And Then There Was One… What has happened to the Church Body?

And Then There Was One…

What has happened to the Church Body?

Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function; so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

Romans 12:4&5

Being Believers we seem to have lost our focus away from defeating the enemy, into devouring one another at the hands of him who so desires to destroy.  And I have to admit he is accomplishing this task at quite a rapid pace, with little resistance from those who honor Jesus with theirs lips.  The very premise I would even attempt to bring into light some of our generous missteps as Believers, will call for unwarranted backlash from those of you who prefer to dine on my lowly attempt to call for repentance, in trade for a peek into your own very soul.  Placing myself in the guided hand of the Holy Spirit I ask for more of Him and less of me as we journey on this quest of how we got deep into the muddy waters of believers, who look out for number one, and I don’t mean Jesus.

Anyone can come up with problems, however, it takes the guided hand of the Holy Spirit to form solutions ~ real and lasting solutions.  Let’s get one thing straight from the get go. This is not about salvation, this is about living your life to the fullest, in the Body of Believers, walking out the calling God has placed upon your individual life.  When reading scripture, it is important to note how frequently the disciples were sent to the various “Churches” to admonish and reprove their actions.  For this reason, just as iron sharpens iron, we too, at one time or another have been either on the receiving or giving end of such scenarios.  It is healthy for a fruit bearing tree to have its branches pruned occasionally, increasing it’s production into full harvest.  Since God compares us to a tree producing fruit, it is actually wise to be open to receiving such pruning.  As a matter of fact, avoiding such pruning, stunts one’s growth, leaving a weak, prone to disease tree, unable to produce the magnitude of fruit it was so capable of bearing.

No matter the root cause of the division, whether it be jealousy, pride, misunderstanding, dislike, unequally yoked, etc…  God’s answer is simple – LOVE.  Like most tests, easier said than done.  I have found when I am struggling to walk like Jesus commands in a particular area, I talk about it more and do it less.  Same goes for you, I bet?  I believe this is so we feel a certain connection to the Father, however, faith without works is dead.  There is that tree again… oh my, more pruning.

The Bible says in Romans 12:6-8, We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully.

So let us just rest in that scripture for a moment.  In each passage, God states, “Let him.”  How often do we become the very stumbling block to a fellow brother or sister who is simply walking out the calling placed upon them by the Creator, Himself?

If we are walking out the flesh, we do not have the spiritual eyes to see others in their unique calling, so we lash out at that we do not understand.  In a sense, we kill the messenger, rather than embrace the message God has chosen them as the perfect vessel to deliver.  Let me be clear, this is destroying the Church Body from the inside out.  At times it takes thoughtful self-discipline to embrace the gifting’s of goodness God has placed upon another follower.  Since God watches over His word to perform it, most of which is required is a humble searching heart, letting Him do the rest.  Let us close this door to the enemy for good and edify one another in love, by giving a helping hand or lending an ear to those who contribute to the Kingdom of Heaven in a way different than our own.  When the dawn of Heaven breaks upon eternity’s horizon, may the Lord find us together, in unity as one Church Body rather than as one, alone by oneself.  I am praying for us all, His Saints, to rise up into the Kingdom, united as a force to be reckoned with, in the face of the enemy.

And then there was one… One Body, undivided and fully recognized as the Church she was created to be. ?

Father God, we thank You, that Your mercies are new every morning.  We ask for Your grace and forgiveness during times we have attempted to mold others into our purposes, rather than Yours.  Help us to join together in Unity to serve and further your Kingdom here on earth.  Let us be as strong, fruit bearing servants loving and embracing one another, demonstrating Your goodness of gifting’s until the fullness of the harvest is complete.  Amen.

Angela ~ Marked By Heaven

*Published on Beforeitsnews, November 5. 2012

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