Serenity ~

?God grant me the serenity 
To accept the things I cannot change; 
Courage to change the things I can; 
And wisdom to know the difference. 

Living one day at a time; 
Enjoying one moment at a time; 
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; 
Taking, as He did, this sinful world 
As it is, not as I would have it; 
Trusting that He will make all things right 
If I surrender to His Will; 
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life 
And supremely happy with Him 
Forever and ever in the next. 


Knowing the Difference…

The Serenity Prayer is such a beautiful display of the laying down of one’s will in total abandon and trust to what the Father’s will would be for us individually.  Would we choose this particular path we are on knowing the trials that come or would we choose the path of least resistance?  I am sure I am not alone on this truth, in all honesty I would frequently pick the path of least resistance.  It brings great comfort in knowing the difference and I thank Him that as we put our trust in Him, we are assured the path in which we are on forges a trusted relationship with Him.

He says in His Word all those who call upon His Name shall be saved.  We are being saved, oftentimes from our very selves in what appears as a tribulation actually births a triumph.

When we cannot change something – He imparts within us His acceptance so we do not reject His perfection being established in our lives.

When something needs to be changed in our lives – He infuses us with His courage to make that change which is everlasting and eternal.

When we cry out to Him, asking Him to show us the difference between the two – Wisdom is granted and we are clothed in acceptance and courage to face the road ahead of us.

He is teaching us everyday to trust Him a little more through surrender and as we do, the difference between two paths merge together into one – the path to Him, in which we fully accept, with wisdom, His divinely etched plan in our lives.  The guessing game of where to go is over as we let go and let God take the reigns of our hearts as He is leading us back to Him.

May He grant us wisdom, peace and rest today and release us from the burdens of this life.  I thank Him for teaching us that He is the difference in our lives and with His constant hand of leading upon us, as the Author and Finisher of our walk, although the road may be hard at times, He is leading us right where He would have us to go.

As He leads we shall follow, making a difference in not only our own lives, but the lives of others, as well.

Let us go, in peace.  Amen?


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