Fullness of the 5-Fold Ministry ~ Where do you fit? Broadcast Transcript from August 11, 2020
We are certainly growing and evolving and becoming THE CHURCH on Earth, where Jesus is the head and we are His followers as the body. This is His church which is being formed into His likeness for the glory of His Name, faceless and nameless, hidden within Him, dying to self through the surrender of self wills and ways. The called out ones, the misfits of both the World and organized religions, those who have been counted out to be counted in… Still needing some cleansing, still in need of a Savior… the ones He left the 99 for, who still wander occasionally and yet cannot be lost, as they’ve been found in Him. They are righteous and yet they are at times hesitant to proclaim it, the healed and yet are clinging to the Healer, you know… the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes and sometimes He goes into the darkest of places. They may tremble at times and even fear this narrow way and yet… He carries them when the hill is steep or the path gets rocky. Many of these still have beds they are too weak to pick up or wounds hidden so deep it is best left undone – yet covered in Him. If compassion was a commodity on Earth they would be rich, however, what they’ve gleaned is more precious than all the treasures on Earth… they contain the purity of love Himself with virtue to spend on every soul sent their way. They long ago ran out of stones, they are weak and to weary to carry them – yet they never deny His name, fueled by energy of knowing they are almost out of time.
Does any or all ofthis describe you? If so, you are really going to enjoy today’s teaching on THE FIVE FOLD MINISTRY – fullness of Jesus’s Church.
We are going to start today with FULLNESS ~
Now like with anything one cannot be poured into until emptied out – right? Consider this – if something was not empty before it was poured into and you added something to it – wouldn’t that be called mixture? Well, ta-da… This is why so many of us feel so empty so much of the time. Every single time we get filled with anything other than what Jesus has anointed into us – He empties us completely out by purification, before He pours His truth into us. This certainly settled my soul quite a bit – I pray it does yours as well. Jesus was poured out as a drink offering – Guess what? So are you, so am I. Therefore, we are in a constant pouring out, pouring in, cleansing of all impurities process… the Holy Spirit is assisting us with this filtering process so that we remain grounded and hidden in Jesus, as a true light in the World reflecting and pointing towards our Beacon of Light and Hope found in Him.
I kept hearing these words over and over “My true children are being poured out like a drink offering…” And I thought – that is Jesus’s job… Then He reminded me, He resides within us and therefore the less of us that remains the more of Him is poured out. He started with waking me up one morning before 5:00 am and talking to me about FULLNESS.
- Jesus gives us fullness and yet He expects it too from us. He doesn’t want just a part of our hearts, but all of it.
- Without His Word we cannot be made full – for those who contain His fullness, His word is what nourishes the soul, like food and water nourishes our physical body.
- Those who dwell in fullness, see the fullness of Him in ways others do not – such as, comprehending His discipline IS LOVE, not harsh or angry, but an embrace to save.
- Fullness does not alter His truth just because it isn’t feeling comfortable at the moment.
- Fullness opens your eyes to no longer see men walking as trees, but spiritually see the eternal soul of another as worth saving.
- Fullness is worshiping the Lord with our whole hearts, inwardly, seclusionary, knowing once God has all of your heart there is no more striving to love others, you just do.
- Fullness embraces the cross, not trying to defeat the suffering which seals the heart in the hands of its maker.
- Fullness is our joy made full when a soul is at rest in Him, knowing those blissful moments are just as valued as works in the Father’s eyes.
- Fullness springs forth from one simplistic act of tribulation – and through it, rebellion is put to death.
- Fullness puts the war of the soul to silence, knowing the only truthful answers originate in Heaven, not on Earth.
- Fullness is the totality of GIVING AND RECEIVING from One Source, our Master and Lord, not doubting, that to:
Correct one must be correctible
Teach one must be teachable
Lead one must be led
Watch over another, one must be watched
Share the Gospel one must receive it
Call for repentance one must repent
So right here, right now… I present to you, the BODY OF CHRIST because when fullness comes, no one will see the many parts moving in unity, just one is revealed, flowing with mighty and pure words, founded in the Head – Jesus Himself. So we, through word and deed are being poured out like a drink offering, just like Jesus, but remember – we must be empty of self, first!
I am still in awe how the Lord opened the eyes of my heart about this five-fold ministry gift to encourage and edify us all. And it truly is a gift and it brings power and authority to move mountains, heal the sick, cast out demons, well I cannot really describe all this power can do – but, again… We must be empty first. One who is empty can then be moved by compassion in ways others cannot, remember obedience is better than sacrifice.
I don’t know why, but up until recently I kept thinking Jesus was purifying what is within us, which to a degree He is… However, we are actually being emptied and He is pouring into us Himself… This is a cleansing process – it actually is sanctification, but that topic is for another day.
We are going to talk more about the MANIFESTING of the Five-Fold Ministry here in just a moment, which is found in Ephesians 4, which I am going to read and try my very best not to comment along the way. As I read, please ponder the whole time a word picture of the Revealing of the Body of Christ – imaging YOU personally an intricate part of this body, because you are. Because truly, what I am about to read either describes you already being a prisoner for Jesus or is your invitation to be invited into this sacred and holy place ~
Ephesians 4 ~
I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called,
2 With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;
3 Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.
4 There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling;
5 One Lord, one faith, one baptism,
6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
7 But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.
9 (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth?
10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.)
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
14 That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;
15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ:
16 From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.
17 This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind,
18 Having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:
19 Who being past feeling have given themselves over unto lasciviousness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.
20 But ye have not so learned Christ;
21 If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:
22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
25 Wherefore putting away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor: for we are members one of another.
26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:
27 Neither give place to the devil.
28 Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.
29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.
30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.
31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:
32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.
Now… Hold in that exasperated sigh for just one moment and please hear me on this, don’t let the enemy come and choke this word right out of you. This is a measurement invitation, which requires spiritual eyes to see and hear, not a Worldly measurement which you are used to. We are used to having only ounces thinking we are short of a pound. In Heaven… if all you are granted is ounces and you are giving all the ounces you have that is sufficient in the Lord’s eyes. When we’ve given all we’ve got – we’ve given our all – which actually means “to stand therefore…” Man cannot measure it because man does not know how much each has been granted – only the Lord. And all you have, is just enough, thank You Lord Jesus. This is why the woman who gave the mite was found more righteous than all those who gave much more in riches. So no one gathered here today has an “I can’t do anything for the Lord” excuse… Giving your all, means just that, give your all, the Lord will do the rest. So no lame excuses anymore, okay?
If you are blind and yet can speak… speak for Jesus. If you can’t walk, type, just for Jesus. If you can’t go anywhere, sit and pray, just for Jesus. If you can’t spell, speak. Whatever gift you have within you to offer, offer it up to the Lord, pour out to others, the only one standing in our way most often is our self.
I can see already this study is going to take more than one broadcast, which is just fine, however the Lord leads.
The fullness of Jesus in us, is demonstrated as the Body of Christ on Earth, we agree on that right? When we have become redeemed from all men, the Lord places within us a singleness of heart to desire what He desires, especially the “making disciples of all men.” And with that comes giftings to accomplish His will on Earth as it is in Heaven such as the five-fold ministry gifts, which is going to be our focus for today.
Now, the five-fold ministry of Jesus reflects Him on Earth in fullness. Each gift of the five-fold ministry is an attribute of Him, imparted into us, to demonstrate His fullness performing for the lifting up of others. If you are His, if you are in the Body of Christ, you carry a gift within you, granted by Him to be poured out to others – Himself. This is not a title like many have taught and we are going to discuss that in the future, but for now just consider that you were emptied, Jesus filled you with Himself and anointed you with a particular calling, based upon the divine appointments He already set forth to come your way. Whatever your passionate desire is to reach others, was placed within you so you would pursue Jesus, be filled with Him, going out just as He would and see those who are in need of a touch of the virtue you have within. Those who need what you have, immediately see what they are missing within you and are divinely drawn to you, like a match made in Heaven. It surely is within Him, we move and have our being. Amen?
If you try to bond with, pour into, alter the course of, teach, pastor, correct someone who is not seeking or missing what you have – you will be met with great resistance and its purposed to keep you fully empty and on the course the Lord has you on. There is no need to argue it, fight for it or debate it… Just keep loving all and keep moving – hearts are waiting for you, sick bodies are waiting to be touched by your healing hands, wandering flocks need a shepherd and so forth. The enemy will send that damsel in distress to keep you from reaching your appointed audience of even only one, if you take your eyes off of Jesus, forgetting to surrender to His will. Then you will get very tired and weak, trying to do things in your own power. Our strength comes from the Lord and once we take our eyes off Him and look to self, we get run down quickly, don’t we?
Again – the five-fold ministry is Jesus on Earth in fullness displayed through us. I am going to read the Scripture again in Ephesians 4 ~
11 And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;
12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:
13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
So if you are a believer who seeks and follows Jesus, you are one of these in demonstration, not a title, but in a revealing sort of way ~ Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher. Jesus was all five – as we can see in study the Names of Jesus are actually a word picture of who He is demonstrated. Jesus was and is by actions an apostle serving others, a prophet to only say what His Father was saying, an evangelist to declare the good news message, a pastor to the flocks of sheep and of course a teacher to all who would listen.
Knowing The Body of Christ consists of 5 interlocking parts which are always in UNITY that move as ONE to assist, edify, encourage, correct and comfort one another with Jesus as the ruling head. When Jesus dwells within us and us within Him – He is displayed through us.
I am going to say it again – these gifts are not positions or titles, but rather characteristics of Jesus manifesting on Earth for one reason only – TO EXPAND THE KINGDOM through growth unto FULLNESS. Harvest time!
If any of this irritates us, its because most people in the church do not believe the Lord corrects His children, let alone us doing so, then you have more emptying out to do. I am sorry, but I have to say this so that we do not get hung up by some technicality. FULLNESS is the receiving of the whole word of God as truth, whether we agree with it or not, we believe it without seeing, knowing our obedience produces the evidence of what we hope for – more of Jesus, less of us. That scripture is not temporal, but a manifestation of the eternal, which once in place alters the temporal. None of these are my words, everything I’ve shared so far is written by God in His word.
So before we proceed and go over each one of these more in detail, please know… We should actually have freedom to move and operate in the capacity in any one of these callings, at any given moment, depending on the need of another, through the unction of the Holy Spirit. If the source is the Lord and He is abiding within us and we are dead to self, just being a vessel for Him to pour out of – why would we be limited? Well, we aren’t, except in our minds… But anyway, chances are, you internally gravitate to one attribute over all the others – this is your passion, which helps you get through all the masses of 99’s to the one who has wandered off or is injured, paralyzed with fear and such.
For example, for this purposed reason all my life many have come to me with their problems – even people I don’t know at the store will share things with me, without me even asking by the way, that they haven’t told anyone ever. I do not say or do anything to prompt this, it just happens. Maybe you have always had sick people reach out to you your whole life or maybe since a child you were the one others came to, to be pointed in the right direction or for advice or whatever the case may be, or maybe you have within you a strong desire to care and nurture people – your heart is drawn like a magnet to those who need what you have and vice versa. And for most of you, this desire is so strong it makes it very easy to lay your life down when one is in need, because you really are your brother/sister’s keeper. It is really incredible when we submit to the Lord in how He purposely created us in His image, we have supernatural ways to move about the Earth, don’t we?
As I start to share what manifests under each FOLD of ministry…. FOLD, get it? Gathering… flocking… you being the overseer who tends and watches over for outcome… FOLD OF MINISTRY, not a title! Lord please help us get over man’s doctrines we’ve been taught naturally, for just a moment and see You in this so we can be used precisely as You ordained. Its FIVE FOLD MINISTRY because it is for the sheepfold. Amen.
I am aware what has happened, you’ve got people out there self-appointing, getting degrees, titling themselves, creating all sorts of chaos and confusion within the Body. There are many pastors out there by title, who actually carry the gift of a teacher or something else. So we are going to go over exactly what heart desires are placed within us, to serve the Lord in a particular fold. Last thing, remember we cannot do unto others in a way we are resistant to be done unto us. We empty out, we receive power from on high and then we pour out. I only say that because of so many who want to correct others or teach others and yet refuse to be corrected or taught, for example. We must above all things be clothed in humility at all times, remember we are to be a gift to the ministry not a task master. You all ready?
- Apostle – Greek meaning: a delegated messenger for the Lord sent with orders from Him to carry out – An overseer, shares in the sufferings of others in order to empower them for the Kingdom’s service, operates as a servant to uplift others in vision and sends out other messengers to perform God’s will, an ambassador of the Gospel
- Prophet – Greek meaning: One who is moved by the Spirit of God to interpret oracles or hidden things relating to His Kingdom pertaining to salvation. Speaks often in warnings of what is to come with the underlying message warning to repent because that day draw nigh.
- Evangelist – Greek meaning: One who carries the Good News to spread it among the inhabitants of the Earth, they prepare the way of the Lord by gathering in the sheepfold, inviting all because all are welcome.
- Pastor – Greek meaning: A Shephard who tends directly to the sheep, they watch over, comfort, lead the sheep to wells of life giving drink and water, nurtures the wounds of the sheep, carries the sheep to find rest beside still waters, offers loved based correction and direction – keeping them focused on the narrow path in order they do not wander and be devoured and is constantly awake and alert to protect from sheep from adversaries. Note: Everywhere in the Bible when you see the word Shepherd it is synonymous with Pastor in the Greek
- Teacher – Greek meaning: One who teaches on the things of God and how they relate to the duties of man, one who unveils and instructs God’s written word to feed the sheep in a simplistic and understandable way so clarity is granted and the Word is applied in the lives of followers.
How’s that? Pretty awesome isn’t it? I am just curious – did you picture yourself in any of these descriptions? When I was reading them – did it stir anything internally within your soul or heart you maybe didn’t notice before? Can you remember times in which you were placed into situations which were not in your own power or control over the course of your life and you just operated out of one of these giftings for the betterment of another? If so, that is just awesome – keep seeking Jesus all the time, you are growing in qualification in order to be sent out in greater measurement – but remember, most oftentimes, we have an audience of one, two or three in our everyday lives where God wants to use us.
And just in case there are a few out there who do not feel moved right now at this moment, no worries, just keep seeking Him and looking to Him for your placement. In the Body of Christ, no matter how large or small you are in the natural – all are equally imperative for the unity and wholeness of the body. For example the heart is smaller than the head and yet without it, the brain would die due to oxygen depletion. I want to say something… it sounds really harsh… lol… but consider this – if the body did not have an orifice to release the waste it would perish very quickly – oh my, that’s funny – but in all reality it is very true. So see, no matter how dirty you think you are – God can use you!
Are you all doing okay? More than anything I want you to feel valued, loved and useful for the Kingdom of God, no matter how small you think you are… You are cherished and purposed to do His will on Earth.
You see the enemy wants us to keep defeated in our own minds that we are worthless, replaceable, throw aways and nothing is farther from the truth. YOU were fearfully and wonderfully made at the exact moment purposed, by our Creators hands and sent forth on the exact day and moment He ordained to bless this Earth with the presence of YOU.
In Ephesians 4 we see how these are actually gifts that Jesus, being the anointed one, divided up as His anointing into five specific service needs of the flock and gave them to His Church Body in order that we could reveal and represent Him on Earth. It is beautiful, complete and total fullness of Him when we all move according to His leading and will as One, which is why the enemy is in a full out panic to keep us from knowing who we truly are, and he is using devices to keep us suspicious of others.
When we truly are empty it is only then we actually see in truth how much we need one another and of course, Jesus most of all. Remember Jesus sent all His apostles out two by two. Do you see? We do need one another to compliment unto fullness Jesus on Earth, as He said two is better than one. When we think of it like this… all offense, competition, strife, envy, contention melts away and the Body of Christ can function and be prosperous for that which matters most to God, downcast souls.
Alrighty, I believe we are truly at a good stopping point for today. I encourage you to go back and read Ephesians 4 yourselves, you just never know what the Lord may reveal to you to compliment and confirm all that I shared today and if He does, I most certainly would love to hear about it, so please email me.
This coming Sunday we will be back in the Book of Job, Chapter 2 and I hope if you are able you will join us. I also promise not to ramble too much… lol Hey now… that was to bring a giggle.
Sometimes you just have to accept you cannot serve two masters and when given the option, always choose Jesus. Oftentimes, what is perceived as foolishness by one is a blessing to another.
I pray the Lord keep you, watch over you and guard your heart and dwelling spaces until we are able to fellowship together again.
Thank you everyone for spending these moments with us and with Jesus. May you be blessed in all that you do, finding strength and security in Jesus alone.
Love and Bless you!
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