… We are gonna dive right into these icy waters today and talk about the Sabbath…  Amazing how one small word can stir up so much contention and strife, laced with the opinions and doctrines of humans.  Rest assured I checked all my opinions at the door, so we will adhere only to what is written in the Word, especially focusing on my most favorite person who ever walked the Earth – Jesus.  This is an age old controversy no doubt – an ancient generational war which increased greatly when Jesus showed up to rattle the cages of the religious, when the Pharisees and Scribes lost their grip on souls when freedom arrived to set hearts free.  Jesus did not discount the Law, but He offered what it could not – deliverance and salvation.  Jesus spoke of a better way, free of works and full of surrender.  With Jesus being the only way to the Father, He shook up their means of attaining righteousness through a circumcised and cleansed heart.  It is the flesh nature to desire rules to obey to earn one’s way to Heaven by works, which impairs walking by the Spirit where faithful intimacy is cultivated.  When the hearts change rules are no longer necessary because our desires change and then just like Jesus we fulfill what is written by the Law and more, not out of demand but in freedom of choice. 

For example…  Think about when you were 16, most of us likely had a curfew – a rule to be home at a specific time, but as we age and mature, learning the consequences to our actions – our desires change.  At 50 we no longer need a curfew law, because our desires of the heart has changed – we are most likely at home by midnight, not by rule, but by it serving no purpose to do that which we did at 16 which could get us into trouble.  The same is true for those who are Jesus’s followers…  We don’t need a law to direct how we follow Him, because He is the fixation of our hearts so our new nature in being a new creature in Christ would not break the law anyway.  If we still require rules, we haven’t laid our life down for His sake yet.

I sought the Lord a long time on how to initiate today’s study… I knew it would stir up a hornet’s nest and I also understand this topic has fumed anger since the beginning of time practically – both of which I care not to do.  I refuse to debate Scripture at anytime and causing strife is something I will walk a mile to avoid.  When I even sense someone is offensively angry and on the warpath – I turn around so I don’t drown in whatever is sucking them down so it is quite against my nature to even dare to bring this up.  First of all let’s get something straight – I know nothing and anything I do know that is correct, comes not from me but one source of truth, the Word.  We are to look to Jesus for all truth, for life and for the way to go…  We need His example for getting out of messes, dealing with difficult people, walking in freedom by the spirit and basically how to maneuver living in this sin soaked World and not be tainted by it or influenced to look back and long for how we wished things would go.  Today… let’s talk about Jesus being the Lord of the Sabbath – the better way to walk in freedom.

Jesus was continually facing attacks from the most holy keepers of all the laws and the Sabbath.  Here is a just one example of a conversation He had in Mathew 22 –

34 But when the Pharisees had heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they were gathered together.

35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang (snag people up/ensnares them from walking in freedom) all the law and the prophets.

Jesus also called them cunning, being evil, the offspring of satan and a generation of vipers telling them since they laid their lives down for the sake of the law, it is by the law they shall be judged and we all know if you keep them all and break one, there is no escape…  His irritation showed the most when dealing with this sort of people who hold to the traditions of men and being religiously blind did not see Him when He was standing right before Him.  The same is true today – many in the Jewish sect do not believe Jesus as Lord and Savior, but rather as a Prophet, in which even that is purposed by His design and likely not any of you all. 

So do we need to keep the Sabbath Day like the Jewish people?  Simple answer – No, unless you desire to be accounted as one of those who say they are Jews but lie.  Can I please just gather the little children around me today and share, like Jesus would?  I already know by the Bible’s examples how much offense this will cause with those who are convinced they have wisdom most don’t regarding what the question is before us.  Today, I am speaking to little children of God – just want to make sure we are all on the same page on this, keeping offense to a minimum.  So all are welcome, but if this is a hot topic button for you – then what I am sharing today, likely is not something you want to entertain.  Okay… let’s do this, I am simply one little child speaking to a few others on this one.  When it comes to Jewish ways and such I confess I am not skilled, knowledgeable or spent hours upon end in great study…. When I study it is Jesus, not Jewish traditions to follow – to learn everything I possibly can about His ways, example, love and compassion.  It is not enough for me to know what He did, I am starving to know why He did it… What moved Him by compassion every single time to save the lost… did you know He sought to save the lost constantly, even before the cross and after?… amazing.  Again, I do not look to Jewish guidance for example, but to Jesus alone as a little child, He is my example and yours.

By observation like a child… One thing I have noticed is how those who promote the “Sabbath” are very cranky and easily offended in general – not all, but most – this is because it is a generational stronghold.  Just an observation I have throughout years of being in the fray of ministry… They are also very picky over names and such – like if you do not use these religious names to call upon Jesus He will not or cannot hear you and they seem to run in packs and will gang up on you like a mob if do not fit into their elite and elevated ways of religious operation – you see, there is no freedom in rules.  Honestly, years ago for about three weeks I entertained some of this haughty wisdom and due to much forcing on their parts, I retreated, knowing it was not for me at all, but I love these who practice such convictions very much and out of caution refuse to engage or entangle with them ever because they can be very unmerciful.  Jesus called them a “den of vipers…”  Before I didn’t know why, now I do… their words sting a lot.  I still don’t know where to start… lol… so let’s start there when we get into the Word and get the yucky stuff out of the way because I am most excited talking about JESUS WHO IS THE LORD OF THE SABBATH 24-7 – yayyyyyy and to abide in Him is such freedom and contentment and wonder and awe and a restful gift we can maintain the rest of all our moments here on Earth.

So Redmarble asked… Do I need to keep the Sabbath on Saturday and even Michelle stated she was so very torn up inside because she quit her job just to recognize the Sabbath, bless her little heart.  Then a whirlwind started in chat and me being one who can’t seem to keep her mouth shut said… We can study the Sabbath… So here we are, lets learn together because I realized just how lacking I am in this Sabbath debate and I have many questions too and all our answers are found in the Bible, thankfully.

Do we need to keep the Sabbath Holy?  Of course, Jesus is the Sabbath and He is Holy – but a day?  To pick out just one day to be Holy, seems a little off to me, but then they bring up work and I am like, okay… listening… then I get so confused as to how these works are so opinionated I cannot even keep them straight – like don’t go to a job, but you can work at home and clean everything but isn’t that work and then its okay to clean utensils but not do laundry – then some say setting aside a time to be present with Jesus, but what about the other 6 days – what if I need Him them, but that is okay too I am told and then the whole name thing is so complex and I cannot begin to explain the intricacies of the heart which cries out to the Lord and it is almost a guarantee some of us do not know the correct name to use to approach the Lord Jesus and it is at this point… my eyes glaze over only to decide… if He is this hard to obey, observe, find, reach and attain… that coupled with my unworthiness and uncleanliness, laced with my carnal mind and fleshly desires – any hope for me personally to be saved is out the window and its simply just too much for this blonde brain to process and then it dawned on me – as confounded as I am by their rules, they are by my freedom to worship Jesus when He says come as you are.

I know now why… Jesus ate with the sinners and publicans and I also know why these law keepers got so furious… We simply cannot conform to anyone but Jesus – it is like we fit perfectly by melting into His mold and no matter how hard we try to mold and fit into or conform to others, it just will not work out right.  Anyway, what I am finding out as of late – is that Jesus is much less difficult to please than humans – He looks at the intention of the heart when measuring our efforts, realizing some of us may fall greatly short of the mark but are truly just giving it all we got and doing the very best we can.  I just love Jesus so very much – don’t you?

The Law in of itself propagates judging and elevating of oneself unless Jesus is fulfilling it within us.  If we can be ensnared into boasting on anything but Him, even the keeping of the law or Sabbath…  We are quickly headed for a stumble.  All this judging one another over these Jewish traditions is not at all what Jesus intended with fulfilling the Sabbath and remember when He returns He alone will teach all Holy Days and ways that were in His perfect design and man has altered.  In Mathew 15 we see it was common for Jesus to be asked this same question, that being – “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders?…” speaking of eating unclean things and without proper and fit Jewish handwashing.  But this is one of the reasons I love Jesus’s ways so much – He didn’t answer but rather asked them a question – which was, “Why do you also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?”  Isn’t Jesus terrific??  He told them they honor God with their mouths but their hearts were far from Him, saying it is in vain they worship Him because they teach the doctrines and commandments of men.  They were greatly offended and He called them the blind leading the blind in which both fall into a ditch.  And His main point here was that no keeping of laws or Sabbath or anything man devised to do would keep them Holy and pure, because it is only with a changed heart we cannot be defiled.  Anytime we place anything as a work to do, as a stepping stone to Salvation and the Kingdom of our Father above Jesus… we remain unknowingly blind and naked, without the washing and cleansing blood of Jesus – in truth, we cannot begin to keep ourselves clean no matter how hard we try or what rules we follow – our very thoughts condemn us Jesus said.

Okay… Where were we?  Brood of vipers… right, let’s go there for a moment and then finish up with Colossians 2 and the Sabbath…  First off, don’t forget when we study the Word it is a tool of measurement like a mirror we use to gauge where we are and do a heart check for the sake of wisdom and repentance, which is just what we are going to do today – thankfully the Lord is ridding us from all serpent tendencies – Amen?  And the last thing we desire is to be counted in with those in a brood such as this.  Its all about the fruit, what we are inside in the heart bears manifested fruit in our words and our actions outwardly.  Which also explains why we are to partake of and eat of Jesus, the Bread of life so His ways are manifested as fruit in our lives.  We all carry characteristics of the master who rules over us in our lives and I don’t want to hang on this topic for too long, but it is very important we truly understand why vipers do what they do and say what they say… it is because of who they are subservient too, usually self righteousness… When we do not surrender fully to Jesus, the viper in us will surely come out one way or another no matter how hard we try to hide it and yet, if we convince ourselves that holy work is enough to keep it covered, then we will go down that path of rules, law, regulations and such… by cleaning the outside of the cup alone appearing holy as hypocrites with a heart as cold as ice.  Anything which elevates ego within us, especially using holy things is just that… the spirit of a Pharisee.  If you get any sort of satisfaction of feeling better than or above others in proclaiming you keep the Sabbath – or dress down to promote your humility – that’s religious pride.  I see it all the time – people will say “I keep the Sabbath… with a laundry list of why…” and it makes them feel good about themselves, it is like they elevate themselves by putting them in some rare category above those who don’t… Jesus didn’t teach us to do this, did He?  He sanctifies His own, works based sanctification is not equaled to salvation.  His servants are under the lowest of the low… and if they did keep the Sabbath, they would hide it – not use it as a tool to lift themselves up.  Another one we see a lot today are people bragging they don’t watch tv, just after binging on poisonous mixture of youtube videos all day long – they do this in sight of holy people since tv is out of the religious acceptable norm and yet so called holy men and women approve of youtube, if it is for the purpose of the Lord they justify a lot by calling themselves watchmen on the wall…  sigh… you all can see through this facade right?  If anyone feels a sort of accomplishment and bragging rights because they don’t have cable tv and yet watch youtube day and night, you might want to rethink just what master you are truly serving – last I checked it all came from the same source of airwaves and we know just who is the prince and power of the air don’t we?  My point is…. None of us are greater than another, no matter how hard we try and boast on ourselves, in truth we aren’t that great to be boasted about.

Oh boy… how’s your flesh feeling at the moment?  Mine is uncomfortable… I cannot tell you how thankful I will be to finally be rid completely of all these tempting thoughts of fleshly ways.

Matthew 12:34 “You brood of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak what is good?”
       Jesus then asks the Pharisees, “How can you, being evil, speak what is good?” In the same way that a bad tree will produce bad fruit, those who are evil can only speak that which is evil. Denouncing the Spirit of God (cf. 12:22-32) as the Pharisees had done was the natural language of the wicked, for the evil heart can only produce evil. Of course all humans are evil at their core, for Paul wrote, “…both Jews and Greeks are all under sin; as it is written, ‘There is none righteous, not even one; All have turned aside, together they have become useless; There is none who does good, There is not even one’ …for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:9-10, 12, 23). Paul told the Ephesians, and every believer in Christ, “You were dead in your trespasses and sins… But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (Eph. 2:1-5)—for it is by grace that a person is saved! Thus, prior to salvation, the spiritually dead person resembles a dead tree with no fruit and a viper with poison under his tongue. But upon receiving Christ, he is a new creation, a new tree with good fruit!

Jesus was not ever trying to be mean – He was actually trying to reveal to the religious in His day and open their spiritual eyes that now there is an easier way through Him by which one is cleansed of all impurities, made whole by surrendering yourself to Him and abiding in His ways – we no longer have to strive to attain that which is secured by abiding in Him and Him in us.  Reserving a specific day to act Holy or surrender or worship or spend time with the Lord is silly when we are to be Holy, surrendered in worship abiding and spending time with Him at all times.  And again… If keeping the Sabbath Day Holy sets you apart with bragging rights – don’t do it.

Observing the Sabbath day is only able to accomplish complementing our daily walk with Jesus and never should be something we lord over others or brag about and especially using it as a qualifier to determine just who is and is not Holy.  If I were to observe the Sabbath, I would not tell a soul – in order to not become a stumbling block to others… meaning they feel less than because they do not or because of me are prompted to do so as well but not of the heart.  I used to try my best to pick a day to just devote to the Lord and me in study, quiet and prayer – but now, I have to seize those moments when they present themselves.  I don’t feel any condemnation that it is not a particular day, but grateful those times are allotted whenever they present themselves.  Soooo… if there is any obligation present and you are not meeting that set day and condemnation or guilt comes – it likely is not of the Lord.  Read John 15-17 about abiding and resting in Jesus continually in Him to alleviate that heavy burden.

I would be remiss if I didn’t say something else… His Name is JESUS, just as it is written and I am not sure where all this confusion began to set in – but we sure know who the author of confusion is, don’t we?

Mathew 1:21 says – And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.

It is the same word in all translations I could find.  Remember… I am speaking to the children of the Lord right now… if you have other beliefs, okay – but to the children with ears to hear and a heart to receive…  Jesus is His Name and there is no other name by which people are saved, again just as it is written – again I am only repeating that which is already written.  The Word is so simple a child can understand – I am simple like a child, I do not have a ton of wisdom and I am not smart like man would consider wise or anything like that…  in keeping with the simplicity found in Jesus.  I know it seems silly to even mention this to those who don’t know there is an area of contention which surrounds the Name of Jesus that argue over genealogies…  but sadly there is.  Jesus’s name represents to the heart and life of one Who dwells within it – as in by identity of placement just who he is, rather than an appointed name being used.  Our hearts often cry out to Him in ways words cannot udder and yet the Word tells us He hears us.  To preemptively state that unless you use His Name by the standards of the religious He will not acknowledge you is ridiculous and a red flag that whoever is promoting such a thing has not fully awakened to salvation and freedom which comes in being born again as a new creature in Christ.  Again – Jesus is called… by who He is to you personally of the heart – He is called like spoken of in Isaiah 9 – For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

And so much more… because He is wonderful, a counselor to us to comfort, lead and guide, He is our mighty God over all that which is not good must subject unto, He is everlasting and reigns with peace over and through us and that is just barely given mention to edify His Name.  So, will you be in trouble or not be heard if you do not use a professional, correct, religious name?  Heaven’s no, He heard us before we ever knew to call Him Lord and He quickly answered us with an embrace and yes.  A pure heart which calls out to Him is good enough, no matter what name you use, He will answer.

Okay – so we have the Old Covenant (Old Testament Law to abide by and give guidance, which was very purposeful) before Jesus’s death and resurrection and then it is within the New Covenant that greater things we are able to do by actually having the abiding of Jesus within us and us within Him, being one through the Holy Spirit that does what the Law could not accomplish – giving us power through a surrendered self-life to go and sin no more, via a heart change – a desire change and a softening in order we repent when we do sin and yet no longer purposely sin since Jesus is our heart’s desire.  So its this and its so much more and I am struggling to give fleshly words to that which only the Spirit can conceive. 

New creatures in Christ cancels out the requirements of the Sabbath because Jesus is Lord now – the requirements are canceled not the Sabbath itself, we are grafted into Him as the branch within His Body – the Body of Christ, where there is neither Jew or Gentile.  Was it purposeful for a season?  Absolutely…  Is it purposed now?  Not if you are a new creature in Christ under the New Covenant, having returned to our first love, spending only one day in fixation on Him would never be enough. 

Colossians 2:

For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh;

Go figure… it was Laodicea having issues with the religious mandates considering the are called the lukewarm church.

That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ;

In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

And this I say, lest any man should beguile you with enticing words.

For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit, joying and beholding your order, and the stedfastness of your faith in Christ.

As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him:

Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

The debate is pretty much null and void once we are established and abiding in Jesus – who keeps us from being beguiled with enticing words spoken by men.

Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

Spoil you… interesting choice of words isn’t it?  It means to be taken captive as a slave and seduced away from the truth to go with the ways of another instead of following in the ways of Jesus.  In this case it is specifically speaking of vain deceit (foolish philosophy found in traditions of men found in the orders of this world)

For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily.

10 And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:

11 In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ:

12 Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead.

13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;

14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross;

15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.

Basically outside of surrender our lives and heart to Jesus as Lord and Savior nothing we can do or not do will make us holy.

16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of a holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:

When we let no one judge us – it means here, influence us, rule over us, have authority to tell us what to do or not to do…  whether that is in what we eat, drink, holy days we observe or even what???  The Sabbath days…

17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

This just means before they were used as a shadow within the Old Covenant to announce the coming of Jesus unto the whole world.

18 Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind,

19 And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.

Jesus is the head of this spiritual Body of Christ – which He alone forms with His own hands and perfect will

20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,

21 (Touch not; taste not; handle not;

22 Which all are to perish with the using;) after the commandments and doctrines of men?

23 Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body: not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh.

Like I said our old man nature is dead and we are reborn as a new creature in Christ Jesus – changed inwardly and released from performing acts and deeds to appear holy outwardly.  Outward holiness satisfies the flesh, inward holiness satisfies the Father.  Being fearful of what you touch, taste and handle will not prevent one from perishing – while slaying all fleshly desires by not honoring them is how we are lead continually by abiding in Jesus.

So during my study, I researched to see why so many were saying to one another they too must observe the Sabbath…  I wanted to understand why this was so important to them mainly and their reasoning behind this recent push in the last few years.  One thing I did learn is it links together the Jewish people, the Catholics and the Lutherans – interesting, right?  Years ago they came to an agreement on this one by following the Law put in place in the OT – oh and btw, just in case some of you are not aware – Saturday evening prior to sundown is the Mass preferred by most Catholics – and it was not until this century it was expanded to Sunday too, so yes – mass is always offered on Saturday early evenings.  But aside from all that, everything I found was basically stemming from the Old Testament.  Its no secret I am sort of a church rebel…  one who used to rebel against the Lord and conform to traditions but now conform to Jesus and rebel against formalized churches.  To me… observing the Sabbath, just like Jesus did sort of goes without saying, let alone demand, right?  I mean if we are abiding within Him and He us and He fulfilled the Law by His nature, being one with Him – shouldn’t we just naturally, supernaturally be doing the same?  When it comes to our walk with Jesus, we are all in, right?  And when our hearts are changed under the New Covenant, we are to be Holy as He is Holy – not on a particular mandated day, but every single day.  There is freedom to worship Jesus in spirit and truth – so if He is leading you to set apart a particular day to commune with Him then do it – not out of obligation of rules deemed necessary by a council of people or to lord over another – but to foster intimacy and growth and practice obedience – which serves as a beautiful offering up to the Lord on high.  But if someone is telling you to do so other than the Lord… the whole premise is off and it becomes a manmade holy day of obligation.

To me the Sabbath is very similar to Lent… people give up things as a sacrifice during lent to prove their dedication to Jesus.  He told us obedience is better than sacrifice.  In the same way many give up their Saturdays for Him and do not walk in obedience to Him at any other time.  Both are a very nice gesture.  However, neither will save you or give you placement into Heaven.  Something I do like about both of these sacrifices is the fact they keep one very mindful of the Lord in ways they otherwise would not, but Jesus told us to die daily – not on a particular day.

In truth, I myself cannot answer Redmarble’s question except for my own personal journey and the Lord has never led me to pick just one day in observance to rest in Him.  But that is not to say He hasn’t led others and who am I to interfere in the authoring and finishing of anyone.  But for the sake of salvation must one observe the Sabbath or be counted out among the Kingdom?  Absolutely not.  And if I can give any advice whatsoever…  Seek ye the Kingdom of God continually –day and night with your eyes fixated on Jesus constantly.  Let Him be your guide, your hope, the love of your life, the occupier of your mind and the wholeness of your soul – He alone is the love of your life, doing what no legislative love or command or doctrine can do… ushering us into the Kingdom eternally as His Bride and Him our Bridegroom as we fall more and more in love with Him every single day.

So should we keep the Sabbath?  I sure would love too – but can I always – no because often that is when the sick, the lame, the troubled of heart need me the most and we are to go wherever and whenever He sends us to those in need.  But if He has laid it upon you to keep it Holy, then by all means enjoy this time of rest particularly in Him.  And if you cannot decide what to do, ask Him to show you in His word the way in which He requires you to go, He often will lead a new believer to learn obedience and sacrifice through Saturday sabbath.  If you can’t seem to keep yourself out of strip clubs and bars on Saturday nights, then quite possibly He is using the Sabbath day to release you from a sin only to draw close to Him on a day you otherwise wouldn’t.  If you have been a diligent Sabbath observer and are looking to deepen your relationship  with Jesus, if led you might want to consider broadening your horizons a bit and ask for ways to serve with Him by reaching those in need on the Sabbath day.  Have you noticed He will never let us rest in one place too long so we don’t get overly comfortable in our own ways?  He is stretching us continually and that is called… spiritual growth and maturity.

So what’s the point?  Love… pure love is always the point because Jesus is love.  And if we don’t realize His purpose in all He did for use to save us being motivated by love alone…  We are totally going to miss the whole thing altogether.

John 5:38-40 says

38 And ye have not his word abiding in you: for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not.

39 Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.

40 And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.

Notice it says SEARCH the Scriptures – they think having religious knowledge and wisdom is being holy.

Mark 3:1-7 says

And he entered again into the synagogue; and there was a man there which had a withered hand.

And they watched him, whether he would heal him on the sabbath day; that they might accuse him.

And he saith unto the man which had the withered hand, Stand forth.

And he saith unto them, Is it lawful to do good on the sabbath days, or to do evil? to save life, or to kill? But they held their peace.

And when he had looked round about on them with anger, being grieved for the hardness of their hearts, he saith unto the man, Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it out: and his hand was restored whole as the other.

And the Pharisees went forth, and straightway took counsel with the Herodians against him, how they might destroy him.

But Jesus withdrew himself with his disciples to the sea: and a great multitude from Galilee followed him, and from Judaea,

It truly is a slippery slope to be lifted up in holiness by good works, law or Sabbath keeping so much so that Jesus may actually depart from your life or that we get so comfortable in what we are doing in holiness we miss the whole point of Jesus.  If we overly focus on what makes us holy, we can easily delay the process of getting to know Him, Who makes us holy.  Of course, holiness matters – but to search out all the ways of holy things without a true heart change will cause us to miss the most Holy of all, our Lord and Savior.

So the question is not so much – Do we keep the Sabbath holy, but rather – Why are we keeping the Sabbath holy?  If we say yes, I keep the Sabbath holy – this might be a good time to really ask yourself why, do I intimately know the Lord of the Sabbath and does He know me?  Because if we start pitting holiness against love we have the most dangerous chance of missing Him and what follows is Him saying to us… depart from Me I knew never you…  and being marked as a keeper of the law over being marked as a child of God.

Galatians 5 says –

Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.

For I testify again to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law.

Why we do what we do is where bondage resides – have you ever wondered about the women???  Just sayin…

Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

People often reason away their hateful actions by being justified by what they say and do for the sake of religious means forgetting to be graceful… lack of love

For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.

For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision; but faith which worketh by love.

Ye did run well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?

This persuasion cometh not of him that calleth you.

A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

Religious pride – contaminates your whole body and soul

10 I have confidence in you through the Lord, that ye will be none otherwise minded: but he that troubleth you shall bear his judgment, whosoever he be.

11 And I, brethren, if I yet preach circumcision, why do I yet suffer persecution? then is the offence of the cross ceased.

12 I would they were even cut off which trouble you.

13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.

Freedom in Jesus – but not to sin or desires of the flesh

14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.

Treat others the way you would want to be treated – if you wouldn’t like something said or done to you – don’t do it to others

15 But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.

16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.

17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.

We just cannot walk in the Spirit of the Lord and still do everything we want to do – it is what it is.

18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

Next he compares what it is to be under the law verses walking by the Spirit, comparing how the law cannot cleanse you from lusts of the flesh – but is something we are measured by…

19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,

20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies,

21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Again… it is all about cleansing and purifying – something the law falls greatly short of.

24 And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

And I suppose if we wanted to use an example here for our study – if keeping the Sabbath produces vain glory within you to the point you provoke others so much they envy you it would be better to not observe the Sabbath day, but seek to know intimately Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath.

So do we keep the Sabbath?  Well – Honestly, I cannot answer that question for you – but Jesus can. Walk free from the demands of the law which keeps you in bondage.  If you keep the Sabbath, do so at the direction of the Lord alone – not by popular demand, to set yourself apart as more holy and definitely not to gain the admiration of men.  If you know Jesus and He directs you to keep the Sabbath then keep it… but remember – keeping the Sabbath holy does not assist you in being holy – the more intimate you know Jesus, He becomes the Lord of the Sabbath in your life, not just one day, but every day, which in truth is the only way to maintain a pure and holy lifestyle – its through Him we can do all things.  Amen? 

💕love in Jesus ~ Angela

❤Ring of Fire Ministries Broadcast Transcript ~

The Thorn In The Flesh

November 15, 2021

Today we are going to talk about something we all deal with… the thorn in the flesh.  Some have many thorns so to speak, but all have at least one.  In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul describes his thorn and answers any questions as to the purposed “why” this thorn is a blessing and not a curse.  With understanding comes clarity and with clarity we can rest and trust in the Lord that all things are purposed and planned according to His will.  When we have faith to believe He has us and uses everything for our good we will embrace, rather than fight against everything which comes our way… Including thorns, which not only remind us we still have that flesh nature to overcome by the Spirit, but also teaches us the importance of letting go and letting God, but the truth that humility if of high value in His Kingdom.

So today, in keeping with New Creature habits… we are going to explore the true nature of the thorn in our flesh and the value it brings to our Spiritual life.  One might be prone to think, if I am a new creature why would I even have to deal with something painful like a thorn – Paul answers that question too, by reminding us, the purpose in remaining humble and not prideful so the Lord granted the presence of the thorn to insure we not get swept away in thinking we are better off spiritually than another.  Thorns keep us on a level playing field with others and keeps compassion locked in to our daily walks so we are moved to comfort others. 

Let’s read what Paul wrote in the Word so we have more understanding in truth, not hearsay or opinions of man.

2 Corinthians 12:7-10

And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to [b]buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.

We can place ourselves in this Scripture very easily…  Just in case due to the abundance we receive from the Lord, it is possible anyone of us could be exalted above the measurement of Jesus in us and begin to place self mixed in with the Gospel and start to lean upon our own understanding of Spiritual things.  In order that doesn’t not happen and we get swept away with vain imaginations/thoughts…

A thorn in the flesh was given to me (he presents it like a gift, doesn’t he?) – What is a thorn?  In Greek, thorn here means a splinter to pierce ones flesh, an infirmity or bodily ailment as a reminder that no matter how spiritual someone is, they are still in a mortal body and a fragile human.

Paul compares this thorn to a messenger who is an adversary (one who opposes him) to buffet (strike with the fist and treat with violence) him so he is not exalted above measure (be haughty or treat others like they are less than, spiritual pride).

Paul pleaded with the Lord three times that it would leave him… (no resisting of this enemy would cause it to flee – it had been granted permission by the Lord to remain, to keep Paul from falling into the pit of pride)

This is what Jesus said to Paul about thorns – My grace (lovingkindness/favor) is sufficient to get you through it and when you are weak my strength is made perfect in and through you.  Its almost as if He keeps us broken and weak at times so we lean upon Him and not ourselves quite often. 

Paul’s rejoice was…  to boast about his infirmities (something that could potentially corrupt our flesh – but we will talk more about that in a minute) so that the power of Jesus would rest on him.

Infirmity – Is a weakness, disease, sickness which reveals the feeble frailness in our mortal bodies – but what is so interesting is, in the Greek, it also describes the soul and being sick in it – to be found wanting, having corrupt desires and bear trials and troubles…  It reminds me of the Scripture that says I would that you prosper (be whole) as your soul prospers and how each time Jesus healed, he told them their faith in Him made them whole and to go and sin no more. 

Paul is teaching us here how purposeful for the glory of the Lord it is to have such infirmities so the power of Jesus rests upon us by demonstration on how we overcome all things, no matter what as an encouragement to others.  When we are inflicted, it is a mighty demonstration of Jesus, not when we seek to be delivered from the trial, but He is Who we rely on during it, then our faith grows as an encouragement to others.  Can we praise Him in the storm or only on the good days?

Verse 10 helps us to see more clearly exactly how a thorn presents itself to us and inflicts actual pain in our flesh and souls, reminding us just because it comes, it may be permitted to remain, but so does Jesus and we can lean upon Him during our trials and tribulations – because when we are weak and we need to see just how weak and fragile we truly are at times in order we see He alone is the strong one, not us, but Him.  I can see why not many – not all – but many boasters and braggers in the church body, remain in a constant state of affliction… it makes perfect sense now doesn’t it?

So real quick, let’s define the afflictions which come as thorns again:

Infirmities – a weakness in the body such as a feebleness of health or sickness or a soul who is in need of strength to understand something, to rely on Jesus to restrain from corrupt desires and bear troubles and trials in that your soul does great things and is glorious.

Reproaches – to suffer being harmed by the pride of another, to be wronged or suffer hurt, insult or have a mental injury caused by violence done towards you.

Necessities – when in need due to circumstances, by the laws in place bringing calamity or distress or when taken advantage of by being put in constraints.

Persecutions – to be made to flee when being pursued in a hostile manner, to suffer mistreatment by one who seeks to cause harm or entrap you.

Distresses – to be positioned in a place of anguish, to find yourself in a narrow place due to extreme calamity or affliction.

So like I said, none is above the affliction of thorns… And when we face the fear of just how purposed they are to keep us in a place of humility, surrendered to the Lord and reliant on only Him and not ourselves… All anxiety is settled in our hearts.  He is the Prince of Peace which rules within us in our times of need, when we can’t seem to find our own peace, His peace moves us beyond reasonable human understanding. 

These thorns also equip us for the dying to the flesh daily…  they destroy the strongholds the flesh has over us and teach us what adversities may come – Jesus has us in the palm of His hands…  to walk with us through the purifying fire, not always deliver us from it.  I will say, once we stop asking for the thorn to be removed, it is then we can take the first step in learning to overcome that thorn in Him. 

In the last verse – verse 11 it says –

I am become a fool in glorying; ye have compelled me: for I ought to have been commended of you: for in nothing am I behind the very chiefest apostles, though I be nothing.

We see here the true reflection of our broken state in these mortal bodies… to be glorifying about ourselves in anyway is foolish.  Paul said it best… I am nothing – What he was saying here is – anything we do that is good and holy and full of light is only when we are hidden in Christ.  Any good within me or you is HIM.  And just in case we forget… here comes that thorn to irritate and remind us, a part from Jesus within our own wills and strength, we can and should do nothing. 

So as I was ponder with the Lord… He began to show me… if I boasted a little less, and I thought a little less about myself than I ought to and I surrendered a lot more to Him, giving Him alone glory – then possibly, quite possibly the thorns would diminish or at the very least not irritate as often.  That if I sought to remain in a constant place of humility, the thorn may be present on the outside looking in – but I would be untouchable by it…  So I started to think about the times in my life where severe thorns were piercing not only my flesh and my soul and I realized they usually came when I was at my height of glory, or based in works, or being Martha instead of Mary and He would lay me out flat… there have been times He has even silenced my mouth…  So considering all that – He pressed upon me to be more in tune with Him and the Spirit and to rely on HIM first before He asks me to via a thorn, to be obedient, meek and humble and I began to realize – the thorn was sent because Paul needed it – but it is possible to get so low with Jesus we are truly hidden within Him, no longer requiring the afflictions of the flesh and soul for the pressing of surrender.  It is not the thorn needs to change, but I do.  Thorns do what they do – but with us… He is molding us into the image of His Son Jesus, which requires all the fruits of the Spirit to manifest to override our wills… I think He is telling us to stop waiting and watching for Him to change others – and say, change me Lord because it is in my weakness You are made strong and since You are strong, in You so am I.  I realize now, I only get weary and tired when I am operating out of self and not heeding to His commands or to even rest occasionally, to refresh and rejuvenate spirit, soul and body.

Jesus would often go up alone into the mountain to rest and commune with the Father.  Before He went to the cross during His fasting and prayer time – He was so shaken He sweat blood and there was a time an angel came to touch Him and strengthen Him because His flesh was so weak. 

Again, we are to follow in His footsteps… Do we really think we can go and go without rest from all things and not be brought low, if even Jesus needed to withdraw occasionally?  This explains more about thorns being used to purposefully show just how frail we truly are, whether we realize it or not. 

Thank You Jesus for pointing out our frailties so that we remain humbled by Your majesty, knowing without You we should be doing nothing.  Thank You for keeping us on the straight and narrow path of humility, no matter what it takes – you make our election as Your child sure.  Amen.

💕love in Jesus ~ Angela

❤Ring of Fire Ministries Broadcast Transcript ~

When Betrayal Hits Close To Home – September 26, 2021

Good Morning and God Bless you all – thank you for joining me today on this ROF Ministries broadcast.  Please forgive me for my delay in coming on air, just been going through so much here with my family, I needed to focus on them and especially Shelby for a bit.  It is so very good to be back with you all today to fellowship together and I cannot thank you enough for your love and prayers and support during this difficult time.  So how are you all doing?  You doing okay with all the purifying fires the Lord in His mercy is granting us for refining?  I know firsthand how pressing this season is and my heart truly goes out to each one of you.  We often don’t know why the Lord is permitting one thing and not permitting another – but we know that He is good all the time and we are in good hands so we make it the whole way through.  There is something so very special about those who love Him enough to praise Him in the storm.  I know we get tossed to and fro by the waves of this life, but what happens when the boat is rocking?  We cling even tighter to Him, don’t we?

One thing I’ve noticed in this trial I am in is how the Lord keeps presenting before me through divine appointment, those who have it way worse than me…  And my heart goes out to them, with more love and more compassion than I had before.  I am so humbled He would use me even in the midst of being a hot mess myself – to just embrace and comfort another human being.  I spent many hours at the hospital this past week while my sister was in ICU and my heart was so broken for those who were suffering – the life flight helicopters were continually flying out with critical patients in needs too great for our hospital.  In the process loved ones were left behind in sorrow while they said their goodbyes, not knowing if their loved one would ever return home.  So as bad as it seems for us even today – may we constantly take our eyes off of self with a grateful heart – things could always be worse, much worse.

I titled today’s broadcast – When Betrayal Hits Close To Home… Because in truth, betrayal can only shake our World and break us when charity/pure love is present and we know – charity starts at home, just as it is written.  The other day, I don’t know why I did this, but I started counting on one hand some of the greatest betrayals of my life.  I was just reflecting back on how my life has been one of tribulation since birth and I’ve suffered so many things both physical and emotional.  Sometimes I like to reflect back on what all the Lord has brought me through to encourage my own soul He shall do it again, because He never leaves us or forsakes us and we really could not make it in this life without Him.  As I began to ponder betrayal with the Lord, knowing He understands, since He too was betrayed with a kiss – meaning by one who showed Him affection, however the intentions of that love was not based in purity…  So I began to take stock in all the times I too have been betrayed by a kiss in such a way and I began to see how all those times He did mend my heart and healed it back to wholeness with His touch and the wounds which were present are healed now where only a scar remains, as a reminder to just how loving He is to save us and comfort us.  Scars do not cause any pain whatsoever, they are just a reminder that we were hurt and broken and how the Lord heals us in every way and now….  We have the scars to prove of His goodness, mercy and love.  Once healed, we too can say just like He shall – My friends did this to me and not feel one twinge of heartache to show to others, He will do this for them too if they ask Him to do so, seeking Him with their whole hearts.

In order to talk today about betrayal – I need to mention… forgiveness is a given.  Until we forgive to initiate the healing process, there is no point in seeking anything else, because some sort of vengeance is present and until vengeance is removed – Jesus’s mercy cannot pour into the wound for healing.  Releasing the hurt is our activation for the healing to begin.  When I say releasing – I mean letting the person who betrayed us totally and completely go into the Father’s hands for blessing upon their life.  It is funny how when we release someone we are the one blessed the most because we are released from a sort of bondage entanglement.  And since the Father’s vengeance is perfect and His discipline and accountability is redemptive in nature, we lay down any sort of weapon we may have to pay the other person back.  We can be free and with His help, should it be His will – they too are on the path to freedom.  So often we keep ourselves unhealthy tied to people the Lord is removing from our lives by a false sense of love, like we are a martyr who must be sacrificed as a lamb to have relationship with someone…  Didn’t Jesus already fulfill that role?  He Alone is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the World – not us.  If I may share… It is pride laced with vengeance and a little rebellion in our flesh yet, that prompts us often to cling with all our might, rather than letting go and letting God.  We have an unconfessed fear that if we let someone go, they will be lost forever, as if the Lord is not able to save them.  I repent and we all should repent of this carnal way of thinking.

But anyway…  I have a question for you that Jesus is asking all of us right now… 

Luke 18:7&8 –

 And shall God not avenge His own elect who cry out day and night to Him, though He bears long with them? I tell you that He will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”

When Jesus comes…  Will He really find FAITH on the Earth?  Will He?  I highly doubt it, and if so…  It won’t be but for a remnant who is found faithful during that time because the inhabitants in the World are moving away from FAITH at a rapid pace, not towards it.

Once you understand what FAITH He is talking about here – you will understand that statement so much more, seeing how it links to betrayal.  Only the elect will remain containers of FAITH and when He comes He will avenge them speedily.  Let’s pick this Scripture apart and dive into it like meat to nourish our souls so we are strengthened and feel at peace to lean on Him fully when betrayed in ways we could not imagine.

The Word tells us how… the elect are crying out to Him day and night – the same as the souls who cry out to Him on the sea of glass, how Lord oh Lord Holy and true until you not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the Earth…  You know this right?  It is in Revelation 6:10 – they were told to rest just a bit and were given white robes, having come out of great tribulation – just a small note in Revelation 4 this sea of glass is mentioned along with four beasts, in case you want to read more about it.

When we trust in Jesus to avenge, we do not take matters into our own hands, trying to repay evil for evil so we feel better inside.  We as His elect, cry out to Him to judge and avenge… that is if you are a part of His elect, if you are among the elect you realize HIS WAYS ARE PERFECT, you trust and believe in HIM so much you know and have peace that if someone deserves His judgement it is righteous and so be it and if they do not, even though they harmed another, He will lay nothing against their charge.  I mean, when you place everyone in His hands you rest for a little while, just as it is written knowing He is just in all He does.  I like to call this… spiritual maturity, but sadly not many are able to bear this truth. 

But back to the question the Lord is asking us…  When He comes will He find FAITH on the Earth?  Will He find loyalty that is, on the Earth?  We already know He will find betrayal on the Earth – as a matter of fact our enemies will be those of our own household/family… because it requires heart involvement and relationship to inflict pain via betrayal.

Pain from betrayal runs as deep as the intensity of love and trust we have towards another and it almost seems as if, loyalty is pretty much non-existent these days.  Faithfulness to the Lord and one another is evidence that we are a child of God.  And a lack of it proves the lack of integrity required to follow in Jesus’ footsteps, being found in Him and Him in us.  Some of you right now listening to me would be imprisoned before you would betray anyone – betrayal is simply not in you, so when satan brings that temptation to you – he has nothing to cling to within you to walk out his devices… you resist betrayal and the enemy at the same time.  While many others do little secret hidden things or if they are truly lost in the soul do outward acts of unfaithfulness and betrayal, without feeling any remorse or conviction having their conscience seared by a hot iron – to those we are to turn away from, never partaking (exchanging in) their  evil ways. They may have an outward form of godliness, but they deny the power of Him to put to death all sin in their lives, having pleasure in unrighteousness.  These are like ravenous wolves who creep into your life…  and without the Holy Spirit, we cannot see what evil resides within.  You might even go so far to say, we can be “blinded by love…”  flesh love though, not God’s love.  We need to own it – this truth, for our own protection, to receive the fullness of the Gospel sets up a boundary of protection so the enemy cannot kill, steal and destroy us any longer.

So when Jesus comes…  Will He find loyalty on the Earth?  Nope… because the love of many is growing colder and colder.  I don’t like any sort of date setting, but you all… time is so very short, it is because of the elect’s sake the Father sends His Son to Earth to gather the Elect by the kindling of His anger to what is done to us, being innocent as doves.  So you all, just rest with me in Jesus for a little bit longer, just a little bit… It won’t be too long now – The Father is not a man who would lie – He actually will shorten the days for the sake of the Elect.

The truth of many is being revealed and exposed at the moment so that when the Lord pours out His judgment upon the evil, we will not curse Him or question Him.  Believe me, I just walked this out…  And it is totally heart wrenching to see someone suffer from a wrong done by their very own hands that was exposed.  In this the Lord tied my hands completely and I had to keep reminding myself the Lord exposes to redeem, which helped a lot and that if this person would have continued in that hidden and unrepentant sin – they would have perished eternally.  My mother said to me one day – it is almost as if the Lord used Shelby as a sacrificial lamb… Which is very similar to our sacrificial lamb Jesus – as light He shines into our lives, revealing and purging all that which does not reflect His image right out of us.  Light does expose darkness, just as it is written. 

As a child of light – your countenance will expose darkness every single time… 

Ephesians 5:11-12 says – Have no fellowships (engagement) with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.  For it is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret… 

We see here how the Word defines darkness is equaled with disobedience.  But remember… You are a child of light, not darkness.  And by some chance if you are just getting by believing you are slipping by hiding under the radar of the Lord, umm… You might want to think again, since everything done in secret is soon to be exposed, for all of us.

Mark 4:22 tells us – For nothing is hidden which will not be revealed, nor has anything been kept secret but that it should come to the light. 

This is a given mandate by the Father – it is how He rules and reigns over the Earth’s inhabitants and we are required to surrender to His commands whether we agree with them or not.  All I’ve asked is that through this fiery trial He be glorified and that some good come from the turmoil.  He keeps telling me to prepare His people for His arrival and I must confess when He showed up in this one, my heart was not prepared.  So hopefully, it is my prayer that since I’ve walked this out ahead of some of you, you will not be caught off guard when the truth of someone is exposed.  Never in my wildest dreams did I ever suspect this lust was within my step-dad towards my 17 year old daughter – and unless Jesus Himself had not exposed it, if someone would have told me this truth, I wouldn’t have believed it.  The Lord did this and if I can assist in you being prepared for betrayal from a source who you believe loves you – then I said, yes Lord.  Please hear me on this… Only the Lord knows the intentions of someone’s heart towards you.  We may think we know someone, but we truly do not until the Lord Himself reveals their true nature.

The Lord truly convicted me of something regarding truth and how we often say we love the truth and want to know the truth, but when it is revealed we often wish we never knew – we sometimes prefer to stay in a delusional state of mind over having darkness exposed because what we don’t know, we don’t have to deal with.

We are only in the beginning of sorrows, this sort of betrayal has been suffered by many of God’s children throughout all time through friendly fire…  Cain killed Abel, Jacob stole his brother Essau’s birthright, Delilah betrayed Sampson, Joseph’s brothers betrayed him and threw him in a pit leaving him for dead and even Peter betrayed Jesus by stating he never knew Him and of course we know about Judas betraying Jesus.  Sadly, it seems we fall into one of two categories – either we are one who betrays or one who is betrayed – either we are faithful and loyal by nature or not, being found to be a faithful servant of our Lord Jesus or faithful one minute and unfaithful the next like Peter.

Although this is difficult beyond imagination – it is truly a God thing, better to find yourself exposed, naked and blind right now in time to repent and be redeemed, than to wait until you come face to face with Jesus with no more second chances.  If we continue to think He has delayed His coming we will continue to harm those we in relationship with, thinking there is no recourse to our actions.  When we look at events His way, we are filled with His peace which surpasses all carnal understanding and we trust Him, knowing His ways are greater than ours.  He prefers we enter into the Kingdom maimed and harmed than to miss it altogether – so the exposure has begun.  He tells us this will be done with speed, thankfully. 

Okay… Now for the next part, I really need the Lord to help me with delivering this message especially. 

Sometimes we get hurt because we ourselves have been disobedient to the Lord, He removes His hand of mercy for a bit so we experience the pain of sin in order to strengthen us to go and sin no more.  Every action we take has a consequence – and depending on the condition of our hearts the consequence is good or bad – this is reaping what we’ve sown and it too is a piece of the Rule of God. 

Other times we are truly like innocent lambs in purity being inflicted by evil without our own knowing or by any actions on our part.  And before we assume that is the case – please go to the Lord and ask Him to show you if you truly are innocent in the situation – most generally we too have chosen to partake in rebellious sinful ways and must own it.

Let me give you an example…  for many years I carried the burden that my husband at the time tried to kill me.  I perceived I was like an innocent lamb until the Lord showed me I was in rebellion marrying a man the Lord Himself had not chosen for me and so I refused to accept the warnings and red flags sent to me prior to the marriage and even pressured this man to marry me.  Because I was in strict disobedience to the Father, it placed me in a very dangerous and compromised position which became life threatening.  So we both were at fault, in need of repentance – him and me… I owned the sin, confessed it and apologized not only to the Lord but to my ex-husband as well.  Once the Lord showed me my own rebellion I saw I was not as innocent as I thought.  And now the Lord took what was broken and restored all things back to His perfect plan.  Don’t marry your assignment… lol… If we lose sight of our own rebellion the fire will get hotter until we turn away from it altogether.

The truth of it is – many times we get into this victim mentality that says woe is me, look how everyone is treating me… and so on…  I see it all the time when ministering to people.  For some odd reason, we avoid accepting we had a hand to play in what is happening in our lives… Our homes are a mess, our relationships are a mess – everything is in chaos and we refuse to humble ourselves and see we got into that situation by our own sinful flesh ways.  When in a blink of an eye, one moment of surrender and confession EVERYTHING could be rearranged back into unity with the Lord and our souls would be at peace.  Often when ministering to people I will try to slip into the conversation just a nugget of truth regarding this issue and the other person will immediately get offended, so I hush.  But anyway, for the rest of the message we are going to talk about harming the innocent… you know the child of God – whether young or old, doesn’t matter to our Father we are little ones.

This is a very sobering message because the Lord has warned us in His word in several places that if WE CAUSE a little one to STUMBLE (by harming them in anyway) if would be better if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were thrown into the sea. (Mark 9:42)

When we harm someone who is innocent like a child and they stumble we have just given the Lord permission to remove His hand of mercy from upon us and when He repays evil – it is perfect and more severe than drowning in the sea.  Nothing, I mean nothing ignites the Father’s anger more than harming one of His innocent children.  I pray you take this truth with the severity He has given it.  For those who are innocent of the heart – right now you are feeling a warmth of love, but for those who are not – you are likely resisting and feeling compelled to argue or reason how this could not be so believing the Father winks at sin, He doesn’t.  When we shed innocent blood, it is not the innocent who repays or intervenes, it is the Lord almighty.  There are actually times in our lives when we were innocently wounded and harmed and I just want to say to you – I am so very sorry that happened to you, I truly am.  It is by your harm the World will be judged accordingly as you fall into a very special collection of precious souls.  You are the most brilliant and shining lights of honor and will be given the most highest rewards of sitting in the Heavenlies next to Jesus having partaken from His cup of suffering and yet, not repaying evil with evil.  I know and He knows you have such little strength and yet you do not deny Jesus in anyway, but are keeping His Name pure upon the Earth.  So please hold fast to Him, soon and very soon He will wipe away every tear from your eyes and the whole world will know just how much He has always loved you through the steps He takes to vindicate what harm was done to you.

When one human causes an innocent one to stumble, it is by pain inflicted in an ungodly way.  It means to trip them up so they fall down, offend them in anyway, to entice them into sin, to cause someone to begin to distrust or desert someone they should trust and obey, to judge someone unjustly or to show displeasure with for self-gain.  Where you might recognize this the most in the Bible is where it talks about “the falling away…”  I realize you’ve been taught that when a person falls away it is their own fault so to speak – but in truth the Lord will hold responsible the one who became the stumbling block in the little ones life to cause the falling away – falling down.  We may study that more in the future, Lord willing.

You see… a little one believes in Jesus, they are very innocent and He is extremely protective of them and He will intervene at some point when harm is done to them.  Little ones have rank and influence in the Kingdom of Heaven that is often not perceived on Earth – here they may appear weak, victimized, insecure, small and not really valuable – but the word translates out to having dignity and are faithful to Jesus – so they are His and they are also protected by Him.  So when anyone messes with or harms them in anyway – they are defenseless (which is good actually), provoking Jesus to defend them.  And just like we read, when He intervenes, we are told it would be better for that person to drown to death than come under the outpouring intervention of the most high.

Because of the flesh nature that still resides within us and hints of darkness which remains… some people have a tendency to gather around the perpetrator who was caught in the sinful act of harming the innocent, rather than the one who was exploited.  When our hearts aren’t pure, we have this sort of ungodly compassion towards one who sins against another if that same sin still resides within us.  We always have way more mercy towards one who does the unthinkable, if that unthinkable act is understood to be carried out by even ourselves, if only in thought  Does that make sense?  To justify and excuse darkness, it must be understood.

Let’s say I used to be a thief or that I were a thief even now…  I would go around proclaiming all thieves should be released, having no accountability because I also want released from the consequences of stealing.  But if stealing was never within me as a challenge to act upon – I would not have such strong opinions about thieves – trusting them to be held accountable as the Lord wills.  We justify only the sins we understand – those which are familiar to us in a soulish way.  This is not walking by the Spirit, but rather walking in the flesh… Jesus never excused sin, as a matter of fact He healed and then said – go and sin no more.  For some odd reason, many Christians have these carnal thoughts that do not align with the mind of Christ, such is why we are being purified at the moment.

Again, for all the little ones out there – I am so sorry for what happened to you and it grieves Jesus’s heart very much the pain you’ve endured for so long.  He wants to come into your heart and heal it and make it whole by His loving touch and all you have to do is ask Him to do so.  You are His primary focus and He never takes His eyes off of you, not ever.  I truly wish I had more answers as to why these sort of things happen to us, but I don’t…  all I can say is that the Lord Jesus works all things together for our good – every single event in our life is permitted by Him, drawing us closer into reliance and relationship with Him.  Outwardly, we may be perishing, but inwardly we are being redeemed, thank You Lord.

When this sort of trial comes, the Word is so very encouraging to our souls.  Before I go, I am going to read to you out of Psalm 37, which encourages us to just rest in the truth the Lord is our Shephard, our guard and will protect His own.


Do not fret because of evildoers,
Nor be envious of the workers of iniquity.
For they shall soon be cut down like the grass,
And wither as the green herb.

Trust in the Lord, and do good;
Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness.
Delight yourself also in the Lord,
And He shall give you the desires of your heart.

Commit[a] your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
And He shall bring it to pass.
He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light,
And your justice as the noonday.

Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him;
Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,
Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.
Cease from anger, and forsake wrath;
Do not fret—it only causes harm.

For evildoers shall be [b]cut off;
But those who wait on the Lord,
They shall inherit the earth.
10 For yet a little while and the wicked shall be no more;
Indeed, you will look carefully for his place,
But it shall be no more.
11 But the meek shall inherit the earth,
And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

12 The wicked plots against the just,
And gnashes at him with his teeth.
13 The Lord laughs at him,
For He sees that his day is coming.
14 The wicked have drawn the sword
And have bent their bow,
To cast down the poor and needy,
To slay those who are of upright conduct.
15 Their sword shall enter their own heart,
And their bows shall be broken.

16 A little that a righteous man has
Is better than the riches of many wicked.
17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken,
But the Lord upholds the righteous.

18 The Lord knows the days of the upright,
And their inheritance shall be forever.
19 They shall not be ashamed in the evil time,
And in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.
20 But the wicked shall perish;
And the enemies of the Lord,
Like the splendor of the meadows, shall vanish.
Into smoke they shall vanish away.

21 The wicked borrows and does not repay,
But the righteous shows mercy and gives.
22 For those blessed by Him shall inherit the earth,
But those cursed by Him shall be [c]cut off.

23 The steps of a good man are [d]ordered by the Lord,
And He delights in his way.
24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down;
For the Lord upholds him with His hand.

25 I have been young, and now am old;
Yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken,
Nor his descendants begging bread.
26 He is [e]ever merciful, and lends;
And his descendants are blessed.

27 Depart from evil, and do good;
And dwell forevermore.
28 For the Lord loves justice,
And does not forsake His saints;
They are preserved forever,
But the descendants of the wicked shall be cut off.
29 The righteous shall inherit the land,
And dwell in it forever.

30 The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom,
And his tongue talks of justice.
31 The law of his God is in his heart;
None of his steps shall [f]slide.

32 The wicked watches the righteous,
And seeks to slay him.
33 The Lord will not leave him in his hand,
Nor condemn him when he is judged.

34 Wait on the Lord,
And keep His way,
And He shall exalt you to inherit the land;
When the wicked are cut off, you shall see it.
35 I have seen the wicked in great power,
And spreading himself like a native green tree.
36 Yet [g]he passed away, and behold, he was no more;
Indeed I sought him, but he could not be found.

37 Mark the blameless man, and observe the upright;
For the future of that man is peace.
38 But the transgressors shall be destroyed together;
The future of the wicked shall be cut off.

39 But the salvation of the righteous is from the Lord;
He is their strength in the time of trouble.
40 And the Lord shall help them and deliver them;
He shall deliver them from the wicked,
And save them,
Because they trust in Him.

💕God Bless You Abundantly,

Love in Jesus ~ Angela

Messengers of Darkness & Straining Gnats Part 2 ~ Ring of Fire Ministries Broadcast Transcript, August 31, 2021 with Angela

Good Morning Blessings – Thank you for joining me today on this ROF Ministries broadcast.  Today we are going to wrap up our study from last week which was interrupted when my internet went down, in which we were studying Mathew 23 and straining gnats.  Before we were so abruptly interrupted we were almost ready to go over the last woe, which is placed upon those look narrowly upon others, while ignoring they have areas in their lives which are not obedient and surrendered to the Lord.  We discussed how a “woe” is simply to suffer a consequence – or rather a reaping of pain we’ve sowed in our mistreatment of others or the results of sin in our lives because we view ourselves very holy already…

So today we will go over the last woe and then go over Romans 2, while discussing what it looks like when we are inflicted with a “critical spirit,” which goes hand in hand with straining gnats – faultfinding of others, while swallowing a camel of continued sin in our own lives.  Those who do this wear a holy façade as a mask to be admired and lifted up to rule over others… pride again, which always paves the way to a great fall.

So let’s do this…

The Seventh Woe

Jesus concludes the “woes” by showing that the Pharisees claim to honor the prophets of old, but they are just as guilty as their own forefathers who persecuted and killed messengers from God – this critical nature gets passed down, generation to generation and it proves you are who you commune with most often.  If you are not a faultfinder, then you will find it very difficult to be in the company of faultfinders, we are told to not partake in their iniquity so we do not absorb that sort of quality which provokes the Father to wrath upon us.  God’s measure of wrath eventually reaches a tipping point. For that reason, Jesus declares that at that appointed time these hypocrites will suffer the consequences of the many righteous people unjustly harmed at their hands.
Matthew 23 ends with Jesus’ lament over these souls. Speaking from His divine perspective, He mourns over how He would have protected these hypocrites, but they refused. This was also the end point of Jesus’ public ministry, in which there will be no more opportunities for the people to hear directly from Him. Worse, the city will soon experience horrific wrath as the protection of God is removed. And just as it is written, the next time the people of Jerusalem will see Jesus, openly, will be when He returns as a conquering Judge and King.  Its pretty uncanny how all this is increasing from that day Jesus warned the hypocrites who was in His midst, until the times in which we live and must deal with them ourselves.

You see when we strain gnats, we set ourselves us in a higher authority than others, where mercy flows inward but does not flow outwardly to others and we cannot perceive or understand the possibility that just maybe… Everyone is doing the very best that they can.  When we sit in darkness like that, all we can perceive is the darkness within others and we are compelled to straighten them out, correct them and all sorts of weird things… We measure others by our own holiness and anything that does not represent our characteristics, giftings, mannerisms – we see as a gnat that needs removed.  And all the while, we ignore the obvious within ourselves… the camel.

For some reason, when first saved we are so thankful for much because in that moment we realize just how much we have been forgiven for.  But like with all things time passes and we often take for granted that which our Lord Jesus so freely granted us – salvation, to be washed clean by Him.  And as things begin to be removed from our lives, we sort of get this “holiness” state of mind, like we are better than others.  And those who grew up in religious households of cleanliness are the worst in many ways – of self-righteousness, not realizing they could follow the most pristine ways of living and still be a filthy rag like the rest of us.

You can instruct the sheep all day long, but until you smell like them you will not reach them, or at least not in the way in which you are purposed to reach them.  Afterbit we are going to talk about this “critical spirit” – about Romans 2 a little bit and ask the Lord to teach us His ways of being sent out to preach the Gospel in an effective way for the sake of the lost and the Glory of His Name.

So the challenge for this purifying season is… Pay attention to yourself, the thoughts which pass through your mind in reference to others.  I’ve been shocked since doing this myself, often catching myself looking harshly upon another… so humbled and thankful the Lord is giving us this correction right now, very timely and very needed.  If it isn’t a salvation issue for someone, you might want to consider – it is even necessary to bring to their attention or – Am I just straining a gnat.  We will get a lot more into this in a little while, just to make sure we are in a good placement with the Lord on High to represent Him just as He is… loving, embracing, full of compassion and welcoming to all who are need of saving.  I haven’t forgotten how far I’ve fallen before – and hopefully you haven’t either.

Many of us stink right now…  in order to draw those close to us in order they be loved like Jesus.  You just don’t know who you are and how special you are and how Jesus is building a masterpiece – that’s you!  With boldness He is raising you up to give Him glory in ways the holy dressed up ones cannot.  There is no way they can reach who you can – no way… they lack the compassionate love of Jesus and for them – they are very awkward, when they try – it comes off a insincere and those who are messy have a keen sense of hypocrisy.  You my loves are a unique and rare blessing that the world has been waiting for, which gets me so very excited!  I just cannot wait to set back and watch how the Lord is going to use you!  You shine like the SON, with His power behind you – LOVE… something which cannot be bought, imitated or replicated by will…. It just is and it is an obvious part of your DNA.  So keep shining like the son. 

Alrighty, so in a bit…  We will go over Romans 2 and this critical religious spirit, asking the Lord to reveal to us any of that which is still within us and to purge it forever. 

The Lord is really pressing us to pay attention to times we are tempted to “strain gnats” in someone else’s life and take captive those thoughts, hold your peace and be made whole.  Amen?

There was an amazing quote I read from Toby Mac and I believe it is something Jesus would tell us too:


We are told to be Holy in all manner of what we speak… If something does not reflect the image of Jesus, then we need His help to overcome and represent Him in all our ways.  I thank Him for showing us more of how we do not follow in His footsteps as we decrease, so that He may increase within us and within the whole World.

This critical spirit trying to attach itself to us can only cling to self-righteousness, viewing oneself as Holier than another (that’s the plank in the eye btw – called self/ego).  Doubleminded believers are stumbling like drunk men/women, roaming to and fro to seek knowledge that will never, ever prepare or grow them in that they are Spiritually prepared for the intense heat that is looming on the horizon.

The truth only feels like condemnation when you are not willing to change your behavior and repent for your sins.  And herein is the sickness indwelling those within the church today.  The Spirit only knows truth and the only way to win these battles are by the Spirit, nothing done in our own strength will prosper for the Glory of God, only self glory – aside from totally surrendering to Him.  Many of you are getting beat up for running ahead of God, unarmored by missing the very first step in battles… surrender to Jesus, a requirement for victory.  Flesh always is irritated by another’s flesh and flesh always contends with flesh, but remember – satan cannot cast out satan – in our flesh we cannot overcome the flesh within someone who does not want to get free and stay free. 

When you are sober in the mind – delivered from the worry regarding the cares of this World you rest in Jesus and are anxious about nothing and although it is horrible right now, we haven’t seen anything yet.  Those who have ingested the tree of knowledge of good and evil are confused, perplexed and drunk right now – we knew this was going to happen, the Lord showed us this weeks ago, giving us time to repent and get on board wholeheartedly with Him.  They are hearing voices which are not of the Lord and parroting them all over the place – evolving into messengers of darkness, not light.  God’s children are messengers of light, sadly there are fewer than we wanted to believe.  These messengers of darkness are anxious about everything at the moment thinking they are in battle with an enemy who is not defeated – where messengers of light are declaring the gospel truth that the enemy has already been defeated.  Unfortunately, they will be greatly sifted as wheat, fighting battles of entanglement with darkness that are unnecessary refusing to resist the enemy so that he flees.  Whether they realize it not, the enemy is posturing and staring them right in the face saying exactly what was said in Acts 19 to a Jewish priest and the sons of Sceva –

15Eventually, one of the evil spirits answered them, “Jesus I know, and I know about Paul, but who are you?” 16Then the man with the evil spirit jumped on them and overpowered them all. The attack was so violent that they ran out of the house naked and wounded.…

When we have anger rise up within us when in a battle – spiritually or naturally, we are compromised and not surrendered to the Lord and we have already lost.  Spiritual warfare is not the learned ways of war that is man taught – which resembles the cutting off of the ear that Peter did, which Jesus put back on and healed by the way – which is indicative of a desire to harm and injure – not walking in victory spiritually.  Vengeance brings suffering and harm to your opponent and belongs to God alone – we are to rise above the turmoil, having peace and victory in Jesus alone – as we tread upon serpents and scorpions not handle them for another victorious notch on our belts of pride.  Again, the Lord just keeps pressing me that if this sort of approach continues we shall be sifted – do not entangle with darkness to defeat something that you already can trample upon as Jesus defeated all darkness – all means all.  When we enjoy the “fight” it shows we value the fight over valuing Jesus in us as He is our all in all – several right now are operating out of a punishing spirit, to make someone pay.  James 1:24 tells us the desire Jesus has for us to be mature and complete, not lacking anything – so one more win, one more devil cast out, one more, one more… is not what makes us whole – He does.  It is no wonder the enemy will wear out the saints of the most high God – we’ve been fighting battles for the sake of engagement, with an enemy who has already lost.  Many within the church are using friendly fire pointed at one another and are in severe danger of losing it all because we have lost our ability to resist the enemy.  One major reason the demons you try to deliver others from will not flee is because it is their counterparts which are influencing you to go into battle with them, instead of surrendering to the Lord, putting on the full armor and standing therefore…  Just stand – don’t run and don’t engage – just resist and when Jesus’s power flows from within you – the devil flees you.  Do you realize when you take your proper placement and someone tormented is in your midst that person gets a reprieve from their torment by the light you overshadow them with?  I say all this out of a place of love, many of you have battle wounds that were inflicted in battles you were never sent to fight and it breaks my heart.  In the Spirit – we look to the souls that need saved, when we look to one who is lost we see a soul because that is what Jesus sees and desires to save – when we are battling in the flesh, all we see is how the flesh of that soul is being influenced by darkness and sin and way too many are entangling with the enemy, over defeating him to operate.  With our full armor on we can fight for that soul spiritually, flesh armor we go to battle with someone’s flesh laden with darkness.  Armor protects, yes?  It is not a weapon.

Will you let Jesus purify you?  To remove all the obstacles of offense and stand and speak as a child of light, having come out of darkness all the way.  No more mixture, no more bitterness, vengeance, points to prove or overcompensating strength in self.  Wow… How did I get off on that ramble?  Forgive me, I am supposed to be talking about looking upon others narrowly with a critical eye and spirit.  I am not sure who that rant was for, I pray it blessed someone – its just that I can tell several of you are listening to the wrong voices, because when you are anxious what you’ve taken in, comes out and what you are proclaiming reflects that our Lord has not defeated the enemy, nor does He remain steadfast and firm as victorious in all situations and so can you – His power resides within you, so never let your fear be greater than His power.  Remember – whatever we feed grows and whatever we starve dies, the problem is many are not feasting upon the fullness of the truth.  And it is by our own appetites we choose what we eat and what we take into us, comes out.  It is so simple a child could understand.  Many of you are anxious right now because of what you seek and take into you produces to grow anxiety and overshadow what truth you have been granted.  This is opposite of your purpose because when truth is received it overshadows all darkness and kills it so it does not prosper in your life.  I must admit I feel somewhat of a helpless feeling at times, very similar to many of you who desire those you love to call out to Jesus – I have that same desire for you all to go deeper into Him and desire His words, which are sincere and the only pure truth, to defeat the carnal mind of knowledge.

Funny Catholic School story…

Some of you all need to be a little more cautious about where you put your lips… because you don’t know how clean they are when they don’t come from the source of truth.

Next we need to study ROMANS 2 just a bit which talks about God’s Righteous Judgment and the circumcision of the heart, regarding hypocrisy – and like with all times when we study God’s word, we go to Him and ask that He cleanse us by the washing of His word over our hearts to purify us, making us clean and whole, lacking nothing.

Romans 2 –

Therefore you are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge, for in whatever you judge another you condemn yourself; for you who judge practice the same things. Judging is not the issue so much – but rather judging another when you are guilty yourself – hypocrisy – is what the Father abhors.  As a matter of fact Paul got a little upset that no one would judge evil matters – it’s a trap in which you begin calling evil good and good evil.  But that takes some precepts to understand, maybe another day.

But we know that the judgment of God is according to truth against those who practice such things. And do you think this, O man, you who judge those practicing such things, and doing the same, that you will escape the judgment of God? Or do you despise the riches of His goodness, forbearance, and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance? What a number the enemy has done on the church – to actually believe we do not have to maintain a life of surrendered repentance, continually we are to decrease in that Jesus may increase within us.  We are to be growing in the Lord and dying to all that is not a reflection of Him.  Because of His love towards us – we feel a need to repent when we still sin, it is a gift in so many ways to keep us on the narrow path to life everlasting.

But in accordance with your hardness and your [a]impenitent heart you are [b]treasuring up for yourself wrath in the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God, who “will render to each one according to his deeds”: eternal life to those who by patient continuance in doing good seek for glory, honor, and immortality; but to those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness—indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil, of the Jew first and also of the [c]Greek; 10 but glory, honor, and peace to everyone who works what is good, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. 11 For there is no partiality with God.  Position, stance, entitlement will get you nowhere with God – He is Holy and also shows no partiality to anyone.  Any hard hearted person who refuses to repent will reap what they have sown and His wrath is perfect, as He is all-knowing, He not only sees what we do, He knows why we do it.

12 For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the law 13 (for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified; 14 for when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do the things in the law, these, although not having the law, are a law to themselves, 15 who show the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience also bearing witness, and between themselves their thoughts accusing or else excusing them16 in the day when God will judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ, according to my gospel.  We cannot deceive ourselves into thinking God turns a blind eye to unrepentant or willful sin, He calls that being a rebellious child – you can hear messages all day long and read the Word every second of the day – but unless that message or truth is applied by you in your own life it is fruitless.  All truth will circumcise the heart to change and our actions quickly follow because what we desire is light, not dark in nature – then we grow.  As we think, so are we…  Once you are saved, you are cleaned and everything thing changes and its daily we die to self, not one time.

The Jews Guilty as the Gentiles

17 [d]Indeed you are called a Jew, and rest[e] on the law, and make your boast in God, 18 and know His will, and approve the things that are excellent, being instructed out of the law, 19 and are confident that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, 20 an instructor of the foolish, a teacher of babes, having the form of knowledge and truth in the law. He did not have issue with what they knew about Him and the works they were doing openly before men.  But the next part puts the fear of God in me like no other.

21 You, therefore, who teach another, do you not teach yourself? You who preach that a man should not steal, do you steal? 22 You who say, “Do not commit adultery,” do you commit adultery? You who abhor idols, do you rob temples? 23 You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonor God through breaking the law? 24 For “the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you,” as it is written. This literally scares me to death – this would be like if we studied the word only to measure others by or to know what is coming upon the Earth for signs, never activating it within our own souls.  And what upsets me the most – is to dishonor the Lord in such a way – to not represent Him just as He is – pure, victorious, holy, sinless, etc…  That I myself actually blasphemy Him because I do not walk out what I talk… this literally makes me tremble.  Those who do this will go with all the hypocrites to where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth – even though they preached, healed, performed all sorts of signs, miracles and wonders and even prophesied in His Name.  They may have had all the knowledge about good and evil anyone ever could and yet… they didn’t know HIM.  They were messengers of darkness, not light.  And how did they know evil so intimately?  They were entwined within it deeply – outside clean, inside white-washed tombs, decaying and dead.

Circumcision of No Avail

25 For circumcision is indeed profitable if you keep the law; but if you are a breaker of the law, your circumcision has become uncircumcision. 26 Therefore, if an uncircumcised man keeps the righteous requirements of the law, will not his uncircumcision be counted as circumcision? 27 And will not the physically uncircumcised, if he fulfills the law, judge you who, even with your [f]written code and circumcision, are a transgressor of the law? 28 For he is not a Jew who is one outwardly, nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh; 29 but he is a Jew who is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the Spirit, not in the letter; whose [g]praise is not from men but from God. Those who seek praise from humans, may very well appear to have a heart change outwardly, but inwardly where it counts to the Lord, they are uncircumcised or rather unchanged.  A child of God has had a dramatic and lasting heart change, which is circumcision only God knows and only God will give praise to His child for their total surrender and placing themselves into His hands for His will to be done in their lives by turning away from their own self-will of flesh lusts.  This is just me – but the main part we have to play in our own salvation is simply surrender to the Lord, no matter the cost, persecution, suffering, mocking or anything else the enemy throws at us or friends and family use against us and especially when our own desires which do not align with the Lord try to distract us.  We submit to God – then resist the enemy and He flees.

Hypocrisy is dangerous ground, because we see the enemy residing within everyone else, ignoring the fact he is trying to influence us as well.  Peter was used, Judas was used and others…  some repent like Peter did and others will fall as Judas did, both believed they were doing God’s service – this is also why people slay you, thinking they are doing God’s work – it is my prayer, you do not do the same and slay others thinking you are doing God’s work.

So before I go – I just want to go over a little bit about a critical spirit, someone who criticizes others.  Another word for that would be to scrutinize someone, the Bible calls it looking narrowing upon another person – like examining someone’s life by nit-picking and placing them under a microscope, while cutting themselves or others they like a ton of slack – this is what the Lord calls… partiality – unfair and unrighteous judgment.  And remember, if we judge that way – we too will be judged with partiality (absent the blood of Jesus).  So this is an excellent life lesson to heed to no doubt.

There are times when the Lord will flood your life with a sin so much you begin to hate that sin to the degree you will never participate in it, hating the sin is imperative for going and sinning no more with something we frequently struggle to overcome.  Quite often He purges that tendency of sin out of you by inflicting you at the hands of another so it becomes something you never have to deal with internally as a struggle.  When He does this as long as you stay humble always in this area (never prideful thinking you did anything great in your own strength to avoid the sin) you will despise the sin so much you will never entangle with it and He will use you to resist, purge out and defeat that darkness within others – this is a piece to what the shadows of His disciples healed – they countenance overshadowed those who were seeking Jesus.

Applying that truth… I am very well qualified to talk about a critical spirit which resides in so many people, especially religious sects.  I grew up in the south and from the time I was five until fifteen I basically was an orphan who gravitated from home to home to anyone who would love me.  It wasn’t really until I ended up in Nebraska with my mom who moved away when I was fourteen to marry a man she knew only a few months by phone and a couple visits.  Not only did everything in my life change physically, it also changed spiritually… I ended up right in the midst of a critical home, which was one pain I had not suffered up until that point, although there were many prior, in a strange state and around no one familiar to me that I loved.  I sat at a dinner table daily in which they took on the role of criticizing everyone and everything – what people did, who they were, their positions, clothing – I mean everything anyone other than them were under their constant scrutiny and it made me physically sick – and they still do this today and it still makes me sick.  They measure everyone to their own viewed perfectness and if you are not exactly like them in thought and deed you are a target and you are in the wrong.  Period.  And if you do not chime in and side with them – they view you as their enemy and you become a worse target than the one they are slaying with their lips.  So like I said, when I stepped into the goings on of that house, it felt very dark to me and unfamiliar. 

May I be honest?  I see that tendency in some of you all at times… Please know I pray for you, I do not speak out about it to others, but it does greatly hurt my heart.  Some of you will look narrowly at another over politics, the cares of this world, sins and struggles, denominations/doctrines, walks of life, how someone speaks or types, clothing, the vaccine, markings – all sorts of things really and all of them are carnal and based in flesh ways.  Just because someone is different than us, does not mean they are wrong or against us.  Jesus said – those who are not against us are for us and yet… Many today think someone is against them because they are different, deeming someone their enemy, when in truth they just sin differently than you – but all of us are worthy and in need of being saved.  In those times of being against anyone, we are not with Jesus, regardless of what we think…  Just because we believe we are doing God’s service, does not mean that we are.

Those who do such things are right now being bundled up as tares… And I thank the Lord for this time He has given us to take an up close and personal look into our own hearts, minds and lives and take our eyes off of our neighbors, hearsays, the cares of the world and such and place them right back where they belong – to study Jesus’s ways and imitate Him the best we can.  Most people these days are like smoldering volcanoes ready to erupt and rather than washing themselves with the Words of our Lord Jesus, they are running to and fro fanning that flame with anyone who is angry too – so they feed off of one another to the point of erupting in anger.

A critical spirit will manifest within anyone who does not have a heart change and refuses the correction of the Lord.  Those with a critical spirit always are looking to blame someone for something… we hear it constantly in politics right now and with those who are wrapped up within the cares of this life, especially those who seek news over the good news of the Gospel.  What they are not saying outloud is that they would do it better and they are the answer to every problem we are facing – while gathering evidence to apply as blame for all that is wrong in their lives and the world.  In our lives we face those who perceive themselves as perfect and well qualified to rule over and measure out what everyone they come in contact with is up to on an almost daily basis.  Rather than understanding they need mercy and grace for their own shortcomings they will point out all the ways in which others are falling short.  They give no mercy and one day when they need mercy from the Father, there will be none available – they will be judged just as they were judged, outside of the blood of Jesus covering them – because they refused to cover others, lusting to expose others.  We know the power of life and death is in the tongue – what is inside comes out by words… some speak blessing, some cursing… but those who are in the most danger speak mixture of blessing and cursing directed towards others.  I call this serpent speech – the Bible calls it having a forked tongue. 

Those with a critical spirit are in severe spiritual danger as they truly are messengers, only of the darkside, not the light and they are hell bent to hurt and destroy the object they deemed bad or evil at any given moment.  And they are very tenacious, crafty and bold while doing so.  They are very religious quite often and see everything as sin based – even sickness to them is sin based, ignoring the fact God uses all means for His glory to raise us up incorruptible for His glory – even sickness.  They view trials with critical presumption that we are going through as a result from sin, rather than comprehending it is the oil we need to be sent out into the Harvest.  They edify evil and love to talk about its influence in the World, on others and quite often call unclean what the Lord has deemed as clean under His shed blood.  They love to proclaim “fault” on their rooftops – by illuminating who is causing this and that – rather than increasing their own love light so that darkness is exposed and defeated without assaults of the flesh ways.  Those with this spirit are unreasonable, easily offended when you point out their shortcomings and judge everything unfairly.  They have already created in their minds the conviction before anyone even steps onto the witness stand to share their truth – they are narrow minded, it is their way or the highway, believing they have the full story and are all knowing.  They have ears to hear but will not and eyes to see only what they want to see.  They look down arrogantly upon others, seizing every opportunity to find fault until they have enough record of wrongs to convict.  They can only see good in others when that person is in agreement with them – otherwise they call what is seen evil, even when it is not and vice versa.  And they love to measure people by the rule of law, especially with Scriptures – but they do not measure themselves.  Sadly, they use scripture as a sword, in which one day they themselves will die by for wielding it at others continually.  They have unreasonable strict standards they hold others to and yet they themselves do not follow their own rules and when you meet one expectation, they raise the bar higher each time – you can never ever please these type of people – they will always find something they disapprove of in you, because that is just what a faultfinder does.  They complain and nag people a lot – just to the point they wear you down so much, you have to separate yourself – I call then energy drainers, they suck the life right out of you, having a problem for every solution given.  They strain gnats by watching others to slip up and make a mistake, so they are elevated when you fall down.  They are not whole, but shattered pieces of remnants of carnality mixed with truth.

So what does our Lord think about these sort of qualities being present in His children?

  • We should never assume just because the Lord is silent in a situation that He is absent.  He doesn’t consider slackness like we do.  He alone is the one who is worthy to keep record of all rights and wrongs in the book of remembrance, which will be opened one day.  Our Lord does not miss one single word thought or spoken and in the end all will be revealed in His time.
  • Jesus came to Earth clothed in humility and came to bring to us a way to be reconciled back to our Father in Heaven.  In order to know how our Father feels about this critical spirit, all we have to do is look to Jesus – because they are one.  By observation we can see how Jesus behaved towards those who were in sin and falling short and how He compassionately lifted many out of a sinful life without being critical of them.  Jesus was moved by compassion towards every heart that was troubled and hurting and crying out in need, wounded and in pain – He was the only one who could cast a stone, but didn’t and when He spoke of the hypocrisy of those who were caught in a sexual act of adultery with the harlot – it was the religious who fled, keeping their sin and she was cleansed and made whole that day.  So pointing out shortcomings of others may lift you up in the eyes of men, but keep you in bondage until the day of destruction, unless you repent.
  • Our Father hates the criticizing of His creation one to another, which is outlined in Proverbs 6…

He finds this spirit using His own children detestable, how frightening is that?

Here is the Father’s definition of a critical spirit –

Haughty eyes

Lying tongue

Hands that shed innocent blood

A heart that devises wicked schemes

Feet that run swiftly to evil

A false witness who gives false testimony

Anyone who stirs up discord among the brethren

That passage is quite sobering isn’t it?  Kind of makes you tremble inside.  And right here, we just read why He hates all these things – it stirs up discord among the brethren – this should not be so.

I had someone write, saying they cannot pray for our President because all they see in him is demons… And I thought my word, you are not seeing his demons – you are seeing your own.  I once was ministering in cot chat and some devil actually took out of context what I wrote by copying and pasting it into facebook totally out of context just to shed my innocent blood…  Listen people, a very intense wake up call is coming by fire soon – I don’t know when I just know that it is coming, please I am pleading with you… If you are going around doing the bidding of satan, as a messenger of darkness criticizing anyone as a false accuser, please drop everything you are doing and go to the Lord openly and with humility today.  He is so merciful to forgive and teach us His ways so we grow into His likeness and all that is required is for us to ask, to tell Him I am guilty and in need of purifying in this area and He is mighty to save and cleanse us from all wrongdoings, so we hate the sin which dirties us and we for real will go and sin no more in that area.

You know Jesus had such a precious way of asking people questions in order to prompt them to look inwardly at their own heart condition while taking their eyes off of others, as a loving peacemaker who continually sowed seeds of love.  So today, before I go I am going to do that very thing…  Just so we can make sure that the gnats we are strainin are truly worth the cost.  Are you so sure that the assessment you’ve made about another human being so pure in truth to the point that you are willing to risk forfeiting all of your eternity in Heaven for?  And if not, then let’s hold inside that accusation, rather than against the person and do as we are commanded – which is to be slow to speak and pray for all those who spitefully use us, harm us, have gone the way of satan and are perishing and to love them with singleness of the heart and mind.  When Jesus returns again, it will be as judge and He will judge all of us according to our deeds while here on Earth.  Some will enter into life everlasting and some into everlasting punishment.  It is important to remember, all souls who are His will return to Him. 

If we can imagine…  there will be one who is deeply in fault, yet clinging to Jesus with all their might, having a heart after Him and yet, they will enter into His Kingdom, while those who are faultfinders will not.  Faultfinder is an interesting word, isn’t it?  A faultfinder looks into someone to find their faults – and don’t we all have them?  It seems like to me we’ve been choking on camels long enough – we need some heart therapy in which compassion grows in the light of love, not darkness.  What we seek in others we will find – it is just for some you have to dig a little deeper is all.

One last thing… I was thinking of how the serpent went from a little creature crawling on the ground eating dust in the garden to a dragon during the final moments in which we live today as a minister I was listening to mention it.  We have fed into this serpent’s ways, puffed him up, giving him more latitude and courage than what was ever granted to him by our Father.  He’s grown because those inside the church have ran scared, declaring all the harm he causes as if he is equaled to our Creator.  The evil knows time is short… more than we do sometimes I think.  Knowing this truth and walking it out means… we truly are anxious for nothing, except of course… for Jesus’s appearing – that we truly long for, don’t we?

Straining Gnats Part 1 ~ Ring of Fire Broadcast Transcript, August 22, 2021 with Angela *broadcast interrupted*

  • Today we are going to talk a little about “straining gnats…”  Because we are all being prepared, called and chosen to be sent out as the hands and feet and even fingers of Jesus.  What we say and even type is to at all times reflect Jesus’s heart and His intentions, evidenced by being holy in all manner of conversation.

There is a saying I simply love floating around facebook right now – which really struck my heart and is a guideline I try to live by continually.  It says…

Before your words pass out of your mouth, let it pass through these three gates – Is it true?  Is it kind? And is it necessary?

With the spirit of offense rapidly increasing in the lives of everyone of us on Earth right now… We all need the wisdom and direction of the Lord when interacting with others.  Offense is a big umbrella and is so many actions which stream out through us from it.  Offense is basically inward pain complimented by lack of peace, love and mercy. Anytime the source of what we say is based in one or all of these attributes –  what we say will not be grounded in truth, is rarely kind and never necessary to say. 

We do not like to be on the receiving end of this approach ever, do we?  Well, sometimes the Lord allows us to receive what we have sown into others as a life lesson so that we realize words do damage too and He will not tolerate a critical spirit to represent Him, because He is not critical and never strains gnats.  Which is a good thing or else we all would be doomed already.

Let’s read it quick, then we can discuss more, its in Mathew 23 and I want to remind us, this is Jesus Himself speaking:

Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples, saying: “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. Therefore whatever they tell you [a]to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do. For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers. But all their works they do to be seen by men. They make their phylacteries broad and enlarge the borders of their garments. They love the [b]best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues, greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called by men, ‘Rabbi, Rabbi.’ But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi’; for One is your [c]Teacher, [d]the Christ, and you are all brethren. Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven. 10 And do not be called teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ. 11 But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. 12 And whoever exalts himself will be [e]humbled, and he who humbles himself will be [f]exalted.

13 “But woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in. 14 [g]Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayers. Therefore you will receive greater condemnation.

15 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel land and sea to win one proselyte, and when he is won, you make him twice as much a son of [h]hell as yourselves.

16 “Woe to you, blind guides, who say, ‘Whoever swears by the temple, it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gold of the temple, he is obliged to perform it.’ 17 Fools and blind! For which is greater, the gold or the temple that [i]sanctifies the gold? 18 And, ‘Whoever swears by the altar, it is nothing; but whoever swears by the gift that is on it, he is obliged to perform it.’ 19 Fools and blind! For which is greater, the gift or the altar that sanctifies the gift? 20 Therefore he who [j]swears by the altar, swears by it and by all things on it. 21 He who swears by the temple, swears by it and by Him who [k]dwells in it. 22 And he who swears by heaven, swears by the throne of God and by Him who sits on it.

23 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have neglected the weightier matters of the law: justice and mercy and faith. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. 24 Blind guides, who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!

25 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of extortion and [l]self-indulgence. 26 Blind Pharisee, first cleanse the inside of the cup and dish, that the outside of them may be clean also.

27 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful outwardly, but inside are full of dead men’s bones and all uncleanness. 28 Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

29 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Because you build the tombs of the prophets and [m]adorn the monuments of the righteous, 30 and say, ‘If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.’

31 “Therefore you are witnesses against yourselves that you are sons of those who murdered the prophets. 32 Fill up, then, the measure of your fathers’ guilt. 33 Serpents, brood[n] of vipers! How can you escape the condemnation of hell? 34 Therefore, indeed, I send you prophets, wise men, and scribes: some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will scourge in your synagogues and persecute from city to city, 35 that on you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. 36 Assuredly, I say to you, all these things will come upon this generation.

Jesus Laments over Jerusalem

37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing! 38 See! Your house is left to you desolate; 39 for I say to you, you shall see Me no more till you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!’ ”

Okay, well thank You Lord for opening our hearts and ears to Your truth – the perfect and only way You have set before us in which all of our mouths are shut to resist.  We thank You for Your corrective love, which keeps us continually on the straight and narrow path and are so very grateful You have set Yourself as the perfect example we are to follow.  Amen.

MATHEW 23 overview –

This passage is entirely the words of Christ and reveals how he silenced the religious people during His anointed time here on Earth while ministering to people.  How Jesus handles such difficult situations is truly astonishing to me and something we should review quite often as we seek to follow in His footsteps and ways.  We are given a command to imitate Jesus continually and if we are not familiar with His interactions we too will fail to be an imitator of Him. In this chapter of the Bible, Jesus begins to describe various ways in which the scribes and Pharisees have failed in their God-given roles in leading the people.  They loved to be lords over people, but rejected the notions of Shepherding and all that comes with it.  People often say if you don’t smell like a sheep, you aren’t serving the Lord as His hands and feet.  I totally get that and I often am covered in vomit.

Jesus begins in Mathew 23 by acknowledging that the scribes and Pharisees carry a certain level of legitimate authority. They sit, metaphorically speaking, on “the seat of Moses.” They loved to be spiritual rulers over others based on knowledge, especially about God and His commands. Jesus does not tell the people to rebel against these leaders. Rather, He warns us not to imitate their hypocrisy, He reveals their heart motives and spiritual blindness throughout this chapter.

Many people were impressed by the Pharisees’ religious deeds, which only fed their ego all the more. Jesus condemns how the scribes and Pharisees behave, however, because they do everything for the wrong reasons – void of love and to make themselves look holy. Their motive is not sincere and they are lacking humility, so everything they do in service to the Lord is to be seen and approved of by other people. Above all, Jesus says, these religious leaders live to be noticed, respected, and praised. They show off by making their wearable articles of worship ostentatious, in other words everything they do is to make sure others view them as holy. They compete for the most prestigious seats at feasts and in the temple, which represents places of gathering. They love to be called by their official titles in the marketplace – which certifies and feeds their egos. Jesus bluntly condemns these attitudes and tells His followers not to make the same mistakes they do and He is saying that to all of us today.

In this Chapter Jesus pronounces God’s judgment on those who do this type of thing. This comes through a series of seven “woe” statements about their hypocrisy. The term “woe” is more or less stating you will suffer in one way or another if you operate like these who strain gnats, while swallowing a camel.  They are the ones who have a plank in their own eyes, but set themselves up as gods to see specks in others.  Jesus didn’t do this sort of thing, being the One who was qualified to cast a stone, He most certainly didn’t. I can almost imagine Him shaking His head while saying “ooh…this is bad,” as He peered into the coldness of their religious hearts.  We already know this is within all of us, it has been for generations – even while building the Towel of Babel, the Father confused the languages partly for this reason.

When we feel we are the solution to everyone’s problem we become too invested in their salvation so we lord that salvation over them, often going in the opposite direction of Jesus, who offers and invitation, not a demand.  When we cross lines and blur qualifications in walking with Jesus a woe is promised to us and remember woe is unnecessary suffering because we willfully refused to imitate Jesus and His ways.  So let’s take a look at these woes Jesus spoke about.

First Woe

This is the first of many times in the chapter where Jesus calls the scribes and Pharisees “hypocrites.” This is derived from the Greek term which literally refers to stage actors. These are people who behave in pretending, artificial ways, entirely different from their real thoughts. In this case, these are leaders who tell people to do something, while they themselves do the opposite or deny they also are not perfected yet, blinded by self-righteousness they can only see other’s sins. Their faulty leadership slams the door of eternity in people’s faces, by demeaning them as not holy enough to enter into the Kingdom. Their own choices will not lead them to heaven, and those who follow their example will be lost, as well.

Second Woe

Israel’s religious leaders put considerable effort into convincing others of their views and we witness this a lot in our day too.  All this accomplishes, ultimately, is that the converts are also damned. Jesus says such people are “twice the children of hell,” since they’re following false teachers and following a false faith – like the blind leading the blind in which both fall into the ditch.  I cannot remember a time in my life where people are refusing to resist the temptation to “pressure or force” others to agree with their opinions on things, religion or not… It is increasing at a rapid pace, voiding the Father’s granting every human freewill and when you do not fully agree with their opinions – the attack and label you their enemy.

Third Woe

Jesus now calls the Pharisees and scribes “blind guides.” This is a criticism He has used before. Blindness is often used in Scripture to symbolize those who reject God’s message, making it impossible for them to perceive what is spiritually true. In this case, Christ points to their irrational approach to vows and tangible holy things. Logically, swearing by any of the sacred objects would amount to swearing by God in heaven. Instead, the scribes and Pharisees imply that some oaths can easily be broken, a practice Jesus has also condemned. Attempting to create loopholes in one’s integrity is not only dishonest, but also foolish. Those who do this may be brilliant of the mind, which is a quality of lucifer, yet lack any sort of resemblance to Jesus void of mercy, forgiveness, compassion and love.  What are they blinded by?  Self/ego… just like the one who has blinded them, they carry his characteristics – lucifer.

Fourth Woe

These religious leaders carefully give ten percent of their crops, even the tiniest herbs. This was not wrong, as it means applying the law of Moses to the tiniest details of their lives. However, the other details of the scribes and Pharisees’ teachings left enormous aspects of God’s law unresolved. Their emphasis was on legalism, technicalities, and religious knowledge versus a heart change. Scripture says they should have put equal emphasis on justice, mercy, and faithfulness. This error is as absurd as using a screen to clear insects out of drinking water, while swallowing a massive animal.  This is what I like to call “knit picking”… An example would be like someone attacking a person for coloring their hair, while they don’t shower or use deodorant or you fault finding a drunk person, while you lust over and flirt with another person’s spouse.  When we are focused on the faults of others – we miss a great opportunity in our lives to be convicted our of own sin by the Holy Spirit, to confess and repent and go and sin no more in that area.  Not to mention, if we judge others wrongfully, we are on very dangerous ground for the same to be done unto us.

Fifth Woe

The scribes and Pharisees are committed to their public image; they go to great lengths to “look good” to other people and to be recognized as someone holy. However, their spiritual state is one of hypocrisy and death. This is like wiping the outside of cups and dishes while leaving the insides filthy. Echoing His other teachings on the subject, Jesus tells them to clean inside first and the outside will follow.  The same is true for healings… everyone is fixated on flesh wellbeing, while ignoring the sickness of the soul.  They will even judge/attack when someone is suffering an illness, denying their own souls are perishing inwardly.

Sixth Woe

Using a second, even more graphic analogy, Jesus contrasts the Pharisees’ and scribes’ outer appearance with their inner spirits. Grave sites in that era were often covered in lime, and some had decorative objects. These were appealing to the eye but did not change the decay and death under the surface. In the same way, hypocrites will use pious outward actions to cover inner hypocrisy and lawlessness.  Which is why everything is being revealed right now of what was hidden within people.  Those with only knowledge of the constrainer, verses the abiding of Jesus within the heart through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, are finding it more and more difficult to restrain themselves or rather hide who they really are by the heart.  People right now for the most part are walking volcanoes, ready to erupt on you at any given time.  Therefore, do as Jesus says and maintain the stance of being wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove – mainly because it is so easy to inadvertently provoke others these days.

Amos Study ~ Broadcast Transcript, August 15, 2021 with Angela

So Wow…. Welcome to today’s ROF Ministries Broadcast and thank you for joining with me today to celebrate and give glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus.  As the days grow darker, you shine brighter – so hold onto that which you have, the World needs a lot more of you!

Update – sent out another book and 10 Bibles this week – received another letter from Steve saying he personally prayed over each Bible and who they would go to.  I’ll read you a portion of his letter because he mentions you all.

So much is going on spiritually and manifesting in the natural these days – people are falling away from being centered on Jesus and proclaiming the good news of the Gospel in a way we haven’t seen before.  It is the constant cry of my heart that none of you lose your crown by the temptation of glorifying evil over the good and holiness of our Lord, Who is worthy to be lifted up.  So many are caught up with the cares of this World, distracted, running to and fro and losing their peace which surpasses all understanding. 

But for the remnant it is time to rise and shine… Just as Isaiah 60 declares.  What is your appointment?  Well, it’s in verse 1 and 21 – let’s read it.

Vs 1 – Arise, shine for thy light s come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.

Vs. 21 – They people shall also be all righteous; they shall inherit the land forever; the branch of my planting, the work of my hands, that I may be glorified.

When His light rises from within us, He is glorified.  And He is glorified when no darkness can be found within us anymore.  And remember – you are what you desire.  Hence, the falling away…  If you are so led, I encourage you to read all of Isaiah to see what is unfolding before your very eyes. 

I feel so unbelievably blessed that the Lord has commanded me to aid in the preparation of His bride, to speak to the meek and weary and to encourage you all to keep holding onto to the hem of His garment, looking to and glorifying only Him.

Romans 9:17 tells us – We have been raised up so that He may show power in us so that His name might be declared throughout all the Earth.

Wow – less and less people now want to hear His Name declared anymore.  But there still remains those vessels of honor, who honor only Him – the remnant for who He will cut time short for – those who Jesus has not become a stumbling block or source of offense for – YOU, He is coming just for you!  So hold tight to your faith during this shaking which provokes knees to bow and hearts to confess Jesus is Lord, in that they return to Him, having gotten off course with the cares of this World, which are nothing more than distractions to test us to see just who is in love with Him and who is not.  It is getting so much more obvious just who says “Lord, Lord” and yet their hearts are far from Him – it is good the distractions are here, which help us to see who is who, in that we are not deceived by religious means.

It is perplexing to me in a way that so many I thought were among the flock are standing up, but on the wrong side – the dark side – just as it is written in Daniel 8:23 that in THE LATTER TIME OF THEIR KINGDOM, WHEN THE TRANSGRESSORS ARE COME TO A FULL, A KING OF FIERCE COUNTENANCE AND UNDERSTANDING DARK SENTENCES SHALL STAND UP.  Today within the church many are standing up, revealing who they are by the understanding of dark sentences contained within them, by their passionate pursuits of darkness, formulated out of the desire of their hearts.  If you read on to verse 25 – it says HE SHALL CAUSE CRAFT TO PROSPER…  Why would witchcraft prosper?  When one gives placement to it and evil powers, over the Lord’s power and glory.  Soon, very soon – the Lord Himself is going to shake all evil powers and they will be destroyed forever.  It says in the Word – he shall be broken without hand… Thank You Lord.  Evil may be having its day at the moment during the separation, which is purposeful… but it is already finished and the good guys win – Jesus defeated all evil and darkness on the cross and through Him, abiding in and following Him, we can too. 

It is like He transforms your mind in such a beautiful way when you fall in love with Jesus, it is amazing how He does this, but little by little your mind, your heart and everything that is unrighteous about you melts away.  I often think about how blessed we are that our Lord loves us so much He won’t leave us like He found us.  When He knocks on the doors of our hearts and we invite Him inside to dwell with us – We are saved by His loving grace and yet… that is not enough for Him, He goes all the way with us on this journey, holding us tightly through it all and takes all the fragments of our souls and sweetly mends us back together in Him, making us whole.  Through His life saving power, He cleans us and removes from within us anything which taints or darkens our light and we shine brighter and brighter to give Him glory.

I love this Scripture from Isaiah 52:7 which says — How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that brings good tidings, that publish peace and brings good tidings of good and that publishes salvation and says unto Zion, thy God reigns.   

Are we saying this?  Are we like a vessel of honor who honors the Lord continually – giving people hope when met with oppression, that speak of His calming peace in the midst of the shaking storms, being one who speaks only of the good He does and the salvation from all tumults, darkness and sin.  Do we share the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?  Which is – GOD REIGNS.  Everything else is just vomit. 

It seems like right now, under the guise of watching, people are not proclaiming that God reigns anymore.  They may sprinkle it in occasionally to be correct, but preaching the good news is rare these days by disobedient and gainsaying people. 

Romans 10 has much good news within it regarding how God reigns – but the Lord relies on you and me to be those who are instant in season and out to be light bearers of His majesty all the time to anyone who will hear and those with ears to hear and a heart to receive, will receive.  Remember, what you receive into yourself, always comes out.  We have a command to preach the Word, His word in an instant.  With all the bad news and reports of confusion the Lord has anointed His remnant to speak by His voice to calm those who are chaotic and unsettled. 

In order to be saved…  All must realize that we are to have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge and not being ignorant of God righteousness – going around establishing our will and what we deem is righteous or not – because the Lord has already established what is profitable within our souls as dwellers in His Kingdom.  We are to submit to the righteousness of God.  If His word is in us – in our mouth and hearts – then it is only His word that shall come out of us, as it is with the heart we believe He is righteous so that is what the mouth confesses.  When we do believe on Jesus, let us not be ashamed to speak of Him with great faithfulness. 

It is written, whosoever calls upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved.  Many are preaching a different gospel right now – one that does not glorify the Lord’s rule and reign over darkness.

Instead, as Romans 10 shows us – How will people hear without a preacher (messenger of the gospel), those who God sends forth to deliver a message of peace and good things?  We know faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.  I am just curious who all can see the famine of the word of God taking place all over the World?  Even inside churches – which is why they are getting ready to crumble, so the Lord may build His own church of purity.  It is my prayer your feet stay beautiful as you continually lift up the name of the Lord, no matter what comes your way – let nothing or no one stand in the way of you giving God glory in all things believing He is victorious every single time.

Father’s heart message —–  August 5th — What an encouraging and timely word – thank You Lord

I have been so immersed in the Book of Amos lately – it is like so timely for right now and it is good news, I mean really good news for all us doormats and castaways!  I’ve taken pages of notes in my time of study and Lord willing I will share more, but today just to see if I can get you a little motivated to at least read the Book of Amos, I am going to tell you a little bit about why this book is spot on for us today.


Amos – hypocrites and the castaways

Who wrote the book?

Amos was a prophet for God, who was a Shephard of sheep by profession and grew figs trees.

He did not consider himself to be a prophet – but had such a heart for the oppressed and voiceless in the World.

Amos had a warning in his spirit and prophesied “two years before the earthquake” just before the halfway point of the eighth century BC.  He was sent to the northern kingdom to deliver a message to the prideful regarding their tolerance of moral decay and mistreatment of the poor – which is really huge – he had such a calling upon his life to go before the Lord and warn those who oppress the weak and needy.  God sent Amos because the He was getting ready to judge (by earthquake) those who harm little ones and then turn around and blame them for being in pain, after they inflicted the pain upon them, themselves.

Amos was fed up after seeing what was happening continually, sharing God’s heart towards the least of these. While most of the prophets spoke of redemption and restoration in their prophecies at the time, Amos devoted only the final five verses of his prophecy for such consolation. Prior to that, God’s word through Amos was directed against the privileged people of Israel, a people who had no love for their neighbor, who took advantage of others, inflicted pain, and who only looked out for their own concerns.

More than almost any other book of Scripture, the book of Amos holds God’s people accountable for their ill-treatment of others. It repeatedly points out the failure of the people to fully embrace God’s idea of justice. They were selling off needy people for goods, taking advantage of the helpless, oppressing the poor, and the men were using women immorally.  They were drunk on their own success and intent on strengthening their financial position, the people had lost the concept of caring for one another; Amos rebuked them because he saw in that lifestyle evidence that they had forgotten God, setting themselves up as gods – tempting the Lord to anger by how they treated who He loved.

With the people of Israel in the north enjoying an almost unparalleled time of success, God decided to call a quiet shepherd and farmer to travel from his home in the less sinful south and carry a message of judgment to the Israelites. The people in the north used Amos’s status as a foreigner as an excuse to ignore his message of judgment for a multiplicity of sins.

However, while their outer lives gleamed with the rays of success, their inner lives sank into a pit of moral decay. Rather than seeking out opportunities to do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly, they embraced their arrogance, idolatry, self-righteousness, fame and materialism. Amos communicated God’s utter disdain for the hypocritical lives of His people. His prophecy concludes with only a brief glimpse of restoration, and even that is directed to Judah, rather than the northern kingdom of Israel.

Injustice permeates our world, yet as Christians we often turn a blind eye to the suffering of others for “more important” work like praying, preaching, and teaching. But the book of Amos reminds us that those works, while unquestionably central to a believer’s life, ring hollow when we don’t love and serve others in our own lives.

We learn from this Book just how it tempts the Lord when we do not apply justice, when we twist His ways to meet our own conceptions, look away from sin – rather than repenting and just how angry it makes Him when a child of His is harmed by a hypocrite.  This book confirms that we can let go, turn the other cheek however many times we need to because our Father sees all things done to us and it is a very fearful thing to fall into the hands of His anger.  It may seem at times like evil is prevailing, but God is storing up His wrath for His appointed time and every single one of us will be held accountable for all things done purposely in secret that have not been repented of in which we harmed others.  Vengeance is mine says the Lord, so we can rest knowing as we pray for those who persecute us and continue to walk in love and forgiveness, never repaying evil with evil –  Our God, Who is mighty to save, will come to our rescue, every single time.

If the enemy can keep us wrapped up in the cares of this World by making them appealing to us in any way he realizes the spiritual nutrients our seed of faith needs to flourish and grow will be greatly diminished and we will not complete our assignment to be His vessels of light here on Earth.  If we don’t spread the Gospel, the lights go out and the good news gets overshadowed by all the bad news which blazes like fire everywhere we turn.  And when people are not hearing the good news, their hearts fail in fear for looking after/entertaining what if’s that are coming upon the Earth.

When the Lord told us not to be caught unaware/off guard…  He was not speaking of events but rather Himself….  I realize many of you prepare naturally – which is good, but honestly, you could have all the provisions of a king and be in a kingdom surrounded by the tallest of walls and not be protected without the preparations required to overcome in the spirit.  The safest place to be on Earth is in obedient surrender to the Lord, where you are seen when He wants you seen and hidden in Him when He wants you hidden.

Our assignment is to love others, preach the gospel, make disciples of all men, be holy in all manner of conversation – ALL – if it isn’t holy speech, then it isn’t Jesus speaking, to manifest the fruit of the spirit – not just contain it within, but manifest His fruit, we are to heal the sick, open the eyes of the blind and much more for why???  To above all else GLORIFY THE LORD – just as Jesus glorified His Father in Heaven.   Once adopted into His family, the cares of this World no longer appeal to us, we are about our Father’s business.  Amen?

It is within my heart that if we truly believed, I mean really of the whole heart believed that when Jesus comes He will destroy all darkness and evil at the brightness of His coming we would stop speaking so much about something that is promised a destructive end.   Like seriously, isn’t it pointless to keep ruminating constantly about something so miniscule in the whole scheme of such a victorious ending for the Glory of the Lord?  There is a remnant who professes darkness is defeated while at the same time entertain every aspect of its influence upon the Earth.  It is one thing to believe darkness is relevant here and now and a whole other thing to believe it is defeated.  Every moment of everyday darkness is being destroyed, every plot and plan of the enemy is brought to ruin and nothing get past the purposed plans of the Lord.  So much fixation on darkness is not healthy for the soul and is weakening the faith of many believers. 

Again… Jesus is going to destroy all darkness at the brightness of His coming – that is what we should be proclaiming to people, because that is pure truth, to give hope, blessing and promise.

How I got into Amos from the get go was, the Lord gave me a word to study within Amos one day – He is what He said to me:  Seek good and not evil so that you may live and God will be with you.  That is Amos 5:14. 

He then began to speak to me about all this sign seeking many are doing, reminding me the only sign which will be given is the sign of Jonah…  that’s from Mathew 12:39 – You all are familiar with the sign of Jonah, right?  It is actually a sign to repent – the only warning call going out prior to Jesus’s return for us to heed to is…. To repent.  That is a sign we all can surrender to and the call has definitely gone out. 

He calls all other signs hypocritical in nature – signs for the hypocrites to discern the seasons with…  He actually calls these people a wicked and adulterous generation in which no sign from Him will be given.  Ummm… that’s sobering….  One sign, the call to repent… Just one, before He appears, everything else is just leaven… a little ruins the whole part of your soul.  You can read it yourself in Mathew 12, I’m just paraphrasing.

Leaven is like bitter poison to the soul.  When we seek out evil and not good, it is like touching dead and unfruitful things which don’t prosper our souls at all and if people keep doing this they will decay inwardly and eventually outwardly (sickness in the soul and flesh sickness most often go hand in hand on this one).  I’m going to step out on a ledge here – just observe, many who do this are going to start getting sick, from what the Lord showed me.  But it isn’t a disastrous thing – just so He can sit them down, silence them and bring them back to Him as their first love.  As long as they do not curse Him during the process, they will be just fine, healed and made whole again, thank You Lord.  It is important when we see this happening we continue to love and pray for the person continually.  We are not any better, all of us have slipped off the path occasionally.  Never become an accuser of the brethren when the Lord shows you truth of someone and their struggles – just embrace them through the fire, hold them up in encouragement and faith, because we’ve all been there.

It is our human nature to see it to believe it – we often will seek signs as proof to what we already believe is truth in our minds.  We all have preconceived notions like tares woven into our ways of thinking that the Lord comes in to remove and destroy in His timing.  We may believe things are relevant when they aren’t or are in important sign when it’s a distraction and such – so we will look for confirmation to what we believe, then all of sudden Jesus destroys everything pertaining to cares of this life with the brightness of His coming into us.  Its just a process we all continually are going through as we move from glory to glory.  Once you reach that place of surrender you halt… no longer in need of one more sign – you’ve been given all the signs you need, knowing Jesus is the sign given to all men.

The reason we are wicked at times seeking more signs is because it is in those moments we are refusing to surrender and repent before the Lord and entering into His Kingdom, where He is the only light needed…  this is kind of deep, but once we enter into the place – we do not seek the sun, moon and stars for light – Jesus is our light.

We don’t know when… but one day the door will close, the Father will release Jesus to come, a day and hour no man knows, not even Jesus and those caught up with the cares of this world – in the valley of decision will miss Jesus’s return because to them He will come as a thief.  Sadly, they entered in another way, they entered in as a thief, so when He appears to them He will come like a thief.  Why?  Because all the signs they spoke of, all the plans they laid out, all the preparations they made were focused on being prepared for the sign they thought was given.  So it is true, they may be emotionally, physically and in the mind prepared for all the signs they were lacking preparation – which is repentance – in preparation for Jesus’s return.  They will miss Him, because He didn’t come after all the signs they believed would usher in His return…  Which explains the title of thief – He comes at an hour they think not – they prefer He delay His coming so the signs they professed would first come to pass.  They may have entered into the marriage supper by one way, just not the way and so…. Sadly enough Jesus will not let them stay, being thieves and robbers.

This is in John 10, we just recently studied that whole chapter, but maybe we should go over that portion again and then I will wrap up today’s broadcast.


“Most assuredly, I say to you, he who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is the shepherd of the sheep. To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice; and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” Jesus used this illustration, but they did not understand the things which He spoke to them.

Jesus truly is the good Shephard, I feel like a broken record… but if we continually look only to Him to lead us, we will never be misled or lost or caught off guard.  In essence as we abide in HIM, we are not only prepared for anything we are at peace in the midst of it all.  It is the fear of the Lord we are to contain, having fear of anything else is a total waste of time.  This is practice time, little by little things are coming upon the Earth to fear and the Lord is gently leading us to be mindful only of Him and when they come, lay His words and His encouragement to heart – to shake the dust off and keep walking.

I am not sure about you all, but sometimes I fail royally and yet other times I am noticing I am not bothered so much by what I hear, standing therefore, unmovable in trusting He’s got the whole world in His hands and as long as I am in it, He’s got me. 

He’s authoring and finishing us in such a precise way now – that when we do fall, we look right into His eyes immediately and He lifts us back up and we keep walking.  What used to last for weeks, passes within minutes to a few days.  We are growing beloved, yes we sure are.  Thank You Jesus!

Lastly, how do you know we are on the right and narrow path in preparation for His return?  Well, that’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?  We know there is proof we are ready and waiting the coming of Jesus’s return… Which is — that when He appears we will be like Him for we shall see Him, just as He is… And that process starts today, right now.  So we have a double hope in His coming – seeing Him and being like Him, purifying ourselves from all iniquity. 

Not one more sign but be shown before Jesus comes, not one.  Boy it’s a dangerous game to roll the dice believing all these signs must come to pass and then He will appear.  It causes you to prepare for signs rather than Him.  Searching for signs is a never ending whirlwind that catches way too many up in and steals intimacy of time with you and Jesus.  Being one who is basically prepared in the natural for nothing – I am trying so hard to understand those who prepare out of fear, if there is anything that is taking up more time in your life than seeking the Lord, it is urgent in my Spirit you turn away from whatever that is immediately, especially if it is laced with darkness and evil, realizing the season we are in.  Seek good and not evil in that you may live and that God will be with you.  Resist the enemy by entertaining Jesus in every thought, giving him no placement in your mind or life.

Some of you all remind me of my daughter Shelby a few years ago…  She kept having nightmares – which is odd to me and not permitted as my house is the Lord’s house.  But anyway, after further investigation I found out while she was at her dad’s they watched what I call unholy movies (zombies, weird stuff…) and that whatever she was introduced to there she would finish here…  After talked to her a few times and explaining the whole open door by what we watch and hear by our own choosing we let the enemy in to play with us – she always heard me, but in a few months it would happen all over again.  So finally, I stopped catering to her completely – I had numerous times pointed out the cycle to her and she then understood, it was at that point I realized I trained her how to resist the enemy and he will flee, but it is her choice whether to stand in that truth and be played with and tormented at times…  Imagining things and such…  The Lord told me I will not always be there to defend her and rescue her and that it was time to let her learn all the training I had given her.  Guess what happens now?  She not only resists the enemy’s entrance but shares it with others and guess what?  When she slips, because she does…. She recognizes it, suffers the pain of it and gets right back on course.  If she kept saying to me what she said in the beginning – that these shows were not that bad, that it didn’t matter, etc…  justifying her desire to entertain evil – then she would still be having these weird things happen and nightmares but since I sort of let the enemy sift her as wheat a little, at the leading of the Lord – she now has the power of Jesus within her to resist the enemy by her own choices through seeking good and not evil, so that she will live and God will be with her.

I see many of you in that very same situation…  Just someone today in chat I was observing – who by the way has grown so much, was really slipping mentally today and hadn’t slept in 24 hours after entertaining all this ungodly speech in the guise of Christianity.  I must it irritated me at first, then the Lord reminded me about this story regarding Shelby.