Desperate For You~By: Brother Grizz

?My Lord Jesus Christ
I love You, I do
I can do nothing without You
I cannot stand on my own this day, I need You here with me
Not just for me, but for all of them I see
How can I help?
What can I do?
Not a single thing, successfully
If not for You
Jesus Christ You are my King
You are the reason I get out of bed each day
Because of You I pray
You have taught me much
I was out of touch
But You reached me
Now I am complete
Every day may You have Your way
I cannot but I know You can
You are are the Lord of lords the One with a plan
Abba Father I love You
I love all You do
It is all because of You
Now I can too
You sent Your Son
Because You love
I love You too
Not one leaf will fall from a tree
Not one blade of grass will grow
Unless You say so
Every atom is in Your control
This I do know
Life is a gift
Every breath
I am blessed
I cannot comprehend all of Your goodness
But each moment You give more I am blessed
Because of all You do
Please help me through
Please lift all those I see, each one of these
They are just like me
They are also blessed
If they are giving breath.

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