Betrayed By A Kiss

Betrayed By A Kiss?

But Jesus said unto him, Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss?

Luke 22:48

Betrayed by a kiss ~ One you perceived to be a friend in your heart, is actually a foe in his own.

This message I have been sent to deliver is not one I sought out.  My intention was to discuss love, since God is love and we are beginning to learn more fully how to walk in the ways of Jesus being obedient to love, Himself.  However, the Lord had different plans for what He desires I share with you today and I am praying it edify you in His truth.

They say, “The first cut is the deepest,” regarding love, betrayed.  Until we are betrayed in love, we likely have no conception or starting point to know something so heart wrenching was even possible.  These are what many call, “Wounds.”  Until a wound is healed by Jesus it will continue to fester and cause pain.  Wounds hurt, scars are painless.  A testimony is born through a trial, conceived in hurt, turned to goodwill, only to be recognizable as a scar.  Jesus had scars too.  Remember Thomas? Thomas didn’t even believe Jesus rose from the dead until he saw His scars.

Once again, what was conceived in death, revealed the promise of life and He had the scars to prove it – To prove the most Holy testimony thus far…

Conquering death, promising life everlasting.

Glory to You Lord Jesus!

Scripturally speaking, without Judas betraying with a kiss, technically Jesus would not be captured to endure His crushing wounds, which brought forth life for us all.  For those who knowingly betray others with a kiss, I offer prayers for them that they will turn and look to Jesus for He is ready and willing to deliver them from all iniquitous acts and deeds.

On a brief note ~ Please don’t tell us, the ones betrayed, you love us for the love of the truth is not in you.  Regardless, we love you anyway, but our walk is unequal at your hand, not ours.  So in faith we forgive, release and bless you, dedicating you in love into our Savior’s capable and restoring hands.

But what about those of us who have been betrayed with a kiss and not just once or twice, but maybe 10 or more times?  I am finding myself calling out to the Lord for a deeper deliverance than ever before these days.  He is teaching me on this walk to trust no man, but only Him.   With each wound exposed before Him, He is purifying my heart and healing begins to scar over by His touch.  What He does for one, He will do for all, so this means you too!?

I encourage you to pray to Him and get quiet and listen and receive His healing touch.  He desires to give you a testimony of His greatness and in all actuality a scar is a reward for overcoming with Him, to carry forth a hope and a promise to all who are in need for redirection and edification.

See…. You, me and all His children are His love and goodness walking about in the world, to shine forth as love lights in the darkness, so all may see and know Him fully.  Hurting people cannot help but to hurt people themselves for they too have many wounds.  Jesus has come to set the captives free and who He sets free is free indeed.  You were born for so much more than this and through the crushing wounds do form at times, the Redeemer is here to change those wounds into a display of scars to what His wondrous ways produce into wholeness and healing.

The way I see it… Betrayers like Judas will come and they will go throughout our lifetime.

It is what we do with that, “Kiss of betrayal” that matters most.  In the flesh we have a tendency to focus on the event rather than the Healer, being Jesus.  Do we hold on in a protective mode patching bandages to cover the injury done or do we give it to Him so He can make us whole, in which our scar is a living testimony to His Majesty?  As we forgive, release and bless another, we actually are releasing ourselves for His perfect work, upon a trajectory of purity in our hearts.

I pray this day you begin to relinquish all the pain to Him, so in turn He will ease the wounds of death with promises and hope of His eternal glory, displaying from the inside, out.

Scars have the potential to be beautiful Kingdom markers.  Will you let yours shine?

God Bless You in His Love,


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