Scars Til’ Your Beautiful~

?Jesus heals the brokenhearted and binds up all their wounds.

We are coming into a Season in which the wounds are no longer covered, as Jesus touches these inward wounded parts of our hearts, He is cleansing us and making us whole…  In which all that remains are scars.  There is no more shame of covering, but only freedom to be just who we are created to be in Him.

I was thinking the other day about how many people Jesus healed and made whole.  But there is a real distinction between the multitudes He did heal and the “Lepers” in the Bible.  Every single Word written in Scripture is purposed for instruction, especially this one.  You see the multitudes were healed, but the lepers were cleansed.  All were made whole, following a touch from Jesus.  Weren’t both these groups in need of His healing touch?  So I asked – Why the demarcation in the Word?

This is what the Holy Spirit revealed to me~

The sick were in need of a Physician.  But, the lepers had wounds and therefore, required a different kind of healing in order to be made whole.  They needed to be cleansed.  Spiritually speaking, in many ways this is us.  We all have wounds and if we cover them up, the truth is they will not heal.  Shame does that to us, making us fearful to bare our brokenness at times, because in the past when we allowed ourselves to be vulnerable, we were hurt.

Just like a wound on our skin needs air to heal, same goes for our heart wounds – they need to be uncovered first.  All fleshly wounds need washed out and cleansed with water too, before they heal.  And lastly, once cleansed, blood rushes in to heal that area quickly.

Are seeing the picture I am painting here?

  • Our wounds need to be uncovered first – so Jesus can remove the shame
  • Secondly, they need to be cleansed – We do this by the washing of the Word
  • Thirdly, we need the blood of Jesus to come into that broken area and give us life where there was death and decay – Through understanding we realize all hurts we face in our lives have no affect on us anymore, since Jesus defeated death when He died and rose again – Life is restored to us.
  • Lastly, these wounds when healed turn into scars – As a testimony to His great power and glory.

?This is my most favorite part to talk about!

Remember the disciples, Thomas in particular, who would not believe Jesus was alive and standing before him, without seeing the scars on Jesus’s hands?  We too have many “Thomas’s” in our lives and therefore, we have beautiful scars to show them.  Through these wounds, that Jesus turns into scars, we reflect what Jesus did for us.  As a comfort we can offer Him to them, while we share with them the truth that He wants to cleanse them too.

Jesus not only was not ashamed of His scars, He openly displayed them as proof of how death was defeated.  He is calling us to do the same.  I, like you, would be completely and utterly in ruin without Jesus.  As we embrace Him through the trials, He reveals to us He knows and He understands all the pain of this life.  In Him we seek and find refuge and strength.  In Him we are changed from the inside out, no longer in the captivity of shame but rather as display of just what love can do.

What can love do?  Love pours into your wounds until your scars make you beautiful. How precious is that?

In His Love,

?Angela~Marked By Heaven

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