The Obligation To Be Okay~

?How many of us feel as if there is some sort of high credentials or standards we must display in order to make the Lord “look good?”

I know this is not a typical question we might ask ourselves, but we should.  For some reason, the church has taught us and sadly we came into agreement with the lie, that as Christ followers we have an obligation to be okay.

Here is how I got there…

Grace be to you and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also aboundeth by Christ. 2 Corinthians 1:2-5

The truth is, we can be at our breaking point and be a follower of Jesus.  I was considering the times in which I have gone to extremes to portray a picture of the Lord that is acceptable on the surface to others, while I was withering and collapsing inside, just to please others and elevate the Lord.  I foolishly thought if I looked good, so did He.  If I failed, which I do everyday, it would appear to many He has let me down in some life changing way.  Nothing could be farther from the truth.

He must increase, but I must decrease. John 3:30

We often say we are okay when we aren’t and with such a blessing, comes burden upon burden, while we lay them upon ourselves to impress the a false sense of identity of just Who Jesus is, in a World so broken and torn.  In all reality, to whom much is given, much is expected and there is no one who knows the cost we pay each day, save One ~ Jesus.  The enemy tries to use pressure to stop the blessings of the Father from flowing and we come into agreement with this pressure internally by wearing a mask, saying “I am okay.”  Wisdom tells us to serve the Lord with our minds too, not just our hearts.  It is important to note that the Lord wants our minds to be likened unto His, but so does the enemy.  Worry, despair, unworthiness, anger and such actually depletes the truth of what the Lord has said about His own and like a poison pill we embrace it and once we begin to believe it, we begin to walk it out.  When we are so hemmed into the worry of this life, we begin to take our eyes off the promise of the next one, which is eternally full of hope and joy unimaginable.  Thankfully, we have been given instruction on the matter.

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

The mind is the battlefield in which seeds are planted and fruit grows.  When we take captive these negative thoughts, they have no source or strength to grow and produce fruit or rather, an outcome in our lives.  We often imagine a worse case scenario which rarely, if ever comes into fruition.  It would be best if we just do not go there.  But…  If we are struggling in stopping our minds from carrying out these vivid imaginations, when this happens, give them to the Lord.  Carry the imagination to the fullest and then imagine a loving Savior Who turns all things together for our good.  There is not one struggle He is not in, purposing it for our release and reliance on Him.  Looking back, we see times in which He was constant in the trial and He will be again.

He was. He is and He is to come. Amen.

You do not have to look good for me and you do not have to look good for Jesus either.  I have been blessed with countless friends;  broken and whole, gay and straight, those who drink and those who do not, those who go to church and those who are mad at the church, those who embrace me and others who reject me, all are beautiful hearts crying out for relief.  There is not one person I have had the honor to know, that does not need the cure to brokenness, which is pure love Himself.  To me it is a comfort to know so many people who no matter where they are in life or what they have need of, still seek to know Him more.  I find that just precious because you are one of the chosen ones who do does not let sin stand in your way of intimacy.

If I did not know brokenness ~ How would I know what it is like to be healed?

If I did not know pain ~ How would I know what real joy is?

If I did not know counterfeit love ~ How would I recognize pure love?

If I never suffered violence ~ How would I know peace?

If I never saw the darkness of night ~ How would I embrace the joy of the morning?

I have discovered only one way to bring all lies to naught…  Know THE TRUTH.  Jesus, Himself is THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE.  With Him there is no obligation to be okay.  Who is really and honestly okay, anyway?  No one.  Not me and not even you.  Of course, we may have an okay day now and then, but if we are honest, there is no consistency in our lives with being okay.  You know why?

If I was okay ~ I would not need saving.

It is my prayer that each one of you have complete trust in Him and in the meantime, on those days when not being okay overwhelms you…  Just be you, knowing you are just the one He has been searching for.  You are the one in a sea of 99 who think they are okay, when in truth they are simply obligated to being okay.

May the Lord Bless You in His Love,

?Angela~Marked By Heaven

Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.

2 Corinthians 1:4


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