The Hut

“The Hut”
I am standing inside a grass hut.
There are small birds within a bird cage.
Someone opens the bird cage and and a window and lets all the birds out.
I wondered…
then I see the window is closed, and some of the birds were sitting on a tree limb outside looking in.
A little wind, a little rain, and i feel awwww, the little birds are looking weathered, tired, hungry.
I open the window and reach out and grab 1 bird and brought it in.
Many more small birds flew in. males and females. (I knew this because some were colourful and were not)
1 large red and blue colored bird  flew in also. .
It looked like this as it flew in.
I did not see where this large bird went to perch within the hut.
The large bird was healthy, and strong,
The small birds;
some were ok but needing love and attention, some were weathered, some malnourished needing food and water.
End of dream.
After transcribing this, I thought all the little birds were budgies, but when I found the large bird I saw a lot of the other ones too as well as the budgie birds,
Some of these small birds were rainforest birds. The large bird was a Mawcaw, a parrot.
Not completely understanding this, I took it to the Lord…
On the 7th day after this dream, a greater understanding was complete.
I have been and do pray for the lost,sick,broken,unsaved, and recently I was talking to Him about some strange people I didn’t understand.
The grass hut represents Repentance
Those that were bound were set free.
These rain birds and budgies are His people.
He was showing me that these are His people, some lost, some broken, some tired, some thirsty, some hungry, some unloved,
and they were all coming back to Him as He calls out to the world.
Each one different with different needs, each one precious, each one will be filled.
The large bird was a parrot and i thought it repeats what it hears; the Lord corrected me  “Speaking His Word” is the parrot.
Being blue and red, I knew it was covered by the blood and in spirit.
Our Father Loves us so much, He Is bringing them in under His covering of Jesus and all will be filled with Him. In one accord.
Dream submitted by:  Maggie
January 25, 2018
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