💕Ring of Fire Ministries ~ CHRISTMAS Blessing~

                                                Christmas 2021

“Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” Mathew 1:23

May the Lord Jesus be with you and bless you abundantly, during this holiday season and always!

We, at Ring of Fire Ministries, want to thank you for being a Pen Pal over the course of the past year and let you know what a blessing it has been for each of us to assist and walk with you on your Spiritual journey with Jesus.

It is our continued prayer, that you grow closer to Him each and every day, while trusting in Him to be your guiding light in the midst of darkness.

Love Came Down to Earth…

A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. John 13: 34-35

The Word tells us that “apart from Him, we can do nothing.”  Which means, when we are separated from the Lord, we try and fail too many times to count in this life.  It is only through complete and total surrender that His peace, which surpasses all human understanding, wraps around our hearts and minds and we have His strength to rely on every single day.  So often we fight to get through the day, relying on our own strength to the point of growing weary and eventually giving up and calling out to Him to be our rescue.  It is at this point, we finally say “yes” to the Lord in truth ~ because when we are weak, He is strong. 

Over the course of time in ministry, I have seen just how strong willed we as humans can be and we often forget…  The Lord Jesus seeks to save souls, not our flesh.  He will often use the breaking of our flesh to propel us into His Kingdom, so we are not eternally lost.  The truth is, this is likely the case with you.  You may have ran from the Lord for many, many years and He looked down upon you, saying, “this one is Mine.”  He choose YOU, He left the 99 to rescue you off a wandering path and picked you up and sat you down in  a place of solitude where He could commune with you, spend time with you so you get to know Him on an intimate basis, without the distractions of the cares of this World. 

Did you know that almost every single disciple that Jesus choose ended up being imprisoned during their journeys here on Earth?  It is in these moments of seclusion, He qualifies the called and never forget…  It is up to you if you allow your past to dictate your future.  Everyone has done things they regret, but that is not the point.  The point is, what we do with what we have done and do we allow the Lord to use us and these events to work together for our good and to bring Him glory?  You may have once been in darkness, but you are now walking as a child of light ~ placed perfectly in a place which needs more light and more of HIM.  It is my heartfelt prayer, that you shine brightly and share Him with others so eventually that light will overtake all darkness you are surrounded by.  I pray you let go of all regret and continue to grow in Him and closer to Him each and every day.

Part of you shining His love light is sharing the Gospel with others.  It is both an honor and pleasure for us at Ring of Fire Ministries to assist you in any way we can, to do just that – share about Jesus.  You are more than welcome to share our address with those who need a touch of Jesus’s love and assistance on their walks.  If you need a Bible or know someone who does, please contact us so we can get one sent out right away.  In addition, we are happy to provide you with Bible studies, so you may partake in the Word together and teach others. 

One day, we will all be together in Heaven, with Jesus.  And as His Word tells us, we are brothers and sisters in Christ.  What a blessing it is we can join together here and fellowship, knowing one day soon, this World shall pass away and all of us, like the thief on the cross, will be with Him in Paradise.

I realize what a difficult time the holiday season can be when you feel so alone and separated from those you love the most.  I pray you cling to the Lord, Who binds up the wounds of the broken hearted, so that He may comfort you with His loving joy. 

Love did come down and His Name is Jesus… He is standing before you with an open heart and open arms to receive you, comfort you, guide and lead you.  And when the whole world rejects you, He alone is the only One Who never forsakes a heart that is crying out to Him in humility and truth.

Have A Very Blessed Jesus Day!

Love in HIM,

Angela ~ Ring of Fire Ministries

And the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. I can’t imagine the feelings that welled up in shepherds when they saw baby Jesus. Being that close to the Lord and having this kind of knowing inside, a time long awaited for had come to them. I pray that the Joy of the Lord truly is your strength now and here forever more. ~Mare, Ring of Fire Ministries Outreach Team Member

1 reply
  1. Kerry Troupe
    Kerry Troupe says:

    I found you through COT I believe you will be a blessing to my life as well as many others I thank my lord Jesus for leading me here God Bless you thank you for all your hard work


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