What is the TEMPERATURE of Your SOUL?

?EMOTIONS are an excellent gauge to use when measuring the temperature of our soul.  Emotions are the ways in which we respond to those things which have influence in our lives via our surroundings.  Our REACTIONS can be either positive or negative depending of course, on the temperature of our soul.  Without emotions life would be dull, bland or robotic in nature.  So from this perspective emotions are purposed when the Father wove them into us, as He breathed His breath of life into us, as His living creation.

However, over the course of time painful hurts and wrongs done to us can alter our emotional reactions.  When we become, “Emotionally bankrupt,” we have a disconnect in understanding and demonstrating the purity of LOVE.  After the fall of man, the perfect design of humans was altered and quite often, in our fallen human state, we hurt others intentionally or unintentionally and we too become tainted by hurt.  It is at this point, we have a decision to make.  We can either hold on to that pain or give it to Jesus, for Him to heal those wounds in the broken places, in order we walk complete in wholeness.

Every single thing the Father creates is of His most excellent and perfect design.  Since the fall shattered His perfect design of man or woman, for that matter.  We can truly see what a gift Jesus was to all of humankind, in order we be reconciled back to the Father.

In this sense…  Emotions can be Godly or fleshly.

Before the fall ~ We existed in pure love, had enjoyment of simply being in the presence of communing as one with our Creator God and innocence.

After the fall – Humans were exposed to shame, blame and a distrust towards the Creator, which was not present before sin entered into us.

It is imperative we understand there are TWO SOURCES which feed our souls, fill our mouths and drive us emotionally.  One source is of the LIGHT, pure and Holy.  The other is full of DARKNESS, strife, envy and wrath.  If we let our negative emotions get the best of us, we will be spreading that same darkness out into the World and to others.  This is called in the Bible – Being a child of wrath.  However, if we take captive those negative thoughts, placing them into subjection to Love Himself, Jesus, we will be spreading light and love, His pure source, in our reactions.  This would be called – Being a child of God.

God is Love?

If we are His children, then our lives will replicate HIM.  As we are created to be a New Creature in HIM, we are actually returning to our own innocence in the ways we walk, how we talk and who we are in truth.  Walking by the Spirit from this context means…. Our Helper, the Holy Spirit will guide, direct and lead us in the way that we should go and react in any given circumstance.

So just how would the Holy Spirit direct us no matter what we are facing each day?  Let’s look…

Galatians 5

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,

23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

24 And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.

The truth is I know it isn’t easy, I too get hurt by others often.  But with Jesus loving us and pouring into us, instead of feeling compelled to pay another back, we can embrace them in pure love knowing – Hurting people hurt people and they need LOVE too!

Praying you have a glorious day!

Love in Him,

?Angela ~ Marked By Heaven


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