A Debt of Love

♥Just a couple days ago I was asked a question about a particular Scripture and I must admit unknowingly I answered, “Correctly,” by doctrine standards, coming into agreement that the Word tells us to, “Owe no man anything…”  I felt sure and secure in the answer I had given.  Until today…  Upon waking this morning the Lord spoke to me and said, “You missed the most important part of what was said about owing man nothing.”  So as I got up, fed the dog, got my coffee and began to sit down and ponder with the Lord what today’s, “Precious Pearl” would be, the Holy Spirit kept telling me, “Your only debt is to love.”  So I immediately got my Bible out and read the Scripture in fullness and in context about owing no man anything.

Owe no man anything, but to love one another, for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

Romans 13:8

So here I sit…  Corrected and embraced all at the same time, joyful to share this “Precious Pearl” with you.

How many times do we take a portion of the Word and format it, out of context, to how we perceive it to relate in our lives or even on some occasions by what we have been told by others?  I am seeing now the beauty in this Word as it unfolds, sending a much deeper message than what would appear on the outside looking in.  Do you see it too?

The Lord is telling us here to simply love one another, which is the only real debt actually assigned to our name.

I am wondering why we often get so bogged down in the ways of the World, when our purpose is to come up higher?  To no longer think, respond and be OF the World rather than, just be IN it for a short season?  The truth is we all strive too much to attain that which is already freely given.

They say, “Love makes the World go around…”  And in an essence it does.  From the same respect, an absence of love makes all things come to a screeching halt.  The Bible tells us distinctly all the things we can do, but if love is not present it is barren, futile and pointless.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.  And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

1 Corinthians 13

We often give of our time, talents and resources for the demonstration of love’s sake and can even speak as the angels and anointed men.  However, the Word tells us if love is not woven into every act then it profits nothing in the end.  I do not want to be this shell of a person, going around doing for others all on the falsity of love and I am certain, neither do you.

Our hearts are crying out for pure love.  I thank the Lord for teaching me His truth, untainted by man.  In Kingdom principals we have no debt – other than to love one another.  He showed me how this debt will never, ever be paid off in this lifetime.  Many of us have been striving to pay off our natural debt, forgetting the most important one…  The debt of love.  One to another, without condition or knit-picking or the setting of standards with expectations.

It is my belief the Father is showing us to stop focusing on paying down this natural debt and begin walking in love in truth, to pay down this debt of love, in which there is no more striving but simply being who we are called to be…. In Him, His love pouring in, as we pour out to others. ♥

And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity [brotherly love].

1 Corinthians 13:13

Heavenly Father, Creator of all things, I thank You for this word of wisdom and love.  We know You are Love and without You and without love we could not even exist.  I am in awe at Your lovingkindness and patience with me each and every day.  Your mercies are new every single morning, for which I am eternally grateful.  I thank You for caring enough about us to gently lead us into Love so we may take what You so freely have given and share it with others.  Thank You Father for teaching us how to cherish and hold from this day forward.   In Jesus’s Mighty Name. Amen.

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