Seeds ~ Written By: Heather


I sit in this moment
with curious delight
my life is unfolding
what a beautiful sight.

My road to nowhere
leading where it began
has illuminated a path
shining bright in the sand.

But my walk was so hard
I could never understand
still always knowing
Jesus was holding my hand.

But why so much pain?
As I looked to the sky
its all for MY gain
you don’t need to Know why.

So on I would walk
with blinding faith
for I am
cleansed by his blood
and IN IT, I did bathe.

My relation with HIM
is the best I have known

For this world tares me down

But IN HIM I have grown.

So walk on MY CHILD
for when you are weak
is where you will find Me
for I come to the meek.

Your pain suffering and strife
are the– seeds– that you need
to be called one of Mine
one of MY lost sheep.

But I AM with you
don’t fret
for I have a plan
I AM creating a soldier
in which I CAN STAND.

For just like you
when you were so lost
I died for others
My life was the cost.

Your learning of lessons
I need you to teach
there are others who suffer
that I need you to reach.

So cling to ME
I won’t let you go
For I love you my child
you MUST know.

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