EMERGING Beautified~

?As the Lord sets up His dwelling place within us, as His Temple, we are being purified and made white from the inside, out.  In this fashion we no longer simply speak of Him, but gradually begin to know Him on a more intimate and personal level.  Since what is inside, is on the outside and displayed before all men, we then begin to actually display the characteristics of Jesus, to those we are in contact with each day.  Day by day our desires are beginning to align with His desires and will for our lives.  Like a butterfly emerges from the darkened cocoon, we too are being regenerated and born again into a New Creature.

It says in the Bible the Bride will make herself ready for the coming of the Lord!  It makes one think – Just how could we, mere humans, make ourselves ready for the coming King?

The answer is simple, the task complex…  Submission.

In all matters we submit to His will for our lives.  This can be easy in some respect and more difficult at other times.  But the truth remains, we can do all things with Christ, Who strengthens us to overcome.  We do this with Jesus, not alone and not apart from Him.

Sadly, many believe they must come clean to Him.  However, the truth is, we come to Him in a form of humility and in our time of need, dirty and broken and He cleans us up.  Apart from Him we can do nothing on our own.  And even if we tried, it may last for a little while, but without His strength instilled within us we would eventually fall back into our old mindset and ways.

Our journey with Him is more about being willing and yielding to Him, than it is about willing ourselves to accomplish an end result.  Many of us are broken, in need of healing and a touch from the Lord.  This is a very precious place of vulnerability to find yourself in.  In the darkness, you will see the LIGHT and emerge from within purified and filled with His glory.

I pray each one of you find encouragement to let Him do what He does best today – Molding you into the perfect vessel envisioned by Him.  Man often complicates things but it is the simple touches from our Lord Jesus, which cleans out the cobwebs from our minds and hearts.  ?

Behold, I make all things new.

Revelation 21:5

It is in the dirty and broken cracks of our lives that He frequently uses as His point of entry into our lives.  When we welcome Him inside to change us, we are changed and it is permanent.  What once was dark, drab and confining is transformed, emerging as beautified on display for all to recognize as the Glory of Him.

In His Love,

?Angela~Marked By Heaven

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