Litany Of A Fault Finder ~
The truth is… I used to be a “Fault Finder.”
I guess you could say these days I would be considered more of a “Recovering Fault Finder.”
In other words, I have seen the error of my ways, but seeking the fault of others is a temptation I deal with daily. Just like any addiction, some days it is moment by moment I have to overcome and push past this temptation.
So, do I know the litany of a fault finder? Oh yes, this is something I know all too well. Funny how once you do actually see the faultiness of yourself, it becomes way more easy to spot it in another. This is when we must not fall into the trap to partake once again… Oh just one more “hit”… How tempting it is, especially when most all of those around you partake daily, beckoning you to join them.
I often joke about how hard it is for me not to “Judge the Judger’s…” And although I may joke about it, this is a real struggle for me.
I see myself standing up now in a crowd declaring… “Hi, my name is Angela, I am a fault finder. I have been a fault finder since birth and the last time I looked for a fault in someone was about 30 seconds ago.” I am giggling over here, because sometimes the truth is amusing and to be real is much better than to portray a lie.
Before you get too concerned for me, I need to explain something. Most recently I have been under extreme scrutiny by so many. The reasons are not important, but rather the results are something only the Lord can perform. I started one writing titled ~ You Don’t Know Me ~ Because for the past several weeks it is like I have been under a proverbial microscope of scrutiny, even by those who love me very much and they truly believe they “Know” what is best for me. I must admit I was getting a little frustrated, so I kept going to the Lord and telling Him that I understand their hearts are in the right place, but they do not know the “Fullness” of me or my life or even my current situation… I would tell Him, only You know this fullness Lord, only You are My Answer, as You hold the key to my heart. Comfort came when I understood, even this is purposed. It is purposed that only the One Who created, knows His creation, being me and you, all of us.
He then began to show me glimpses of me and in times past I have done the same to others. Sigh… Yep, guilty as charged.
You are truly reading the penning of a recovering faultfinder who is in full repentance mode. And as a result of me acknowledging my own wrongs, I am slowly able to not only cease faultfinding more easily, but dislike it so much that I will refuse it more often than partake when others are doing the same. I am celebrating my recovery in Jesus, knowing without Him I could not overcome not one single temptation. I really believe He is starting to clean me up a little, changing my heart and what it desires. ? All glory really goes to HIM, because separate of HIM, I really, really can do nothing.
Anyway, some of you may be wondering what a “Fault finder,” actually is?
These people are grumblers and faultfinders; they follow their own evil desires; they boast about themselves and flatter others for their own advantage. Jude 1:16
A FAULTFINDER is actually someone who feels appointed to point out the faults of others. Some are even convinced the Lord has placed this command upon them to do so [which was me], while others just enjoy pointing out the shortcomings of others in order to make themselves feel better because they have a low self esteem. Regardless, this act is forbidden and ungodly as we follow the example Jesus set before us. When we are following in His footsteps, we truly will not do anything or say anything He did not do. It is a stretch at best to find Jesus, the most perfect One, pointing out the faults of anyone, except the faultfinders themselves. Funny how that works. One example would be the woman caught in adultery, Jesus ignored their requests to condemn and stone her, instead telling them to cast a stone if they had no sin. They definitely had the characteristics of a faultfinder.
A faultfinder will try to “catch” another in a wrong, point it out to those they believe are “holy” to stain the reputation of the one who’s guilt is obvious.
This is why I cannot stay in position of being a faultfinder any longer:
- I do not know the FULLNESS OF HIS WORD, therefore I cannot rightly divide it’s application in someone else’s life.
- Jesus Alone is the Author and Finisher of each of His children, not me.
- Only the Lord knows in truth the measurement of truth each person has personally received from Him at any given moment. So therefore, only He can find fault in their walk.
- Someone may be speaking the smallest of truth in their own lives, while I am judging by the larger measurement of truth He has taught me.
- Because I am a partaker of meat, I expect others to be grown like me and hold them to a higher standard than Jesus would, they are still on the milk.
- I can easily set a standard upon another, saying they are speaking false, when what they are saying is actually just unfamiliar to me personally.
- Since all Scripture is given for reproof, correction and instruction – I need to remind myself I AM NOT SCRIPTURE as to not fall into a trap of comparing people to me and my walk.
- I have a propensity to judge before the time.
- I can only see in part concerning others, which makes it way too easy to judge by sight and not Spirit.
- Lastly, although I am a spiritual being having a fleshly experience… I am still in the flesh and cannot rightly judge anything. All I am required to do is simply not be a “partaker” of darkness, not judge it.
So I pray these words resonate within your life, just as they did mine. The Lord has been so very gracious to each of us, something we should never take for granted or expect. He tells us mercy given is mercy received. As we show mercy to one another, He in turn grants us mercy for all of our shortcomings and I have many. Maybe, just maybe if we would all embrace this truth the World would be a better place, a kinder place to indwell until that day, when all things become new. When those like me, shed this veil of faultfinding and walk fully upright in His glory.
The Serenity Prayer
God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
As it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
If I surrender to His Will;
So that I may be reasonably happy in this life
And supremely happy with Him
Forever and ever in the next.
May The Lord Bless You In His Love,
Angela ~ Marked By Heaven?
Hi Angie, I might be a relative, or fellow addict. I fit your description like a hand into a well fitted glove (obviously not O.J.s ?). Working through forgiving, once again, and letting go of resentment.
God Bless you Precious Bobbi ~ May the Lord cover you in His comfort and love so that you know inside and out that He truly loves you, eternally.